"It's All In The Past." (GRA)...

By M1ckyj789

4.8K 321 91

"It's all in the past." I hate that quote. Because it may be the past. But the past will always find a way to... More

He's not so bad...
The ships are sailing
Back Story
Do you trust me?
Please Stay Awake
I'm not going anywhere
Just The Two Of Us
Unexpected Visitor
Use to it
The Dream
You use to love...
The Truth
Solidarity In Mutual Destruction
The Sidemen
Old Friends
True Feelings
Finally Out
The Grind
I Love You
A Race Around Pax
Dreams Or Reality?
The Pain
A Big Mistake
I Never Had A Choice...
The Plan
Don't follow me please
Second chances
It Finally Sails?
I think I'm ready
Just in time
Don't give up
I'm Sorry
How Long
Just let it happen
What are you doing here?
Pushed away
Juice of the gods
Am I Ready To Accept?
It felt so good
That was fun
Are you ok?
He's Home
Couples Embrace
I missed you
Deal we made
I'm not sure if we can do this
New Beginnings
Setting the scene
Only Real Escape
I don't want you to go
Together at Last
Not Yet...
Broken Friends
Set in motion
House Hunting
Be Mine
The End


42 3 1
By M1ckyj789

Time Skip.

Michael's POV

I heard the alarm go off. I cursed myself. I got up and got changed. Went to the toilet. Brushed my teeth and walked in to find Vikk still snoring his head off. I poked him till he woke up.

"Fuck. No."

"You don't have a choice."

I dragged him out of bed and picked him up.

"Please don't drop me this time."

"Well seeing as you asked nicely."

"You were going to?"

He looked sad.

"No I wasn't actually going to drop you."

I walked up to his chair and softly put him down. He knew what he needed to do.

"Hang on. Let me message Lachlan."

"Alright. It should be about 10 pm there now."

"Oh still early."

He turned on his computer and hit up Skype when it loaded up. I walked up to him and hugged him.

"Hey Lachy."

"Hey what's going on?"

"I won't be coming to Queensland. I'm going to stay in Sydney."

"Alright. I'll meet you in Sydney then."

"Ok. I'm on a massive grind today. I'll talk to you tomorrow or something ok?"

"Yeah hey what time is your flight?"

"I haven't decided yet. Michael you want to have a look?"

"Yeah I'll check it all out and send you a message later Lachy ok?"

"Ok cool. Bye guys."

I watched him end the call. I pulled out the table we used last time and set it up. Still normal as always. I set up the Laptop and got to work with my own stuff.

Time Skip.


"Where the fuck did the time go?"

"Have we even eaten?"

"I don't think so."

"We need to go eat something."

"Did you organise flights?"

"Yeah. I messaged Lachy as well."

"Alright. Do I need to know anything?"

"Nah I already let Josh know. He will take us in the morning."

"Alright let's eat. Then I'll start my upload."

"How many videos did you get?"

"I'd say at least 20. And I edited a few already."

"Oh ok. Cool. So you going to edit more tonight?"

"Yeah I'm going to try and upload them tonight. Edit some on the plane. Etc."

"Ok. Well We flight out at about 5 am. We should land at about 1 ish."

"Alright sweet."

"Lachy said he Is going to meet us there."

"Ok. Cool."

"Come on. We have to get food. Then you can get back to it."

"Ok. You should get some sleep."

"Nah I want you to teach me how to edit."

He looked up at me so happy. I think I might have just completely won his heart.

"Ok. So the plan is too sleep on the plane?"

"That is the plan indeed."

Time Skip A lot. (The grind. And the plane trip. Rob and Jerome arrive ahead of everyone. Lachy is waiting there as well. And Kim got there not long after Lachlan landed.)

Kim's POV (Yay Mum.)

I got the message from Michael letting me know they had just flown past Brisbane. I was hanging to see him again. I missed him so much. And he said he was bringing Vikk and Lachlan too. Though wasn't he the one that fucked shit up in the first place?


Holy shit I know that voice. I ran ahead and saw Rob sitting down with some other guy. He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Holy fuck Rob what are you doing here? Michael only said Vikk and Lachlan were coming? Hi sorry I'm Kim."

"I'm Jerome. I'm another friend. Originally Preston and I were to be coming. But they decided to send Rob."

"Preston is your boyfriend Right?"

"Yeah you guys have talked a few times before."

"The Texan one."

"Yeah him."

Rob let go of me finally. Jerome gave me a hug. I hugged him back though not for as long.

"Oh hey is that Lachy?"

"Wasn't Lachy the one that fucked everything up?"

"Originally yeah. But we both know you raised Michael well. It didn't take long before everything was sorted out. Though that is why we are here. Did Michael tell you what's going?"

I watched Lachlan walk over to us. He was probably that typical jock you get in the schools now a days. And he looked like the guy who would pick on Michael. I walked over to him and slapped on the back of the head.

