Aberration (The Flash)

By lostinthelore

15.3K 328 42

If you have a cover you'd like to send me please snapchat me at @laurellgrant "I will be editing the first 50... More

I Love You
9 months later
Freaky. Fascinating.
I eat.
No this is...
Screwing with Time
Super Sonic Punch, Baby!
Lost Keys
Sparky v Scarlet Speedster
Anger. Hate. Aggression.
Not a Superhero!
I heard you were looking for me!
Barely Missed
Future Foe
Clad in Yellow
Merry Little Christmas
He Knew
Heads Up
Tick Tock
Reset the Clock
If You Could Not Flame On
Found and Lost Again
Believe Me
A Brother?
My Real Powers
Cold is back
Tricky Canaries
I know. Know What?
I dont do bees.
Im allergic to bees.
Hands On the Metahuman
Okay, freaky.
I'll be looking out for you Angel
At Best? 36 hours
Burnt. Crispy Toast
And I might not exist.
You. Always You.
We're all Alarmed!
Bless Your Heart
I Love You Anna
Frozen In Time
Break A Man's Heart
Along Came A Spider
Oh. Catchy
Kinda Like Time Travel
Run Bartholomew
Who's My Mother?
Today and Yesterday
Yesterday and Today
Teleport Trash?
Still Works
Shut it Metal Mouth
Never Mind What I Want.
Mid Punch
Blind As A Bat
Back and Forth
Escape Earth-2
Well, Well, Well....
Shoots Arrows Like Him
That We Are.
Hell of a Catch
Hes in Hell
Kanye West.
Flash Back
Out of Luck
Clocks Running
Three of Everything?
Like I Said
My Wife?
Seeing Red K
Are You Sure?
Ooh, better hurry.
Age Again
With Magic
Old Wild West
Expecto Patronum!!
Likes of Me
Black Bird Fly
Into the Night
You Roofied Me Again?
Best Laid Plans Go Sideways
We were Legends

Arrows Fly

284 6 0
By lostinthelore

Eddie, Iris, Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and I went out to a bar to hang for the night. As the night went on, I couldn't help but think about how these people were becoming some of my closest friends.

Barry was alone at the bar, and Iris went to talk to him. Iris went back to Eddie, who was playing darts. Barry came over to Caitlin, Cisco and I with a whole tray of shots.

"Guys I have a problem." Barry sighed.
"We all do when guys like him exist." Cisco said, staring at Eddie.
"Yeah. He's so hot." Caitlin sighed, dreamily.
"Uh, I mean, genetically speaking. Because I'm a geneticist, of course. My god. Do I sound like Felicity?" Caitlin rambled.

"I'm not talking about Eddie. I'm talking about this." Barry said, taking a bunch of shots.
"I can't feel anything." Barry said.
"Yeah, that's usually what happens when you drink too much." Cisco said.

"No, the alcohol is not affecting me. I mean, I literally feel nothing." Barry said.
"It's your hyper metabolism. I need a sample." Caitlin said.

"I'll get more shots." Cisco said, going back to the bar.
"I swear I had a Vacutainer." Caitlin said digging in her purse.

"Wait you carry a blood collection kit in your purse?" Barry asked.

"You have your hobbies..." Caitlin said, just before I disappeared.

"The courts say you don't owe your victims anything. I disagree. James Holder... You -." Said the Arrow as I appeared on top of a penthouse roof.

A loud gunshot rang out, hitting the dude in the bathrobe in the chest.

The Arrow spun around, and shot an arrow off at whoever hit bathrobe guy. Bathrobe guy fell dead, into the pool. The Arrow fired off another shot, and a hail of bullets flew at him. Well, more like us, but I wasn't really a target. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I dove out of the way and hid from the sharpshooter.

In a second, I moved back to the bar with Cisco, Eddie, Caitlin, Iris and Barry. A bullet had just grazed my shoulder, causing a deep gash in my skin..

"Anna?" Iris asked, looking at my arm. I covered it from her view, and looked at her.
"I'm fine" I said.

"Well, it's your turn to shoot." She said, handing me the darts. I took them from her, and took my turn. I got three bulls eyes. I smiled at my victory, and walked back to the table where Cisco and Caitlin were. I stumbled a little bit, and gripped the table.

"Looks like someone's a real light weight." Cisco joked.

"Haha. Yeah." I fake laughed, and tried to stand up straight. Something wasn't right. I felt funny.
"I'm gonna head home." I said.

"You okay Anna?" Caitlin asked.
"I'm good." I said, before disappearing.
I appeared in STAR Labs, and rushed around the med bay. Dr. Wells rolled in and looked surprised to see me.
"Miss Dumas?" he asked.
I quickly began to swab and clean the bullet wound. I felt sick and faint. Dr. Wells wheeled into the med bay and tried to see what I was doing.
"What happened Anna?" Dr. Wells asked.
"I was thinking about Oliver Queen, and ..." I said, trying to stay focused and tell Wells what happened, but whatever the bullet that hit me was laced with was strong and working quickly.

