The Other Brother (SLOW UPDAT...

By jaykaygcf

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Justin Adams- sexy, cute, popular. Would get just about any girl if he wanted to. Just one little flaw, He ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 12

587 22 15
By jaykaygcf

Sofia POV

As soon as we arrived, we noticed Jasmine's car parked up front. Selena almost fell out of her car rushing out to see her, forgetting to turn off her car as i made sure to do it for her before i followed her just in time to see them hug.

"Jaz! I missed you so much!" Selena was almost crying as they pulled away.

The girls were mumbling to themselves, crying and hugging when my ears caught on what Jasmine was whispering in my sister's ear.

"Whats all this bull about you trying to end your life, hmm?" Jasmine asked her with an eyebrow raised.

Thats Jasmine for ya. Blunt as can be. I turned my ear away before it got too personal and i was considered to be intruding.

"Uh, I'll explain later. Now tell me, how was it?!" My sister asked excitedly.

Jasmine was more of a rebel growing up. She would do anything to prove her father wrong. And to see him angry. Nearing her senior hear, things had started to go South. Her dad kept telling her what do with her life. What college to go to, what she should become growing up, when she had made it clear she was passionate for photography.

Eventually, it led to her leaving her house and she went traveling around the world with a bunch of her friends. As a photographer, of course.

Her tan and brand new tattoos decorating her skin made it clear she was quite accomplished in her goals.

She had butterflies coming up from her neck to her left ear and a camera on her index finger. She had a lip piercing that was most noticeable than anything, clearly placed there with a bright gem to annoy her father most probably.

She looked happy, and that made my sister happy so it was a relief. They both looked like long lost sisters, hugging eachother like their lives depended on it.

"It was fuc-" Jasmine started to say but stopped her self when she noticed her mom giving her a sharp glare. "- awesome. Just awesome," She finished.

"Any boyfriends?" Selena teased her, nudging her shoulder.

"Actually, Jake should be here any minute now." Jaz replied proudly.

Selena had an impressed look on her face.

"Im like a proud mother." She said.

Jasmine laughed and looked at me.

"Sofia!" Jasmine said as she pulled me in a bone crushing hug.

"Jesus, why is everyone taller than me?" She asked as she looked me up and down.

"Um, Jasmine, i am only 5'4." I deadpanned.

"I know! So imagine the dwarf i must be." She said.

I laughed at her misery and thanked Mrs Rose as she walked in with glasses of lemonade for everyone.

"Goodmorning Mrs Rose." I greeted.

"Sofia darling, I've known you for 17 years honey, you can call me Melissa now." She smiled as she hugged me.

"Oh, I've heard that Justin is back?" Jasmine said in questioning tone as she looked at me.


"Is he still a dick to you?" She asked.

"Jasmine!" Melissa bellowed.

"What?" Jasmine said innocently.

I laughed and shook my head.

"No, he is somewhat fine now." I answered.

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

I took it out and noticed that Justin DickAdams himself was calling.

"Speak of the devil." I mumbled before i answered the phone.

"No school! Did you hear?!" Justin screamed from the phone.

I winced and took the phone away from my ear.

"Yes, i heard. Why did you feel the need to shout?" I asked.

"Wanna do something princess? I got ready for school but i just realized we don't have school and i got ready for nothing. And we might as well go out together more if we plan to make this Alec thing work."

Ah i forgot about that.

"Yeah, sure. But you have to drive me home first. Im still in my sweats and I'm at Beth's house." I answered.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Was the last thing he said before he hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked back up.

Just in time to see a stranger come in.

Jasmine smiled at him as he came over by her side and put an arm around her waist as he kissed her cheek.

"Guys, meet Jake. Jake meet Selena, Sofia and my mom." She introduced us as she pointed to each one of us.

Jake was quite handsome and a perfect match for Jasmine. He towered slightly above her and had the broad shoulders to match her petite frame. The bright blue eyes weren't hard on the eyes either.

He had a beanie in his hand and messy brown hair which probably means he had just taken it off.

He shook Selena's and i's hands as he said his nice to meet yous.

"Mrs Rose, you look beautiful today." He greeted as he shook her hand politely.

"Does that mean I don't look good any other day?" Melissa asked sassily.

I stifled a laugh as Jake stuttered his words.

"No, thats n-not what i meant. I mean, i never saw you before b-but im sure you always look great, I'm so-"

"It's okay child. I was just joking. I know i look good." Mrs Rose interrupted him.

Conversation continued on while the doorbell rang, interrupting the chatter.

"I'll get it." Jasmine said as she went to open the door.

When she did open it, her jaw visibly dropped to the ground. I hurried her way, knowing Justin must be here to pick me up.

"Oh hi Jasmine, didn't know you were back." Justin smiled politely.

Jasmine's head tilted to the side as she frowned at Justin.

"Um, is Sofia here?" He asked her awkwardly.

