The Story of Legends and Quest

By yaoi_pocky_game

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A league is a special place that help people and go on Quests. An alliance is a group of people who work toge... More

Chapter One - Learning The Ways Of Blade
Chapter Two - The First Mission
Chapter Three - Horses are Needed for a Journey.
Chapter Four - The Douche Knight.
Chapter Five - Prince Sonia
Chapter Seven - Dreams.
Chapter Eight - "Perverts"
Chapter Nine -The Strange Encounter
Chapter Ten - Chase's Story
Chapter Eleven - He's Here
Chapter Twelve - The Battle
Chapter Thirteen - A Party
Chapter Fourteen - Deadly Mermaids
Chapter Fifteen - The Mindless Slaves
Chapter Sixteen - The Bullies
Chapter Seventeen - The Girls Bathroom
Chapter Eighteen - Starting Over?
Chapter Nineteen - Who even?
Chapter Twenty - Nonsense?
Chapter Twanny wan - 'Little Sisters'
Chapter Twenty Two - A Little Bit Of a Long Week.
Chapter Twenty Three - The Good Days.
Chapter Twenty Four - Evil Rich Lady... Maybe?
Chapter Twenty Five - Missing Kids Aren't really missing?
Chapter Twenty Six - OP Chester?
Chapter Twenty Seven - Illnesses Kill More You Think.
Chapter Twenty Eight - Kinda Like A Family?
Chapter Twenty Nine - Panic Attack
Chapter Thirty - Special Delivery
Chapter Thirty One - Brothers
Chapter Thirty Two - Letters
Chapter Thirty Three - Yo-You c-can't b-be...
Chapter Thirty Four - Going to The Ball.
Chapter Thirty Five - The Town Made of Rainbows...
Chapter Thirty Six - Our Secret
Chapter Thirty Seven - Conversations
Chapter Thirty Eight - Punishment
Chapter Thirty Nine - We failed again.
Chapter Forty - Healing Lessons?
Chapter Forty One - Selfish.
Chapter Forty Two - Only three could hear...
Chapter Forty Three - Chase.
Chapter Forty Four - Three Hostages
Chapter Forty Five - Hooded Creep.
Chapter Forty Seven - "Fight"
Chapter Forty Eight - Nurse Lily is on the case!
Chapter Forty Nine - Maui's beloved Iki.
Chapter Fifty - I'm A Warrior! I'm a Loyal Warrior!
Chapter Fifty One - A Rude Alja.
Chapter Fifty Two - The Murders Location
Chapter Fifty Three - Kat! You lil' Cheater!
Chapter Fifty Four - L.O.V.E
Chapter Fifty Five - Fish eyes.
Chapter Fifty Six - Backup.
Chapter Fifty Seven - Training
Chapter Fifty Eight - I'm sorry.
Chapter Fifty Nine - Alja's back up...?
Chapter Sixty - The Story of Quest and Legends

Chapter Six - The Big Bad Scary Monster.

89 12 6
By yaoi_pocky_game

We arrived at the evil cave and it sure looked evil. Inside it were these creepy torches. It had an evil aura as well. Sure was scary.

"U-Uh... is there a-an opinion t-to turn b-back..?" Chase stuttered, hiding behind Kat. Biting his lip.

"Nope. Lets go." Luna spat. Already walking in, not having a care in the world. Kat looked a bit scared as well, but she was acting brave too. She walked right in holding Chase's hand. I followed behind. Totally scared out of my mind.

We walked for what felt like hours, it got darker and darker and daker. Finally we saw light, a single torch lit the whole cave area.

Everyone got out their weapons. I got mine out and already loaded it with an arrow. We entered the area and saw the monster.

It was big.

It was bad.

It was scary.

I looked over at my teammates and saw Alex's, Chase's, and Kat's face. They looked like someone shot their parents. Luna looked the same, but she was biting her lip from the nervousness.

I looked down and saw it. Dead Bodies wearing armor, they were very much dead.

"I see.... You've come to kill me too.... Wheres... My.... Wife...?" A monsterly voice whispered, It turned around and it had the most horrifying face.

We all got ready to fight. Chase stayed in the back due to him being a healer, Alex was in the front. She was a warrior so she had to fight in the front. Kat stayed beside Alex. Having her wand ready to cast her spells.  Luna was no where to be seen, she seemed to be hiding.

The first one to take action was Alex. She charged at the beast with incredible speed. She hit him with her sword, he screamed and pushed Alex down. Kat cast a spell, it burnt the monsters hand. Giving Alex enough time to jump up and get back to saftey.

