The Bad Boy Cares ?

By foreignwulf

50.3K 1K 128


The New girl
Evil StepMother
Gym With Mason
The abusive boyfriend
Alison's Possessed
The Beach Party
Please let me die
I slept with Mason
My old friend
My Nightmare about Mason
Crazy night pt1
Crazy Night pt.2
Crazy Night pt.3
Crazy Night pt.4
Crazy Night pt.5
Our Slaves
Hell NO !
You are amazing
She loves scaring me
Black ops
I'm John Cena
What did I get myself into
Me ? Flirting with Dylan ?
Mommy's Locket
I'm holding on for him
I can't promise you anything
The Flashback (Bonus Chapter for the break)
Change Of Plans
Sky & Michael
No unprotected sex
Poison and Wine
The best feeling in the world
The Virgin Diaries
The talk
Living Together
This couldn't be good
Fuck my life
Sooner Or Later
Time (Mature)
New book

The waterfall

956 23 5
By foreignwulf

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel tightly around my body . I hummed the lyrics to wrecking ball and rung out my hair . I cracked the bathroom door open , and stuck my head out to look around . Mason made sure my room had a bathroom , he took it upon himself to play the favoritism card . Last night , he moved all of his things into my room and made himself comfortable without even asking me . He had been planning to share a room me this whole freaking time .

I cleared my throat and mason turned and smirked at me . He was in the mirror fixing his hair , and he was in nothing but a towel . And my eyes roamed down his six pack . I licked my lips and my eyes widened . How could is body be so perfect ? Damn it ! All of a sudden his towel dropped , exposing his man parts . My eyes literally fell out of my head , I turned around and closed my eyes tightly .

" What the fuck ?! " I finally got the courage to speak , after minutes and minutes of my mouth opening and closing like a fish .

" Well I saw you naked , so it was only fair that you see me naked . " Mason laughed .

My heart pounded fast and threaten to jump out of my chest . I just saw a penis ... Masons penis . My cheeks got rosy red .

" Thanks for almost giving me a heart attack asshole ! " I hissed , my back still turned to Mason .

" Your welcome , princess . You can turn around now . "

I snapped my head toward Mason to see him in his boxers with an amused expression on his face . I narrowed my eyes at him and walked over to my bag , pulling out some clothes to throw on . I turned on my heels and walked back into the bathroom to get dressed .

Today , Blake said he wanted to go Hiking because he had something interesting to show us . So , of course I jumped at the idea . Nature is so beautiful , and I don't mind getting my chucks dirty . I threw on a band t shirt , a pair of plain jean shorts , and my old chuck Taylor's . I put my hair into a neat ponytail , and I didn't bother to put make up on .

" Hurry up , Blake's partially rushing us out the door . " Mason shouted , banging on the bathroom door .

I rolled my eyes and opened the door . " Okay okay , I'm done . " I walked pass mason and grabbed my bug spray . I sprayed it all over my body than neatly put it back into my bag . I walked pass mason and out the bedroom door . Mason followed behind me .

" That stinks . " Mason complained bumping pass me and walking down the hallway . I huffed , feeling annoyed and walked into the kitchen . Courtney and Cameron was on the couch texting away . Blake was flirting with Sophie by the door , and Nick was sitting at the kitchen table talking on the phone . I opened the refrigerator and noticed that there was nothing that I wanted in there . I sighed heavily and grabbed a banana .

" Sup , Michaelson . " Nick greeted , sending me a couple of glances .

I took a huge bite off my banana , " Wass up , Nicolas . " I smirked , sitting on the stool next to him .

" You know if you weren't shoving that banana down your throat right now like you haven't ate in days ... I would actually be turned on right now . " He winked , turning his attention back to his phone .

" Excuse me while I throw up . " I joked , turning to walk out the front door . I stopped in my tracks when I saw Kevin outside leaning against his black truck .

" Kevin ! " I yelled , running toward him . He smiled brightly and opened up his arms waiting for a hug . Just when I was about to throw myself in his arms , Courtney beat me too it .

" Oh my god , I missed you ! " Courtney squealed , wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him into a tight hug .

I shifted uncomfortably feeling a little embarrassed . He wasn't smiling at me or offering me a hug . It was all for Courtney .

" That was embarrassing . " Sophie said , walking out of the cabin with Blake's arm threw nonchalantly over her shoulder .

" Aw , sorry Riley . " Kevin laughed , throwing his arms around me and pulling me into a hug .

" Yeah well every since you and Courtney started going out , you've completely forgot about your BESTFRIEND . " I pouted , burying my face into his neck .

