The Bad Boy Cares ?

By foreignwulf

50.3K 1K 128


The New girl
Evil StepMother
Gym With Mason
The abusive boyfriend
Alison's Possessed
The Beach Party
Please let me die
I slept with Mason
My old friend
My Nightmare about Mason
Crazy night pt1
Crazy Night pt.2
Crazy Night pt.3
Crazy Night pt.4
Crazy Night pt.5
Our Slaves
Hell NO !
You are amazing
She loves scaring me
Black ops
The waterfall
I'm John Cena
What did I get myself into
Me ? Flirting with Dylan ?
Mommy's Locket
I'm holding on for him
I can't promise you anything
The Flashback (Bonus Chapter for the break)
Change Of Plans
Sky & Michael
No unprotected sex
Poison and Wine
The best feeling in the world
The Virgin Diaries
The talk
Living Together
This couldn't be good
Fuck my life
Sooner Or Later
Time (Mature)
New book


963 25 2
By foreignwulf

After I asked mason about Alison at lunch , he offered to tell me later . He never said when or where , he just promised me that he'd tell me later. I'm just happy to be at home in my own house . I took a long hot 30 minute shower and left my wild crazy curly hair out . I threw a basketball hoodie on , basketball shorts , and converses .

I plopped down on my bed face first , and put my iPod on the doc . It blasted eyes on fire , throughout the whole entire house . I drifted off into a deep sleep and cuddled up on my bed , it's was on 3:30 so I could take a little nap .

** 25 minutes later **

** Masons POV **

Riley really wanted to talk about Alison , but I wasn't sure how much I could tell her. I didn't want her to be caught up in all of the drama but I needed her to get close to Dylan . I needed her to help me find out who killed Alice .

I've been knocking on Riley's door for 10 whole minutes and no answer . I called her 1 million times and she hasn't picked up . Is she avoiding me or just trying to piss me the fuck off ? I climbed the tree next to her window and luckily her window was cracked . I lifted the window and stumbled inside , landing roughly on her floor .

Her iPod was blasting taylor swift and I covered my ears in disgust . I looked around her room and saw Riley cuddled into a ball on her bed . She looked beautiful , even in her sleep . Her curls were blocking her gorgeous blue/gleyish eyes , and she was quietly snoring but it was cute . Even though her hair was crazily all over the place , she still looked perfect with her hair down . Wait ? I sound like a bitch right now ! Mason Anderson isn't a bitch , I'm far from a softie .

Just then I got an idea , time to wake up the sleeping beauty .


** Riley's POV **

" My mind is tell me Nooo !!!

But my bodyyyy , my bodyyyyy

Is telling me YES ! "

Art Kelly's song bump and grind blasted throughout the whole house causing me to wince and cover my ears in panic . Why the hell is it up so loud ?
I snapped my eyes up and saw mason laughing hard on the foot of my bed . I narrowed my eyes and threw my pillow at him before turning off the music .

" You scared me to death ! " I hissed , throwing my hands in the air dramatically .

Mason shrugged and ruffled my hair , still laughing threw the tears . " Princess , the was the funniest thing I've ever seen ! Your face was priceless . "

I rolled my eyes and flicked him the middle finger . " I almost died from fright , there is a such thing . Your a idio- wait , how the hell did you get in my house ?! "

" You really should shut your window , you never know who could come in . " Mason smirked , looking at me with a pleased look .

" Your a stalker . " I stated simply , getting of my bed and straighten out my clothes .

" You wish I actually cared enough to stalk you . " Mason replied , with a grin .

" Your to cocky and self centered for me to ever wish you cared . " I spat back , crossing my arms over my chest .

He didn't response , he just looked over my clothes . " You like basketball , eh ? " He questioned , raising an eyebrow .

" Back in Chicago , I'd play everyday . I even had my dad set up my basketball set outside in the back yard . " I answered nonchalantly .

" I used to be the captain of the basketball team my freshmen year , but I guess things changed because now I'm into football . " Mason shrugged , looking around my room .

" We'll maybe , we should play together ... See who wins . If you win , you wouldn't have to be my slave . " I challenged .

" And if I win , you have to tell me a little about yourself . " Mason grinned , putting his hand out for me to shake it .

" Deal . " I agreed , shaking his hand .

We raced down stairs and out the front door , to the backyard . I grabbing my basketball and twirled it around on my index finger .

" I'm about to tap that ass , Michaelson . " Mason chuckled , taking off his shirt . My eyes widened as I stared at his delicious looking abs . He snatched the ball out of my hand and made a clean shot .

" Stop drooling , princess . " He winked , throwing the ball to me .

" Get ready to lose . " I smiled evilly .

** 15 minutes later **

Mason blocked my path and held his hands over his head . He pressed his body against mine and looked me deep in the eyes . I'm not going to fall for that trick .

I leaped off my feet and threw the ball but it was sadly an air ball . Mason laughed and smiled at me softly .

