Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Rea...

By AmyLillian22

482K 12.8K 3.7K

These are all my Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf) imagines. Some of the storylines are my ideas and some were prompts... More

Mates - Part 2
Thinking Out Loud
Getting Caught (feat. Stiles)
A Second Chance
Beacon of Light
Missing You
Dating Advice (feat. Scott McCall)
My Girl (feat. Garrett)
Drunken Confessions
It Totally Worked (feat. Scott and Stiles)
The New Beta - Part 1
The New Beta - Part 2
Nervous Jitters
Perfect Rain Kiss
Rogue Wolf
The Pink Box
Prince Charming Part 1 (Feat. Stiles & Kira)
Prince Charming Part 2 (Feat. Kira)
Running Away
Lydia's Plan
Mario and Peach
First Kiss and First Date
Always There
Unspoken Bond
No Light, No Light
No Light No Light (Part 2)
Welcome Home Brother (Feat. Isaac and Scott)
Pick One (Feat. Brett Talbot)
Past Mistakes
Just A Bad Feeling
The Bite
Valentine's Day
The Other Woman
Wisdom Teeth
One More Night
The Feeling Is Mutual
The Omega - Part 2
Naked Surprises
Comic Con
Drunk Last Night (Drabble)
Last Call - Drabble (Part 2 to 'Drunk Last Night')
Back to Black
Red Carpet (Dylan Sprayberry Imagine)
The Coach's Daughter
The Coach's Daughter (Part 2)
I Love You
I Wasn't Expecting That
Part of the Pack
An Unexpected Surprise
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 2
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 3
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 4
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 5
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 6 (Final Chapter)
I'm Nothing Without Her (Drabble)
I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 2
I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 3 (Final Chapter)
I Wish You Didn't Love Me
Jealously (DylSpray x Reader)
Check Yes or No (Liam x Reader)
Tokyo (Liam x Reader)
She's Alive. She's Back.

The Omega

5.7K 195 67
By AmyLillian22

Scott and his pack had been trying to solve the current supernatural problem, causing Liam to stress out. There's a new werewolf in town, an omega, and apparently it's been causing more trouble than one should. The omega had been leaving evidence of a werewolf living in town as its been hurting innocent people. Sheriff Stilinski and Deputy Parrish had been trying to cover it up as a wild animal roaming in the woods, hoping the city of Beacon Hills would buy their lies.

One night, on a full moon, Liam had tracked the omega's scent and followed it, which led him directly to the omega. From a distance, Liam saw the werewolf slowly approaching a hiker, who was going for a late night run, and ran towards the omega. However, the omega was quick on its feet and got away before Liam was within reach.

Two days after that night, Liam found out he almost had the chance to catch the omega again as Scott explained where the omega was.

"Apparently the omega was near the bowling alley last night," Scott whispered, hoping the students walking pass him and Liam in the hallway wouldn't hear him.

Liam's jaw clenched as his hands curled into a tight fist. "What?" Liam hissed between his teeth. "I was there last night. Damn it!" Liam's fist punched the nearest locker, his fist not only denting the steel, but knocking it off the hinges.

The principal turned around as soon as he heard the locker door hitting the floor. "Mr. Dunbar! My office now."

"Whoa!" Scott immediately put his hands on his beta's shoulders. "You need to calm down, Liam. You can't wolf out in his office."

Liam took a deep breath as he closed this eyes and tried to calm himself down before walking into the principal's office.

Instead of suspending Liam or having him pay for the damage, the principal had decided to have Liam help at the front office during his free period for the rest of the year. Liam hated the idea but it was better than getting suspended from school again and having it on his school record.

Two weeks later

Liam sighed as he dragged his feet to the front office, dreading another day of making thousands of copies and sorting out today's mail into the teachers' cubbyholes. It had only been two weeks since his punishment started and he already hated the same routine. He needed a change. He needed something that would make him look forward to going to the front office everyday for the rest of the school year.

Liam let out a deep sigh before opening the front door. When he did, he felt the door hit against something. He peeked around behind the door and realized he had hit someone. "I'm so sorry," he immediately apologized.

The girl barely looked up from her shoes and mumbled, "it's okay."

"Dunbar!" The principal nearly roared, making the girl jump from her feet. "I see you've meet our new student."

Liam looked at the girl, who barely lifted her head up. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed how good looking this Dunbar kid was and she knew her cheeks were blushing. She immediately looked away from him, trying to hide her pink rosy cheeks.

"Y/N, this is Liam," the principal introduced as Liam stuck his hand out to shake her hand. She looked down at it and hesitated before looking up. Y/N took Liam's hand and shook it.

The second Liam saw her face, he was in awe by her beauty. Her sandy blonde hair was straight and down to her shoulders. He locked his blue eyes with her hazel eyes and got lost in the little flecks of gold around the edge of her irises. In that moment, he felt like he was in one of those cheesy romantic movies, where the world around him slowed down and the music faded.