" Sorry but not Sorry . He's obviously here to sent time with his girlfriend . " Courtney bragged , pushing me away from Kevin . Nick, Mason, and Cameron came out and walked over to all of us .

" There's only 6 rooms , where the fuck do you think your sleeping ? " Mason bluntly asked .

I shot him a glare then waited for Kevin to answer .

" He can room with Courtney , idiot . " Cameron butted in .

" I'm rooming with Courtney , though . " Sophie stated , looking confused .

" No it's fine . I rented a cabin down the road for me and Courtney . " Kevin smiled at Courtney and put his arm around her waist .

" Awww . " I giggled , nudging Courtney's arm playfully .

" Fucking already ? " Mason questioned , looking amused . Blake , Nick , Cameron , and Sophie busted out laughing .

" God your disgusting , And it's none of your business . " Courtney gave Mason a warning look and jumped in passengers seat of Kevin's truck .

Kevin face flashed red but he kept his confident look on . " You guys want a ride ? There's enough room for everyone . " Kevin asked politely .

" No . " Mason growled .

" Yes . " Blake said , at the same time as Mason . They looked at each other with pointed looks .

" What Mason means is yes . " Cameron chuckled , getting in the truck .

" Thanks , Man . Your pretty cool . " Blake said simply to Kevin, as he hoped in the truck . Nick and Sophie shrugged and hopped in the truck as well .

" Well ? Come on , Mason . Don't be petty . " I jumped in the truck and motioned for him to get in . He rolled his eyes , defeatedly and got in next to me .

" I've give directions . " Blake announced , looking excited . Kevin took off up the dirty road .

** 45 minutes later **

" Oh my god , Blake how the hell did you know this was here ? " Sophie asked , staring at Blake in amazement .

We we're all currently standing on a cliff . Underneath the cliff was a gorgeous waterfall and a body of blue water . I gulped nervously and looked at my sweaty palms . I really hope their not planning on jumping off this thing . Fuck that !

" Last time , me and my brother went hiking we came across this . Of course we were too chicken shit to actually jump but I'm 45% it's safe . " he shrugged .

My body stiffen immediately , " 45% ?! Where the fuck is the other percent ?! " I shouted , backing away from the cliff .

" Calm down , princess . " Nick smirked .

I winced when he called me princess . It made me very uncomfortable when he called me that . Only masons aloud to call me 'Princess' . Mason shot Nick a glare and turned to me .

" Look princess , it'll be fine trust me . " Mason assured me . I smiled when he called me princess , it felt right .

" She's gonna puss out . " Cameron rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands into his pocket .

" Shut up ! " Mason snapped at Cameron , walking over toward me .

" No , Mason . He's right ! I'm a totally puss . I can't jump from the cliff , it's too damn far down ! " I cried out , stomping my feet like an idiot .

" I'll jump with you ... " Mason insisted , catching my attention right away .

" FUCK THAT ! " I wined , feeling myself hyperventilating .

" AHHH !!! " Courtney screamed . I snapped my attention toward her . She was hanging over Kevin's shoulder , laughing and giggling . He all of a sudden jumped off the cliff into the deep blue water . My heart fell as I ran to the end of the cliff to see if they were okay . Courtney was splashing around in the water , while Kevin was laughing uncontrollably . I quickly backed away and bumped into Cameron .

" That looks fun as shit ! " He laughed , taking off his shirt and his shoes .

" W-what ? You not going to ju- " before I could finish , he did a back flip into the water causing me to almost have a heart attack . They're crazy !!!

" Oh shit ! Is he okay ? " Nick asked , looking amused . I nodded and backed farther away from the cliff .

" I got to try ! " Nick said , not bothering to take off his shirt or shoes , he just jumped off screaming cannon ball !

I winced when I heard him hit the water . Blake and Sophie smiled at each other and nodded in unison .

" Sophie don't ... " I pleaded .

" It's not a big deal , Blake promised me I wouldn't die . " She giggled , shoeing me off .

" But - " I was cut off once again , when she did a belly flop off the cliff , with Blake eagerly following behind , leaving me and Mason . Shit , shit , shit ! Fuck , fuck , fuck !

" you look like your going to shit yourself . " Mason chuckled , walking over to me .

" I'm surprised I didn't already shit myself ! " I wined , burying my face into my hands . I feel like a baby , always scared of shit ! It sucks .... It really does .

" Listen , Riley . It's fine if your scared , everyones scared of something . Not me of course , but anyway . It's okay if your scared , just know that I wouldn't let anything happen to you . Live a little and face you fears . " He gazed into my eyes , causing all my worries to fade away . It's very amazing how mason can say one thing , and immediately calm my nervous .

