Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chic...

By RonnaSweeney51317

69.2K 1.3K 171

The next story following Three Teams, ONE Chicago in the ONE Chicago series. Make sure to read Three Teams... More

Prologue for Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago
Chapter 1 "Santa Been Here! Get Up!"
Chapter 2 "Going To Feed An Army"
Chapter 3 "You're The HERO Of The Family"
Chapter 4 "Can't Take Much More Of This"
Chapter 5 "Get Your Head On Straight"
Chapter 6 "Baby, You Need To Stop This!"
Chapter 7 "I'm Severide"
Chapter 8 "Wish You Could Have Been There"
Chapter 9 "Are You Trying To Get Them Killed"
Chapter 10 "Ambulance 61, You Haven't Reported Back"
Chapter 11 "One Of Our Own Is Counting On Us"
Chapter 12 "BAGHDAD!"
Author's Note
Chapter 13 "Always Give Hope"
Readers: LOVE YOU ALL!
Chapter 14 "Only Woman In Your Life"
Chapter 15 "Where's Barney?"
Readers: Literally In Tears!
Chapter 16 "Chutes & Ladders"
Chapter 17 "Call Your Wife!"
Chapter 18 "Spring You From This Joint"
Chapter 19 "Love Bug"
Chapter 20 "Out Of The Doghouse"
Chapter 21 "Call Off Your Ogre!"
Story Media
Chapter 22 "Nice View"
Chapter 23 "Lights Of Chicago"
Announcement: Something Special In The Works...
Chapter 24 "We're All Family"
Chapter 25 "Leverage"
Chapter 26 "Justice"
Chapter 27 "Jinx"
Chapter 28 "Our Lieutenants Wife"
Chapter 29 "Peet's Coffee"
Chapter 30 "Bloodhound"
Chapter 31 "Nursey Nurse"
Chapter 32 "Gotcha!"
Chapter 33 "Come After You"
Chapter 34 "Goodbye, Sammy!"
Chapter 35 "You're Not Wonder Woman"
Chapter 36 "Booty Call"
Chapter 37 "$2 Million"
Chapter 38 "How Could You"
Chapter 39 "Don't Touch Me!"
Chapter 40 "99.9% Sure"
Chapter 41 "By The Book"
Chapter 42 "He's Done"
Chapter 43 "Congratulations! It's A Girl"
Chapter 44 "Stay On Protocol!"
Chapter 45 "Hurry And Pull"
Chapter 46 "My Pretty"
Chapter 47 "Hide!"
Chapter 48 "Barricade The Doors"
Chapter 48 1/2 "Barricade the Doors II"
Chapter 49 "Newspaper & Five Gallon Buckets"
Chapter 50 "Stubborn"
Chapter 51 "Still In Love With You"
Chapter 52 "Y'all Haters"
Chapter 53 "I'm In Love With You"
Chapter 54 "Stormtroopers"
Chapter 55 "Nothing But Rabbits"
Who's who.....
Chapter 56 "FIX IT!"
We interrupt this story......
Chapter 58 "I Can't Lose Him!"
Chapter 59 "May I Hug You"
Chapter 60 "OH MY..."
Chapter 61 "I'll Bring Him Back To You!"
Chapter 62 "A Lot Of Henchmen"
Chapter 63 "Going To Confess"
Chapter 64 "Need A Lift?"
Chapter 65 "Long and Hard"
The End of Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago

Chapter 57 "Did You Call For A Firefighter"

