Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chic...

By RonnaSweeney51317

67.6K 1.3K 171

The next story following Three Teams, ONE Chicago in the ONE Chicago series. Make sure to read Three Teams... More

Prologue for Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago
Chapter 1 "Santa Been Here! Get Up!"
Chapter 2 "Going To Feed An Army"
Chapter 3 "You're The HERO Of The Family"
Chapter 4 "Can't Take Much More Of This"
Chapter 5 "Get Your Head On Straight"
Chapter 6 "Baby, You Need To Stop This!"
Chapter 7 "I'm Severide"
Chapter 8 "Wish You Could Have Been There"
Chapter 9 "Are You Trying To Get Them Killed"
Chapter 10 "Ambulance 61, You Haven't Reported Back"
Chapter 11 "One Of Our Own Is Counting On Us"
Chapter 12 "BAGHDAD!"
Author's Note
Chapter 13 "Always Give Hope"
Readers: LOVE YOU ALL!
Chapter 14 "Only Woman In Your Life"
Chapter 15 "Where's Barney?"
Readers: Literally In Tears!
Chapter 16 "Chutes & Ladders"
Chapter 17 "Call Your Wife!"
Chapter 18 "Spring You From This Joint"
Chapter 19 "Love Bug"
Chapter 20 "Out Of The Doghouse"
Chapter 21 "Call Off Your Ogre!"
Story Media
Chapter 22 "Nice View"
Chapter 23 "Lights Of Chicago"
Announcement: Something Special In The Works...
Chapter 24 "We're All Family"
Chapter 25 "Leverage"
Chapter 26 "Justice"
Chapter 27 "Jinx"
Chapter 28 "Our Lieutenants Wife"
Chapter 29 "Peet's Coffee"
Chapter 30 "Bloodhound"
Chapter 31 "Nursey Nurse"
Chapter 32 "Gotcha!"
Chapter 33 "Come After You"
Chapter 34 "Goodbye, Sammy!"
Chapter 35 "You're Not Wonder Woman"
Chapter 36 "Booty Call"
Chapter 37 "$2 Million"
Chapter 38 "How Could You"
Chapter 39 "Don't Touch Me!"
Chapter 40 "99.9% Sure"
Chapter 41 "By The Book"
Chapter 42 "He's Done"
Chapter 43 "Congratulations! It's A Girl"
Chapter 44 "Stay On Protocol!"
Chapter 45 "Hurry And Pull"
Chapter 46 "My Pretty"
Chapter 47 "Hide!"
Chapter 48 "Barricade The Doors"
Chapter 48 1/2 "Barricade the Doors II"
Chapter 49 "Newspaper & Five Gallon Buckets"
Chapter 50 "Stubborn"
Chapter 51 "Still In Love With You"
Chapter 52 "Y'all Haters"
Chapter 53 "I'm In Love With You"
Chapter 54 "Stormtroopers"
Chapter 55 "Nothing But Rabbits"
Who's who.....
Chapter 56 "FIX IT!"
Chapter 57 "Did You Call For A Firefighter"
We interrupt this story......
Chapter 58 "I Can't Lose Him!"
Chapter 59 "May I Hug You"
Chapter 61 "I'll Bring Him Back To You!"
Chapter 62 "A Lot Of Henchmen"
Chapter 63 "Going To Confess"
Chapter 64 "Need A Lift?"
Chapter 65 "Long and Hard"
The End of Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago

Chapter 60 "OH MY..."

692 20 2
By RonnaSweeney51317

Outside of Stone's townhouse, eight black SUVs pull up.
Stone gets up out of bed, looks out the window to see what all the noise is. When he sees all the SUVs out on the street, he becomes concerned and heads downstairs. As he reaches the bottom step, there's banging on the front door.
Stone walks over and opens it, "Peter Stone?" the guy asks.
"Yes! What's this all about?" Stone asks.
"My name is Johnson. Shaylynn sent us to protect your residence!" he tells Stone.
"Why?" Stone asks.
"A threat was made against her sister!" Johnson tells him, "If I may come in along with Greg, we'll be staying in here until Shaylynn shows up" he tells Stone.
"Shaylynn's coming?!" Stone questions him.
"Oh yes! She's not going to sit back and leave it to us!" Johnson says with a little laugh, "Especially when her family's involved."
Sam was woken up by the noise and comes downstairs, "Peter, what's going on? Who are they?"
Stone looks at her, "This is Johnson and Greg. They're associates of Shaylynn's" he tells her.
"Why are they here?" she asks.
"Ma'am, there was a threat made against you! Shaylynn sent all of us here to protect the residence until she arrives" Johnson tells her.
"ALL of you?" she questions.
Stone moves a curtain to the side, Sam looks outside "OH!" she says seeing all the SUVs.
"She does realize I can call some FBI agents to come" Sam tells Johnson.
He looks at Greg, they both start laughing.
"What's so funny?" she asks.
"Shaylynn is NOT going to rely on the FBI. No offense, Ma'am, but there's a line the FBI can't cross. WE don't have a line!" Johnson tells her.
Johnson looks at Stone. Stone sticks his hands up a little as to jester he didn't hear anything.


