Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chic...

By RonnaSweeney51317

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The next story following Three Teams, ONE Chicago in the ONE Chicago series. Make sure to read Three Teams... More

Prologue for Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago
Chapter 1 "Santa Been Here! Get Up!"
Chapter 2 "Going To Feed An Army"
Chapter 3 "You're The HERO Of The Family"
Chapter 4 "Can't Take Much More Of This"
Chapter 5 "Get Your Head On Straight"
Chapter 6 "Baby, You Need To Stop This!"
Chapter 7 "I'm Severide"
Chapter 8 "Wish You Could Have Been There"
Chapter 9 "Are You Trying To Get Them Killed"
Chapter 10 "Ambulance 61, You Haven't Reported Back"
Chapter 11 "One Of Our Own Is Counting On Us"
Chapter 12 "BAGHDAD!"
Author's Note
Chapter 13 "Always Give Hope"
Readers: LOVE YOU ALL!
Chapter 14 "Only Woman In Your Life"
Chapter 15 "Where's Barney?"
Readers: Literally In Tears!
Chapter 16 "Chutes & Ladders"
Chapter 17 "Call Your Wife!"
Chapter 18 "Spring You From This Joint"
Chapter 19 "Love Bug"
Chapter 20 "Out Of The Doghouse"
Chapter 21 "Call Off Your Ogre!"
Story Media
Chapter 22 "Nice View"
Chapter 23 "Lights Of Chicago"
Announcement: Something Special In The Works...
Chapter 24 "We're All Family"
Chapter 25 "Leverage"
Chapter 26 "Justice"
Chapter 27 "Jinx"
Chapter 28 "Our Lieutenants Wife"
Chapter 29 "Peet's Coffee"
Chapter 30 "Bloodhound"
Chapter 31 "Nursey Nurse"
Chapter 32 "Gotcha!"
Chapter 33 "Come After You"
Chapter 34 "Goodbye, Sammy!"
Chapter 35 "You're Not Wonder Woman"
Chapter 36 "Booty Call"
Chapter 37 "$2 Million"
Chapter 38 "How Could You"
Chapter 39 "Don't Touch Me!"
Chapter 40 "99.9% Sure"
Chapter 41 "By The Book"
Chapter 42 "He's Done"
Chapter 43 "Congratulations! It's A Girl"
Chapter 44 "Stay On Protocol!"
Chapter 45 "Hurry And Pull"
Chapter 46 "My Pretty"
Chapter 47 "Hide!"
Chapter 48 "Barricade The Doors"
Chapter 48 1/2 "Barricade the Doors II"
Chapter 49 "Newspaper & Five Gallon Buckets"
Chapter 50 "Stubborn"
Chapter 51 "Still In Love With You"
Chapter 52 "Y'all Haters"
Chapter 53 "I'm In Love With You"
Chapter 55 "Nothing But Rabbits"
Who's who.....
Chapter 56 "FIX IT!"
Chapter 57 "Did You Call For A Firefighter"
We interrupt this story......
Chapter 58 "I Can't Lose Him!"
Chapter 59 "May I Hug You"
Chapter 60 "OH MY..."
Chapter 61 "I'll Bring Him Back To You!"
Chapter 62 "A Lot Of Henchmen"
Chapter 63 "Going To Confess"
Chapter 64 "Need A Lift?"
Chapter 65 "Long and Hard"
The End of Our City, Our Rules, ONE Chicago

Chapter 54 "Stormtroopers"

