The Story of Legends and Quest

By yaoi_pocky_game

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A league is a special place that help people and go on Quests. An alliance is a group of people who work toge... More

Chapter One - Learning The Ways Of Blade
Chapter Two - The First Mission
Chapter Three - Horses are Needed for a Journey.
Chapter Four - The Douche Knight.
Chapter Five - Prince Sonia
Chapter Six - The Big Bad Scary Monster.
Chapter Seven - Dreams.
Chapter Eight - "Perverts"
Chapter Nine -The Strange Encounter
Chapter Ten - Chase's Story
Chapter Eleven - He's Here
Chapter Twelve - The Battle
Chapter Thirteen - A Party
Chapter Fourteen - Deadly Mermaids
Chapter Fifteen - The Mindless Slaves
Chapter Sixteen - The Bullies
Chapter Seventeen - The Girls Bathroom
Chapter Eighteen - Starting Over?
Chapter Nineteen - Who even?
Chapter Twenty - Nonsense?
Chapter Twanny wan - 'Little Sisters'
Chapter Twenty Two - A Little Bit Of a Long Week.
Chapter Twenty Three - The Good Days.
Chapter Twenty Four - Evil Rich Lady... Maybe?
Chapter Twenty Five - Missing Kids Aren't really missing?
Chapter Twenty Six - OP Chester?
Chapter Twenty Seven - Illnesses Kill More You Think.
Chapter Twenty Eight - Kinda Like A Family?
Chapter Twenty Nine - Panic Attack
Chapter Thirty - Special Delivery
Chapter Thirty One - Brothers
Chapter Thirty Two - Letters
Chapter Thirty Three - Yo-You c-can't b-be...
Chapter Thirty Four - Going to The Ball.
Chapter Thirty Five - The Town Made of Rainbows...
Chapter Thirty Six - Our Secret
Chapter Thirty Seven - Conversations
Chapter Thirty Eight - Punishment
Chapter Thirty Nine - We failed again.
Chapter Forty - Healing Lessons?
Chapter Forty One - Selfish.
Chapter Forty Two - Only three could hear...
Chapter Forty Three - Chase.
Chapter Forty Four - Three Hostages
Chapter Forty Five - Hooded Creep.
Chapter Forty Seven - "Fight"
Chapter Forty Eight - Nurse Lily is on the case!
Chapter Forty Nine - Maui's beloved Iki.
Chapter Fifty - I'm A Warrior! I'm a Loyal Warrior!
Chapter Fifty One - A Rude Alja.
Chapter Fifty Two - The Murders Location
Chapter Fifty Three - Kat! You lil' Cheater!
Chapter Fifty Four - L.O.V.E
Chapter Fifty Five - Fish eyes.
Chapter Fifty Six - Backup.
Chapter Fifty Seven - Training
Chapter Fifty Eight - I'm sorry.
Chapter Fifty Nine - Alja's back up...?

Chapter Sixty - The Story of Quest and Legends

34 3 12
By yaoi_pocky_game

It wasn't just Romeo and Chase. Behind Romeo were hundreds of armored men, all raising their weapons ready for a battle.

Everyone stood up, shaking a bit from the fact they practically faced death. Alja ran over to the strange new male as Chase ran towards everyone. "G-guys!" He cried out, running straight into Kat and hugging her tightly. Kat ran her fingers through his strands of hair.

Romeo yelled an order and men started to surround Iki, who was shaking and sobbing. He kept repeating the words "Maui" to himself.

Lily whipped her hair towards Koji, running to him and hugging him tightly. Then she looked up at his dirty face and smiled. "What the hell was that?"

Koji smirked and rolled his eyes. "Before Maui died she told me where this was hidden. Remember when I quit blade but came back and tried to steal something from her? This was it. It was originally an ingredient in a potion I wanted to make... But she told me it would turn that demon dog into a human."

Lily scoffed and hit him in the head. "Why did you just use that in the first place?!"

