Slave For Royalty

By x_MissTara_x

6.6M 225K 57K

Stolen in broad daylight, Darcy Rose, just eighteen is forced into the highest rated auction house available... More



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By x_MissTara_x

I can't believe how amazing my readers are, some of you leave such lovely comments and feedback that it truly encourages my writing and how I feel about my story! I can't thank you guys enough for sticking with it and supporting me! Keep voting and commenting!!:)

ALSO, I apologise that my story is losing some of your interest, my story isn't for everyone and I'm not forcing you to read so I'd appreciate refrain from negative comments, again, you haven't got to read!

Any who, thanks lovely readers!!


After taking many agonising steps towards the large oak doors, it was only when my body lay behind them that I was finally able to release a suffocating breath that was dying to be exhaled, allowing my body to regenerate and piece together what it was exactly that had just, unbelievably might I add, happened. And by that I mean- Theo. Dark, taunting and sexy Theo. Wise and mature, leaking with authority and respect, but his age deceived him and it was that that truly bothered me. A familiar, head doing question lurking around my mind, who was Theo?

Turning my body around, my gaze automatically darted up to the deep emerald eyes boring into mine, alert but sort of exhausted as he lazily gazed at me, his expression withdrawn as he kept his mind blank. Him looking at me the way he was, as though he was peeling off my layers and studying every leaf, made my body shiver in somewhat anticipation. He liked me, yes? Why else would he want me? So therefore he must approve of the way I looked, what he sees, wholeheartedly?

Tugging my lower lip into my teeth, I began to chew anxiously, shifting my weight uneasily as I awaited my next orders. This man made me extremely uncomfortable and I couldn't quite understand why. He wasn't rude and demanding, he'd been nothing but kind to me, so why was I fearing him? Or perhaps I was muddling up my emotions, maybe it wasn't fear.

"An awful predicament to force you in, Darcy Rose and for that I offer you my sincerest apologies. However, know that my intention was never to harm you, hurt you or ever make you feel uncomfortable. I will allow you your wish to speak to this Elias, but you must not breach our deal, in fear he will lose control. A wild pureblood isn't something to take lightly, Darcy, he is untamed and young, so I ask you to keep this to yourself."

My fingers were trembling and my palms were sticky with sweat, why was I so anxious? Letting out a heavy sigh, I clenched my hands, going over repeatedly the rules Theo had made sure I followed and comprehended. Elias was better off not knowing. I believed this. It is for your own safety that he doesn't find out whilst you are at close range. That too was understandable and made perfect sense. Elias is uncontrollable and will act on instinct if in rage. This I had a little problem with agreeing with, however, I wasn't going to argue with Theo as he was allowing me to say goodbye and as much is it was purely twisted, I was in his debt for that. I knew that without Theo, the court would have ordered my death. Such disgust lingered in their eyes when they glanced at me, it was a little terrifying but there was no doubt about it that I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Theo.

The walls were a shiny matt metal, windows and doors were non-existent as I stared around in horror. This was what they were holding him in? The air felt cold and frigid and immediately, my skin prickled with goosebumps. Sucking in more courage, I continued through the small walkthrough, and paused when I came towards a dead end. A large beep signaled through the halls, echoing sharply as the mysterious door raised from the ground, allowing my entrance. Pressing my feet against the floor, I followed through and felt my heart sink as my eyes instantly hovered over Elias, of whom had wedged himself tight into the corner, legs wide apart and head in his hands.

My heart was aching for him and soon enough, tears prickled at the core of my eyes, daring to fall as I stepped closer. It was only then I realised a thick but almost clear wall was placed between us, reflecting my image slightly but giving me a perfect image of Elias as I narrowed in. Could Elias see me? This wasn't what I agreed to!

"Elias." I choked back a sob, covering my mouth with my hands as I watched him mope in the corner. Was all this my fault? Had they placed him in here for punishment? Punishment for the other day, perhaps?

Immediately, as if on cue, he snapped his head up. Deadly red eyes scanning the surroundings hesitantly, as though not truly believing what it was he thought he had heard. "Elias?" I spoke louder, my heart leaping for joy in regonition that perhaps he really could hear me.

"Darcy?" He breathed out, raising to his feet as he walked aimlessly in a circle, scanning the walls relentlessly. I knew it was best to not inform him of where it was the secret wall was at, so I decided to keep quiet and change the subject.

"Are you mad at me?" I so desperately craved to ask, but the more I spoke the words aloud in my head, the less confident I was at spitting it out and asking him, so I remained quiet.

Elias stood warily, his curious eyes still lingering around the perimeter as he clenched his fists tight, his naked torso defined more than ever as he glowed through the illumination of the darkness. Nothing but a dim imbedded light softly removed the shadows from the darkest parts as my eyes glanced from corner to corner. I was suddenly almost thankful for the cell I was captivated in. It was depressing, sure, but words couldn't describe the horror Elias must of been feeling in there. I tangled my hands in my knotted hair, tugging hard, unable to find the courage to talk to him. What do I say? Sorry. Sorry Elias, for breaking your heart and shattering it. It was stupid and a mortifying mistake, one I could never live down now, how much longer was he going to torture me?

