Neo Soul King Yhwach

By Misunderstood-King

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| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect syn... More

Updated Biography ( Read Before Reading the Fanfic )
A Second Chance You Say.?
Whispers Among the Shadows
Threads of Destiny Unbound
Shadows Cast on the Endless Journey
Shadows in the Chaos
Echoes of Sacrifice
Shattered Destiny
Echoes of Desperation
-Sneak Peaks-
Season 2 Requiem for Hope
The Struggle Within
The Weight of Choices
Shadows Of The Past
Lingering Shadows of A New Prison
Sacrifices Carved in Destiny
Echoes of Liberation
Choices of Survival
Threads of Trust
Echoes of Sacrifice: Farewell, Yhwach
Echoes of Fate in the Endless Void
Illusions and Ink: The Dance of Aizen and Ichibei
Harmony in Solitude: The Melody of Yhwach and Aizen
Resilience Amidst Shadows
A New Frontier
Yhwach's Proposition: The Saviors
Twists of Fate
Fateful Reunion
Surviving Richmond: A Tangled Web of Family and Foes
The Unforgiving Night
Echoes of Grief: Farewell to Richmond
Winds of Change
Threads of Resilience: The Ericson Kids' Tale
Luminous Conversations
The Truth, Whispers of Regret
Preparing for War: Plans and Promises
The Battle Against the Raiders
Symphony of Souls: Walkers Among Us
The Sealed King of Quincy's Last Stand
Answers, Questions, Vote
Kill The Fate
Whispers of Deceit: The Dark Heart of the Capital
Ties that Bind: The Weight of Night Raid's Purpose
Resolute Choices: Yhwach vs. Night Raid Principles
Illusions and Flashbacks: Yhwach's Emotional Struggle
The Schrift of Remorse: Embracing Bazz-B's Gift
Tea and Tensions: Yhwach's Encounter with General Esdeath
Promises and Collisions: Yhwach's Vow for Tatsumi
Night Raid's Toast: Celebrating Returns, Mysteries, and Unseen Journeys
Training and Trials: Night Raid's Progress
From Void to Tea Shop: Yhwach Faces Zaegar's Challenge
Blood-Soaked Rain: Yhwach's Grim Discovery in the Capital
Explosive Truths: The Fall of Seryu and the Promise Made
Tell me something, 'Empire's strongest'... Do you Fear Death?
Völlstandig Unleashed: Yhwach's Vow The Final Battle
Mimihagi's Revelation: Yhwach's Encounter with the Supernatural
Bound by Fate: Yhwach's Vision for a New World
The Unsettling Alliance: Issei's Struggle and Freed's Decision
Yhwach's Inner Trials: Wind, Lightning, and Zaegar's Playful Mischief
Crown of Flames: The Quincy King's Declaration in Hell
Holy Swords and Fiery Justice: The Battle Against Kokabiel
Zaegar's Challenge: The Clash Within Yhwach's Soul
Dragon's Lair: Yhwach's Audacious Proposal to Tiamat
Warnings from the Rusty Relic: The Mimihagi's Prophecy
Kyoto Confrontation: The Nine-Tailed Fox's Decision and The True Longinus
Devil System's Demise: Yhwach's Grand Liberation Plan
Whispers of War: Allies Gather for the Coming Storm
Clash of Titans: Yhwach's Ominous Declaration
I, Yhwach Declare The Second Great War Begins Now.
Fateful Convergence: Allies and Enemies Unite Against the Quincy King
Beneath the Surface: Yamamoto's Illusion and Ophis' Proposal
Echoes of a Fallen Morning Star: Yhwach's Grand Declaration
Chaos Descends: Sacrifices and Struggles
The Battle of Gods and Devils: Yhwach's Ascension
Legacy of Yhwach: A Dream That Never Dies
The Primordial Hollow's Arrival: Ophis' Sacrifice and Great Red's Demise
Ban... Kai Zanka No Tachi, End of Dxd
Fate/Yhwach? No its Fate/Zaegar
Servant Class Foreigner, Zaegar is the master?
Intrigues and Encounters: The Holy Grail War Begins
Clash of Kings and Jesters: The Unforeseen Turn in the Holy Grail War
Fireworks Chaos and Fury: Caster's Stand Against the Unpredictable Foreigner
Flashbacks: An Unexpected Gathering
Mana, Mysteries, and Mayhem: Grand Caster's Revelation
Starship Showdown: The Fall of Type-Venus
Into the Fray: Zaegar's Resurrección and Emi's Cunning Victory
Beast VI: Vasto Lorde Zaegar.
Fate/Yhwach No its Fate/Zaegar: End
The Fullbringer and A new enemy
Intrigue and Incidents: Yhwach's Arrival Sparks Curiosity
The Path to Improvement: Yhwach's Mentorship
Unforeseen Lessons: A Day in the Life of Yhwach
Ozpin's Bedtime Stories and Zaegar's Plan: Yhwach's Title?
Yhwach's New Suit and The Ballroom: Zaegar's Chaos
Äs Nödt's Trial, Yhwach's Fear: Death's Smile...
Yhwach and Zaegar became commentators?!
The Fall of Beacon, End of RWBY.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Battle Against the Strongest
The Honored One
Lost in the Void: Yhwach faces Gojo's Domain Expansion
Yhwach's Encounter and Manga Discussion: The Battle of Gojo and Jogoat
Bambietta's Trial and reading Manga: Yhwach's existential crisis
Mahito's Domain: With this treasure, I summon...
Divine General Mahoraga
A Rising Rebellion: The Threat of the Higher-Ups
The Shibuya incident Arc: Zaegar's actions
The Shibuya incident Arc: Gojo Satoru and Zaegar have been sealed
Lille Barro's Trial: Kenjaku's Plan against Yhwach
End of Jujutsu Kaisen
One Piece: The start of yet another new journey
The Celestial Dragon and Yhwach's Decision
Yhwach's Master Plan And The Gladiator Match: The Celestial Dragons
The World's Reaction and Yhwach's Bounty: Encounter With Hawk Eyes
A Duel with Mihawk and Yhwach's Curiosity
A Swordsman's Counsel: The Strongest Rowboat
Sabaody Archipelago and Bitter Realizations: Yhwach's Path to Progress
Bounty Hunting and Incidents: Free Meal Challenge
'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh
The Deal and Offer: Admiral Kizaru
The Moon and War: Strongest Man in the World
Admiral Akainu and Ace's Death: The Chaotic Battlefield
Kaido of The Beasts And The Nuke: The Cataclysmic Event
CP0 Agents and The Five Elders: Project Nachtüberfall
The Dragon and The Dragon Slayer: Admiral Aokiji
'Nightmare' Gecko Moria
Zaegar's Little Recruitment Mischief: A Meeting With A Yonko Gone Wrong...