Johnson pushes Stone to the floor, while Greg gently pushes Sam to the floor.
"SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED! THREE DOWN!" comes over Johnson's radio.
They hear screeching tires.
Johnson looks outside, "Butch, Dan, and Rob are here...." he tells Greg.
Butch radios to Johnson.....

Butch- Are you and Greg inside?

Johnson- Yes! What the hell is going on out there?

Butch- Seems multiple shooters are in the building across the street! Keep Stone and Sam covered!




A window shatters....

Another window shatters.....

And then another window shatters falling to the ground below.

"What's that scratching noise?" Sam asks.
Stone looks at her, "There! Do you hear that?" Sam says to him as she starts walking toward the kitchen with Stone, Johnson and Greg following her.
The closer she gets to the kitchen, the louder the noise becomes. Sam walks over to the kitchen window, looks out and jumps back. Looking back at her is Shaylynn, she winks at Sam as she continues down the ladder that's attached to the fire escape.
"What is it?" Stone asks her.
"It's just my fucking sister!" Sam tells him.
"Why is she outside the kitchen window?" he asks her.
"She had her Sniper rifle, so I would say she's the one who took out the shooters" Sam says.
There's a knock at the front door. Stone heads out of the kitchen to answer it.
"SAM!" Stone yells at her.
She comes walking to the front door to see Shaylynn standing there.
"Are you okay?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Yes, but did you have to scare me at the kitchen window?" Sam asks.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "That was a bonus! Since you and Peter are alright, I'll get the guys out of your house and send the ones outside home. Of course I'm leaving a team behind just in case" Shaylynn tells Sam and Stone.
"I'll keep my team here" Johnson tells Shaylynn.
"Alright. In the morning follow Sam to work. Since she'll be in the FBI building, you shouldn't have to stick around. On second thought, thinking about what happened in the past with the shooters, you might want to stick around" Shaylynn tells Johnson.
"I'll be fine!" Sam tells her, "While you're here, how's Dave doing?"
"He made it through surgery. He's now in the ICU hooked up to a ventilator. Dr. Latham said he wants to keep him in there for 48 hours" Shaylynn tells her, "We're going to go so you two can get back to bed!" Shaylynn says motioning to Johnson and Greg.

Some time goes by.
Dave was discharged from the hospital with flying colors. He goes to physical therapy twice a week and is coming along great.
With Peter asking Sam to marry him, it's all new territory for Shaylynn. She wasn't around Olive a lot before she moved away, so having a brother-in-law is going to be different. Especially with it being Assistant State's Attorney Stone.
Marshall's parents returned from Europe. Judi has a family reunion happening out on the west coast and asked if the kids could go with them. Leslie was all for it so she could stay with Savannah, but Taylor was tired of being with his sisters, so he stayed behind

Today is Hank's birthday.
Severide, Shaylynn and Taylor stop by the District. They walk in and head up to Intelligence.
"PEPAW! PEPAW!" Taylor starts yelling at the top of the stairs and goes running toward Hank's office.
Hank stands up and stands in his doorway with a HUGE smile on his face, "TAYLOR!" he yells while bending down and scooping Taylor up.
As Shaylynn walks up to them, she sees that Lindsay isn't around. She wanted to invite her to come along with them.
"We're here to take you to lunch for your birthday" she tells Hank.
Hank looks at her, "I have a lot of work to do" he says.
"PePaw" Taylor says to Hank sadly with his bottom lip sticking out.
Hank starts laughing at Taylor, "Alright, I'm coming!" Hank says.
"YAY!" Taylor yells.
They all walk out of the district, Hank to his car. Severide, Shaylynn and Taylor to their Escalade.
Sam and Stone meet them at the restaurant. They all go inside, get seated, order their food and start eating. Since Taylor wanted to sit by Shaylynn, that put Severide over by Hank.

