Neo Soul King Yhwach

By Misunderstood-King

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| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect syn... More

Updated Biography ( Read Before Reading the Fanfic )
A Second Chance You Say.?
Whispers Among the Shadows
Threads of Destiny Unbound
Shadows Cast on the Endless Journey
Shadows in the Chaos
Echoes of Sacrifice
Shattered Destiny
Echoes of Desperation
-Sneak Peaks-
Season 2 Requiem for Hope
The Struggle Within
The Weight of Choices
Shadows Of The Past
Lingering Shadows of A New Prison
Sacrifices Carved in Destiny
Echoes of Liberation
Choices of Survival
Threads of Trust
Echoes of Sacrifice: Farewell, Yhwach
Echoes of Fate in the Endless Void
Illusions and Ink: The Dance of Aizen and Ichibei
Harmony in Solitude: The Melody of Yhwach and Aizen
Resilience Amidst Shadows
A New Frontier
Yhwach's Proposition: The Saviors
Twists of Fate
Fateful Reunion
Surviving Richmond: A Tangled Web of Family and Foes
The Unforgiving Night
Echoes of Grief: Farewell to Richmond
Winds of Change
Threads of Resilience: The Ericson Kids' Tale
Luminous Conversations
The Truth, Whispers of Regret
Preparing for War: Plans and Promises
The Battle Against the Raiders
Symphony of Souls: Walkers Among Us
The Sealed King of Quincy's Last Stand
Answers, Questions, Vote
Kill The Fate
Whispers of Deceit: The Dark Heart of the Capital
Ties that Bind: The Weight of Night Raid's Purpose
Resolute Choices: Yhwach vs. Night Raid Principles
Illusions and Flashbacks: Yhwach's Emotional Struggle
The Schrift of Remorse: Embracing Bazz-B's Gift
Tea and Tensions: Yhwach's Encounter with General Esdeath
Promises and Collisions: Yhwach's Vow for Tatsumi
Night Raid's Toast: Celebrating Returns, Mysteries, and Unseen Journeys
Training and Trials: Night Raid's Progress
From Void to Tea Shop: Yhwach Faces Zaegar's Challenge
Blood-Soaked Rain: Yhwach's Grim Discovery in the Capital
Explosive Truths: The Fall of Seryu and the Promise Made
Tell me something, 'Empire's strongest'... Do you Fear Death?
Völlstandig Unleashed: Yhwach's Vow The Final Battle
Mimihagi's Revelation: Yhwach's Encounter with the Supernatural
Bound by Fate: Yhwach's Vision for a New World
The Unsettling Alliance: Issei's Struggle and Freed's Decision
Yhwach's Inner Trials: Wind, Lightning, and Zaegar's Playful Mischief
Crown of Flames: The Quincy King's Declaration in Hell
Holy Swords and Fiery Justice: The Battle Against Kokabiel
Dragon's Lair: Yhwach's Audacious Proposal to Tiamat
Warnings from the Rusty Relic: The Mimihagi's Prophecy
Kyoto Confrontation: The Nine-Tailed Fox's Decision and The True Longinus
Devil System's Demise: Yhwach's Grand Liberation Plan
Whispers of War: Allies Gather for the Coming Storm
Clash of Titans: Yhwach's Ominous Declaration
I, Yhwach Declare The Second Great War Begins Now.
Fateful Convergence: Allies and Enemies Unite Against the Quincy King
