Neo Soul King Yhwach

By Misunderstood-King

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| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect syn... More

Updated Biography ( Read Before Reading the Fanfic )
A Second Chance You Say.?
Whispers Among the Shadows
Threads of Destiny Unbound
Shadows Cast on the Endless Journey
Shadows in the Chaos
Echoes of Sacrifice
Shattered Destiny
Echoes of Desperation
-Sneak Peaks-
Season 2 Requiem for Hope
The Struggle Within
The Weight of Choices
Shadows Of The Past
Lingering Shadows of A New Prison
Sacrifices Carved in Destiny
Echoes of Liberation
Choices of Survival
Threads of Trust
Echoes of Sacrifice: Farewell, Yhwach
Echoes of Fate in the Endless Void
Illusions and Ink: The Dance of Aizen and Ichibei
Harmony in Solitude: The Melody of Yhwach and Aizen
Resilience Amidst Shadows
A New Frontier
Yhwach's Proposition: The Saviors
Twists of Fate
Fateful Reunion
Surviving Richmond: A Tangled Web of Family and Foes
The Unforgiving Night
Echoes of Grief: Farewell to Richmond
Winds of Change
Threads of Resilience: The Ericson Kids' Tale
Luminous Conversations
The Truth, Whispers of Regret
Preparing for War: Plans and Promises
The Battle Against the Raiders
Symphony of Souls: Walkers Among Us
The Sealed King of Quincy's Last Stand
Answers, Questions, Vote
Kill The Fate
Whispers of Deceit: The Dark Heart of the Capital
Ties that Bind: The Weight of Night Raid's Purpose
Resolute Choices: Yhwach vs. Night Raid Principles
Illusions and Flashbacks: Yhwach's Emotional Struggle
The Schrift of Remorse: Embracing Bazz-B's Gift
Tea and Tensions: Yhwach's Encounter with General Esdeath
Promises and Collisions: Yhwach's Vow for Tatsumi
Night Raid's Toast: Celebrating Returns, Mysteries, and Unseen Journeys
Training and Trials: Night Raid's Progress
From Void to Tea Shop: Yhwach Faces Zaegar's Challenge
Blood-Soaked Rain: Yhwach's Grim Discovery in the Capital
Explosive Truths: The Fall of Seryu and the Promise Made
Tell me something, 'Empire's strongest'... Do you Fear Death?
Völlstandig Unleashed: Yhwach's Vow The Final Battle
Mimihagi's Revelation: Yhwach's Encounter with the Supernatural
Bound by Fate: Yhwach's Vision for a New World
The Unsettling Alliance: Issei's Struggle and Freed's Decision
Yhwach's Inner Trials: Wind, Lightning, and Zaegar's Playful Mischief
Crown of Flames: The Quincy King's Declaration in Hell
Holy Swords and Fiery Justice: The Battle Against Kokabiel
Zaegar's Challenge: The Clash Within Yhwach's Soul
Dragon's Lair: Yhwach's Audacious Proposal to Tiamat
Warnings from the Rusty Relic: The Mimihagi's Prophecy
Kyoto Confrontation: The Nine-Tailed Fox's Decision and The True Longinus
Devil System's Demise: Yhwach's Grand Liberation Plan
Whispers of War: Allies Gather for the Coming Storm
Clash of Titans: Yhwach's Ominous Declaration
I, Yhwach Declare The Second Great War Begins Now.