During lunch, Taylor flips some sauce and it hits Severide right in the chest. Thankfully, Severide has a extra set of regular clothes in the Escalade along with his work clothes since he's only out of the Firehouse for a couple of hours.
They all head back to Hank's for cake. Before stopping at the District to get Hank, Severide stopped at Hank's house so Shaylynn could drop the cake off so it wouldn't have to sit in the car while they were eating.
At Hank's house, Severide changes while they wait for Stone and Sam to show up. Taylor is getting impatient waiting for his Dad to change and for his Auntie and future Uncle to show up. He's ready to dig into the cake!
Finally, Severide is done changing just in time as Sam and Stone arrive.
Taylor herds everyone into the kitchen so they can cut into the cake. Severide sits Taylor up on the counter, while Shaylynn takes the cake out of the refrigerator and sits it in front of Taylor.

Severide tries to get Taylor to stick his finger into the cake, but Taylor isn't having none of that.
Sam cuts the cake, puts a slice on six different plates and passes them out. Taylor is now a happy camper.
Severide looks at his watch and notices his time is up and that he has to head back to the Firehouse. He heads outside to get his work clothes to change back into them. Walking back up to Hank's house, Severide notices Squad coming down the street.
"Hey, Lieutenant! We figured you would give you a ride back to the Firehouse. That way Shaylynn didn't have to bring you" Tony yells at him as Cruz stops Squad on the street.
"Be right out!" Severide yells at them.
He hurries and changes. Severide kisses Shaylynn and Taylor goodbye and heads for the door. As soon as he opens it, Taylor sees Squad. He runs past his Dad right out the door, straight to the Squad truck. Shaylynn and Severide are right behind him.
"TAYLOR!" all the guys yell.
Tony opens the backdoor, Taylor runs up and climbs in. He sees his dad's fireman helmet, grabs it and sticks it on his head. It slips down over his eyes.
Severide sees him and starts laughing.
"See, you have a big head!" Shaylynn tells Severide with a smile on her face.
Severide turns around and shoots her a shitty grin.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "STOP being a pervert!"
Severide reaches into Squad, grabs Taylor and hands him to Shaylynn.
"Mommy, what's a pervert?" he asks.
"Your Dad!" she tells Taylor.
All the guys start laughing as Severide takes his helmet off Taylor. He kisses Taylor on the top of the head, then kisses Shaylynn again before getting in the Squad truck.
Shaylynn and Taylor stand there and wave to the guys as they pull away.

It's been an hour since Severide left. Everyone is sitting around the table talking about what Sam and Peter are going to need for the baby and what's really not necessary, when Hank, Sam, and Shaylynns phones go off.
They check their phones and realize they're all needed at the same location.
Shaylynn looks at Taylor, then at Stone, "Peter! Would you watch Taylor, please" she says to him.
Stone gives her a terrified look, "You're going to need the practice! Might as well start with a child who's not in diapers or takes a bottle" Shaylynn says smiling at him.
"We'll take Peter's car, that way your's can stay here since Peter will have Taylor" Sam tells Shaylynn.
She takes her keys out of her purse and sits them on the kitchen table in front of Peter for just in case.
Hank, Sam, and Shaylynn head out to the cars, get in and take off heading toward the 18th Street Bridge.

When they get there, they see that Truck 81, Squad 3 and Battalion 25 is there along with the rest of the Intelligence Unit.
Hank walks up to Alvin to find out what's going on.
Shaylynn gets out of the car and doesn't see Severide or any of the other Squad guys around. She rushes over to Casey, "Matt! Where's Kelly?"
"He's in the water. When we pulled up, this guy was pushing women that were bound and gagged off the bridge. Kelly jumped in after them while we went after the guy" he tells Shaylynn.
Dawson comes over Casey's radio, "Main, we need three more ambulances" Shaylynn hears her say.
She rushes over to the side of the bridge with Sam following her.
Shaylynn looks down and sees the Squad guys on the bank of the river along with Dawson and Brett with four women and Severide coming out of the water.

"OH MY......" Shaylynn says.
Sam gives her a look and starts fanning Shaylynn with her hands, "Calm down! Cool yourself off!"
Shaylynn looks over at Sam and gives her a pat on the arm, "Stop that! Let's go and talk to Intelligence" she tells Sam.


Tomorrow is the start of my kids Spring Break. I figured I would get up the next chapter not knowing what tomorrow will be like. With them being home for four days straight, I want to use today to get some writing done. Trying to write during the day while they're home, is like shoveling during a Blizzard.

To those who observe Easter....Have a Happy Easter!

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