Koji stuck out his tongue as he got repeatedly got hit by Lily, enduring the pain he spat out. "Thought we could do it on our own."

Alja leaned next to the boy and gave a slight smile, his face filled with anxiety. "Hello, are you alright? What's your name?"

The boy starred at Alja, after a bit he looked down and answered softly. "I-I'm okay..." Everyone suddenly was staring at the boy, making their way over to where he was sitting.

You could still hear the screams of Iki, who was yelling at the men to kill him.

The boy gulped, then he looked at Lily. He starred at her for quite a bit then shook his head and his attention went back to Alja. "My name is Sho...."

"What's the last thing you remember?" Alja asked in a gentle tone, causing Sho to know he can trust the unknown man.

"A woman... With white hair and golden eyes. Used some big knife to chase me... I ran and screamed, but no one helped me. Then she caught up to me and sliced my back. I swallowed some pill she gave me, now I'm here.

He touched his own body then shook his head. "T-this isn't my body... This doesn't feel right..."

Alja didn't speak for a bit, he was deep in thought. His eyes widen for a spilt second. Then he shook his head and started remembering Maui's diary. She used Iki's body to make the demon dog. Alja helped the boy up and stroked his hair. "Come with us, I'll explain what happen.

Chester looked over at Romeo, who was walking towards the gang. "Look who it is, Mister High and Mighty.

Alja stood up. Walking over to Romeo and smiling. "Thanks for coming!~ Ro~me~o."

Romeo rolled his eyes and bit his lip. "Don't see Alex... So your didn't lie to me."

Alja eyes went blank for a split second, but then he shook his head and started to nod. "Sucks, I wish I was lying myself."

Luna walked up to the two and scoffed. "So this is your back up, how did you manage that."


Alja's horse finally came to a stop as they arrived at the kingdom Sodapop. Alja took a deep breathe as he was tying his horse up. He turned and started walking towards the castle.

He made it to the front and the guards looked at him with angry expressions. The first guard was the first to speak out. "Who are you and what business do you have here?"

Alja smiled, he made a cute and innocent face and stuck out his tongue. "I'm from Blade! Here to the see the king."

The guards looked at each other. The second one shook his head and sighed. "I'll get a butler to go ask the king. Stay here." The guard turned around and walked inside.

After waiting half an hour, the guard returned. Staring at Alja with narrowed eyes. "Go in. A butler will show you around."

Alja skipped in. He saw an old man wearing a suit, the old man bowed and spat out two words. "Follow me."

After following him, he was led to a grand room. The room he recognized. The butler turned around and started walking off.

Alja scoffed and walks in, the first thing he saw was Romeo sitting on a couch. His legs crossed and an insane smile appeared on his face.

"Well well WELL. Who do we have here? Alja. Nice knowing you're here."

Alja laughed and sat down without asking. Sticking out his tongue and rolling his eyes. "I didn't come without a reason."

"What's your reason? If you stay too long I'll have you killed."

"...Alex is..." Alja gulped at the memory. All he could see was her smile as she faded into nothing. "...dead."

From a second to another Romeo's expression changed a lot. His eyebrows narrowed and his eyes widen. He clenched his teeth and made his hands into fist.

He practically pushed the chair off his body and stood up, walking over to Alja and grabbing his shirt. Lifting him off the chair. "Don't even FUCKING lie to ME!" He screamed.

Alja raised his voice as well, biting his lip afterwards. "You'd think I'd LIE about THIS? I LOVED HER, ROMEO. WHY WOULD I TELL YOU SHE'S DEAD... If she wasn't?!"

Romeo's knees starting to shake. He let go of Alja, who fell back onto the chair. He wobbled over to his bed and fell onto it. Shaking like crazy.

"M-my Aki is dead...? Y-Y-you let her die? My... My beautiful Aki...?" His voice was shaky. His eyes were filled with tears.

Alja gulped, he could feel his tears forming. However, he refused to cry. He slowly said, his voice shaking as well. "Wanna know her last words?"