809 17 2
By RonnaSweeney51317

Shaylynn arrives home to find Severide's already asleep. She heads to the kitchen, gets a snack, then to the living room to watch a movie.
Next thing she knows, it's morning and Severide is waking her up.
The TV is still on showing the title of the movie she was watching.
"I can't believe you watched "The Other Woman" again" Severide says to her.
"I like Leslie Mann, she's funny!" Shaylynn tells him with a smile.
"You were watching it so you can see that guy!" he says.
"I was not!" she tells him with a bigger smile.
"Yes you were!" Severide says.
"Okay, Taylor Kinney's hot!" Shaylynn says with a huge smile.
Severide's eyes get big, "I actually meant the other guy, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau" he tells her.
Shaylynn looks at him with a surprised look, 'Okay! Whatever you say!" she says as she gets up off the couch, smiling while walking toward the kitchen.
"So it's the Kinney guy you like! Now I know who my competition is!" Severide says.
Shaylynn turns around and looks at him, "Baby, you have no competition!"
"I wish I didn't have to go back! Time off keeps going by quicker and quicker!" Severide tells her as he follows her to the kitchen.
"I know, but I'm going to busy. Some women turned up dead in a shootout with that bastard's goons. Those assholes put the women in oil barrels and had them bound and gagged!" Shaylynn catches herself before she gets to emotional in front of Severide, "Kelly, these women were no more than 20 years old. A couple of more years, they would have been Sam's age. The first barrel I looked in had a woman with long brown hair in it staring back at me. I swear it was like I was looking at Sam! I need to get this bastard!"
Severide hugs her, "I know, but you can't do everything yourself! Promise me you don't go anywhere ALONE if something comes up that has to deal with this guy! Take Butch, hell take all the guys with you! I would feel better if you took them all" he tells her.
"I promise!" Shaylynn tells him.
"I better be going! Stay safe!" Severide tells her and kisses her on the forehead.
"You stay safe, too! Keep your eyes open for ANYTHING! Be extra aware of your surroundings! I guarantee this bastard is back in town and that asshole Hicks is working with him!" she tells him.
Severide walks out to the garage, gets in his car, backs out and down the driveway. He stops on the road in front of the their house and looks at the house across the street, the house Hicks lives in. He glares at it, then drives down the street heading to the Firehouse.

A little while later, Shaylynn leaves and heads to her office.
She walks in and all the guys are in there, "What's up with you guys?" Shaylynn asks.
Dan looks at her, "General Bozz passed away" he tells her.
Shaylynn sits down on her chair, "How?" she asks.
"Heartattack" Dave tells her.
Shaylynn is devastated! Other then General Biggs, General Bozz was really good friends with her Stepdad and was always over at their house when she was little. Biggs and Bozz are the ones who kept her Stepdad's dream alive by making sure the Organization progressed into what it is today. General Bozz was also the General who accompanied them to New York for Marshall's old Firehouse 9/11 dedication.
Shaylynn shakes away the tears, "I imagine Biggs is bringing in another General, have you heard who it might be?" she asks.
Dave looks at Dan. Dan looks at Rob, they all look at Butch.
Shaylynn looks at Butch, "Who is it?" she asks him.
"General Jones" he tells her.
Shaylynn lays her head on her desk, "You've got to be kidding!" she says.
"Nope! And he's coming to Chicago" Butch tells her.
Shaylynn lifts up her head, "You've talked to him?" she asks Butch.
"Yes" he says.
"Other than living here at one time, why is he coming?" she asks.
"He wants to monitor this human trafficking, plus he also said he wants to talk to you face to face. He didn't seem to know that you got married, because when he asked me your last name and I told him he had a fucking fit over the phone" Butch tells her.
Shaylynn gives Butch a confused look.
"So I have what three days before he shows up?" she asks.
Butch laughs, "Try three hours, maybe less! I talked to him over an hour ago and it sounded like he was on his way."
Shaylynn shakes her head "I'm in hell!"
Her phone vibrates in her pocket, catching her off guard.
"This is Baby Boy. You said to call if I had any info on any suspicious human trafficking activity. One of my guys said there was quite a few women being taken into a house, here's the address" he tells Shaylynn the address, "Give me five minutes so I can get my guys out of the area."
He then hangs up.
"We have a lead!" Shaylynn tells the guys while standing up and grabbing her coat off the back of her chair.
They all head out to the big truck. Dave gets into driver seat and takes off.
"I want silencers for this!" Shaylynn tells the guys.
Butch gets into a cabinet and takes out their silencers and hands them out.
"Make sure to give Baby Boy five minutes to get his guys away from there" Shaylynn tells Dave.
"It's going to take us ten minutes just to get there!" Dave tells her.