From Food Fights to Future Guardians: Yhwach's Impact

86 5 10
By Misunderstood-King

The school had finally settled down after another couple of days. Hundreds, maybe even a couple thousand, from all over Remnant had come to stay at Beacon until their debut at the Vytal Tournament. And that meant that Yhwach would have to deal with all the new faces that would spring up in his classroom.

With Zaegar perched on his shoulder as usual, Yhwach made his way towards his classroom.

Zaegar: Move it, you lot! We don't have all day.

Zaegar glanced back down the hallway to see a group of students rushing toward their class. Yhwach stepped aside to let them pass but maintained his steady pace. He observed their hurried movements with a measured gaze, exhaling softly.

Yhwach: This is going to test my patience.

 Ginjo's voice resonated within his mind, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) "Test your patience," huh? Well, you always did have a knack for understatement, Yhwach.

Yhwach's lips quirked slightly at Ginjo's comment, a rare hint of amusement flickering in his eyes.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed, Ginjo. It seems patience will be a virtue in abundance today.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) And it looks like we'll need it more than ever with this rowdy bunch.

Yhwach continued to walk until he made it to his classroom, which was now filled to the brim with students. He looked to his scroll which gave him a time of 8:50 A.M. 

Yhwach: (In thought ) I'll have to show up early from now on to ensure Glynda isn't left alone with so many students.

Yhwach thought to himself before walking into the classroom.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Always thinking ahead, aren't you, Yhwach? It's wise to consider Glynda's well-being amidst all this commotion.

Yhwach nodded internally, acknowledging Ginjo's insight.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed, Ginjo. We must ensure that all aspects of our duty are attended to, especially in times of increased activity.

Zaegar, ever watchful, chimed in with his own observation.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Aye, the bitch can handle herself. no need to work this shitty job and I fucking hate children.

Zaegar's ear twitched as he and Yhwach began to hear whispers.

Student: Who is that guy?

Were most of the questions asked? A few were.

Student #2: What is he wearing?

