Yuri!!! On ice Oneshots (Vari...

By chels_fangirl_

750K 11.7K 4.9K

Yuri!!! On ice character Oneshots! - Fluff - Lemons/smut - Funny/ Goofy [ I don't own Yuri!!! On ice or any... More

Victor Nikiforov x Reader (World cup)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Practice)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Kittens)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Motorbikes)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (JJ style)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Hamsters)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Confession)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Russia)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Pork Cutlet Bowls)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Meeting The Russian Punk)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Thunderstorms)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (How They Met)
Phichit Chulanton x Reader (Going live)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Promise rings)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Eros) ~Lemon~
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Agape)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Ice Cold)
Jean-Jaques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Lost)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Thailand)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Childhood)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Proposing)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Onsen)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Boy At School)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Beach)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Canada)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Coffee)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Babysitting Triplets)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Lessons)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Moving in together)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Trouble)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Movies)
Jean-Jacques Leroy x Reader (Cheating)
Pichuit Chulanont x Reader (Fever)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Gamers)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Curious) ~Lemon~
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (I remember you)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (An Angel)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (A family)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Confession)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Internet distance)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (First date)
Victor Niforov x Reader (Growing up)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Shopping)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Devilish smirk) ~Lemon~
Otabek Atlin x Reader (A wedding)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Cute)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Nightmares)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Practice)
Victor Nikiforov x Jealous! Reader (Another Girl)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Your voice)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (My Addiction)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Temptation) ~Lemon~
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Shark Diving)
Phichit Chulanont x Shy! Reader (Library)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Star Gazing)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Lonely)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Save me)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Meeting his Grandfather)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Sky diving)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Mine) ~Lemon~
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Manga)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Pocky)
Victor Nikifovrov x Reader (Birthday)
Yuri Kastuki x Reader (Fancy Night)
[Requested] Leo De la Iglesia x Tomboy! Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Soldier! Yuri Katsuki x Wife! Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Male! Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Tomboy/Shy! Reader
[Requested] Drunk! Victor Nikiforov x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Abused! Reader
[Requested] Werewolf! Yuri Plisetsky x Tomboy! Reader
[Requested] Michele Crispino x Lonely! Iceskater! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Male! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Cheated! Reader
[Requested] Victor, Yuri K and Yuri P x Tall! Reader
[Requested] Victor Nikiforov x Reader
[Requested] Victor x Stripper! Reader
[Requested] Georgi Popovich x Single Mother! Reader
[Requested] Otabek Atlin x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Older! Reader
[Requested] Guang-Hong Ji x Reader
[Requested] Victor x Chubby! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plistesky x Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
A/N - Thank you <3

Kenjirou Minami x Reader (The Creek)

4.5K 78 5
By chels_fangirl_

"Where are we going Minami?" I asked him as he was grabbing my hand and pulling me along, after fitting a blind fold to my eyes.
"Just trust me (Y/N)-Chan!~" He chirped to me and I felt as he grasped my other hand and gently took my down a hill.

I was worried I was going to fall for a moment there, but luckily I kept my footing. I felt the surface become flat again and heard the faint sound of water. Minami dropped my hands and quickly untied my blindfold. "Ta! da!" He chirped to me and my eyes widened.

It was so beautiful, it was a little secluded creek beneath the cherry blossoms, if you looked close enough you saw calm fish swimming through it.

I turned to Minami and gasped. "IT'S AMAZING!" I shouted and gave him a tight hug before skipping over to the waters edge. I squatted down and looked at all the shiny stones within the sparkling water. Minami took his shoes off and rolled up the bottom of his trousers. "Alrighty! Let's go exploring!" He said and stepped into the water.

I looked at him and pouted. "Don't you think it is a bit cold?" I asked him and he shook his head gently. "Nope! It's perfect! Come on in." He said and looked down in the water at the sparkling stones.

I stood up taking off my shoes and rolling up the bottom of my pants. I stepped into the water and felt the stones clang together beneath my feet. The waters current pushed gently against my feet and I sighed walking over to Minami as he was studying the rocks.

"What do you think we can find?" I asked him and he shrugged tapping his head. "We light find some pearls!" He cheered out in hope and I shook my head with a smile. "Pearls aren't around in this part Minami." I told him and he sulked with a slouch. "Aww damn it." He pouted and I laughed looking back to the rocks. "Although we might find some pretty rocks and fish." I told him and he raised his fist to the sky. "Then that we shall do!" He yelled and began looking all over the creek.

I looked around and saw a little fish underneath a log floating gently within the water. It's gills fanned open and shut as it breath, its find gently dancing through the waters surface. I smiled and looked to Minami who was looking through the water and picking up stones and dropping them again.

I raised and eyebrow and looked down into the water at a particular rock, it was green and very shiny. At first I thought it was an emerald! But it was just a very fine polished rock. I picked it up and walked over to Minami with it in my palm. "What do you think Minami?" I asked him and he grabbed it, examining it for a moment and then held it up to my face.

I felt confused for a moment and then he threw it back into the water. "Nope! Keep looking!" He told me and I raised my hands above my head. "What are we even looking for?" I asked him and he looked up to me with a slight blush.

"Well....you see, I....brought you down here because I thought-" he paused for a moment and then looked up to me with a darker blush. "I thought that I might be able to find something that....is more beautiful than you." Minami admitted and I blushed slightly.

I stood still for a moment, a gentle wind made my air dance gently and the sunset made it glow. I looked up with watery eyes and tackled Minami into a tight hug. "MINAMI!" I shouted as we hit the water and I cried into his chest.

"W-What happened (Y/N)? DID YOU GET HURT!?" He asked me and gently started looking me over. I shook my head and then looked up to him. "It's just that....Well it was so beautiful!" I told him and hugged him within the water. "You are too cute for me to handle Minami!" I told him and he chuckled before gently wiping my tears from my cheeks.

Our clothes were both drenched in water, but we didn't move from the position. Minami leant down and raised my chin up with his hand, gently kissing my lips in the blushing light. I sighed into the kiss and sat up with him, still holding the kiss I ran a hand through his hair and smiled as I pulled away.

"Thank you so much! This was honestly fun to do." I said and he blushed looking to the side. "Well I did just realise something (Y/N) he said and gently ran a hand through my hair.

I smiled to him and turned my head to the side. "What is it?" I asked him gently and he moved forward, holding my face in both of his hands.

"I just realised that....well there really is nothing that can ever be compared to your beauty." Minami gently told me and I giggled crossing my arms. "You figured that out just now?" I asked him jokingly with a pout and he laughed.

"I should've realised it sooner, but being me I tend to pick up on things pretty late." He told me and I laughed standing up and helping Minami up with me. "Oh Minami, you're too cute for me." I told him with a gentle smile and we walked back to our belongings hand in hand.

((Lil' chicken nugget is adorable~ Honestly I love how much of a fangirl he is about Yuri XD

I hope you all enjoyed this! Be sure to vote and check for updates!

Up next:
Victor Nikiforov x Reader

Until then!

Chelsea out || ✌🏻

                                        987 words))

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