"Nice to meet you, Liam," Y/N said softly, her angelic voice breaking him out of his trance.

Liam swallowed hard as he still shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Liam," Liam shook his head quickly, realizing his mistake. "You're not Liam. I'm Liam. You're Y/N." He rambled quickly, making Y/N giggle.

"Stay away from this one," the principal interrupted. "He's a trouble maker. Come on, Y/N," the principal opened the door. "Let me show you around school and where your classes are."

"I can do that!" Liam offered eagerly.

"No, you're punishment is to work during your free period in this office, not roam around the halls," Liam's eyes narrowed in annoyance, almost giving the principal a death glare.

"Liam," the secretary called out. "You have a different task today. I need you to sort these files in alphabetical order and put them away in the filing cabinet."

Liam dragged his feet over to the front desk and noticed the files were student files and on the very top was Y/N's file. The idea of looking into her file was intriguing. He could almost hear the folder saying, "Open me, Liam!"

"Right away, ma'am!" Liam quickly grabbed the stack of files and headed for the closet at the far end of the office where the filing cabinets were. When he closed the door behind him, he immediately opened her file. In that moment, he realized he had been hanging out with Stiles way too much and his antics had been rubbing off on Liam.

Later that day at lunch

"Who's the new girl?" Mason asked Liam as he watched the new girl debating where to sit in the crowded cafeteria.

Liam's head immediately snapped up and looked for the girl he was hoping it would be. Sure enough, as soon as his eyes landed on her, his heart began to race.

"That's Y/N Y/L/N," Liam almost sighed.

Mason's eyebrow quirked up as he looked at his best friend. He could practically see red hearts popping out of Liam's eyes. "Does someone have a crush on the new girl?"

"Yes," Liam didn't even bother to deny it or lie to his best friend. "I met her his morning at the front office. She just transferred from Dillion Academy, where she was in orchestra and on the track team, which is weird because she's not in our school orchestra or in athletics class for track."

"How do you know that?" Mason asked skeptically.

"You know," Liam completely ignored Mason's question as he was too caught up on Y/N. "She lives in Beacon Hills Plantation. Her parents must be hella rich to live in that fancy neighborhood. I bet you she has a pool at her two-story house, with a guesthouse, and probably a basketball court. Oh!" Liam suddenly said eagerly. "I wonder if she has a game room!"

"Earth to Liam!" Mason's hand waved up and down in front of Liam's face. "How do you know all of this? Did she tell you all of that this morning?"

Liam shook his head. "I didn't even get my name right when we met, what makes you think I had an actual conversation with the most beautiful girl in the world?"

"Well, then how do you know so much about her?"

"I read her file while I was working the front office during my free period this morning," Liam shrugged his shoulder as if it was no big deal.

Mason laughed. "I think you've been hanging out with Stiles too much lately." Mason shook his head at Liam and then flagged Y/N down with his hand.

"What are you doing?!" Liam whispered loudly for Mason to hear only.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm inviting her to sit down with us," Mason said as Y/N slowly made her way towards their table.

"Hi!" Mason smiled at Y/N. "Liam said you were new and I thought maybe since you two already met, you'd like to join us for lunch."

"Thanks," Y/N smiled shyly.

"I'm Mason," he introduced himself. "I'm Liam's best friend."

Mason and Y/N looked over at Liam who looked like he was struggling to find the right words to say to Y/N. Instead, he just smiled.

"Can I see your schedule?" Mason asked Y/N.

Y/N nodded as she pulled out her schedule from her back jean pocket. Mason scanned her schedule. "Sweet, we have the next class together. We can walk together."

"That would be great," Y/N finally managed to overcome her shyness a little bit. "This school is so big, I'm getting lost finding some of my classes."

"Well, well, well, look at that," Mason pointed at her schedule. "You have the last two classes with Liam. Something tells me Liam already knew though." He winked at Liam.

Y/N's face scrunched up in confusion as Liam kicked Mason's chin under the table, making him yelp in pain.

"We can walk together for our classes," Liam smiled.

"I'd like that," she bit her lip, trying to hide her smile.

"So, how do you like Beacon Hills so far?" Mason asked as before he bit into his apple.

She shrugged. "It's okay. Don't really know anyone yet."

"Oh, well maybe we live in the same neighborhood," Mason smirked at Liam before looking back at Y/N. "If you do, maybe we can all hang out. Where do you live?"

Y/N smirked back, "I think Liam already told you were I live."

Liam's eyes widened. "Uh... Umm.. What?" He asked completely shocked and confused. "You were like halfway across the cafeteria, how did you hear me?"

Y/N closed her eyes and opened them again, revealing electric blue eyes. Mason and Liam's jaws dropped to the floor as she closed her eyes and changed them back to her normal hazel eyes. "I'm the omega you weren't even close to catching the another night.

Liam froze in place, "Oh, shit."

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