The fashion novices of the schools most likely. Probably fans of Coco. There were others but they drowned them out as Yhwach walked to the center of the classroom. He looked around to find that Glynda was not where to be seen. He looked back to his scroll to see if he missed a message from his fellow teacher, which he hadn't. Zaegar's ear twitched again as the sound of clicking heels filled them and he looked at the door to find Glynda walking through, later than him.

She walked over to him.

Glynda: Seems I'm the late one today.

Yhwach waved her words off.

Yhwach: It's not nine yet. You aren't late.

His eyes trailed over the mass of students in front of him. So many new faces mixed in with the old and this was just the first year class.

Glynda: Alright then.

Glynda spoke up, silencing the mass.

Glynda: let's get started. I see a few familiar faces from last year's tournament, but for those who don't know me, I am Professor Glynda Goodwitch. This man standing to my right here is Professor Yhwach. We will be your combat teachers until the Vytal Tournament. I ask that you show us the same respect that you show your teachers at your home Academy.

She turned to Yhwach.

Glynda: Do you have anything you would like to tell them?

Yhwach took a step forward, his demeanor becoming more authoritative.

Yhwach: Just a few words.

He straightened his posture, his presence commanding attention as he addressed the assembled students.

Yhwach: As you've been informed, I am Professor Yhwach. During your time at Beacon, I expect each and every one of you to give your utmost effort. That being said there will be times where you will see your current classmates act like useless children, regardless of their skill.

A small bit of chuckles erupted from his words which sounded strange coming from him. 

Yhwach: In those moments, I will not tolerate any form of disrespect towards them. Neither will Professor Goodwitch. If anyone appears lacking in skill, it will only be because they're facing me in combat.

A ripple of surprise passed through the students, their expressions a mix of confusion and apprehension.

Yhwach: Yes, you heard me correctly. Each team will face me in combat at some point. It will be a four-on-one match. Don't hold back, and don't be dismayed if you're defeated. Fighting your teacher might seem unconventional, but trust that it will enhance your abilities. I guarantee you won't sustain any serious injuries.

He then turned to Glynda, relinquishing control of the room to her.

Glynda: Well put Professor. With introductions and statements out of the way, do we have any questions?

A hand shot up from the crowd, a girl with dark green hair.

Girl: Just curious, has a team ever beaten you here?

She asked Yhwach. He regarded her with a penetrating gaze.

Yhwach: What's your name?

She hesitated for a moment.

Emerald: Oh, uh, It's Emerald.

Yhwach nodded, committing the name and face to memory. 

Yhwach: And where are you from?

Emerald looked puzzled.

Emerald: I'm from Haven.

Yhwach: Haven, interesting. Well, to answer your question, Emerald from Haven, no. Not a single team has managed to best me since my arrival at this school. It's not for lack of effort on their part, mind you. They've all exerted themselves. I simply happen to operate on a different level.

His response sparked wide-eyed reactions and murmurs among the onlookers.

Glynda: Any other questions?

Glynda asked again. Another hand shot up, it was a silver-haired boy who was sitting next to Emerald. 

Glynda: Yes?

Glynda pointed to him.

Silver-haired boy: Can I fight you?

He asked Yhwach standing to his feet. Yhwach raised an eyebrow at his request. 

Yhwach: What's your name?

Mercury: The name's Mercury.

He said pointing his thumb to his chest. 

Zaegar's voice broke into their mental link.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Why the fuck does everyone here have weird fucking names?

Ginjo's voice interjected with a hint of sarcasm.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) You're one to talk, Zaegar. Who names their child Zaegar?

Zaegar retorted indignantly.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Oi, I named myself Zaegar!

Yhwach, maintaining his composure, mentally addressed both Ginjo and Zaegar.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Enough. We have a class to attend to. Keep your banter to a minimum.

Yhwach looked from him to the girl sitting beside him, Emerald. 

Yhwach: You're part of Emerald from Haven's team, correct?

The boy nodded.

Mercury: Yeah, but I want to fight you on my own. One on One, man-to-man.

Yhwach regarded Mercury with a measured gaze, his expression betraying no hint of surprise at the boy's bold request.

Yhwach: One on one, you say? Admirable confidence, but no. You can't fight me one on one. I fight teams, not individuals.

Mercury: Come on teach, you scared or something?

Mercury pounded his fist into the palm of his hand. Emerald grabbed him by the shirt and tried to force him to sit down to no avail. Glynda looked at the boy before putting a hand on her head, another talented soul letting his strength get to his head. She looked at Yhwach, an idea forming in her head. 