875 20 11
By RonnaSweeney51317

"WHAT?!" Shaylynn says as she runs back from the street with her gun drawn,"Is everyone alright?" she asks.
"Fine!" Hank says to her.
"I'm alright!" Severide tells her.
"I'm okay!" Rhodes says.
"Where's Sam? SAM!" Shaylynn starts yelling.
"I'm fine!" Shaylynn can hear come from inside her car.
"That was the same car that clipped me and fired those shots into Sam's office window!" Shaylynn tells Hank, "It's a good thing they're nothing but Stormtroopers!"
"Stormtroopers?" Hank asks her with a questioning look.
Shaylynn laughs at him, "It's what Butch, myself, and the others call people who can't shoot worth a damn! You know, like the Stormtroopers in the Star Wars movies."
"Tell me the details of the car" Hank tells Shaylynn.
"It's a 1986 Black Cadillac. I shot out it's right tail light after it clipped me and it has a couple of bullet holes in the bumper under the right tail light. No license plate" she tells him.
Hank heads to his car and gets on the radio.
"Are you sure you all are alright?" Shaylynn asks Sam, Severide and Rhodes.
They all shake their heads "yes".
"Connor, you can leave" Shaylynn tells him.
He looks at Shaylynn, about ready to say something to her, but gets in his car instead and leaves.
Shaylynn pulls out her phone and looks at the time, "Gabby should be at the house by now" she tells Sam and Severide.
"Matt's probably wondering where I am" Severide tells Shaylynn.
Hank walks back over to the others, "You ladies ready to head home?"
"Yes, Sam will be asleep in no time!" Shaylynn says with a smile.
"I'm not tired!" Sam says then yawns.
Shaylynn laughs at her, "Get your sleep now! The bigger you are, the less sleep you'll get. Then after that baby is here, you might as well forget about sleeping ever again!"
Hank looks at Shaylynn, "Stop trying to scare your sister!"
"I'm not trying to scare her, I'm telling her the truth! I've been through it three times, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about" Shaylynn tells Hank with a sly grin.
Hank looks at Shaylynn and mouths "Stop".
Shaylynn sticks her tongue out at Hank, "What is it with you and the tongue?" he asks her and looks over at Severide.
Severide gets a shitty grin on his face and has to look away from Hank.
"Let's get going!" Hank tells his daughters.
They all get in their cars and pull out of Med's parking lot.
Two blocks from the parking lot, Shaylynn looks in her rearview mirror and sees Hank and Severide following them.
Shaylynn pushes down on the gas pedal a little more, the engine roars more to life. She starts pulling away from Hank and Severide.

Shaylynn and Sam arrive back at her house. As she and Sam are getting out of the car, Severide pulls up followed by Hank.
Seeing his daughters made it alright, he pulls away.
Severide gets out of his car, "We're you in a hurry?" he asks Shaylynn as he walks up to her.
"Yeah, to get you here to get a quickie!" Shaylynn tells to him.
"Shaylynn! What the...." Sam says to her, "Not while I'm here! I've already been scarred from walking into the bunkroom at the Firehouse and hearing you two!"
Shaylynn gives Sam a look, "Kelly and I didn't stop having sex while you stayed here."
Sam puts her fingers in her ears "LA, LA, LA" she starts saying while walking up to the door.
Severide looks at Shaylynn and starts laughing at Sam, "Kids!" he says to her, "I better be getting to Matt's."
"You can leave in a little bit!" Shaylynn tells him as she leans the drivers seat up, climbs into the backseat while pulling on his hand.
Severide climbs in and pulls the door shut with his other hand.

Sam's in the kitchen getting something to eat when she realizes Shaylynn hasn't come in yet.
She walks to the front door, opens it, looks to the driveway and hurries and shuts the door.
"I can't unsee that! At least the car I was in had tinted windows!" Sam says to herself.
By the time Shaylynn gets inside, she finds Sam, Dawson and Brett in the living room asleep.
She takes out her phone and heads to the kitchen.
"Butch, I need for you to look more into Hicks" she tells him.
"Why? Did something happen?" he asks her.
"To make a long story short, Sam and I left my house because I had to confront Kelly and Connor at Med's parking lot. While we were standing there, two shots were fired. They came from the same car that clipped me. With Hicks living across the street, he had to have seen that Sam and I left and followed us. Check the garage, see if there's a 1986 Black Cadillac in there" Shaylynn tells Butch.
"Kelly and I are going to Sonoma, California for the weekend, so keep an eye on Sam for me since Chrysti is out of the country" Shaylynn tells him.
"Sonoma? What's in Sonoma that you would be going to?" Butch asks her.
"When Kelly left for that race and met his friends, it was in Sonoma, now they're going to a motorcycle race. Adam and Trent are also going to be there. Since I was unable to go to the first race since I was pregnant with Taylor, I'm going to this one. Plus Kelly and I could use some time away, especially after tonight" Shaylynn says, "You know what, never mind! I'll convince Sam and Peter to go."
She can hear Butch laughing, "You're going to go on a trip with Peter?!" he says to her.
"I'm not going on a trip with Peter! I'm going on a trip with Kelly, Sam is going on a trip with Peter!"