"Uh, Sofia!" Jasmine called for me.

I stepped up next to her and saw Justin standing there, looking as good as always.

Probably why Jasmine is so shocked.

He had a beanie on and a tight shirt stretching across his chest. I could understand why the girl didn't recognise him, obviously a different sight from the 13 year old she saw before she left.

He was about to say something when Jasmine interrupted him.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Um, im Justin?" He said awkwardly

"No, you're not." She argued.

"Im pretty sure I am."

"How old are you?" She asked him again.

"Im 18." He answered her.

"Wow. You look extremely good for a 18 year old." She said.

Jake cleared his throat and pulled her next to him, leaving me and Justin alone.

I laughed and stepped out side.

"You looked so awkward." I looked at him, trying not to ogle his chest.

He just stared at me.

"Now, do you still want me to drive you to your house first?" He asked me.

"Do you want to be seen with me looking like this?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

"Actually, I don't mind." He replied. "I think you look good no matter what you wear."

I blushed so i looked away from him.

"Yeah, i still want you to drive me home first."


Once i was dressed, i quickly rushed back down stairs to Justin.

I fiddled with a charm bracelet i had put on as i made my way downstairs.

I put a full face of make up on today. Hopefully to avoid what had happened yesterday. If it was bad with Alec, i didn't want to imagine how it would be with Justin. He was more popular amongst the two.

"Sorry i took so long." I apologized.

"It's okay, you look beautiful." He complimented me.

I blushed and turned the other way so he would see my face.

Apart from Beth and Elena, no one really called me beautiful before. Except my dad, obviously.

"So where are we going?" I asked him as we made our way to his car.

"Well how about we eat first then we go watch a movie?" He asked.

"That sound great. I'm starving."


We sat down with our food and immediately dug in. As soon as i took a bite of my cheese burger, I groaned in appreciation. I probably shouldn't stuff my face in front of a guy but I couldn't care less what Justin thought of me right now.

"I don't think I could live without McDonalds." I stated, after swallowing everything in my mouth.

Justin chuckled yet nodded his head anyways.

I took a sip of my milkshake and popped a fry in my mouth.

"So, Alec took you out yesterday?" He asked.

I hesitated at the question before nodding my head. "Yup. It sucked."

"How come?" He questioned as a frown took over his features.

"It's just...I don't think the plan is going to work. He thinks of me as his boyish best friend. I'm not even sure he knows I'm an actual girl." I responded. "Last night these girls were being nasty towards me and i dont know it felt like he kind of agreed-"

"Hey," Justin said as he tilted my head upwards by hooking one of his fingers under my chin so i was now looking at him.

"You are beautiful, okay? Whatever those girls said wasn't true, Alec is an idiot for not telling you that."

I smiled, albeit a little confused at how nice he's being suddenly when a girl came over to us.

"Hey cutie," she said as she trailed her ridiculously long nail on Justin's arm.

"Wanna sit with us?" She asked him as leaned down on the table, the deep v neck of her tshirt showing us the pink colour of her bra. I widened my eyes at the unwanted sight and looked away quickly.

Justin seemed surprised too as he shook his head. I waited for his response, hoping he wouldn't turn around and leave me here by myself.

"No thank you. Im fine where i am."

"Are you sure?" The girl insisted, trailing her hand down his chest. Justin laughed awkwardly before removing her hand with two fingers and placing it down on the table. He looked uncomfortable.

"Sorry," I decided to lend him a hand and Justin looked at me, relieved when i opened my mouth. "Thats super nice of you-" I interrupted. It wasn't super nice, she was inviting him to their table while ignoring my existence but i didn't say that. "But we're actually sitting together so he's fine."

The girl looked at me surprised. "I don't remember asking you-" she starts, fired up. "Who even are you anyway?"

I rolled my eyes at her before visibly grabbing his hand and laying it on the table in front of her. Fingers interlocked and all. The good shit.

"I'm clearly his girlfriend." I lied. Clearly?

"You? Yeah right. As if someone like him would date someone like you." She scoffed.

At that, Justin clenched his jaw.

"I'm not gonna ask what the fuck you meant by that and give you a chance to apologise like a decent human being before removing yourself out of my girlfriend's sight." He said calmly.

The girl scoffed again and shook her head.

"No, who do you think you are?"

"I don't know what you thought would happen when you came here, but if you think you can just insinuate things about my girl and get away with it then you were wrong. Turn around back to your little group of friends before you embarrass yourself further."  Justin seemed scary like this, serios and angry. I loved it, watching the scene from besides him. All that was missing was the popcorn.

"And what if i dont want to?" The girl continued as she placed a hand on her hip. She really cant take a hint, jeez.

"You already embarrassed yourself enough by coming up to someone who clearly isn't into you, dont make this worse for yourself. I didn't want you then and i wont want you now. Pick up your garbage," he lifted her finger off the table and removed her entire hand "and leave."