Beneath the Surface: Yamamoto's Illusion and Ophis' Proposal
Echoes of a Fallen Morning Star: Yhwach's Grand Declaration
Chaos Descends: Sacrifices and Struggles
The Battle of Gods and Devils: Yhwach's Ascension
Legacy of Yhwach: A Dream That Never Dies
The Primordial Hollow's Arrival: Ophis' Sacrifice and Great Red's Demise
Ban... Kai Zanka No Tachi, End of Dxd
Fate/Yhwach? No its Fate/Zaegar
Servant Class Foreigner, Zaegar is the master?
Intrigues and Encounters: The Holy Grail War Begins
Clash of Kings and Jesters: The Unforeseen Turn in the Holy Grail War
Fireworks Chaos and Fury: Caster's Stand Against the Unpredictable Foreigner
Flashbacks: An Unexpected Gathering
Mana, Mysteries, and Mayhem: Grand Caster's Revelation
Starship Showdown: The Fall of Type-Venus
Into the Fray: Zaegar's Resurrección and Emi's Cunning Victory
Beast VI: Vasto Lorde Zaegar.
Fate/Yhwach No its Fate/Zaegar: End
The Fullbringer and A new enemy
Intrigue and Incidents: Yhwach's Arrival Sparks Curiosity
The Path to Improvement: Yhwach's Mentorship
Unforeseen Lessons: A Day in the Life of Yhwach
From Food Fights to Future Guardians: Yhwach's Impact
Ozpin's Bedtime Stories and Zaegar's Plan: Yhwach's Title?
Yhwach's New Suit and The Ballroom: Zaegar's Chaos
Äs Nödt's Trial, Yhwach's Fear: Death's Smile...
Yhwach and Zaegar became commentators?!
The Fall of Beacon, End of RWBY.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Battle Against the Strongest
The Honored One
Lost in the Void: Yhwach faces Gojo's Domain Expansion
Yhwach's Encounter and Manga Discussion: The Battle of Gojo and Jogoat
Bambietta's Trial and reading Manga: Yhwach's existential crisis
Mahito's Domain: With this treasure, I summon...
Divine General Mahoraga
A Rising Rebellion: The Threat of the Higher-Ups
The Shibuya incident Arc: Zaegar's actions
The Shibuya incident Arc: Gojo Satoru and Zaegar have been sealed
Lille Barro's Trial: Kenjaku's Plan against Yhwach
End of Jujutsu Kaisen
One Piece: The start of yet another new journey
The Celestial Dragon and Yhwach's Decision
Yhwach's Master Plan And The Gladiator Match: The Celestial Dragons
The World's Reaction and Yhwach's Bounty: Encounter With Hawk Eyes
A Duel with Mihawk and Yhwach's Curiosity
A Swordsman's Counsel: The Strongest Rowboat
Sabaody Archipelago and Bitter Realizations: Yhwach's Path to Progress
Bounty Hunting and Incidents: Free Meal Challenge
'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh
The Deal and Offer: Admiral Kizaru
The Moon and War: Strongest Man in the World
Admiral Akainu and Ace's Death: The Chaotic Battlefield
Kaido of The Beasts And The Nuke: The Cataclysmic Event
CP0 Agents and The Five Elders: Project Nachtüberfall
The Dragon and The Dragon Slayer: Admiral Aokiji
'Nightmare' Gecko Moria
Zaegar's Little Recruitment Mischief: A Meeting With A Yonko Gone Wrong...
The Primordial state of Bleach: You're not the hero of this story at all.