" Nothing but air baby . " He grinned , catching the ball before it hit the ground .

" He shoots ! And he .... " he throw the ball to the hoop and it's circled around 2 times before falling into the hoop dramatically . " SCORES ! "

9 to 15 , he beat me badly ! Shit ! He ran over to me and lighted me off the ground and spun my around .

" And the crowd goes wild !! Mason , Mason , Mason , Mason ! " he chanted to himself , putting me gently back down .

" Good game , Anderson . You only won because your like 6'3 and I'm 5'2 ! I couldn't see over your big ass head ! " I wined , stomping away into my house .

" Stop making excuses , princess . It's a little pathetic . " Mason followed me into the house and crushed down of my couch .

I sat down next to him , and stayed quiet . I knew I had to tell him more about me , but I didn't mind because I feel like he's Proven to me that I can trust him .

After staring intensely at each other for 5 minutes , I finally spoke up .

" My mom killed herself when I was 11 .... After my dad filled for a divorce . " I said , my voice cracking a little .

Mason facial expression looked shocked , his face soften and he looked at me with sad eyes .

" I never really had a safe place to land , ya know ? After all , I was the fat girl that nobody liked back in Chicago . They bullied me badly , and I convinced myself that I was nothing . My dad was to business marrying a woman who was basically a teenager at the time . He didn't care about my mother , he never did . He didn't even look at me after my mother died , because he said I reminded him to much of my mother . I don't know how to explain the pain I felt , when I woke up everyday to my dad playing house with a fucking 19 year old . " My voice got shaky and I felt tears welling up in my eyes .

" Riley ... You don't have to tel- " i cut mason off and shook my head .

" I'm not going to cry , I promised myself to stop crying so much . Crying makes you weak . So every time I shove my fingers down my throat , and every time my step mother smashes a jack Daniels bottle over my head or calls me a fat fuck , I try my hardest not to cry . Because if I do ..... I think about what a worthless piece of shit I am .... And I'll end it all . Just like my mother , I'll end my miserable life ! You want to know more about me ,so here it is ! I'm not that strong , confident girl I pretend to be ! I'm the girl who hates herself ! I'm the girl who wishes that I bleed out in that bathtub upstairs and died ! " I yelled out the top of my lungs , feeling the tears pour down my cheek . I can't hold all these bottled up emotions any more , it hurts to bad !


**Masons POV**

I stared at her in shock , is my princess crying ? I don't care if I sound like a bitch or not . Riley crying , is literally breaking my heart . I ran over to her and hugged her as tight as I could . she buried her head in my shirt and sobbed .

She doesn't deserved to be treated badly ! I swear that I will I beat her dad to death ! I can't hurt her step mom physical but I'll find a way to fuck her up mentally . I can't believe that she's been hurt like that , that isn't how it's supposed to be .

I'm supposed to be the broken one . Riley supposed to change me and make me fall in love with her . The bad boy always falls sweet and innocent good girl . So why is that not happening ? That always happens in the movies , right ? Instead Riley's this broken girl , in need of a savior . And I wanna save her , I wanna be the one she falls in love with .

" Shh Shh , it's okay princess . Don't cry " I whisper into her ear , trying to get her to stop sobbing .

I like Riley , and I'm proud to admit that .


** Riley's POV ***

" It's not okay , Mason ! It's not fucking okay ! Nothing will ever be okay ! I'm sick of it ! I'm sick of crying , I'm sick of yelling , I'm sick of wishing and hoping that it'll get better ! I'm not the person you think I am ! I'm that sad , pathetic , little girl that I was back in Chicago ! " I screamed , pushing him away from me .

He grabbed my forearms and forcefully pulled me into him .

" Don't say that , your not pathetic ! Your one of the prettiest , funniest girls ever I've ever met . Stop thinking so low about yourself ! Stop pushing me away ! I wanna Help you ! I wanna be their for you ! Let me help you , Riley please . I promise you I won't hurt you , you just have to let me in that's all . " He screamed back , with this passionate look in his eyes . He looked like he meant everything he just said , I want to believe him . I want someone to be their for me , but nothing ever lasts .

" You don't understand , mason . This is real life , not some corny ass love story ! You can't save me ... That's not possible ! I don't want to let you in , because I'm not ready to be broken more than I already am . If I trust , I get hurt ! That's how it always goes . " I sobbed . Let's not make this more cliche than it already is , I don't need mason to save me and then sudden confess his undying love for me .

" That's so stupid ! Stop knocking things before you try them . Trust me , Riley . I won't hurt you , I'm your friend . " he confessed , staring at me .

" No . " I said sternly before jetting upstairs to my room .

I hate depending on people ! I depended on my mother and she killed herself to get away from me . I depended on my dad and he cut me out of his life . I depended on me , and I let myself down when I shoved my finger down my throat . I hate everyone and everything !

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