The next day the ladies are up, in the kitchen eating breakfast when Severide and Casey walk in.
Casey walks up to Dawson, "Did you have fun?" he asks her.
"Yeah, Brett and I watched a movie while we waited for Shaylynn and Sam to get back. Next thing I remember is waking up this morning" she tells Casey.
"By the time I came inside, Brett, Dawson and Sam were asleep" Shaylynn says.
Sam looks at Shaylynn and then to Severide with a mischievous look.
"Why did it take you so long to get inside?" Casey asks Shaylynn.
"I think the question you should be asking is how are the shocks on the Camaro?" Sam says to Casey with a huge shitty smile on her face.
Shaylynn looks at Sam and sticks her tongue out at her, "I'm sure that tongue was used quite a lot last night!" Sam says getting ready to run out of the kitchen.
Brett and Dawson almost choke on their pancakes when they hear what Sam says to Shaylynn.
Shaylynn looks at Sam, "Don't you have to be getting to Peter's and help him tie his tie?!"
Sam gives Shaylynn a glare, "I should be going so I can change and get to work" Sam tells her.
"When you get to Peter's tell him that you guys are going out of state with Kelly and me for the weekend!" she tells Sam.
"We are?" Sam asks Shaylynn.
"Yes! After last night we both can stand to get out of Chicago for a little while. Hopefully by the time we return, Hank will have found that Cadillac" Shaylynn tells her.
"I'll say something to Peter, but he might be working on something" Sam says.
"The courts aren't in session on the weekends and he has an office full of people who can handle things for a couple of days while he's gone. Like I was told, I can't do everything myself, neither can he!" she tells Sam.
"Okay, I'll tell him!" Sam says as she starts walking out of the kitchen.
"After work, make sure to start packing. We're leaving at six" Shaylynn yells to Sam.
"Alright! Goodbye!" Sam shouts as she walks out the front door.
Casey and Dawson leave with Brett not too far behind them.

It's five forty five, Severide and Shaylynn are sitting in a limo outside of Stone's townhouse waiting on him and Sam to come out. They come out, get into the limo and off to O'Hare they go.
They all get onto the Organization's jet, then take flight heading to California.
Once they land, they head to their hotel and check in. They all eat supper, then turn in for the night. All of them have to be up early to get to the raceway.

Shaylynn wakes up to find Severide gone. She gets up and gets ready, then meets Sam down in the lobby.
"Where's Kelly?" Sam asks her.
"I have no idea" Shaylynn tells her, "I guess he wanted to get to the track and be with his friends alone for a little while before we arrived."
Stone walks up to them, "Ladies, our car's here."
Shaylynn starts walking outside in front of Sam and Stone. He grabs Sam's hand and they walk out together.

