This Game Called Life

By Enejiang

159K 12.5K 16.1K

A drunk Russian communist warrior. An angry Rogue cursing in Cantonese. An Italian who would sooner shoot p... More

[1] My First Mission...Just WTF!?
[2] Golfing style
[3] The tutorial of hell
[5] Result
[6] Me IRL
[7] Surprise
[8] New party members...And doubts
[9] A slight disruption
[10] Side quest
[11] Boar fighting
[12] Hiding
[13] Confessions
[14] Guild
[15] In a place, far far away...
[16] The hunt for dinner
[17] Hunted
[18] New moon
[19] Peace, bread and pizza!
[20] On patrol...
[1K] Reads Hall of Honours
[21] Bad timing
[22] One sided bet
[23] LV 20 Priest vs LV 102 Archmange
[24] Happy birthday
[25] 12 years ago...Yesterday
[26] Through the gates...
[27] Briefing
[28] The hardest skill
[29] Full party
[30] Preparation
[31] Are you kidding me...
[32] Attack on Catobplepas (Front side)
[33] Attack on Catoblepas (Rear side)
[34] Race for days
[35] Aftermath
[36] 12 years ago...Today
[37] LV 50...Now what?
[38] Shopping
[39] When your AI carries you...
[40] My mana bar disappeared...
[41] Questions for later, dragon for now
[42] Team strategy...None
[43] So...What now?
[3K] Reads Hall of Honours
[44] Holy...
[45] Not quite prince charming...
[46] Uhhh...I don't know what to say
[47] About time now
[48] So you want to start a guild?
[49] Names, names, names...
[50] Recruitment
Game sign up (Part 1) [CLOSED]
Game sign up (Part 2) [CLOSED]
[51] It's a small world...
[52] Well...That escalated quickly...
[53] LV 222 Crusader VS LV 110 Knight and LV 101 Battlemage
[54] Well, I guess that's that...
[55] The new team
[56] The next step
[57] I have no idea what to say...
[58] Oh no...
[59] Breaching the gates
[60] A few hours ago...
[6K] Hall of honors
[61] Kagami yo kagami yo kagami san...
[62] The choke point
[63] Fire, fire, fire...
[64] Game over...The 3rd time?
[65] Huh...So that's what happened...
[66] Hot spring (Arrival)
[67] Hot spring (Guys talk)
[68] Hot Spring (Phase 1...)
[69] Hot spring (Abort mission)
[70] Base talk
[71] Knock, knock...
[72] It's definitely getting crowded now...
[73] The big 5
[74] Meanwhile outside...
[10K] Hall of Honors
[75] At the end of meeting...
[76] Compromise
[77] A brief history class...
[78] Oh my oh my...
[79] A day ago...Before the meeting...
[80] It's a honey trap!
[81] At the heart of enemy...
[82] Before the march...
[83] Divide and conquer
[84] Meanwhile in the south...
[85] Trapped...From above...
[86] Meanwhile in the north...
[87] Lv 333 Demon Tamer VS Lv 354 Phantom Slayer
[88] The dragon lord
[89] A pro montage basically...
[90] Onslaught
[91] Reaper's grin
[92] Not quite gg...
[93] A toast to the random stranger who saved the day...
[94] A quick report...
[95] Tengen Toppa Magic Lagann!
[96] Discussion in the sky
[97] Destiny in a vial
[98] The ultimate 'chicken' game
[99] HAHA! Oh no wait...
[101] Through sword and fire
[102] Round 2
[20K] Hall of Honors
[103] Dead end
[104] Free fortress
[105] ENNNNNNN!!!???
[106] Through the eye of the hunter...
[107] Under the moon...
[108] Kimotameshi
[109] Traps for dayz
[110] Happy hallow...
[111] Just...
[112] Flip out
[113] New dark plans brewing...
[114] Communist legend
[115] The four horsemen
[116] Unexpected msg...
[117] Starbucks and chill...
[118] Oh...I did not quite expect that...
[119] OwO
[120] Well that went surprisingly well...
[121] Not again...
[122] Weighing the odds
[123] LV 444 Reaper VS LV 402 Night weaver
[124] Oh man...
[125] Getting dunked
[126] Ashes
[127] From bottom to top...
[128] A bad dream...
[129] Unexpected guest...
[130] Not so lonely Christmas...
[131] Repetition, repetition, repetition...
[132] Near the top...(1 year timeskip)
[133] Oh...
[134] Fall
[135] Literally in hell...
[136] Blood and evil
[137] It's on me
[138] Giving it 100%...and MORE!!!
[139] HFS...
[140] Motive
[141] I have a bad feeling about this...
[142] Not the 'dare' now...
[143] The next 'bet'...
[144] Challenge...Accepted
[145] Grand entrance
[146] Blood and dragon
[147] CAN YOU FEEL IT!?!?!?
[148] Congratulations
[149] Meanwhile in Legionnaire...
[150] Meanwhile in Chaos...
[151] "It"
[152] The answer
[153] Showdown
[154] Camp
[155] The angel of blood
[156] Cutting butter
[50K] Hall of Honors
[157] This is madness!
[158] PANZER VOR!!!
[159] Sheep and lion
[162] Moving on
[163] When you come in without knocking...
[164] Go forward
[165] LV 865 Assassin VS LV 1000 Sage
[166] Death knockin...
[167] The one at the top...
[168] REEPS vs "The strongest"
[170] Move like Jaggerrrrrrrrrrrr!~
[171] AGRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[173] Aftermath...(1 week later)
[174] Capture the flag
[175] Death flag
[176] Jabaited
[177] After party
[178] Secret plot twist
[179] Je t'aime
[180] Afterwards...
[GRAND] Hall of honors

[4] Turnaround

3.5K 181 214
By Enejiang

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed to the point my lungs hurt as I forcefully wade myself through the shifting green masses.