Zaegar's Challenge: The Clash Within Yhwach's Soul

154 4 0
By Misunderstood-King

The next morning came around and both Fallens were the first to wake up. They got dressed and they headed out into the living room.

Raynare: We better be quiet so we don't wake anyone up.

Raynare whispered.

As they reached the living room they both jumped from seeing Yhwach sitting in that chair reading that same book. 

Raynare: I forgot you don't sleep since we might get attacked.

Raynare said.

Freed: Ohhh, please Mr. Holy Sword don't stick that there.

Freed said in his sleep.

Raynare looked over at Freed and saw he was cuddling with the Holy Sword he took. 

Raynare: You disgusting piece of shit.

Kalawarner laughed at this.

Raynare: What's wrong with him?

Raynare asked, disgusted.

Yhwach: I don't know, and I don't care. He's been doing this all night, so don't bother me with it.

Yhwach replied nonchalantly. Raynare facepalmed.

Raynare: Where's the failure?

Yhwach: Sent him home.

Raynare shrugged.

Raynare: Let me guess, my Lord. Your next words will be, "Wake up Asia and get ready for school"?

Yhwach: Impressive. You're catching on.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yhwach, what's the deal with Freed snuggling up to a Holy Sword?

Yhwach: (smirking) It seems Freed has formed an unusual bond with the sword. Your guess is as good as mine.

Raynare walked over to rouse Asia from her sleep.

After waking her, they returned to the living room to awaken Freed. Following their morning routine, they all prepared for school and set out. After a considerable walk, they arrived at the school grounds and entered the building.

Yhwach took attendance, finding solace in the contrast of this new, seemingly peaceful life. However, beneath the surface, an unsettling feeling lingered. Before delving further into his contemplation, he noticed someone was missing.

Yhwach: It seems the failure is late again.

As he spoke, the doors opened, revealing Issei entering.

Yhwach cast an intimidating gaze at Issei.

Issei: Sorry, I'm late.

He nervously scratched the back of his head.

Raynare: Go sit down, you failure.

Raynare's tone carried a hint of attitude.

Yhwach: Now that everyone is here, let me make an announcement. We are going to Kyoto next week, so be prepared. I don't want anyone complaining about not packing everything for the trip.

The entire class cheered.

Student: WOOO, you're a cool teacher, Mr. Quincy!

A male student exclaimed.

Yhwach maintained a serious expression throughout. Issei, initially confused, soon realized the implications.

Issei: Oh, shit! We're gonna go see the Nine-Tailed F-

Raynare promptly punched him in the gut.

Ddraig: [You fucking fool! Can't you keep quiet about some stuff?]

Murayama: Um, Ms. Raynare? Was that necessary?

Murayama inquired.

Raynare: Of course, it was. He was talking without permission, so I had to take action.

Raynare smiled as she responded.

Murayama didn't press the matter.

Yhwach: Any questions?

No one raised their hands or spoke.

Yhwach: Good. Blueberry, you take over now.

He delegated and left the class, heading to the school courtyard for some peace.

As Yhwach settled on the bench in the quiet courtyard, Zaegar's voice echoed within his mind.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) The Devil King is here.

Yhwach sighed, contemplating the perpetual chaos that seemed to surround him.

Yhwach: Will there ever be a moment of peace for me, Zaegar?

Zaegar chuckled, a sinister edge to his voice.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) No, Yhwach. Peace is a luxury you can ill afford.

Yhwach sighed, subtly acknowledging his tumultuous fate.

Yhwach: Perhaps not.

Zaegar's laughter echoed in the recesses of Yhwach's mind.

Sirzechs: A lovely day, isn't it?

A voice sounded behind him.

Yhwach: What do you want, Devil King?

Sirzechs walked over and sat down beside him.

Sirzechs: Well, Yhwach, I wanted to have a chat with you, to be frankly honest.

Yhwach: There is nothing to talk about. And if you're wondering about your little sister, don't even worry about it. I didn't even touch a single strand of hair on her.

Sirzechs: I know you didn't. I haven't come for that. I came here to discuss the Holy Swords you took.

Yhwach smirked.

Yhwach: It's my property now.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind, laughing) Finders keepers, Losers weepers.

Sirzechs: Actually, Yhwach, it's not. It belongs to the church, and you have to return it. You don't have a choice in the matter.

Sirzechs said with a serious tone.

Yhwach: Let me ask you this, Devil. If I hadn't arrived to stop that man, what would have happened to your precious little sister?

Yhwach inquired, gazing into the distance.

Sirzechs: She would have been heavily injured or even killed.

Yhwach: Well, I saved her life, so you wouldn't have to weep at her grave every damn time. Do you think, as a reward for saving your little sister, I get to keep the Holy Swords?

Sirzechs: No, that isn't even possible. I can't give you a dangerous weapon to keep. I can offer money, women, or something else. You having the Holy Swords isn't the best option for anyone.