"What the hell lady."

"You hurt Michael. Your glad that was it."

"Oh your Kim. Sorry. Guess I deserved it then."

"Your damn right. Ok. Does anyone know when their flight lands?"

"Yeah should be soon."

Time Skip.

Rob was telling me that had happened. Jay, Lachlan, Vikk. Everything. I laughed at Michael. He was such a dick I swear. But. I guess I understand. Slightly. I looked up to see his flight had landed and people started to walk through from his flight. I shooed the boys away except for Lachlan. I watched them come around the corner and burst into tears. Michael ran up to me and cried. I did as well.

"Aw Fuck I missed you so much mum."

"I missed you too mate. Though I wish I had a bigger car."


"Hey Michael."

I watched his face shift. As he ran over to Rob and hugged him.

"See now why couldn't he date Rob. And let Preston have Vikk."

"Aww gee thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

I turned around to see a short Indian guy. Though a British accent.

"I'm going to make a wild accusation. And say you are maybe, Possibly, Could be Vikk."

"Ooo I don't know how you managed to figure that out. Like. It was really hard too. I tried my best. It's nice to meet you Kim."

"Alright seeing as you guys are all here. Mum I didn't tell you why we are home so early. I wasn't supposed to be here for a few more days. Maybe a week. But I half got pressured into coming back. But I'm glad I did. Jay is in hospital. Apparently he tried to kill himself but was flown to Sydney. He has been really depressed and suicidal lately. And I know why. Sorry Lachy. It's nothing you can do. So I came back because regardless of everything. He is still a good friend to me."

"It's ok mate. But we have a really serious issue right now."

"What's up?"

"How the fuck are we going to fit everyone in the car."

"Mum. Your the queen of tetris. I'm sure you will find a way."

I thought about that. He did have a point. And I already had an idea. I showed them to the car. They all had their bags with them. I lined them up in the boot as best I could. Though Vikk and Rob still had their bags.

"Ok. Michael your going to have to sit in the front. Your the biggest. Jerome, Lachlan and Rob sit n the back. And Vikk. Uh."

"He can lay across us or something."

"That's not exactly legal Jerome."

"Well neither is having 6 people in the car period. But we don't have much of a choice."

"Kim. If we put Jerome in the front. Cos he is the second biggest. Sit Michael in the back. I can sit on him."

"It could work. I mean look at how tiny Amies car is. And we easily fit about 6 of us in that."

"True. I don't like it though. Alright. Jerome will you be fine holding a bag?"

"Yeah that's cool. Rob you can hold your own."

I watched everyone squash themselves in. Michael wrapped his seatbelt around Vikk after having sat down in his lap. While he and Rob both pushed themselves up to buckle up. After we were all done and ready. I got in myself and looked at everyone. Michael had his arms around Vikk. With his head on his back. Vikk tried to look around at him. I watched their mouths move. Though no sound was heard. Vikk giggled and I knew it was something cute.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure."

"What's up back there?"

Jerome announced next to me. I hadn't turned the car on yet.

"Well. Two nights ago. Jerome you and Lachlan watched. JJ and Simon got the wrong idea when they saw Michael crying and screaming. And they hit me. Well afterwards he went down stairs to get a drink and I hid behind the island. He spoke with the guys for a few minutes. But uh."

He turned back to Michael who wouldn't stop smiling. He nodded and Vikk smiled widely.

"Well come on don't leave us hanging."

"Well Rob. Seeing as you asked nicely. Michael are I are officially and properly together now."

"Oh my god FINALLY!"

I couldn't help but laugh as Jerome threw his hands up in the air.

"Are you guys sure?"

I could have sworn Rob looked a little upset. Though he has seen it before with Jay. And even though I spoke to Jay. I feel like this was different. No crazy ex boyfriend. No stupid people trying to fuck everything up. It seemed more natural. Calm. Like these guys have had time to relax and actually get to know each other. I hadn't realised I had already started the car and started driving until we reached the high way. I could hear them talking between themselves. Though Lachlan was just looking out the window.

"Ok. So what's the plan? Obviously sleeping arrangements should be easy. We have Michael's bed. Which I assume will be taken by him and Vikk. We have a bunk bed as well. And a few small mattresses as well as a big couch as well. Take off the cushions and you could easily make a bed."

"I'll take the couch. Put Rob and Jerome in the bunk bed. I don't mind. And besides I think I am way too tall for the bed anyway."

"Are you sure? I mean we have heaps of stuff I'm sure we could prop some boxes up and make it look longer."

"It's fine Kim but thank you for the thought. I'll take the couch."

"Uh ok. Well that made things easier."

Lachlan had an almost tired look on his face.

"Lachy where are you from?"

"I'm about an hour or so out from the gold coast."

"Ah ok. Where about?"

"Not sure if you guys know but it's a relatively big city called Ipswich. (Not actual Location but I know that city like the back of my hand. So I chose there.)

