Don't Ever Leave - Septiplier

By BSkyeSoldier

156K 7.6K 6.8K

Felix creates a Friday's With Pewdiepie video of him hacking into Mark's computer with consent and finds a fo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Sequel Out!
Don't Ever Leave

Chapter Fifty Two

1.3K 85 95
By BSkyeSoldier

A/N: Finally back home! That means it should be easier to get out the usual two chapters a day, but no promises on when they'll come out cx Thank you so much for reading! I don't think I thanked you guys for 5k reads (almost 6k now!) THANK YOUUUU<3 pls enjoy m8s


I held Jack close to me, scenarios on how to deal with Crank buzzing through my head. I'd have to take care of him one way or another. Perhaps I could find a way to get both him and the crazed religious guy together and make it look like an accident - that could work. I could also make it look like a suicide, just do it a couple days apart. I'd have to do one of them soon if I were to do it that way. I sigh as I struggle to come up with something worthy, thinking the suicide route would be the best way - considering we're in a mental facility and they won't look into it.

'I am so good at getting away with murder,' I smirk to myself, silently hoping I don't get too cocky and accidentally spill everything I've done. Jack's pissed whenever I just beat up somebody, I can't even imagine how he'd react if he found I was murdering people.

"Hello, everybody, this is head-nurse Sandy and I'd like to say a quick thank you to those who have been working hard to get better. Thank you and have a good rest of your day!" The intercom clicked off, interrupting my deep thoughts.

'Shut up, nurse!' I think to myself, chuckling as I realized my references follow me everywhere.

"Mark?" A small voice pops up and I peak down to see Jack, who's laying on my chest, looking up at me with beautifully innocent eyes.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I'm sorry," His blue eyes fill with tears and although the sight is oddly lovely, I tug him up and kiss him, hugging him tightly.

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart, and wipe those tears away," I smile softly and watch him use his sleeve to wipe under his eyes.

"I don't think I've cried this much in my life," He sighed and I tried to hold him closer, but he was already as close as could be.

"It's okay, sweetheart, just keep being as strong as you've been and keep your head up, we'll get out of here by the end of the week," I encouraged and he gave me a sweet smile.

"Yeah, you're right. This has just been the longest week ever," He laughed dryly.

"Maybe... we should get a dog?" I suggested out of no where, causing him to jump up right, an insanely happy grin covering his face.

"Really?!" He asked hopefully and I nodded, chuckling at his excitement. "Oh! What kind? Boy? Girl? Name?"

"Well, we should check the shelter and see what they have, but I've always wanted a golden retriever," I thought aloud. "I've thought about naming it after some video game, I think Chica would be perfect if it was a girl - considering how much FNAF has done for my channel... I hadn't really thought of a good boy's name though."

"Awe, yes! I hope we get exactly what you want! Maybe if it's a boy, we can name it after a different animatronic, maybe just Freddy," Jack suggested and I nodded, smiling. "It'll be like having our own little family- wait a second... Too fast?"

"You've been asking that a lot lately, sweetheart. Why not just go with whatever feels right?"

"You're right, you're right," He sighed. "I'm just worried about messing it up, you know? I mean, I know it's just a dog, but to me, it's like a low-matienence kid... actually, I'd probably spoil it."

"Me too," I said honestly. "But it'll all be okay, sweetheart."

"You won't get jealous of the dog, right?" He asked, trying to suppress a giggle as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll certainly try not to," I laughed and he hugged me, while smiling brightly, warming my heart. I thought I royally fucked up earlier, but here he was, being back to old Jack, though that somewhat saddens me. I kinda liked the new Jack, who was on edge and breaking the rules. I felt we got along better, but now it's more like yin and yang. 

"What're you thinking about?" He asked after a few moments of silence and I hesitated, wondering how to respond and whether or not I should be honest with him.

"Mmm... I was thinking about how grateful I am that you're still with me after I really messed up," I sighed and looked him in the eye. "I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you, I never once thought I could ever yell at you. I really messed up."

"It's in the past now," Jack shrugged and my thoughts quickly went back on how to kill those idiots. I'd make up my mind in the moment, I decided, it's worse if it's pre-meditated. It's better to just go with my gut in the moment rather than plan it out, but at least I had an idea. 

"I think I'm going to go find Felix and thank him for helping us out," I sigh, getting up, though I'd rather not. He nodded and I headed out the door, slipping on the slippers we were required to wear, so we couldn't strangle ourselves or each other with the shoelaces.

I headed down the corridor, figuring most of the patients in the block were in the lounge or hiding in their rooms. There wasn't a bunch of us, but the dozen block A had, was about to become ten. I went to the lounge and saw Felix talking to Crank on the chairs and went over to him, tapping his shoulder and waiting for him to look at me.

"Hmm?" He asked, turning to me. I gestured for him to follow me and he groaned, getting out of his chair, giving Crank a silent apology for leaving. I lead him back down the empty corridor - where we could talk privately. "What's up?"

"I know you said to never expect your help again with my... issues... but I need you. Just two people and that's it," I promised and he sighed, studying the plain, white walls to our left and right. 

"Who?" He asked lowly, as if still trying to make up his mind. I wondered what he'd think about me wanting to get rid of Crank.

"Crank and that religious fucker who lunged at Jack during group therapy."

"Oh," He paused and bit his bottom lip. "Crank's actually a pretty nice guy. He just doesn't realize right from wrong anymore... I can't help with him. The other asshole... Yeah, I could get rid of a homophobe."

"We'll get rid of the asshole today, I'll take care of Crank later. Okay?"

"Do you have to kill him? I mean, I get the religious guy, he seems to know better, but Crank is just like a child in a man's body sometimes. He's here for a reason," Felix tried, but I shook my head.

"No. You know I'm getting rid of all of Jack's previous partners. Anyone who's had anything intimate with him, must go," I insisted and his blue eyes rolled onto mine, staring me down.

"Fine... Keep me out of it though. I'll just help with Mr. Homophobe," He swore and I smiled, glad to have him by my side. I knew I'd never get Jack to understand my actions, so I wouldn't try, but it was nice to have Felix to rely on. For the first time, I truly felt like I made a mistake trying to murder him. Oops. Maybe I'd make it up to him somehow. 

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