Fateful Convergence: Allies and Enemies Unite Against the Quincy King
Beneath the Surface: Yamamoto's Illusion and Ophis' Proposal
Echoes of a Fallen Morning Star: Yhwach's Grand Declaration
Chaos Descends: Sacrifices and Struggles
The Battle of Gods and Devils: Yhwach's Ascension
Legacy of Yhwach: A Dream That Never Dies
The Primordial Hollow's Arrival: Ophis' Sacrifice and Great Red's Demise
Ban... Kai Zanka No Tachi, End of Dxd
Fate/Yhwach? No its Fate/Zaegar
Servant Class Foreigner, Zaegar is the master?
Intrigues and Encounters: The Holy Grail War Begins
Clash of Kings and Jesters: The Unforeseen Turn in the Holy Grail War
Fireworks Chaos and Fury: Caster's Stand Against the Unpredictable Foreigner
Flashbacks: An Unexpected Gathering
Mana, Mysteries, and Mayhem: Grand Caster's Revelation
Starship Showdown: The Fall of Type-Venus
Into the Fray: Zaegar's Resurrección and Emi's Cunning Victory
Beast VI: Vasto Lorde Zaegar.
Fate/Yhwach No its Fate/Zaegar: End
The Fullbringer and A new enemy
Intrigue and Incidents: Yhwach's Arrival Sparks Curiosity
The Path to Improvement: Yhwach's Mentorship
Unforeseen Lessons: A Day in the Life of Yhwach
From Food Fights to Future Guardians: Yhwach's Impact
Ozpin's Bedtime Stories and Zaegar's Plan: Yhwach's Title?
Yhwach's New Suit and The Ballroom: Zaegar's Chaos
Äs Nödt's Trial, Yhwach's Fear: Death's Smile...
Yhwach and Zaegar became commentators?!
The Fall of Beacon, End of RWBY.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Battle Against the Strongest
The Honored One
Lost in the Void: Yhwach faces Gojo's Domain Expansion
Yhwach's Encounter and Manga Discussion: The Battle of Gojo and Jogoat
Bambietta's Trial and reading Manga: Yhwach's existential crisis
Mahito's Domain: With this treasure, I summon...
Divine General Mahoraga
A Rising Rebellion: The Threat of the Higher-Ups
The Shibuya incident Arc: Gojo Satoru and Zaegar have been sealed
Lille Barro's Trial: Kenjaku's Plan against Yhwach
End of Jujutsu Kaisen
One Piece: The start of yet another new journey
The Celestial Dragon and Yhwach's Decision
Yhwach's Master Plan And The Gladiator Match: The Celestial Dragons
The World's Reaction and Yhwach's Bounty: Encounter With Hawk Eyes
A Duel with Mihawk and Yhwach's Curiosity
A Swordsman's Counsel: The Strongest Rowboat
Sabaody Archipelago and Bitter Realizations: Yhwach's Path to Progress
Bounty Hunting and Incidents: Free Meal Challenge
'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh
The Deal and Offer: Admiral Kizaru
The Moon and War: Strongest Man in the World
Admiral Akainu and Ace's Death: The Chaotic Battlefield
Kaido of The Beasts And The Nuke: The Cataclysmic Event
CP0 Agents and The Five Elders: Project Nachtüberfall
The Dragon and The Dragon Slayer: Admiral Aokiji
'Nightmare' Gecko Moria
Zaegar's Little Recruitment Mischief: A Meeting With A Yonko Gone Wrong...
The Primordial state of Bleach: You're not the hero of this story at all.