Elias blinked and ran his hands over his face, putting my voice down to his imagination as he exhaled heavily. Watching him, seeing what all this was doing to him- I couldn't do it. I couldn't say goodbye. Quite frankly, I was a coward, I broke his heart and couldn't even find the decency to say goodbye.

When his pureblood had settled, watching his facade slowly tumble and be replaced with Elias himself, it melted my heart and I was left with the ugliest hole lodged deep within and I ached. How could I do that to him?

But how could he do that to me? He wanted me dead. It was he who chose the fate between us, how could he possibly think I was going to be okay with that? He didn't even try to save us both! And to top it all, it was all a sick, twisted god damn joke!

Shaking my head, I reluctantly stepped back, then again, and again. Before I knew it, Elias was getting further away from me and my body was inclining closer towards the door. I was walking away. That was until I caught the side of my foot against a raised drain lining the floor. "Fuck!" My loud curse went soaring from my mouth as I hopelessly hopped on my right leg, bringing my foot up to inspect further damage. And it was only then I realised what it was I must of truly looked like, butt naked and hopping like an idiot. Through no reason at all, a scorching blush lined my cheeks, as though I was being watched, as though I had a reason to actually feel humiliated at that moment in time.

I couldn't even contain the ear tingling scream that lurched from my throat, forcing me to stumble back on my feet and fall dangerously on my butt as I gaped; eyes and mouth wide as I tried to control my terror. There he was, Elias with the lining of his pureblood, stood face up against the glass between us, hands either side of his head as his scarlet eyes danced flames around the glass. He couldn't see me, I keep trying to reassure myself but was failing horrendously as a worrying gut feeling bombarded its way into my stomach. I was very right to feel frightened, because I was foolish and allowed Elias knowledge on the secret room lurking behind his cell and there was no one here to protect me from the rage of his pureblood he looked as though he wasn't seconds from unleashing.

I kept eerily silent, so silent that I found myself even holding my breath. It suddenly registered then, I was frightened of him. Frightened of my Elias, what was happening?

Just when I thought Elias had shrugged off the assumption and realised better than to cause trouble, he proved otherwise as seconds after he turned on his heel, he released a mind scarring growl and slammed his body through the glass concealing me. It all happened so fast. With my small form sprawled across the floor, it left me no time to gather myself up and escape his wraith. Instead, I had to attempt to protect my skin from the multiple shards of glass fleeing in all directions from the crumble coating the floor. I was breathing hard and the second I pried open my eyes, proved a very raw mistake because I was almost as terrified as I had ever been.

Standing tall, breathing hard before me stood a raging Elias, controlled by a species of dominating evil as his jaw clenched. Elias wasn't present now and I would of been a fool to think I could of even attempted to talk him out of what he was seconds from committing. My voice was cut off and my screams went muffled as a large hand circulated my throat, solidly cutting off my supply of oxygen as I gasped, clawing at his hand in sheer desperation.

Something was wrong. His attempts were true, not even a hint of wariness consumed him had it done on his previous outbursts. My skin was prickled with goosebumps and the more I tried to breathe, the more it felt as though I was losing grips with my consciousness. It had never got this far before, never had he truly intended to kill me. He was going to kill me. Boring into the pits of black consuming his eyes did I realise that Elias couldn't take it anymore, take me. I was doing this to him, I was driving him wild and he wasn't prepared to feel vulnerable anymore, he was going to end my life. Feeling my body convulse against his hold, the tips of my toes scraped across the floor in attempt to push myself up and force his hand to loosen against my neck. But it was failing miserably and I could feel my life draining against his fingertips. This was it.

However, seconds was all it took for Elias to be tackled by a rather tall silhouette, body large as he covered Elias. Elias's fingers had ripped from my throat in the midst, his finger nails scraping against my skin as a soaring pain trailed it's way across my neck. The adrenaline coursing through me provided relief in my expecting pain as I soon felt nothing but a dull ache. Tumbling on my feet, I fell back against the wall, watching the scene unfold horrifically in front of me. Five men dressed in black each sank a clear needle into Elias's neck, of whom was restrained firmly to the ground by, as I peered closely, looked to of resembled Theo.

My body was trembling and I was finding it increasingly hard to breathe as I held my hand against my neck, staring down in horror as I felt warm, thick liquid trail a scorching line through my breasts. My surroundings were becoming somewhat fuzzy, and I was unable to make out the ceiling to the floor as I blinked hard. I could just make out a familiar red tie coming into view as heavy material was pressed over my shoulders, concealing me. A deep ache pounded through my head and words couldn't describe my panic as I felt my feet give way, falling into a firm body.

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