After ten minutes, they reach the house.
Dave drives around the front of the house, then to the back alley scouting it out. Driving through the alley, a lot of dogs can be heard barking. Dan and Dave look at each, then Dan looks back at Shaylynn. She's pissed!
As Dave drives back around front and pulls up in front of the house, Shaylynn opens the back doors and jumps out heading toward the house.
Butch, Dan, and Rob hurry and jump out of the truck after her. She walks up the steps, kicks the door open and goes inside. A guy with a gun runs around the corner, Shaylynn shoots him in the knee. He falls to the floor, Shaylynn hurries and walks up to him, puts her foot on his hand so he can't do anything with his gun. He let's go of his gun and she kicks it away from him.
"Aren't cops suppose to announce themselves?!" he says to her.
"I'm not a cop!" Shaylynn says back to him.
While Shaylynn is messing with this goon, Butch, Rob, and Dan are searching the house.
Butch and Rob walk up to Shaylynn, "There's no one else here!" Butch tells her.
The guy on the floor starts laughing. Rob grabs onto the back of his collar and pulls him up.
Shaylynn puts her gun up under his chin, 'What's so funny?" she asks.
Dan yells up from the basement, "I FOUND EIGHT WOMEN DOWN HERE!"
The back door slams shut "I thought you said no one else was here?" Shaylynn questions Butch and Rob.
"There wasn't anyone else here!" Butch tells her.
As Butch runs to the back door, a metal door comes down covering it up. In the next room Shaylynn and Rob watch metal shutters start covering up the windows.
"You all are going to die!" the goon tells Shaylynn and Rob and starts laughing again.
Rob looks at Shaylynn, "So are you! Your boy left you here!" Shaylynn reminds the goon.
"Do you smell that?" Rob asks her.
"It's gasoline!" she says back, "He set the house on fire! We need to get down to the basement! I saw there was an outside entrance."
"What about him?" Rob asks.
"Bring him! We finally have one of the goons alive" Shaylynn tells him.
Butch comes back to help with the goon and get him down to the basement. Shaylynn is following them down, she radios out to Dave.

Shaylynn- We need you to open the outside entrance to the basement! One goon got away and trapped us in here!

Dave- I'm already here. The doors are metal with a pretty heavy duty lock on it. I don't have anything on the truck for this!

Dave runs back to the truck. He turns on his equipment.....

A call comes into Firehouse 51......

"Hey 51! I need some help! Shaylynn, Butch, Rob and Dan are trapped inside a house. Metal doors and shutters covering the windows so they can't get out! 7456 Morris Street"