"Anna." Wells said sternly.

I nearly fell over, feeling myself slip into darkness.
Wells took my arm, and grabbed a needle filled with some kind of liquid, and administered it. I felt faint and woozy, and crashed to the floor.

I woke up a few hours later, and looked around the med bay.

"How did you get me in bed?" I asked, blushing at how wrong my words sounded.
" I still have the use of my upper body." Wells said matter of factly.

"What happened? I was with Barry and the team, then I was in Starling City and that's all I remember." I said.
"You were poisoned with curare. You said you were thinking about Oliver Queen." Wells said.

"Jealous?" I asked, lightening the mood.

He huffed. I could see he was, but didn't think much of it.
"Oliver used to be one of my closest friends. He's never going to be more than that." I said.
Wells kept quiet.

"Did you ever have a best friend?" I asked.

"I did, when I was a child." Wells replied.
"Did?" I asked.
"She and I were the best of friends when we were younger, but then she moved away, without a final goodbye." Wells said, looking sadly at the ground.
"Have you tried to find her? I'm sure with all this high tech you could find her. Make sure she's okay." I said.
"It was years ago. I bet she's forgotten about me." Wells said.

"You never know unless you try." I said.

"Get some rest, you'll be good in the morning." Wells said, wheeling from the room.
"Dr. Wells?" I asked, causing him to turn back and look at me.

"Thank you." I said.
He smiled a little, then went on his way.

The next morning, I was good as new, thanks to Wells. I went into work, and found out there was bombing last night, which was committed by a red headed woman. Inside Captain Singh's office was the military. I didn't want to be involved so, I went to my office and began filing and scanning documents. Barry swung by my office, and told me we had a possible meta on our hands.

"A VA file number is all the info you have on the bomber?" Cisco asked.
"CCPD's been ordered off the case." Barry said.
"Well, who has the power to do that?" Caitlin asked.
"The Army." I replied.
"Yeah. Some general. His name was Eiling, I think." Barry added.
"General Wade Eiling." Wells said rolling into the room.

"You know him?" Barrry asked.

"Yeah, I know him." Wells replied.

"About 10 years ago General Wade Eiling contracted STAR Labs to develop enhanced gene therapies for soldiers. I was interested in the medical benefits for civilians. General Eiling really wanted to develop mind-reading capabilities for interrogation purposes. I stopped the study when I saw his techniques up close, but our split was less than amicable." Wells said.

"He took all the evidence I collected on the bombing. Everything but the folder." Barry said, handing Wells the file.
"Well, lucky for us, the VA finally joined the new millennium and digitized their records. A lot of redacted info... but our girl's name is Bette San Souci, an EOD specialist for the army." Cisco read off the computer.

"EOD?" Caitlin asked.

"Bombs." Cisco said.

"Is there an address?" Barry asked.

"Hold on. Here we go. One person in case of emergency: Cameron Scott, Anglewood." Cisco said, before Barry and I took off.

I was back in Starling City. I was in an old motel room, standing behind a man with a computer screen. I held my breath, and tried not to move. Whoever this was, looked dangerous. He cracked his neck, and studied schematics on a laptop.

He stopped suddenly, and the door burst open. An arrow flew into the chair where the guy used to sit. He dove behind the bed and grabbed his gun. He fired at the Arrow, but he hid behind the walls.

I ducked down, and hoped I wouldn't get hit.
The Arrow fired another arrow at the man, but missed. The man lifted up the bed to protect himself, and fired more bullets at the Arrow. He jumped out the window, which caused the Arrow to run into the room. He looked out the window, then moved back into the room where I was hiding. The Arrow drew back his bow, and looked at me.
"Who are you?" asked the Arrow.
"I'm Anomaly." I replied, holding my hands up.
"Where did Floyd Lawton go?" asked the Arrow.

"Who?" I asked.

"Come with me." He said, grabbing the laptop and me.

The Arrow knocked me out, and when I awoke, I was in his.. lair?

"So who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Anomaly." I said again.
"Your real name." the Arrow asked.
"I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours?" I asked.

"Anna?" asked the Arrow, removing his hood.
"Oliver? You're the Arrow?" I asked, pulling against my restrains.

"How did you get to Starling?" he asked.
"It's kind of complicated. I have superpowers." I said.

"Superpowers?" Oliver asked, looking at me.

"It's hard to explain. The STAR Labs explosion gave me powers." I said.
"The what?" Oliver asked.
"Never mind." I said, realizing I was in the past.

" Anna." Oliver said, scrunching his brows.
"It's okay. You can trust me." I said.

"I do trust you Anna." Oliver said, coming up to me. He untied me and saw the bullet graze on my arm.

"You were with me on that roof top." He said, looking down at me.

"Yes." I said.

"How?" he asked.

"I can't explain it, not yet." I said.

"Listen, I'm going to disappear in a minute, I'll be back later." I said, before leaving.

"Wait. Anna!" Oliver called after me.

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