Glynda: Professor Yhwach, why not forget the rules just this once? It would be a nice demonstration of why you only fight teams.

Yhwach's gaze remained unwavering as he considered Glynda's proposal, his expression remaining stoic and composed despite Mercury's challenge.

Yhwach: It seems there is a misunderstanding, Glynda. I don't adhere to rules out of fear. I adhere to them out of principle and necessity.

He paused, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Yhwach: However, if it's a demonstration you seek, then I have no objections. It may serve as a valuable lesson for all of you.

Yhwach turned around and walked to the arena, Mercury quickly followed.

Glynda: Alright everyone. I want you to pay close attention to the fight, this is what you will be learning with.

Glynda announced quickly getting the arena online.

Yhwach stood at one end of the arena, His icon appeared overhead while Mercury stood at the other end of the arena, his icon overhead.

Yhwach: Do not hold back. You may regret it if you do.

Yhwach warned the young boy.

Mercury: Same goes for you teach.

The boy was too cocky for his own good.

Glynda raised her hand.

Glynda: Ready?

She waited a moment before she quickly dropped her hand.

Glynda: Begin!

As Mercury lunged forward with his axe kick, Yhwach's eyes narrowed slightly, his mind already calculating the optimal course of action. With a swift movement, he activated Hirenkyaku, the Quincy technique that granted him incredible speed and agility. In an instant, Yhwach vanished from everyone's sight, leaving only a fleeting blur in his wake.

The students watched in astonishment as their teacher seemingly disappeared before their eyes. Mercury, in particular, was caught off guard, his mind racing as he tried to comprehend Yhwach's sudden disappearance. In his thoughts, he yelled in frustration, wondering where his opponent had vanished.

Suddenly, Yhwach reappeared in front of Mercury with impeccable timing, his leg raised and poised to strike. Before Mercury could react, Yhwach's foot connected with devastating force, sending the silver-haired boy crashing to the ground with a thunderous impact.

The sheer force of the blow caused the entire arena to shudder, cracks spiderwebbing across the surface as dust billowed into the air. Mercury's aura, initially a vibrant green, flickered and shifted to a deep shade of red in an instant, signifying the intensity of the attack he had just endured.

Yhwach landed gracefully on the ground, his expression unchanged as he dusted off his clothes with an air of nonchalance. Zaegar, perched on Yhwach's shoulder, glanced at Yhwach with a blank expression, his question cutting through the stunned silence.

Zaegar: Did you win?

Zaegar asked and everyone looked at the Aura bar of the fighters with Mercury's already in the red and Yhwach's still green.

Glynda: T-the the match is decided, the winner is Professor Yhwach.

Goodwitch stuttered for a second but recomposed herself and declared the victor.

The said Victor is nonchalantly wondering if he still has his phone from Earth while Mercury who is painfully pulling himself up from the ground only stares in complete disbelief along with Emerald who looks on with shock. Both not expecting what just happened.

The rest of the class was mundane at best. No one wanted to challenge Yhwach to a fight and the class went to team vs team or student vs student. Glynda and Yhwach obviously critiqued each fighter and gave them appropriate advice on how to improve while Zaegar just insulted everyone. After that class ended the rumors of Yhwach's freakish strength spread and, except for the occasional show-off, no one challenged him.

Lunchtime came by slowly for Yhwach and Zaegar as he had only fought once since he had woken up.

He sat down at the teacher's normal table with Zaegar sighing from Yhwach's shoulder. 

Ozpin: Something bothering you Zaegar?

Ozpin asked Zaegar as he sat down next to Yhwach. 

Zaegar: I'm fucking bored why the fuck don't you have any fun shit to do in this stupid fucking school you made, Ozzy 

Ozpin, ever the composed and patient headmaster, simply smiled at Zaegar's colorful outburst. He leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers thoughtfully before responding in his usual calm tone.

Ozpin: Well, Zaegar, while I appreciate your... enthusiastic feedback, Beacon Academy is a place of learning and discipline. We strive to prepare our students for the challenges they'll face in the world beyond these walls. But if you're feeling bored, perhaps there are other ways you could contribute to the school's mission.

Zaegar huffed, clearly unimpressed by Ozpin's diplomatic response.