My soul trembled beneath my bones, my heart smashing against my rib cage, mind blank, vision tunnelled... 

I can't stop.

No, perhaps its better that way. 

Because this moment...


I first ran to AJ, who appeared to be buried 3ft beneath goblins, his cries now barely a whisper. With my new found feral strength, I managed to knock away most of the goblins piling on top of him in one decisive swipe. AJ, seizing the moment of break through, shot up to his feet at once.

"Thanks homie." he thanked, before turning and swatting away a nearby goblin.

"We have to help the others!" I yelled, as I shoved back a wave of goblins. 

"Got it." he replied, as struggled to fend off his own again. But I got bigger worries now, the goblins appeared to finally turn their attention towards me. They probably let me go at first cause I was the weakest in the group, and it must have been after seeing me rescue them, do they finally deem me worthy of a threat.

"If that is the case.." I muttered under my breath, as half a dozen goblins leaped into the air towards me.

"THEN COME AT ME YOU GREEN BASTARDS!" I ducked just in time, to avoid their tackle, then using my thin built, I managed to slip though the goblins while barely feeling any pain. One goblin however, did successfully manage to latch onto my shoulder, and took a big juicy bite out of it. It didn't hurt like an actual real dog bite, but rather it just stung, making my shoulder drop a little. But I wasn't going to be stopped like this, after 18 years of humiliation and loneliness, I wasn't going to let this bit of sting get in the way of me making friends. I shook off the goblin with one violent struggle, and in the process, the goblin managed to get a bigger chunk of meat off me, that was displayed in horrific red digital shards. But I couldn't give less then two shits, cause this pain means nothing, if it meant the end of my loneliness.

Enraged with the sudden rush of emotions, I barely noticed the Italian guy sprawled over the ground until I almost tripped over him. Without even sparing a moment, I ducked down and hauled him up, kicking away any goblins that attempted to come near. Which is probably my best possible action, considering we were all buried knee deep in goblins. 

About 30ft feet away came a deep bellowing shout, as the Russian guy rose to his feet, with several goblins still clinging onto him. But he didn't give two shits, as he waded through the knee deep green mass and towards a path opening ahead. I looked around and saw AJ fighting side by side by side with Kevin. 

"TO THE CLEARING!" I yelled. Everyone didn't need to be told twice, as we slowly shoved and pushed our way through the goblin crowd with every bit of last energy and strength. And even so, we barely managed to squeeze our way onto the clearing path. 

"RUN!" I yelled, as I staggered carrying the Italian dude by the shoulder. But it appears all the other were ahead of me, but I didn't care. Saying my head was spinning, would be an understatement. My head was spinning like Saturn while tossed up and down in a galaxy size frying pan. Nothing made sense, everything was a blur, except...

"The light! The light must be the exit!" AJ exclaimed.

Sure enough at around 100 meters ahead of the path way, was a hole of blinding white light between two massive trees with there branches forming a Gothic arch. 

It was so close, but with the Italian's dude weight dragging me down, I didn't think it was possible to make it...


One does not abandon friends, and more the reason if he is going to become my friend!

With goblins biting at my heel, and chipping at my calf. I dragged on. 

So close, just so close...

At around half point, my legs couldn't move any longer, my whole body felt like lead, as it wouldn't even budge a single nerve.


I collapsed. 


The light was blocked out by the goblins piling on top of me, more and more...

Dammit...not again...

A tear slipped from my cheek.


Light returned to my vision again, and with great pain and confusion, I looked up.

It was the Russian guy again, and without a single word, he picked up me and the Italian guy, one under each armpit and began running for the light.

AJ screamed something inaudible, but it didn't matter as the light came closer and closer.

We were saved, we were going to pass the tutorial.

My vision hobbled up and down, and I normally would have thrown up, if it ain't for the fact that my stomach was already empty. But it doesn't matter, because it was soon all going to be over...

The light was right ahead now, all blinding white.

I gulped.

We're actually going to make it...make it...

I inhaled, as my mind even seemed to be running out of breath.

AJ and Kevin were the first to disappear behind, as we were slightly behind. The goblins pursued relentlessly, the constantly nipped at us and stabbed us with their daggers, with each stab feeling like a pin needle poke. It didn't hurt, but it was annoying. And the clung onto us until the very last moment, until we reached the light and stepped through.

Everything went white. 

Q: Realistically speaking, would you run or fight a horde of goblins?

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