"Alja... Please k-kill me..."

Alja leaned into Romeo's tear stained face. He took a deep breathe. "She's going to be Blade's guardian angel."

"Alja I'm serious... End my life... I don't want to live anymore."

"Do you know how sad Alex will be if Blade is destroyed?"

Romeo didn't reply, he only listened after those words.

"We're being threaten by a demon. Only a few blade members are left. We need you and your army to help us."

Romeo eyes were still wide and filled with the salty water called tears. He didn't say anything but looked down. In his head he was still wishing to die.

"and I wouldn't recommend ending your life." Alja stared deep into Romeo's face. His words straight forward. "Even if Alex didn't love you. Even if Alex didn't want to be near you, due to her fear of you. Deep inside she did care for you. After all, even if you just used her. You took care of her."


"Annnnd that's basically what happen!"

Romeo clicked his tongue and looks away. "I'm heading back to Sodapop. Alja, visit anytime. I want something to remember Aki- ...Alex by." he looked down with blank eyes, turning around and walking back to his army.

Everyone starred at Romeo's men, they were all backing up and getting back on their horses. Everyone looked at Iki who was dead. His stomach sliced open.

Everyone turned their attentions away from the sight. Back onto Sho. Sho stood up, wobbling a bit. "C-can I have something to eat?"

Alja nodded. "Of course."

"What?! You three are leaving?!" Lily gasped at what she just heard. Luna, Zero, Bradley, and Kat were just telling her about the fact they were leaving.

Kat gave a smile and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I'm going to go to an elite Mage school. I was surprisingly accepted. Bradley is coming with me."

Bradley gave a wave.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Zero and I want to go on our own journey. I don't like being cooped up in here anymore."

Zero hugged Luna from behind and stuck out his tongue. "I go where ever she goes."

Lily started at them with wide eyes for another few seconds. Then awkwardly smiled and nodded. "I understand."

Kat hugged Lily and Lily hugged back. Lily could feel the tears falling from her eyes. Kat whispered into her ear, "It was fun."
Kat turned around and walked out the door, Bradley quickly following her. The bright light making it unable to see their face as she walked away from their position at Blade.

Luna tucked her hands into her pocket. "I'm not going to hug you. But I'll agree. It was pretty fun."

Zero took Luna's hand and they walked off, right behind Kat. Lily stood there waving. Smiling to herself. She spun around on her heel and walked to the hangout. She entered and saw Chester on the couch, his face on his hands.

"Chester?" Lily voice called out, it was soft and quiet. Chester slowly looked up, he turned around. Hiding his face. "What?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine!~" he stuck out his tongue in a playful manner. I rolled my eyes and stared at him while raising an eyebrow.

He sighed and shoved a paper into my face. He had his pointer and index fingers holding it. I took it from his hand and scanned it.

My eyes widen in shock. "A-a child?"

He nodded slightly, looking on the wall. Sighing and remembering some things he probably didn't want to remember.

"Her name was Isabelle." He started.

"She was...great." Was all he managed to spat out of his mouth. He played around with his fingers and slightly shook at the memory of her.

Chester stood up. "...I'm going to go get her."

Lily smiled and stood up with him, she put her hand on his shoulder and looked him straight into the eyes. "Quit Blade, Chester. Go get a job. Take care of this girl."

Chester slightly looked at Lily. Then he smiled and put his hand in his pockets. "Tell Alja for me." Then he walked out of the room.

And Lily did as she was told. She stood up and went to find Alja. When she finally found him, he was in Maui's office. Reading a book from her bookshelf. Sho on another chair reading to himself.

"Alja?" Lily called out, watching Alja as he looked up and smiled. "Yes, Lily?"

Lily walked over to Alja and sat on the desk, crossing her legs. "Kat, Bradley, Luna and Zero left safely. Oh and good news. Chester also left to go fulfill something he had to do."