The Shibuya incident Arc: Zaegar's actions

66 5 0
By Misunderstood-King

Zaegar slowly turned around to face the higher-ups, his expression darkening with an intensity that sent a shiver down their spines.

Zaegar: You dare fucking threaten us with death and criminality? Do you truly understand the consequences of provoking a hollow such as myself?

His voice, usually filled with mischief and sarcasm, now carried a weight of authority that demanded attention.

Scene Break

Not far from the Yasohachi Bridge, Megumi was walking on the sidewalks with the Mahoraga next to him.

They had done it. They managed to defeat a sorcerer and presumably two cursed spirits—one of them having a Ryomen Sukuna finger. Of course, the relative ease of this mission was all thanks to Mahoraga.

Without that, Megumi could've probably pictured what the outcome would be.

Yuji: Can I touch this thing without it hurting me?

Megumi rolled his eyes.

Megumi: What do you think?

Megumi replied.

Yuji likely took that as a yes and started touching Mahoraga's muscles.

Yuji:'s strong...and to think that Zaegar was stronger than this thing?

Yuji said, almost in disbelief.

Nobara kept her distance from the vile beast, nothing too surprising about that.

Soon, they reached the car that had someone in the driver's seat which Akari had prepared for them when they were ready to leave.

Yuji looked to his side and saw Mahoraga was done. He jumped back a little in surprise.

Yuji: You can store it that easily too?

Megumi: Of course, after all, it is a shinigami...

Megumi replied.

Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara got in the car and waited patiently as the driver drove away.

However, their moment of peace was abruptly shattered by a deafening explosion that rocked the city.

Megumi: What the hell was that?

Nobara: Looks like it came from the direction of the meeting place.

Yuji: That explosion... it's huge!

Their eyes widened as they witnessed a towering mushroom cloud billowing into the sky in the distance, the shockwave rippling through the air.

Scene Break

Zaegar's claws dripped with the blood of the higher-ups.

Zaegar: You stupid motherfuckers dare to fucking threaten me?! you even fucking dare to challenge my authority?!

Yhwach watched silently from the sidelines, his expression unreadable as he observed Zaegar's rampage. Meanwhile, Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, offering a cynical commentary on the unfolding events.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, well, well... looks like our dear Zaegar is throwing quite the tantrum, isn't he? Reminds me of the good old days, back when I was still causing trouble in the living world. Ah, memories.

Scene Break

The parking building that Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara were assigned to investigate with Utahime after they finished their mission at Yasohachi Bridge didn't feel suspicious at all. 

There weren't any leftover residuals, so they had no official tracking lead to begin with, but based on all the information Utahime gathered while the students were resting, she painfully had to admit that Gojo's theory might've been correct.

Yuji: I don't know, it just doesn't feel right. One of the students, really?

Yuji said, confused.

Megumi: All the more reason to believe that he could've handed out information that he wasn't supposed to.

Megumi replied.

Nobara: Yeah, I always felt something fishy was going on with him.

Utahime listened to the students conversing with one another before deciding to allow Megumi and Yuji to take the lead. 

According to Gojo, other than Yhwach's little lizard pet, Megumi was considered one of the strongest.

Utahime: (In thought) Can he actually control something that powerful? His aura is going rampant.

Megumi walked to the creepy door on the first floor of the parking building and tried to open it. When his hands made contact with the doorknob, Utahime saw his reaction—the doorknob happened to feel very cold.

Megumi took one more glance at Utahime and the others before fully opening the door. From behind, Utahime saw lots of rats running around on the side of the walls that led down the dark stairs. 

If the culprit, Kokichi Muta, wasn't down here, then surely there had to have been a cursed spirit of some sort. Megumi, Utahime, Yuji, and Nobara kept the same pace as they descended the stairs. The smell got worse with each step, and Utahime could tell that Nobara was barely suppressing her disgust back.

Not only that but as they went further down, it smelled more like piss and shit. It was so bad that Utahime couldn't take it any longer and decided to squeeze her nostrils.

When they reached the bottom, Megumi was the first one to spot another door. He slowly walked towards it and tried opening it. He couldn't, the door seemed to be locked.

Megumi glanced at Yuji, and judging by Yuji's posture, he knew exactly what he needed to do.

With one swift and powerful kick from Yuji, the door busted open and flew across the room.

Utahime: He's...not here...

Utahime said.

Scene Break - Restaurant

In the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant, Yhwach and Zaegar sat across from each other, surrounded by the din of chatter and clinking utensils. Yhwach regarded Zaegar with a curious expression, his gaze piercing yet calm.

Yhwach: Zaegar, I must ask... why did you unleash such fury upon the higher-ups? Surely there were other ways to handle the situation.

Zaegar met Yhwach's gaze with a passive expression.

Zaegar: Do you like being controlled, Yhwach? Are you some fucking masochist? like be for real right now do you enjoy being at the mercy of others, dancing to their tune like a puppet on strings?