My breathing started to become steady and I closed my eyes tightly . I snapped my eyes open when I felt Mason grab my hand . He smiled softly at me , and that smile drove me crazy making my knees feel weak . I couldn't help but to smile brightly . " O-okay , I'll do it . "

His smile grew wider and he nodded his head 'Yes' , " You ready ? " he asked , looking down at the water .

" Ready as I'll ever be . " I muttered , closing my eyes tightly .

" 1.........2.......... - " He didn't get to 3 , when he jumped off the cliff , with us still holding hands . I screamed high pitched all the way down . And no matter how much I fidgeted , Mason never let go until we hit the water . I plunged down in to the water , feeling a rush of excitement . I felt so relaxed and comfortable after the pit in my stomach went away . I swam to the surface and caught my breath .

" She actually did it !! " Kevin cheered , floating around with Courtney on his back . I smiled at how freaking cute they were but rolled my eyes at the same time .

" To be honest , I didn't think she'd do it . " Blake laughed , moving the hair out of this face .

Nick came up from the water and sent me a few smiles .

" I didn't think she'd do it , either . But Riley's actually a tough little cookie . " Mason chuckled , splashing me with water . Sophie clapped and smiled brightly at me . I nodded at them all and swam toward the waterfall . I let the water shower down on my face as I floated around underneath the waterfall .

" Beautiful , isn't it ? " Mason asked . I turned and smiled at him .

" Thank you ... " I trailed off .

He looked confused and frowned his eyebrows . " For what ? " He swam closer to me , pressing his body against mine .

" For everything .... For making me come here and making me jump off that cliff . " I explained , feeling my heart going crazy because of how close we were .

He smiled shyly and looked deep into my eyes . " I want to tell you something . "

I swallowed the lump into my throat and nodded my head slowly . " Shoot . "

He waited a few minutes before speaking " Your really weird ..... Amazingly weird that is . I love everything about you . The way you always blush when I give the you slightest compliment . The way your eyes light up when your thinking about something . The way you look when your mad , kind of like a angry kitten . " he laughed " My point is .... I think your flawless , You are perfect to me . I like you a lot . And I don't know what's more romantic then asking someone to be your girlfriend .... Under a waterfall . " he gazed into my eyes , looking completely serious .

I froze .... Is this happened ? I couldn't help but to smile like an idiot . If my smile widened , It would probably crack my face . My heart fluttered , when he told me I was flawless . My heart pounded against my chest and in pretty sure he heard it .

" Are you asking me to be your girlfriend ? " I finally spoke , smiling from ear to ear .

" U-um , um I- , um um . " he stuttered , his face biting bright red .

" Don't be scared ... Live a little . " I mocked him , smashing my lips on to his . He immediately defended the kiss . His arms wrapped around my waist and we floated in the water . Our lips moved in sync and his tongue slid across my lips asking for an entrance , which I quickly granted . Our tongues explored each others mouths and he tasted even better than before , If that was possible . I let out a moan into his mouth . He kissed me so powerful and passionate . This was the best kiss I've ever had . He grunted sexily and I ran my fingers through his hair . Eventually he had to pull away . His eyes bored into mine as we both breathed heavily .

" I'm taking that as a yes . " He grinned .

" Yes it's a yes . " I laughed . He smiled and kissed me smoothly . He pulled away and spun me around the water .

" Riley Michaelson is my girlfriend , motherfuckers !!! " He yelled happily , I laughed and didn't hide my blush .

" Your so beautiful . " Mason stated , letting his hands caress my cheeks . I blushed deeply and stared at him feeling overwhelming happiness . I felt his hands playing with the tip of my ponytail , he let my hair down and ran his fingers through my hair .

I shook my hair widely and pushed it out of my face .

" I don't know why you agreed to be my girlfriend but thank you . " He smiled brightly .

" Well once a little birdy told me to live a little . " I whispered into his ear .

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world ! For once in my life , I feel happy being me .


Authors note :)

Attention attention !! Please read this :/

Okay guys so I started writing this story last year so most of my chapters are pre written but not edited :(
SORRY ! It's going to be a while until the next update so be patient with me . I'm still writing the next chapters and they will be edited :) but I have a lot of school work and I have a lot of track practice so I won't be updating as much as I usually do . I'm writing another book called ' The Bad Girl's Boy ' it's not cliche at all . I'm Also working on another book / Alice's spin off :) so be on the lookout for that .

If I get a lot of votes on this chapter or comments on this chapter .. I'll update tomorrow ! :) Thank you guys for your awesome support :,) I only have a few supporters but you guys inspire me so much and I'll even shout you guys out because you guys been some really amazing fans ... I love you all !

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