The car pulls up in front of Sonoma Raceway. Shaylynn gets out, followed by Stone. He sticks his hand out to help Sam out of the car.
While Stone is helping Sam, Shaylynn sees Adam and Trent. She walks up to them and gives each of them a hug.
"Is Kelly here?" she asks them.
They both look at each other, then look back at Shaylynn, "Yes, he's here. He gave us your tickets, that's why we're out here waiting on you" Adam tells her.
By this time Stone and Sam walk up to Shaylynn, "Before we go in I'd like to introduce you to my sister Samantha and her boyfriend Peter Stone. Peter, Sam these are Kelly's friends, Adam and Trent Kinney."
They all say hello to each other, "Shall we head in?" Trent says.
Once inside a gentleman walks up to them, "Shaylynn, this is Darren Jack" Adam tells her.
"Hello, Mr. Jack. I recognize you from the pictures Kelly sent me from the race he came out here for" Shaylynn says to him.
Darren starts laughing at her, "Kelly told me you were in the military and that I should be prepared for you to call me Mr. Jack. I thought he was kidding, but he obviously wasn't. Please call me Darren" he tells Shaylynn, "We need to be hurrying. These are for each of you" Darren says as he hands out lanyards.
Shaylynn looks at Adam and Trent, then looks back at Darren, "What are these for?" she asks.
"These are so you can get down onto pit row" Darren tells her.
"Why would we want to get on pit row for?" Shaylynn asks.
"To be with Kelly" Darren says confused, "He's getting his racing gear on right now" he tells her.
"HE'S GETTING WHAT ON?!" Shaylynn yells out.
Darren looks at Adam and Trent with a surprised look, "Kelly didn't tell you that he was racing?" he asks Shaylynn.
"No, he didn't tell me anything!" she tells Darren as she walks beside him toward pit row.
The others are following behind Darren and Shaylynn.
"This isn't good! Shaylynn doesn't like surprises!" Sam tells Stone.
"Do you know anything about motorcycle racing?" Darren asks her.
"No" she tells him.
Darren looks back at Adam and Trent.

They reach pit row. Darren leading the way to where Severide is. He walks a little quicker to reach Severide before Shaylynn does.
"I can't believe you didn't tell your wife that you're racing!" Darren says to Severide.
"Because I knew she wouldn't like the idea" Severide tells him.
Darren laughs, "Not liking the idea is an understatement!"
Shaylynn walks up and stares at Severide.
"Good luck!" Darren tells him and pats him on the back.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Shaylynn asks Severide.
"I knew you wouldn't like the idea" he tells her.
Shaylynn looks at him, "I'm not going to get into an arguement with you right now! I'm going to walk away and go sit down" she tells him.
She gives him a kiss, walks away and sits down, while Sam and Stone walk up to Severide, "You do like to play with fire, don't you?!" Sam says to him with a smile and walks over to where Shaylynn is.
"Good luck!" Stone tells Severide.
He walks off to where Sam and Shaylynn are.

Severide gets his helmet on and starts up his bike along with the other racers. They all pull out onto the track and make it to the starting line.
The race starts.

Shaylynn is okay with it so far.....

That is until the first curve comes up......

"I CAN'T WATCH!!!" Shaylynn says turning around away from the track.
All of the guys look at each other surprised at Shaylynn's reaction.
"Some of the things you've been through, you're having a hard time watching this?" Trent asks her.
"My husband wasn't with me, so I didn't have to worry about him getting hurt! Unlike this where he's almost laying down on the ground going who knows how fast!" she says.
Shaylynn turns around to see someone bump into Severide, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? THAT ASSHOLE JUST BUMPED INTO KELLY!"
"Did anyone check to make sure she doesn't have her gun????" Darren asks.
All the guys look at each other, then they all look at Sam. She looks at them and rolls her eyes.
She walks up to Shaylynn, "Do you have your gun?" Sam asks.
Shaylynn looks at her, "Of course I do!"
"I think the guys would feel better if you gave it to me while Kelly's racing" Sam tells her.
Shaylynn looks over at the guys. She gets into her purse, takes out her gun and hands it to Sam.
Shaylynn looks back over to the guys, "Happy?" she asks them.
Everyone turns their attention back to the track when they hear crashing sounds...........


There won't be an update this weekend, look for one on Monday. I want to work on some things and make sure they come out right before posting them.

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