Yhwach's expression remained composed, his eyes meeting Zaegar's with a steady gaze.

Yhwach: Control... is an illusion, Zaegar. Those who believe they wield it are merely slaves to their own delusions. True power lies not in dominance over others, but in mastery over oneself.

His words carried a weight of wisdom.

Yhwach: As for whether I enjoy being controlled, I assure you, Zaegar, I am no puppet. I value freedom above all else. But freedo-

As Yhwach was about to continue, the door of the restaurant swung open, drawing the attention of both Yhwach and Zaegar. In stepped Satoru Gojo.

Gojo's gaze flickered between Yhwach and Zaegar, his expression a mix of disappointment and frustration.

Gojo: Well, well, well... What do we have here?

His voice was tinged with a hint of sarcasm as he approached their table, his steps confident and deliberate.

Gojo reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, tossing it onto the table in front of Yhwach and Zaegar. As they unfolded it, their eyes widened in disbelief at what they saw—a wanted poster, featuring their faces and accompanied by a hefty bounty.

Gojo: Congratulations, you two. Your little outburst just earned you a spot on the most wanted list. And believe me, the bounty on your heads isn't something to take lightly.

His tone was stern, his gaze piercing as he regarded them both.

Gojo: What you did was reckless and stupid, Zaegar. You've put yourselves and everyone around you in danger with your actions. Do you really think you're above the consequences? Think again.

Zaegar's eyes narrowed at Gojo's words, a defiant smirk playing on his lips. With a swift motion, he raised his hand and flipped Gojo off.

Zaegar: Shut the fuck up, you albino-haired bitch. Do you think you can lecture me about the consequences? I've been dealing with consequences longer than you've been alive.

His tone dripped with contempt as he met Gojo's gaze head-on, unflinching in the face of the sorcerer's stern demeanor.

Yhwach watched the exchange with mild interest, his expression betraying no emotion as he observed the tension between Zaegar and Gojo.

Gojo's eyes narrowed slightly at Zaegar's retort, but he maintained his composure, his gaze unwavering.

Gojo: You may think you're above the consequences, Zaegar, but you're not. And as for you, Yhwach...

He turned his attention to Yhwach, his expression softening slightly.

Gojo: You should know better than to associate yourself with someone like him. But I suppose old habits die hard, don't they?

His words held a hint of disappointment as he addressed Yhwach, his tone tinged with resignation.

Gojo: And you Zaegar Watch your mouth, You may think you're untouchable, but even you have a limit.

His voice carried a warning tone, but Zaegar seemed unfazed

Zaegar: I'll watch my mouth when you learn to watch your back, Albino...

Gojo's expression hardened as he regarded Zaegar with a steely gaze, his disappointment evident in his tone.

Gojo: This may be the last time we ever talk, Zaegar. Because mark my words, what you and Yhwach did today will soon become public knowledge. And when it does, there will be consequences.

His voice carried a weight of finality, his words a warning of the storm that was about to come.

Zaegar: We'll see about that, Albino. I've faced worse than whatever the world throws at me.

Yhwach remained silent, his expression inscrutable as he observed the exchange between Zaegar and Gojo. It was clear that he was contemplating the implications of their actions and the consequences that would follow.

As the tension in the air thickened, Gojo turned away and strode towards the door, his departure signaling the end of their conversation.

Gojo: Goodbye, Zaegar. And Yhwach... I hope you make the right choice.

With those parting words, Gojo Satoru exited the restaurant.

Scene Break - Later

Gojo is currently standing outside a parking lot, waiting for the first-year trio from Tokyo Jujutsu Tech to arrive. He has a solemn look on his face, knowing what he might have to do.

Gojo: Over here.

As Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi approached Gojo outside the parking lot, they could sense the gravity of the situation in the air. Gojo's solemn expression only confirmed their suspicions that something serious had happened.

Gojo: Have you heard the news?

