Scarlet Curtis

By Theoutsidersfan01

152K 3.4K 1.2K

This story tells about a young girl named Scarlet Marie Curtis (Scar for short). She is so innocent and so k... More

Scarlet Marie Curtis
Art Pictures
The Bills
Last Day of School
I am not asleep
New Friend?
Pony Left Me
Darry Doesn't Believe Me
I hate you
The Truth
Your My Four Leaf Clover
If Only He Knew
Thrown Away Memories
Sandy's Back (Part 1)
Yucky Vegetables
Sandy's Back (Part 2)
Soda's POV
The Fire
The News
The Rumble
Splitting Up?
Scar's POV
Soda's POV
Pony's POV
The Gang's POV
The Fight
One Muddy Day
A Great Day To Play Football
How Everyone Is Doing
Finding the Gang
Adopted and Pranks
We're Home
Being Tough
You Saved Me
The Nightly Double
Clayton Williams
The Fight
Being Kidnapped
My Kidnapper
Guilty As Charged
Taking Charge
The Arrival
Salma's POV
Phoenix's POV
Lanee, Holly, and Kaitlin's POV
Scar's POV
This Is Me
Meet The Greasers
Meet The Greasers Pt. 2
The Sleepover
She's Back
Tulsa Is My Home
Old Life
I Will See You Again
For the Last Chapter
For the Last Chapter
The Revenge Pt. 1
The Revenge Pt. 2
The Evidence
The Dream Awakens
End Credits!

Saying Goodbye

2.4K 55 61
By Theoutsidersfan01

Mrs. Sydney said, "Ok, I have my final decision. Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Scarlet Curtis will be in a boy and girls home. You must have your bags packed by tomorrow there will be someone there to pick you guys up. That is all."

Mrs. Sydney disappeared in the back. I ran and hugged my three brothers. We all cried. First mom and dad, now my brothers? This can't be happening.

We went home and told the gang the news. Two-bit hugged me and everyone was too sad to say anything. This is my last day at this house, with this gang, with my family.

Darry rubbed his eyes and said, "Scar, Pony, Soda, y'all better get to packing because the people will be here tomorrow."

Pony said, "Your right. C'mon guys." Soda helped me up off the ground and we went to our room. I got my suitcase out of our closet and started packing.

Clothes, toothbrush, hair products, books, notebooks, letters, and than I got to my picture frame on the desk beside the bed.

It was me, Pony, Soda, Darry, and mom and dad. Soda saw I had it in my hands and he said, "Princess, you should keep that." I smiled at him and said, "Thanks."

We were all packed by the end of the night. It was quiet in the house...a little too quiet. Everyone was in the living room, so I stood up and said, "Ok, I'm sad we have to leave to, but I want to make this night count. Bring back memories and have fun not sit around doing nothing. Can we please go do something?"

Everyone looked at each other and Steve said, "Let's party!" We all went to The Dingo and than to The Nightly Double. We had a blast bringing back funny memories and hanging out together.

Eventually, we did have to go home, and I was tired. Darry carried me to our room, and I curled up in a ball and slept. The next morning, I didn't want to get up.

Soda started tickling me awake. I giggled and said, "Soda stop." He didn't stop. Than, I felt four hands tickling me and than six hands tickling me.

I giggled even more and looked to see who all was tickling me. It was my three brothers. Pony smiled and said, "Finally, your awake. We have to leave in an hour."

I hugged them and said, "We're gonna be just fine. Soda everyday I want you to smile, and Pony I want you to read the most books you can read at that boys home, and Darry you keep our boys here happy while we're gone. Got that?"

They all said, "Yes mam." I smiled and said, "Good. Now get out because I have to change."

They all did as told. Wow, I am gonna miss them so much, but we will be ok. I just know we will. Of course the first couple of days we will have to get used to the new homes, but I think we will do just fine.

I put on a gray dress. I walked out to see everyone looking down. I know what to do. I went over and kissed each of the guys on the cheeks. They looked at me and smiled.

I said, "I'm going to miss you guys to, but you have to understand that life goes on. I know I won't see you guys in awhile, but I will always love you."

They said together, "We love you to." I said, "Now, Darry what's for breakfast I'm starving!" They all laughed at my comment and Darry said, "French toast and eggs."

I smiled and said, "That sounds good." I ate all of my food, and by the time I was done, there was a knock on our door. I wanted to cry, but I held back my tears.

Me, Pony, and Soda went and got our bags. Pony and Soda left the room first, but I decided to take one more look at what used to be our room. I sat on my suitcase, and I took a good look at it.

Soda opened to door and said, "Princess, you coming?" I looked at him. (Picture at the Top) and said, "Yeah. I'm coming."

I picked up my suitcase and followed Soda out the door. I am going to miss how he calls me Princess, how he gives me piggyback rides, and how we get ice cream together. I'm gonna miss it all.

Mrs. Sydney got out of the car I will be riding in and said, "You have two minutes to say goodbye to each other, and than we have to go."

When you have only two minutes to say goodbye to the people you love most in the world, and you don't know when you'll see each of them again, you can become heartbroken just like I have become.

I quickly ran over and hugged my brothers. The gang was behind us and I hugged them next one by one. Than, I got to Dally. He doesn't like hugs.

I stopped before I hugged him, and I was surprised when he hugged me. I hugged him back and said, "I'm gonna miss you." He said, "Oh Doll, I'm gonna miss you too."

I left the gang and went to Darry first. I said, "Darry, you better still make a great breakfast when I get back. I'll mail you everyday and the gang, so please don't forget me."

He said, "Scar, I couldn't even if I tried." I hugged him for the last time. Next was Ponyboy. I went over to see him already in tears.

I said, "Pony, stay gold. Never change who you are, and never forget that I will always love you." He hugged me and said, "Sweetheart, I will always love you too."

Than the last one was Sodapop. This isn't going to be easy. I went over to him and he swept me up in a bear hug. I said, "Soda, do not lose that happy-go-lucky attitude of yours you hear? I want you to be the happiest you can be."

He smiled and said, "Only for you Princess." I gathered everyone for a group hug. Than, it was time to go. I looked at my three brother and smiled. I don't want there last memory of me to be crying, I want it to be happy.

I said, "Here Darry." I gave him one of my bracelets. Than, I gave Pony my favorite pair of earrings and than I gave Soda my necklace. The one mom gave me. He said, "But this was from mom." I nodded and said, "Goodbye guys."

They said, "Goodbye, Scar." So, we got into the separate cars, and headed to our new homes. I looked out the back window to see the rest of the gang getting smaller and smaller, until I couldn't see them anymore.

Mrs. Sydney looked back at me in the car and said, "Your very brave." I smiled and said, "Thank you." She said, "So, are you excited." I said, "Kind of, I've never slept anywhere else other than my house."

She nodded and said, "Well, I think your going to love it here." I said, "I hope so."

Thanks for Reading! I started tearing up when I wrote this chapter. The next couple of chapter will be from different point of views saying how each person is doing at their new home. Hope you liked it.
-Stay Gold

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