Alja gave a chuckle and looked over at Sho. "Everyone seems to be leaving? What about you and Koji?"

Lily chuckled and started to play with her fingers. "I haven't talked to him about what I want to do."

Alja rested his chin on his hands, raising an eyebrow and smiling a devilish smile. "You want to get married and rebuild Stornway? Like Sonia wanted you to do."

Lily nodded. "Smart as always."

"Go, Lily. I know what I wanna do with my life. Go learn what you need to do."

"What do you wanna do Alja?"

"Well if Alex is the guardian angel of Blade. Then I'm replacing Maui. I'm recruiting people next month."

"Really? That's interesting... hehe."

"Now go. Koji is in the kitchen."

Lily nodded, remembering everything that happen the day she entered blade. Meeting Sonia, Meeting Koji, The party, the vacation, Finding out the secrets of Sora, meeting Chester, Alex's death, Maui's death, Sonia's death.

She jumped up and ran outta the room. She sent a little prayer to Alex.

"Tell Sonia I'll make sure Stornway will rise once again. And it'll never fall."


As lily ran out of the room Sho jumped out of his seat. He smiled at Alja. "Thanks for taking care of me! I'll be going now!"

As Sho turned towards the door to leave he was interrupted by Alja's laughter. He turned around and stared at Alja, a confused expression. "What's so... funny?"

"You played a dangerous game, Sho."

"Awww man. You did find out. I thought I'd get away with it...."

"My father taught me the best of ways. What was your goal, 'Sho'?"

"I needed to make sure the people meant to be together for together. It's my job. My turn, How do you know about me?"

"My father studied you due to the fact he claimed he met you. Mr. love god." Alja suddenly looked very angry and upset. He grabbed a knife out of his pocket and smirked. "Was it YOUR fault Alex died? Was it your fault Maui and Sonia died?!"

Sho shook his head. "In different universes everyone dies at the same time. Doesn't matter if someone like me interferes. So no, it's not my fault. I'm sorry for your lost, you were meant to be with Alex."

"You should of told Lily. She did care for you a lot."

"That's Koji's job now. I might of fallen in love with her, but that was a mistake. Someone like me isn't allowed to love humans."


"Can I go now?"

"Go ahead."

"Are you going to tell Lily my secret? Koji might be crushed too."

"You used Koji. But I won't say anything. That'll be something I don't wanna deal with." Alja rubbed the part where his arm used to be.

"Thank you!~"

Once again Sho tried to leave, but Alja stopped him as he spoke more words.

"What are you going to call our story in your little diary."

"It's a journal. I'm calling it "The Story of Quest and Legends". Catchy title! Isn't it?"

Alja rolled his eyes and started writing something in a notebook. "Bye Sora."

Sora flew around, writing in his notebook while reading what he was writing out loud.

"In the end. Lily and Koji got married and used everything they could to rebuild Stornway. When they did they because the king and Queen and Stornway once again was one of the greatest kingdoms.

Luna and Zero were missing for a long period of time. However, when they were found again. They were stronger then ever. They were both nicknamed "The Shadow servers."

Kat became a powerful mage and uses her power to heal the wounded and bring peace to the world. Bradley following her as her loyal sidekick.

Chase grew out of his shyness. He stopped fighting and became a famous chief. He even served his food for free to the poor.

Chester got his daughter and fell in love with her as soon as his eyes met her. He works as a bodyguard for hire and he's happy with his family.

Alja's league, Blade, is now the most powerful league. He's known as "The one armed killer." He even built a statue for Alex, his guardian angel.
He also included one for Maui and Sonia.

And in the end. Everyone was happy."

Sora stretched as he looked down at the field of cows he was flying over and he yawned. "I hate working though." He stretches and looked at another notebook. Filled with numbers. "Now I have to go there. Lily will be five. Hm. That's when we met." He slapped his cheeks and sighed. "Don't pay attention to that. Just so your job."

He snapped his fingers and the air split. He went into the hole and disappeared.

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