The trio exchanged puzzled glances before shaking their heads in unison.

Yuji: No, what news?

Nobara: Yeah, we haven't heard anything. What's going on?

Megumi: Is it about the explosion we heard earlier?

Their questions hung in the air as Gojo hesitated, his gaze shifting between the three students.

Gojo: (sighing) It's... complicated. But you need to know.

He paused, choosing his words carefully.

Gojo: Zaegar and Yhwach... they've crossed a line. Their actions today have put them in serious trouble. They're now wanted by the authorities.

The news hit the trio like a punch to the gut, their expressions turning grim as they processed the implications.

Yuji: Wanted? But why? What did they do?

Nobara: And what about Yhwach-sensei? I thought he was... different.

Megumi: This doesn't make sense. Why would they do something so reckless?

Gojo's expression softened slightly as he regarded the trio, his tone serious.

Gojo: I wish I had answers for you. But right now, we need to focus on what comes next.

He paused, his gaze turning steely.

Gojo: You need to be careful. With Zaegar and Yhwach on the run, things are going to get dangerous. And I won't always be there to protect you.

Scene Break

Kokichi: They've arrived?

Kokichi asks himself. He looked up to see Kenjaku and Mahito approaching him. The teenager then commented.

Kokichi: You're late. I thought you forgot about me.

Kenjaku: We wouldn't make a blunder like that. You're already personally familiar with the terrifying nature of a pact, right?

Kenjaku responds as he and Mahito approach Kokichi.

Mahito: He always smells moldy, and I hate it.

Mahito says, with disgust waffing his arm about.

Mahito: We're enemies, too, so let's just kill him quick.

Mahito says.

Kenjaku: You can't do that yet, Mahito. He agreed to cooperate with us and provide us with information. In exchange, we agreed to use your idle transfiguration to fix his body. That's the pact we all forged, remember?

Kenjaku explained before telling Mahito.

Kenjaku: Killing him comes after fixing him. I wanted him to do some work for us in Shibuya, too, so that's a shame.

Kenjaku turns to kokichi.

Kenjaku: We won't lay a hand on the people from the Kyoto school.

Kokichi: You're the ones who broke our pact first.

Kokichi fires back.

Mahito: Hanami's the one who did that. but well he's dead now.

Mahito responds, pouting slightly.

Kokichi: I have no intention of getting into a debate with cursed spirits. Hurry up and fix me, scumbag.

Kokichi demands.

Mahito: Maybe I'll get carried away and turn him into a caterpillar.

Mahito threatens.

Kenjaku: Mahito. Pacts forged with others are very different from pacts placed upon oneself. The first aspect of that is the uncertain nature of the penalty. When you break a pact with yourself, whatever you gained...the improvement to your own ability is lost, but this time you can't break it. If you break this pact, then we have no idea when or what kind of disaster will befall us.

Kenjaku explains.

Mahito: Yeah, yeah...

Mahito responds, sighing with his shoulder slumped down. Mahito approaches Kokichi, placing a hand on his head as he transfigures his body. 

Mahito: You're lower than a scumbag, so be grateful. Idle Transfiguration.

Mahito says as Kokichi's body is starting to transfigure into a regular body; he no longer has to suffer with his accursed body. He steps outside of his bath, the needles stuck into his leg being ripped out.

Kokichi is trying to hide his excitement during the moment, clenching his hands together while he stamps his feet onto his blood on the floor. He can finally walk; he was praying he could experience everything he ever wanted to do.

Mahito: Hmph. No fun at all. Celebrate a bit more.

Mahito says.

Kokichi: I'll do that after I'm finished here.

Kokichi responds.

Mahito: I suppose that's true. Well, shall we get started?

Mahito excitedly asks, his bloodlust radiating throughout his soul.

Kokichi begins to summon multiple of his puppets as they descend around him, ready to attack Mahito. Mahito, on the other hand, readies his stance. Kenjaku stands at the doorway with his arms crossed.

Kenjaku:  Do you need my help?