My eyes widened as i saw the girl's posture slacken.

"Apologise and then scurry off to your friends." Justin repeated.

She didn't apologise but she turned herself around to leave.

"That was a little harsh." I finally said with a sigh once the girl had fully left. Secretly, i loved it. It wasn't often anyone stuck up for me like that. "Careful Adams, i might think you have a crush on me."

He rolled his eyes.

We were currently at the cinema, watching the most boring movie ever.

"Why did you suggest this?" I whispered.

"I don't know. I never seen  it before but all girls seem to like it so I thought you would too." He defended himself.

"Justin, i hate movies as depressing as the fucking notebook.." I deadpanned.

"Yup, me too. Lets leave."

We both made our way out, the pop corn still in our hands.

"That was a waste of time." I said.

Justin hummed in agreement and shoved a hand full of popcorn in his mouth.

"We didn't even get to finish this." He mumbled but it came out muffled because he had too much in his mouth.

As we walked around in the mall, which was where the cinema was, i found a bin so i threw the remaining pop corn away.

"Hey lets go in here." Justin said as he pulled me by the arm and into a shop. "We should get matching couple clothes."
I groaned in protest but entered anyway.

I made my way to the sunglasses area and tried a few on.

Justin took a hat that he found off a shelf and tried it on.

"How do i look?" He asked as he posed.

"Better than ever." I said as i placed the sunglasses that i had in my hand over his eyes.

I took my phone out as he puckered his lips and made a girly pose.

One hand was on his hip and the other hanging in the air. I took a photo and laughed at it as I showed him.

"This will be my new wallpaper." I joked.

"I wont even lie i looking fucking hot in that, go right ahead." He grinned.

I laughed and went to do it, locking my phone to see his puckered lips and dramatic pose under the time.

"Okay, well I already brought what I wanted so how about we leave?" Justin suggested.

"Okay, leggo."

As we walked around, trying to figure out what to do, we found photo booth at the entrance of a shop. We went in, of course. I didnt have much of a choice with Justin here. He convinced it was necessary if we wanted to be believable as a couple.

The first picture was us serious. Staring at eachother like we're about to start a fight, foreheads touching.

The second picture i was grinning and Justin was making a peace sign with a smile on his face. It was a cute one, i made a mental note to keep it for my bedroom wall.

The third we were both making silly faces, my eyes were crisscrossing and Justin's tongue was sticking out.

The last picture, i was kissing Justin's cheek and he was grinning an had one eye closed. "Come on, for Alec, right?" He had said before i was forced to kiss his cheek. I dont know how it had anything to do with Alec but i complied in the end anyway.

We both got out of the booth and waited for the pictures to come out.

Once they did, Justin ripped the last one and placed it in his wallet as he gave me the others. I pretended i didnt see what he did so i wouldn't have to explain the immediate blush after the action. Why did Justin want a picture of us in his wallet? I didn't have it in me to question it right now, and just accepted the other three pictures silently.

"Wanna go anywhere else?" I asked him as i looked around.

"Yeah, but just before i wanna give you this," He said as he pulled something out of his pocket.

He took my hand and unclipped 2 charms off my bracelet.

I frowned as i watched him rip the wrapper off another charm. He clipped one on and looked at it, smiling proudly. The he took the other one and clipped it on in the empty space where the last one used to stand.

I looked down at my hand and noticed that now, i had a 'J' and a wing on my charm bracelet. A wing that looked exactly like the dangling earring handing off his right ear.

I looked back up and noticed him smiling down at me. And right in that moment, i felt butterflies to my stomach.

I took in his features as i stared into his beautiful hazel colored eyes. They where shining brightly, making his eyes look a shade of green.

"Just- Just so you have something of me." He explained. "Need people to believe we're together, you know?"

I nodded and swallowed harshly.

I noticed a little scar just under the freckle on his chin. I wanted to trace it with my finger but it would be quite odd considering im supposed to hate him.

It's obvious the only reason i feel endeared by him right now is because he is the copied and pasted version of my crush. Nothing else.

"What happened here?" I asked him, pointing at the chin.

"Split my chin open." He answered as of it wasn't a big deal.

I, however, winced at the imagine in my head.

"That must've hurt." I said.

Justin made a sound as if he agreed.

I looked down at our hands, his still holding my wrist delicately.

He opened his mouth to say something when a voice called from behind us.

"Sofia?" The voice said.

My eyes widened as i pulled away and stared at the familiar person in front of me.




On a topic that is not related to the story,


I was so happy and proud it made me love Logan even more. (Edit 5 years later: this didn't age well LMAOO)

And that one line! 'Are you mad cause you couldn't sign the dolans? {they're smarter than you} so you had to replace them with some Spanish twins?'



I am not sitting correctly and my neck is hurting really bad cuz its in a bad position, so I'll see you in the next chapter, hopefully.


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