"Your fucking kidding me."


"Lachlan we have family up there. I've seen you around. I knew I recognised you from some where."

"Megan lives up there. How have we not run into each other?"

"You forget while we are the same age. You would be a year below me Micky."


We had talked for a while about everything. Rob and Jerome's homes. Their partners. Lachy. And what had happened with Vikk. I'm glad they were so open. It helped me to understand them better. Though they keep saying I would really like Mitch. Guess I will have to meet this guy sometime. We had finally arrived home and the boys had prepared to get out. Before Michael threw his arm out.

"Hold up. Mum. You want to grab Snoop or do you want me to?"

"Shit I didn't think of that. Uh. I'll pop you boot. You run in and grab him."

Vikk got out of the car and let Michael go ahead. I unlocked the boot and handed him the keys.


"Our dog. He's getting old and he is going blind. But he is still very territorial of us both. He will bark at you guys. But unless your a girl or run anywhere in the house. He won't actually bite. Just pat him and if he growls let him know your in charge."

I walked up to the front door and walked back inside.

"Michael can you move the couch here please? Just forward a bit so they have more room to walk in and out."

He did as I asked and made sure the gap between the wall and the couch was fine. The large L shaped Brown Couch sitting up against the window.

"Your place is so small and cosy. I had almost forgotten what it was like."

"Well welcome to Australia. Most homes in suburban areas like this are small."

"The only reason Jay and I have such big homes. Is we are able to afford it. Though it is more the location and land. We are just lucky to have a big house as well. I assume that will be my bed?"

"Yeah mate. With your bag you can either put it in my room at the end of my bed or you can put it down the side of the couch next to all of Michael's game stuff."

He walked over and put his bags down. Michael showed the other boys around the place. He put Snoop in my room. I walked around asking if anyone wanted a drink or something to eat.

"Honstly mum. I'm really tired from flying. Vikk was teaching me how to edit pretty much the whole trip. I can see how you guys get obsessed with it now."

"It is a lot of fun."

"Well luckily I don't have to worry about that do I?"

"No mum. Unless we decide to get a capture card for the play station. You don't have to worry."

"Good. I just want to play the game. Not have to worry about everything else."

They looked at me oddly.

"What? I like to play a game every now and again."

"What games?"

"Mainly ps1 games. Crash, Spyro, etc. But burnout is fun. Same with Tekken. Michael tried to get me to play final fantasy. Not my style. Though he did get me to play the last of us. That was a lot of fun."

Rob and Lachy smiled. Jerome gave me a hug.

"You are so cool. I like her already."

"And you smell. Wow. Ok. Take it in turns. Shower. Then you all hit the hay. It's still only 3 here. I will wake you up later when dinner is ready."

I watched them all head to their rooms except for Lachy who sat on the couch after I gave him a towel. Rob hopped in first. Jerome was in Michael's room talking to the boys.

"You have so many books. I feel like I just walked into a library. Yeah hi can I borrow a book?"

"Touch any of them without me knowing and your dead. But honestly. Every book in here. I've read and enjoyed. So go nuts. They are all in order or chronological sequence."

"Michael remind me to get you a new computer. Or Laptop. Or something. I want to smash the one you have with a sledgehammer."

(Ok. My computer is crap. Beyond belief. I can only just play minecraft to keep me sane and I can't even run emulators all that well. I'm not joking when write that I would smash it. I will. And I'll vlog it too.)

"Yeah I know Vikk. But your not buying me a laptop or whatever. I've been saving up. I think I'm at about 800 right now. I want to get a decent set up. But yeah."

I walked over to Lachlan. He was still so quiet.

"What's up Lachlan? You have been really quiet."

"It's nothing just think about Vikk and Michael. I'm worried. I know Michael still likes Jay. But it's because he was so strong and protected him. Where as with Vikk you can see it in his eyes how much he really likes him. When Jay and Michael decided to actually be together. And then put it on break after talking to you. It didn't exactly end well. And I take full responsibility for what I did and can not apologise to everyone enough. But I'm worried something will happen. They are so happy together. But Michael doesn't have the best luck."

I knew what he was saying. Even though he worded it terribly.

"It's ok. I'm sure they will pull something out of their asses. Michael Is a smart guy. I know he will always put Vikk first. And even though I haven't ever met Vikram before. He seems like a really good kid."

I watched as Lachy sulked and shrugged. Falling deeper onto the couch. Michael came out to see us.

"Hey Lachy. Shower is free. Are you ok man?"

"Yeah fine. Thanks."

He got up and walked into the bath room. Turning the shower on. Michael looked at me.

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah mate. He is fine. Just worried about Jay."

"Yeah. We all are trust me."

I watched the little flicker in his eye as he said his name. Like something was still there. But he was trying to suppress the feeling. Oh Michael. What have you gotten yourself into.

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