Kenjaku asks.

Mahito: Stop it. He's my toy.

Mahito responds. Kokichi's puppets begin charging directly for Mahito. One attempts to throw a hook at Mahito, which he dodges and uppercuts.

The second puppet attempts to jump in by kicking, which Mahito dodges as he kicks in the back of the head. The Mechamaru puppet tries to throw a jab which Mahito catches and transfigures his own arm into a weapon.

The rest of the Mechamaru puppets charge Mahito for simply transfiguring his arm to be gigantic, squashing the horde of puppets.

Mahito turns to face Kokichi, finally realizing he is gone. 

Mahito: He escaped? Well, it's not like he needs to kill us. How boring. I wanted to have a match, not go hunting, you know.

Mahito says.

Suddenly, the floor beneath him cracks and a massive red light emerges from underneath. The entire building comes crashing down, which sends Mahito flying into the air, forcing him to descend back down, though he oddly laughs and smiles.

Mahito: That's more like it!

Mahito shouts. A gigantic Mechamaru emerged from the lake nearby. This was Kokichi at his absolute strongest.

Mahito: So you've been making something like this in secret? Guess you weren't a shut-in just for show.

Mahito said it cheerfully.

Mahito: (In thought) He's inside it, right? He wouldn't want me to touch him after all. The cockpit...The seat of his the head!

It was revealed that Kokichi was in the cockpit piloting Mechamaru Mode: Absolute. Kokichi was preparing himself for what was about to come.

Kokichi was preparing to fight. Just then, he got a notification from Mechamaru on his communication device.

Kokichi: (In thought) They've lowered a Curtain. Must be Geto. It's not just attempting to trap me inside. It's cutting off the signal, too.

Kokichi mentions to himself running towards an exit.

Kokichi: This wouldn't be as easy as it was for Gojo-sensei.

Kokichi mutters to himself.

Kokichi: (In thought) That's right, my victory condition is either Satoru Gojo or that Yhwach guy. I have to use any means necessary to get in contact with them and tell them about the Shibuya plot. Then I'll have them protect me. However, even if I want to focus on Geto, the one who lowered this curtain, Mahito, is too dangerous to ignore; I'll have to exorcise him first.

Kokichi turns his head slightly to face Kenjaku. 

Kenjaku: Go ahead, don't mind me.

Kenjaku says, smiling back.

Kokichi: (In thought) I'm still at a disadvantage. But I have a chance to win.

Kokichi concludes. Kokichi loads up multiple screens, displaying different moments ranging from literally every sorcerer to curse.

Kokichi: I've seen it all. I have all the time I was bound. All the cursed energy I gained from that time. I won't hold anything back.

Kokichi thinks to himself before an image of Miwa pops into his mind.

Kokichi: Charge, 1 year! Burn him, Mechamaru!

Kokichi shouts.

Mechmaru is charging a gigantic blast from his right hand as Kokichi further shouts at the cursed puppet.

Kokichi: Ultra Cannon!

Kokichi shouts.

Mechamaru fires a devastating blast towards Mahito, seemingly destroying all in its path. Mahito, shocked, stands there.

Mechmaru seemingly destroyed everything in front of him. However, Mahito was unscathed, mostly, by this attack. The special-grade curse ran along the bridge, which Mechamaru noticed.

Mahito: Are you planning to keep burning me until you run out of cursed energy? I'll start by drawing you out of there!

Mahito cheerfully declares.

Kokichi: (In thought) Mechamaru's attacks won't be able to damage Mahito's soul. Now he should be certain of that, as well.

Kokichi thinks to himself. Mechamaru punches Mahito in response. Mahito grins sadistically, dodging the punch, jumping upwards multiple times, and avoiding any punch Mechamaru sends his way. This eventually leads to Mahito jumping off the bridge towards the lake, just by the waterfall.

Mechamaru punches through the wall in an attempt to grab Mahito, but he is unsuccessful, though the gigantic puppet bursts through. 