Yhwach: I don't need money from a Devil, nor do I want women from you either. All I want is peace in this world. A life where everyone could live amongst each other without thinking they are better than the other. An equal transactional agreement where everyone can be seen the same. But every time I dream of such a world, my thoughts always drift towards your hideous kind.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind, laughing) Actually, chaos is better than peace.

Yhwach scowled, interrupting Zaegar's amusement.

Yhwach: Stay quiet, Zaegar.

Zaegar continued to whine, complaining about Yhwach becoming a "cruel host."

Zaegar:(Within Yhwach's mind) You're no fun anymore.

Yhwach sighed, considering the absurdity of his inner dialogue.

Yhwach: If you stay quiet, I'll train with you.

Zaegar's tone shifted instantly as he exclaimed in a childish voice.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yay! Okay, Captain Yhwach! I'll be a good Hollow!

Sirzechs: Peace? How would you, a human, obtain such a thing?

Sirzechs wondered.

Yhwach: In the near future, you will witness it. I shall eradicate the evil in this world and reconstruct everything from the very foundation.

Yhwach declared with unwavering determination.

Sirzechs: That's impossible. Achieving ultimate peace requires the leaders of all factions to either join you or acknowledge you. No leader, be it in this world or the next, will unite for the sake of peace. Every leader craves power.

Yhwach: But you fail to grasp, Devil King. There is a path to peace.

Sirzechs looked at Yhwach with a perplexed expression.

Yhwach: To attain peace, one must earn the allegiance of the masses, inspire them to look up to you, and demonstrate that you can shield them from pain, hardship, and suffering. Building trust among the people is the key to achieving peace.

Yhwach continued, his gaze piercing.

Yhwach: All I witness in this accursed world are Angels, Devils, and Fallens dragging humans into their petty conflicts. And for that very reason, all of you shall crumble. That is a promise I confidently make.

Sirzechs: Yhwach, tell me, why did you even involve yourself in our battle?

Yhwach: I don't know... I should be enduring the suffering as the new Soul King right now, for all I care.

Sirzechs: enduring the suffering? What do you mean?

Yhwach smiled. 

Yhwach: It doesn't matter at this point anymore. All I know is that I have a mission that I must complete.

Yhwach said with a smile.

Sirzechs: I can have you arrested, or even killed, you know?

Yhwach: Hahaha, are you talking to a God like that? You must be digging your grave even deeper then.

Sirzechs turned his expression to a serious look. 

Sirzechs: You are not a God. You will never even become one, and besides, some beings are much stronger and have more connections than you and I.

Yhwach: Then I will show them the power of a God. Even if I have to destroy all of Hell or even Heaven itself, I will show this world my power.

Sirzechs: I will have to kill you then.

Yhwach stood up and walked away from him a bit. 

Yhwach: Then, so be it.

he turned around to look at Sirzechs.

Sirzechs saw this and he stood up as well.

Sirzechs: Prepare yourself, Yhwach.

He muttered as he gathered the destructive energy around him. The power of destruction surged, and Sirzechs charged at Yhwach with incredible speed.

However, before the power of destruction could connect with Yhwach, a sudden burst of overwhelming spiritual pressure erupted from Yhwach. It caused Sirzechs's destructive attack to dissipate into nothingness. The force was so intense that it sent Sirzechs falling to his knees, barely holding himself up.

Sirzechs's face was covered in sweat, and most of it dripped down, mirroring the tension of the moment. He looked up at Yhwach, bewildered and wary.

Sirzechs: Who... who are you?

Yhwach responded coldly, his voice carrying an air of dominance.

Yhwach: I am Yhwach, and I will become the savior of this world. Remember this, Devil. I am not your equal, nor am I below you. I am far above you and everyone else in this world who deems themselves as Gods, Angels, Devils, and any other creature that uses human lives as cattle to progress their own status in life. I want to sever the fate of this world. A world of only victors... A world of only peace... A world of only love. I will create such a world. For truly, this reality... is a Hell.