Dave hacked into Main's radio communication center to bypass the middleman.
All of 51 runs out to the stalls, gears up and heads out.
They pull up in front of the house.
Boden sees Dave jump out of the truck and walks up to him, "Do you know where they are?" he asks.
"In the basement! There's an outside entrance, but the doors are metal and there's a pretty heavy duty lock on it" Dave tells Boden.
Boden walks over to Severide, "By what Dave says you're going to need the jaws."
Severide hurries and grabs the jaws, runs up to the Dave who shows him, Capp, Tony, Cruz where the basement doors are.
They get to work at cutting the lock off. Once they get the lock off, they open the doors to see that someone has filled in the stairs with cement.
Everyone can hear the fire destroying things on the second floor, then the sound of the second floor falling onto the first floor.
"What now Lieutenant?" Tony asks.
"Run around back and see if there's any other way into the basement!" Severide says.
Tony and Capp run to the rear of the house, "Severide! Get back here!"
Severide, Cruz and Dave run to the back. When they get back there, they see Butch and Rob helping women out of what looks like a old coal shoot. Dan's standing to the side holding onto a guy who's been shot in the knee. Severide looks around and doesn't see Shaylynn.
"Two more women" Rob tells Butch.
Finally the last woman is up the shoot.
"Alright Shaylynn, let's go!" Butch yells down to her.
"I can't reach! There's nothing to stand on!" she shouts up.
"Take hold of my feet!" Severide tells Butch and Rob.
They grab onto his feet and lower him into the coal shoot. Shaylynn's watching as something comes down the shoot at her.
"Did you call for a Firefighter?" Severide asks her smiling.
Shaylynn let's out a little laugh and smiles at him, "Now is not the time, but we will discuss that later!" she tells him.
"Grab onto my hands!" he tells her.
She grabs his hands, "I got her! Pull us up!" Severide shouts up to Butch and Rob.
They pull Severide and Shaylynn up out of the shoot. Shaylynn starts walking back further into the backyard where her fear comes true, a dog fighting ring was also being ran here.
Shaylynn pulls her phone out of her pocket.
"Who you calling?" Severide asks her.
"I'm calling PAWS Chicago to see if they will come and get these dogs" she tells him.
While standing by a garage, Severide and Shaylynn both hear noises coming from inside.
Severide busts the door open, the sight inside breaks Shaylynn's heart.
All different types of cats, seniors, young ones, kittens all in cages lined up against all the walls stacked 6 high.
"These poor babies! Used as bait to train the dogs" Shaylynn tells Severide.
Shaylynn turns around, pulls her gun out of her holster and walks toward the goon Dan is holding on to.
Dan's eyes get huge, "Shaylynn! What are you doing?" he asks her as she walks up.
She walks up to the goon and shoves her gun right into his crotch, "He isn't going to miss this! Plus it will give me even more satisfaction to shoot him knowing what he's done to those dogs and cats!"
Dan looks at her, "We need to get him out of here before the cops and Hank show up that way we can interrogate him! Now will you put your gun away! You're making me nervous having it down that low with me so close" he tells her with a worried look.
Capp, Tony, and Cruz snicker at Dan.
"Then you guys take him back to the office. I'm sticking around!" she tells Dan.
"What for?" Butch asks as he walks up.
"I want to make sure all these dogs and cats are taken care of!" she tells him.
Butch rolls his eyes, "Even over in the Middle East the animals could always find you!"
Shaylynn gives Butch a glare, "Would you just get that goon out of here! Oh, once you get back to the office, bring me my car."
The roof finally falls in onto the first floor, sending the first floor into the basement. Finally, the fire can be dealt with.
"We better get away from this house or we are going to end up very soaked!" she tells the guys.
All of them walk around front.
Butch, Rob, Dan and Dave along with the goon head back to the office. They leave in just enough time as the Intelligence Unit pulls up.
Hank sees that Shaylynn is here and walks up to her, "Let me guess, you were tipped off about some women being here?"
"Yes" she tells him.
"Where's your crew?" Hank asks her.
"Office" she says back.
"They wouldn't happen to be taking anyone there, would they?" he asks Shaylynn with a suspicious look.
PAWS Chicago pulls up. Shaylynn sees them, turns around and just gives Hank a glare. She walks over to the PAWS truck and tells them it would be best to go around back to the alley. It would be easier for them to get access to the dogs and cats.
Thankfully the cats and dogs were far enough away from the fire, that they didn't get hurt just a little wet.
While Shaylynn is around back with PAWS, Butch and Rob drop off Shaylynn's car. Knowing her, Rob runs around back and finds Shaylynn helping with the animals. He hands over the keys to her car, then runs back around front and heads back to the office with Butch.
Since there wasn't much for the Intelligence Unit to do except document that there was a dog fighting ring being ran on the property, they leave.
After the last animal is on the PAWS truck, they take off. Shaylynn satisfied they are now in good hands, heads around front. She sees Severide and walks up to him.
"I'm heading back to the office. General Bozz passed away and Biggs has brought in a new General. He's suppose to be showing up today. I need to prepare for his arrival" she tells him.
"Okay" he says to her, "Maybe stop by the Firehouse later and have supper?" he asks.
"Sounds good!" Shaylynn says to him with a smile, then kisses him.
The Squad guys let out a little "AAAWWWW" as Shaylynn kisses Severide.
He turns around and smiles at them, "Don't you guys have work to do?" he asks.
"Nope! Engine and Truck are handling things just fine" Capp tells him with a straight face.
Shaylynn laughs, "I'll see you later!" she tells Severide as she walks to her car.

She heads back to the office to see if Butch and the guys were able to get anything out of the goon.
Before heading to the "dungeon" (what they call their interrogation area since it's in the basement) Shaylynn heads to her office.
She opens her door, "Well hello Shaylynn!"
Shaylynn sees a guy sitting at her desk, with his feet propped up on it.
She draws her gun, "Why the hell are you here and sitting in my office?!"

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