Zaegar: Yeah, yeah, I know, teach the kids and all that. But can't we spice things up a bit? Maybe carpet bomb the entire country or... make dildos rain down on the school, and bring in some entertainment from outside? This place could use a bit more action if you ask me.

Professor Port, who had been sitting nearby, nearly choked on his lunch at Zaegar's outrageous suggestions. He spluttered for a moment before managing to regain his composure, his mustache twitching with disbelief.

Port: Goodness gracious, Zaegar! That's quite... um... creative, to say the least.

Oobleck, adjusting his glasses, seemed momentarily speechless, which was a rare occurrence for the typically verbose Huntsman.

Oobleck: My word, I never thought I'd hear such... unconventional ideas for spicing up the curriculum.

Glynda, who had been listening in, raised a skeptical eyebrow at Zaegar's antics. She shook her head disapprovingly, her lips pursed in disapproval.

Glynda: Zaegar, I'm afraid your idea of "spicing things up" is a bit extreme, even for Beacon Academy.

Zaegar merely shrugged in response, unapologetic for his blunt honesty. Meanwhile, within Yhwach's mind, Ginjo's laughter echoed with amusement at Zaegar's audacious suggestions.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Haha, Zaegar never fails to entertain with his wild ideas. I suppose we could use a bit of excitement, but perhaps not to that extreme, wouldn't you agree, Yhwach?

Yhwach, maintaining his stoic demeanor, mentally acknowledged Ginjo's sentiment with a faint nod. Despite Zaegar's tendency to push boundaries, there was a certain amusement in his unpredictable nature that kept things interesting.

Ozpin, upon hearing Zaegar's outlandish suggestions, maintained his calm demeanor, He leaned forward, folding his hands on the table in front of him, and addressed Zaegar with a patient yet firm tone.

Ozpin: Zaegar, while I appreciate your... unique perspective on things, I'm afraid carpet bombing or raining dildos down on the school grounds wouldn't quite align with the values and goals of Beacon Academy.

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

Ozpin: However, I do understand your desire for more excitement and engagement. Perhaps we can explore alternative methods to enhance the student experience without resorting to such drastic measures.

Zaegar grumbled under his breath, clearly dissatisfied with Ozpin's response. But before he could protest further, Ozpin turned his attention to Yhwach, his expression thoughtful.

Before any more words could be spoken, however, Yhwach was hit in the face with a pie. Everyone in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing to find out why something like that had happened. The pie slid down Yhwach's face, leaving a trail of whipped cream and its delicious contents running down his face before it plopped onto the table in front of him.

Amidst the stunned silence that followed the pie incident, Zaegar's laughter erupted into Yhwach's mind like an uncontrollable storm, echoing with unrestrained amusement.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) HAHAHAHA! Did you see that, Yhwach?! You just got creamed, literally!

Ginjo, unable to contain his amusement, joined in Zaegar's laughter, his voice wheezing with laughter as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Oh, this is priceless! I've never seen you look so... deliciously ridiculous, Yhwach!

Yhwach opened his eyes through the sticky desert and heard stifled laughter. The Quincy king's eyes tracked the source of the noise to Yang and Nora who were both holding their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing. A deep black aura came over Yhwach's body as his hair covered his eyes and he began to growl. Ozpin quickly realized what was about to happen and began to warn his colleagues.

Ozpin: I do believe we should evacuate the area for a minute or two. Agreed?

All the teachers quickly agreed and basically ran from the table.

The smart students ran out of the cafeteria as quickly as they could but team RWBY, JNPR, and a few others..... were not smart enough.

Everyone: Food Fight!

Food began to be thrown across the cafeteria while Yhwach just sat there growling while he was occasionally hit with different foods.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Haha! This is the most action I've seen in weeks! You've got food on your face, king! Literally!

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) I can't breathe! This is too much! Who knew a food fight could be so entertaining?

After a minute or two, team RWBY and JNPR had formed two mountains of tables on either side of the cafeteria with each of them going on about being the queens of the castle.

However, their fight was brought to a halt when Yhwach slammed his fist into the table he sat at, breaking it in half. This caused the room to fall silent once again as Yhwach began to stand. His black aura grew as he did so. He looked up and his eyes were full of comical anger. Nora and Yang had very similar ideas of what was coming next.

Nora and Yang: Uh oh.

Jaune: Take cover!

Jaune yelled as he dove behind a fallen table. His warning proved to be the right move as Yhwach picked up the nearest food he could find, a whole watermelon before he chunked it straight at Nora who was standing at the top of her team's castle of tables. The watermelon hit her in the face in what seemed like slow motion before she went flying into the wall behind her.