Kokichi: Charge, two years! Miracle Cannon!

Kokichi shouts out.

Mahito, on the other hand, emerged from the waterfall, transfiguring his own arm to enlarge it. He lands a punch on Mechamaru's shoulder, causing the puppet to stumble slightly.

Kokichi: You won't break off your attack. You're not paying my attacks any heed now. That's when I shoot you with this!

Kokichi states.

Kokichi: (In thought) What power! If I take too long, he'll break all my armor. 

Kokichi says to himself. He begins to imbue cursed energy into a tube, sticking it into his right-hand side.

Kokichi: I have four chances! I'll end this quickly!

Kokichi declares, using Mechamaru's finger gun to fire towards a flying Mahito.

Kokichi: Fire, Mechamaru!

Kokichi shouts.

Mahito was suddenly hit by a tube that stuck into his left shoulder, surprising the curse. Flapping his wings and looking down at Mechamaru. 

Mahito: There's no point. What have you been watching all this time?

Mahito questions.

Mahito's body randomly starts to morph as his left arm is ripped off. The blue-haired curse momentarily looks towards his arm, only to be met with Mechamaru's boot, sending him flying into the woods nearby, crashing through multiple trees.

Mahito: (In thought) What's going on here? My soul was destroyed, too?

Mahito thinks to himself.

Mechamaru begins to charge for Mahito without even sparing a moment, landing another kick on the special grade. Mahito transfigured himself into a bird as he flew away, and Kokichi noticed this. 

Kokichi: Tsk! Another bird? No imagination!

Kokichi mocks.

Kokichi: (In thought) The left arm I blew away has regenerated? No, he's just tweaking the shape of his soul to make it look like it regenerated. The fact that he's showing it off is proof of that.

Kokichi thinks to himself.

Kokichi: It's all right. I will...

Kokichi states.

Kenjaku, who was simply standing by the sidelines, observing the entire fight between the pair, smiled to himself. 

Kenjaku: (In thought) It's affecting him. He's not doing badly. It might be temporary, but this cursed energy output is a special grade, and he came fully prepared to deal with Mahito, too. Depending on how this goes, this could be the moment I get...

Kenjaku says to himself.

Kokichi: Charge, five years!

Kokichi orders. Mechamaru began to charge a gigantic blast from both of its hands.

Kokichi: Pigeon Viola!

Kokichi shouts, firing multiple cursed energy beams towards Mahito.

Mahito, in his bird form, flies around the forest to avoid the multiple beams chasing him. He then transfigures himself into multiple land animals, ranging from cats to gorillas, in order to avoid these beams.

Mahito flies towards Mechamaru as he is still being chased by the beams. Mechamaru throws a punch, which Mahito dodges, landing on his arm. He begins to run across his arm, to which the puppet simply shrugs him off.

Mahito: (In thought) I can't tell which of his attacks will actually affect my soul. I need to make that clear first.

Mahito thinks to himself as he transfigures his arm into a knife, cutting off the wires connected to the back of Mechamaru. The Pigeon Viola attack began to explode from behind Mechamaru.

Mechamaru threw a punch directly at Mahito, sending the blue-haired curse crashing into the forest yet again. Kokichi was starting to panic somewhat.

Kokichi: I can do this! I can win! I'll be able to see everyone!

Kokichi tries to reassure himself.

Kokichi charges towards Mahito when suddenly...

Mahito used his Domain Expansion.

Domain expansion... Self Embodiment of Perfection ( Ryōiki Tenkai: Jihei Endonka )

Mahito: And you're finished. Idle Transfiguration.

Mahito says, lazily waving his hand as he tears away at Mechamaru. The eyes of Mechamaru began to fade away, and Kokichi himself was seemingly dead. Mahito stands up, smiling.

Mahito: It doesn't matter if I touch you directly once you're inside my domain. You already understood that, too, right?

Mahito says. But Kokichi was, in fact, still in the fight.