Chase used his spear and healed Alex's wound on her arm. Alex gave him a quick smile and went back to being serious. Luna appeared outta no where and grabbed the monsters helemt. The monster was shocked and tried to hit Luna, but she jumped out of the way just in time.

Kat casted a spell Im well aware of, its called Water Knife. A giant water shaped knife appeared and charged its way to the monster.

The monster easily dodged it.

Kat muttered something under her breath and got her wand ready again, Luna set the stolen helemet down. She got her weapons ready and charged at the monster.

They clashed their weapons together and now the winner of whoever laid a strike was based on pure strength. Luna stayed strong but the monster was staying strong too. There wasn't a winner and they both went flying.

Chase pointed his spear towards Luna and used his magic and healed her. Luna stood back up and raised her katana again.

Then I finally came in. I started shooting at him to distract him fromt the others. It angered him as well, he started to charge at me. My eyes widen and I closed my eyes preparing for agony.

I opened my eyes when I didn't feel the pain I thought I would feel. I saw Kat casted a shield on me, Alex and Luna were stabbing him with their swords.

When the shield wore off I realized I had a giant cut across my cheek. I could feel it. Suddenly, the pain went away and I saw Chase smiling.

I rolled my eyes playfully and got up. 

"Kat!" I whispered to her, she turned her attention to me. "Use Water Knife. It'll hit him, he's distracted."

Kat smiled and nodded. She closed her eyes and started casting the spell. I saw the water forming. It then was complete and charged at the monster.

Alex and Luna jumped out of the way so they wouldn't be hit. The monster looked up and screeched as the water blade met his body.

He fell to the ground and started screaming, the spell did a lot of damage but it didn't finish him. He got up and started slinging his sword everywhere. While he was doing that, his sword found its way near me. It hit my arm, almost taking it off completely. If I didn't have my new armor it would of.

I fell to my knees and held my arm. I knew there was nothing to worry about, since we had a healer. Chase looked at me and used his spear to heal me. I felt only a little better, but I was still in great pain.

"S-Sorry! I-I'm running o-out of magic power...!" Chase whined, I bit my lip and nodded.

Kat casted more spells. Alex kept attacking it with her swords. Luna stole more of his stuff while he wasn't paying attention. Small stuff of course, like his gold to distract him, other things also.

I stayed on the ground watching them fight. Finally after forever, the monster went down and Died.

Everyone was breathing heavily.

"Lily, are you alright? It was hard I know but it was your first mission! You'll get better!" Kat told me, helping me up and smiling.

"Oh it'll be better.... IF HE DID HIS JOB!" I started screaming, pointing to chase. Chase freaked out and hid behind Alex.


"Whattt!?!? Its not his fault he ran outta power!!" Kat argued, yelling at me.



Chase started crying, Alex hugged him trying to comfort him but he still cried.



"FINE! I WON'T! SCREW YOU ALL!" I shouted, running out the cave. I ran back to Stornway. I ran right into a item shop. I bought a few healing items and used them. I felt better, I yawned and decided to head back to Blade.

I started walking towards the horses, but then I realized something. I couldn't go back after what I did...

"I was being to harsh... it wasn't his fault... he's an amazing healer and an amazing kid... Im just a rude orphan..." I muttered to myself. Suddenly Night came and I started to shiver.

I needed to find some where I could rest. I sighed and started thinking.


I walked right into the castle, getting premission from the Douche Knight. I walked up to the throne room and saw the King, happy to see me.

"Lily! That was your name right? I heard you and your team defeated the monster! Thats great! But why werent you here when your team told us?"

I bit my lip and saw Prince Sonia there too... I sighed and looked up. 

"We got in a fight. Can I stay here the night...?"

The king looked shocked, but he said yes probably because we saved his son and his kingdom.

"Sonia. Take care of it okay?" He told Sonia, He nodded and the king left the room. Sonia bowed to me "Follow me" He said.

I followed him and we entered a girly looking room. I was guessing it was his room.

"Don't you have a guest room?" I asked him. He blushed and nodded.

It was silent for a while but he spoke up finally. "I-I have nightmares a lot. I thought you'd be okay with sleeping in my room... Since I'm like a girl... I wouldn't... uh... try anything..."

I was shocked at first but smiled. I patted his head "Okay."

He handed me some PJs and let me take a shower, when I was done I walked out to see him already asleep. He was on the floor sleeping, I was surprised at that. I climbed on his bed and started to close my eyes.

I felt something warm next to me, but before I could open my eyes to see what it was I was already asleep.

[Picture is Alex]

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