Yhwach: You impudent brats! Do you have any idea how long it'll take to clean this mess out of my hair?!

Yhwach shouted out as he picked up a whole table of food.

Ruby: Yang, tell him you're sorry before or were all done for!

Ruby shouted out to her sister, playing along with the whole scene. 

Yang: Never!

Yang yelled out, standing up from her own table.

A shadow crossed over her face as Yhwach had thrown the table he had picked up and it was now coming down on the wide-eyed Yang.

Yang: Mommy? 

She whispered in fear as the table came crashing down on her.

Yhwach wasted no time in moving on to the others who had further pushed the food fight. He quickly found Jaune behind a table, electing a girlish scream from the boy before he tried to run away. Yhwach's gaze intensified, his expression turning ominous.

Yhwach: There's no escaping this.

Jaune squealed in fear at the Quincy king's terrifying visage. The doors to the cafeteria opened to find Sun and another boy with blue hair walking in. 

Sun: He everyone this is-

Sun tried to introduce the boy before a table full of food hit him and his teammate. 

Yhwach: Don't interrupt me!

Yhwach shouted at them before he turned back to the others.

One by one, Yhwach had done to the children what they had done to him. He let out a pant as he stood in front of the cafeteria. Each remaining child lay before him in a daze, covered in any and all food He could find when he confronted each and every one of them.

Yhwach: Think twice before you mess with my hair next time.

His voice was firm, carrying a warning as he surveyed the aftermath of his retribution.

The children whimpered and mumbled what sounded like apologies.

Yhwach: That's what I thought.

Ginjo's laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind as he glanced over at Zaegar, who was still chuckling at the chaotic scene they had just witnessed.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Haha! Did you see their faces? Priceless! Remind me never to get on Yhwach's bad side when it comes to food fights.

Zaegar joined in Ginjo's laughter, wiping a tear from his eye as he struggled to contain his amusement.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Oh, that was glorious! When was the last time you saw Yhwach that angry, Ginjo?

Ginjo paused for a moment, his laughter subsiding as he recalled the memory.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Hmm, I think it was about a week ago, or perhaps longer. He was particularly irritated by some paperwork that had piled up unexpectedly. But this... this was a whole new level of fury.

Zaegar nodded in agreement, still grinning at the memory of Yhwach's comically terrifying outburst.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Yeah, definitely not a side of him we see often. But hey, at least it made for some entertainment, right?

Their mental banter was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. Yhwach's aura had calmed down considerably, his expression returning to its usual stoic demeanor.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Are you two quite finished?

Yhwach's voice was laced with subtle amusement as he addressed his two companions. Ginjo and Zaegar exchanged a knowing glance before Zaegar answered.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) For now, at least. But don't worry, Yhwach, we'll find something else to laugh about soon enough.

Ginjo chimed in with a grin.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) That's right. After all, life's too short not to enjoy the occasional food fight, wouldn't you agree?

Yhwach merely shook his head in response, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite his efforts to maintain his usual air of seriousness.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) I suppose you both have a point. But let's try to avoid any more food-related incidents in the future, shall we?

An assortment of chuckles came from behind Yhwach as he turned around in a slow clock-like manner and he saw his four colleagues looking at him with very amused faces.

Ozpin: Oh, don't mind us. Go on.

Ozpin told him. Yhwach turned back to the mess he had helped make before he turned back to them. 

Port: For a combat teacher, you don't act very collected when a food fight breaks out.

Port laughed out.

Glynda used her semblance to clean up the room and the students before she scolded all of them. Yhwach stood off to the side, still stoic although a bit embarrassed that he had lost his cool because of a food fight. However, it did cheer him up from the lack of enjoyment he was missing from the lack of fights he hadn't been having. 

Glynda: And you!

Glynda marched over to Yhwach who looked up.

Glynda: Participating in a food fight with teenagers, you're a teacher not a delinquent!

She scolded him.

After that was over, the lunch period had ended and Zaegar quickly found himself bored again as he was reminded that fights would be eluding him and Yhwach for the time being.

Yhwach was halfway into the next class of the day when a familiar team raised their hands when Glynda asked for volunteers for today's lessons. It seemed that Zaegar's belief of not finding a fight was a tad bit off as team CRDL raised their hands to challenge the teacher, much to Zaegar's happiness.