Kokichi: (In thought) That cursed technique is sealed in these. However, that was the only way I was able to manage this technique.

Mahito: There are only ten days until Halloween. Did you think that meant I'd hold back my cursed energy and avoid using my domain? Give me ten days to rest, and I'll make a full recovery.

Mahito comments.

Kokichi: (In thought) I have two left in stock. This was devised in the Heian Era, an era full of fierce cursed spirits and curse users when Jujutsu was at its height, by Sadatsuna Ashiya to protect his disciples-

Kokichi thinks to himself.

Mahito: Don't incorporate hopes and dreams into your strategy. I feel so bad for you that I don't know what expression to take.

Mahito says, holding his hands behind his head.

Kokichi: (In thought) -It was passed down in his school, and a pact forbade his students from intentionally conveying that technique to others. It's a means for them to protect themselves from others' domains, a domain for the weak...

Kokichi thinks.

Mechamaru begins to pick himself up slightly, and the flicker of life returns. He suddenly stabbed Mahito from behind. 

Mahito: Huh?

Mahito blurts out, shocked at this development.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain!

Kokichi: I've seen it all. 

Kokichi states. Mahito's body starts to disfigure, spewing blood from his mouth. The domain was successfully destroyed. Kokichi was laughing while Mechamaru let out a bellowing roar.

Kenjaku: (In thought) Simple Domain! A domain neutralizes all other techniques. Attacks will land, even on Satoru Gojo, when they're made within a domain. Even if it's a simple one, activating it inside a domain would damage Mahito, regardless of any techniques.

Kokichi: No more spectating from the sidelines, Geto!

Kokichi shouts out. Mechamaru walks over to Kenjaku, who is spectating on the bridge nearby.

Kokichi: (In thought) What a happy miscalculation! I still have one simple domain and nine years of cursed energy left. I can fight Geto!

Kokichi thinks to himself, making Mechamaru target Kenjaku with its right hand.

Kokichi: (In thought) I can win! I'll be able to see everyone!

Kokichi thinks to himself. Charging up a blast towards Kenjaku.

But then... He was stabbed.

Mahito had emerged through Mechamaru with the most unsettling smile plastered on the curse's face.

Kokichi: (In thought) I failed to finish him off?! Come out! Mechamaru!

Kokichi thinks to himself before ordering one of his puppets.

A Mechamaru puppet suddenly emerged to protect Kokichi as he prepared for one last attack. 

Kokichi: I still have one domain left. I'll ram it directly into him! Here we go, Mechamaru!

Kokichi declared.

Mahito giggles to himself, releasing multiple arms towards the pair. Mechamaru tried its best to avoid the multiple arms, destroying any that it couldn't avoid before charging a blast from the mouth, firing at Mahito's face.

Mahito sends another wave of his transfigured arms towards Mechamaru, stabbing it multiple times and destroying it. Kokichi makes one last charge towards Mahito, attempting to stab him with another domain as Mahito tries to lay a hand on Kokichi...

Scene Break

Miwa was sitting next to Ultimate Mechamaru on the sofa, the sunset flickering through the windows. A gentle breeze passed by. 

Miwa: Hey, Mechamaru? 

Miwa asked.

Miwa: Is it okay if I pay you a visit sometime soon?

Scene Break

Kenjaku is casually approaching Mahito as a destroyed Mechamaru is sprawled onto the floor. Kokichi was ruthlessly murdered. 

Kenjaku: That was a bit dangerous for you, wasn't it?

Kenjaku asked.

Mahito: I made myself burst apart at the same instant his technique activated. Undoing my domain after that would make him think I was dead, right? It was all calculated. It wasn't dangerous at all.

Mahito responds.

Mahito: So it was another use of a simple domain...Good thing we got to see it in action before the main event, huh?

Mahito asks.

Kenjaku: Yeah. I was able to finish adjusting the entrusted curtain, too. There won't be any problems with entrusting the cursed energy and chant to others.

Kenjaku answered.

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