Cardin walked up to Yhwach while his team headed off to get ready. 

Cardin: Heard you were struggling to find opponents after your little display this morning.

Yhwach: Unfortunately so. But it seems you're ready for the challenge.

Yhwach remarked, placing a firm hand on the blonde's shoulder.

Yhwach: I'm curious to see how you've progressed since our last encounter.

Cardin grinned in response.

Yhwach: Now, go prepare. You know I dislike delays.

Yhwach told Cardin. Cardin nodded and went after his team.

Glynda approached Yhwach, her demeanor noticeably calmer compared to her earlier outburst, while the newer students observed with curiosity why anyone would engage with Yhwach.

Glynda: You seem rather invested in that team of reformed bullies. What's driving your interest in them?

Her curiosity was evident in her inquiry.

Yhwach: It's akin to your attachment to team CFVY. There's something compelling about Cardin and his team. Besides, I see shades of Bazz-B in that boy. I'm inclined to guide him on a better path, much like I wished someone had done for Bazz-B.

Glynda observed Yhwach as he ascended the stairs to the arena.

Glynda: I'm not familiar with this Bazz-B, but your journey led you here, didn't it?

Yhwach paused briefly, a subtle smile gracing his lips.

Yhwach: Indeed, Glynda. Very much so.

He replied softly before proceeding to the ring and positioning himself on his usual side. As expected, Team CRDL returned promptly, their icons appearing on the arena screens alongside Yhwach's.

Glynda raised her hand.

Glynda: Ready?

Team CRDL gave wide smiles as they all assumed fighting positions. 

Glynda: Begin!

Cardin rushed forward first with Sky right behind him. Yhwach shot forward to meet them. Cardin jumped into the air and came swinging down at him only for Yhwach to slide away from the strike letting it come down on the ground. However, he quickly had to duck down as Sky brought an axe flying from over Cardin's back, a risky swing. Yhwach's body flipped as the axe went right over his face, the reflection of it shining in the axes sharp metal showing how much he was truly smiling at the team's personal growth. He put his hand down on Cardins back flung his legs into Sky and forced him to stumble backward before he used Cardin as a platform to send himself back to where he started. He didn't get to stay there long though because Dove and Russel had flanked around and were both ready to attack him from behind. 

However, Yhwach heard them moving to the flanking position so as soon as he landed he jumped into a backflip, dodging the two blade swings. He used his feet to push them forward toward the other members of their team before he used the force of the push to flip once more and land on his feet. Cardin charged forward again, this time with Sky using his rifle portion of his weapon to lay down covering fire. Yhwach moved to the left as the bullet came flying passed his face before leaning over even more to avoid a swing from Cardin's mace. Yhwach pulled back his fist and then swung up and into Cardin's chest plate. The boy let out a gasp as he went skidding backward. He stumbled to a stop before looking up at Yhwach with a wild grin instead of the angry frown that he used to always sprout.

Yhwach returned the smile before he stood up completely. 

Cardin: Now!

Cardin shouted, throwing his mace at Yhwach, and then jumped out of the way as his other three teammates began to fire several rounds of bullets at Yhwach. The throwing of Cardin's mace threw Yhwach off guard as the bullets came flying. 

Some of the bullets exploded as they hit due to their particular dust composition, clouding Yhwach in smoke. His icon and aura bar however never moved, still at one hundred.

As the smoke enveloped Yhwach, obscuring him from view, Team CRDL exchanged confident glances, believing they had gained the upper hand. However, their expressions quickly shifted to shock and disbelief as Yhwach emerged unscathed from the billowing clouds of smoke, his figure unharmed and his expression unchanged.

Yhwach's Blut Vene had effortlessly deflected the bullets, eliciting excitement from the new students who marveled at what they believed to be his semblance. However, Yhwach paid them no heed.

Yhwach: Impressive. It's rare for me to employ my Blut Vene so early. Your progress is commendable. But are you prepared for the next stage?

Cardin's smile faded for a moment out of confusion instead of fear.

Team CRDL: Next stage?

he and his teammate asked in curiosity. 

Yhwach: From here on out, I'll use the schrift H the heat if you think you're ready for it that is.

Yhwach explained as his Blut Vene faded away. Cardin looked at his team who simply nodded back to him. 

Cardin: We're ready.

Cardin said turning back to Yhwach with a grin.

Yhwach's smile returned before it quickly dropped and he moved his fingertip up. Sparkles of red light surrounded team CRDL and their eyes widened before they shielded themselves. They were covered in tiny explosions that sent them skidding backward through a cloud of dust that the explosions had created. Team CRDL quickly fixed themselves into a defensive position before two reddish-brown eyes shone out from the cloud. Yhwach shot out from the cloud at lightning speed. Cardin tried to swing at him but Yhwach ducked down and threw his leg out, knocking the boy off his feet. The Quincy king quickly continued forward, grabbing Cardin's ankle and then throwing him into Dove and sending them both flying out of the arena. Russel came charging forward but Yhwach quickly sidestepped him and then dropped into a sweeping kick, knocking him off his feet. While the boy fell Yhwach grabbed his shirt and then tossed him out of the ring as he came to a standing position. Sky swung his axe over his head, trying to slash down at the Quincy king. Yhwach threw up his fist and blut vene appeared over his head, stopping the axe from ever hitting him. The Quincy king turned his head and looked at Sky with one eye. 

Sky: Please don't throw me.

Yhwach stiffed a chuckle.

Yhwach: Alright.

Sky visibly relaxed, but as Yhwach's gaze intensified, a surge of apprehension swept over him. Suddenly, Yhwach's hand shot out, propelling Sky out of the ring with a powerful burst of reishi.

The arena echoed with the signal of the end of the match. Yhwach descended to where Sky lay and hoisted him up before they rejoined the rest of Sky's team. Standing before them, Yhwach addressed the group.

Yhwach: Everyone holding up?

Cardin extended a hand to help Russel up, the only one still grounded from their sparring.

Cardin: We're alright, Professor. Just bracing for some soreness tomorrow.

Russel, gathering himself, remarked.

Russel: You were holding back, but I didn't realize to what extent.

Yhwach: Indeed, I was still restraining myself.

Dove's expression shifted to disappointment.

Dove: So, even if we manage to handle this, there's always more to come? We'll never reach your level?

Yhwach chuckled softly, offering a reassuring pat on Dove's head.

Yhwach: "Never" is a notion that spans lifetimes. Each of you has made remarkable progress since you began training under me. Return to your seats... I have something important to share with everyone.

The team looked at each other, confused, but did as they were told. Yhwach gave Glynda a nod and then walked back to the arena, to let all the students see him better.

Yhwach: Listen up, brats.

Yhwach's voice commanded attention as he stood at the heart of the arena, the room falling into a hush.

Yhwach: I want to ask you all a question. And I want you all to answer truthfully. In the small match you just saw, I demonstrated only a fraction of my true capabilities. With that knowledge in hand, do any of you believe that you will ever be able to match me in a fight?

Yhwach scanned the crowd of students, no one gave a verbal answer but not a single person shook their head to say that they would. Instead, heads hung low or they shook to say no.

Yhwach: Never? Truly? Allow me to impart some wisdom. Forever is an expansive expanse, and "never" extends even further. I've stood as your instructor for just over a month. When those lads first challenged me, I remained rooted in place. Today, they drove me not just to move, but to defend myself. That change came within a mere month. A short span, wouldn't you agree?

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd as spirits lifted at his words.

Yhwach: Never claim you won't one day stand as my equals. Your time will come—perhaps as you near graduation, or when you're seasoned huntsmen in your own right. When that moment arrives, not only will you match me, but you'll surpass my abilities. You are the future guardians of Remnant, with much left to learn before you bask in your own glory. But that day will dawn, and when it does, myself, Professor Goodwitch, Professor Ozpin, and every instructor you encounter will be there, witnessing your ascent. So, let me ask again: Who among you believes you'll one day match me?

This time the crowd let out a cheer as all of their hands raised into the air.

Zaegar: Now that's more like it!

Zaegar let said in a cheerful roar from Yhwach's shoulder. Glynda looked at Yhwach as he began to walk back to the main floor, a smile that she couldn't and didn't want to suppress on her face. Team CRDN wasn't the only one who had grown in that month.

The class ended shortly after that, and apparently, someone had recorded Yhwach's speech and put it online. It quickly spread around the school and even Ozpin caught a hold of it, he of course loved it and helped spread it around to the other schools.


Author: Hey everyone, how's it going? I hope you're all enjoying this arc so far. I wanted to reach out and get your input for the next chapter. I'm thinking about introducing a new Schrift for Yhwach, but I'm torn between a few options. What do you think? Any ideas or preferences? Let me know your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you!

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