Sirzechs looked up at Yhwach with a mixture of surprise, disbelief, and perhaps a trace of fear. 

Yhwach: Ugly, don't go dying on me just yet, Devil.

Yhwach said as he walked towards the gate of the school. Yhwach's group came out of the entrance and started to walk back home.

Sirzechs stood up and started to walk towards the ORC. As he was walking back, he stopped at the corner of the building before grabbing his throat.

Sirzechs: (In thought) It felt so real.

He thought.

He looked behind him, but as he did that, his throat was grabbed by Yhwach.

Yhwach: I forgot to tell you. I can easily kill your precious sister with ease, but I won't because I want to tell you one last thing that I do hope will stick with you until the end of time itself.

Sirzechs: H-How did y-you get h-here so f-fast?

Yhwach: Don't worry about that. Just remember what I'm going to say. If you speak to me like that ever again, I will make sure that you will be weeping forever. You being a King doesn't mean that you're above me. Keep this act up, then I will have to show just what true pain and hatred really is. A life of eternal pain where the only love that will exist for you will be in your memories.

Yhwach disappeared, leaving Sirzechs to contemplate what he just witnessed and heard.

Scene Break

Rias was sitting in her chair with her hands on top of her head. She was a little frustrated since open house is in two weeks from now. She was worried since her mother and father were coming.

Rias: I don't wanna go to open house since my brother will be coming along with both my parents.

Akeno smiled at this. 

Akeno: There's nothing to worry about Rias. It will be fine, I promise.

Akeno reassured her.

Rias let out a big sigh. 

Rias: Well, I hope your rig-

The doors to the clubroom opened up and Sirzechs walked in sweating all over his face.

Rias stood up from her seat and ran over to him. As she got to him she was brought into a huge hug. 

Sirzechs: Thank the Devil that you are not hurt.

Sirzechs said with small tears in his eyes.

Rias was confused about what was going on. 

Rias: Is everything alright brother?

Sirzechs: Everything is fine, I just wanted to see if you were alright.

Rias: I'm fine, why are you sweating this much? Did you exercise or something?

Sirzechs shook his head. 

Sirzechs: No, it's just the weather outside.

Rias shrugged her shoulders. 

Rias: So, did you come to tell me some news?

Sirzechs got a little serious with her. 

Sirzechs: Look, in two weeks, it's open house. At the same time of open house, there will be a leaders summit here at this school to discuss peace between the factions.

Rias was surprised to hear that. 

Rias: What? Why here of all the places?

Sirzechs: I guess you can call this a neutral zone between the factions since it's a school and anyone is welcome.

Sirzechs said with a smile.

Rias walked back over to her seat and sat down. She placed her head down on the desk. 

Rias: Why is everything going so bad for me?

She said in a muffled voice.

Sirzechs smiled and was about to leave, but he just remembered something. 

Sirzechs: Oh, I forgot to mention. Make sure you relay this message to Yhwach so he can attend this meeting.

He said as he teleported to the underworld.

Rias stood there with a confused face. 

Rias: Why do I have to relay this message to Him.

The doors opened up again but this time Xenovia walked in wearing kuoh clothing. 

Xenovia: Sorry about that, I had to give the Holy Sword back to Irina.

Rias: Don't worry about it.

Rias said.

Xenovia: So, What's my role now? Like what do I do now as a Devil?

Xenovia asked.

Rias: You can do anything you want just when I have a mission I expect everyone here...except someone I know.

Rias: And who may this person be?

Rias waved her hands in front of her. 

Rias: Don't worry about it. I'm sure that he will return someday.

Xenovia: What's my first assignment?

Rias brought out a huge stack of papers. 

Rias: For now, I want you to go out and pass out flyers from door to door.

Xenovia nodded and she picked up the stack of papers and left the clubroom.

Rias sighed and leaned back against her chair. 

Rias: Akeno, where does Mr. Quincy live?

Akeno: Ara ara, aren't you getting a little bit bold now.

Rias's cheeks turned red a little bit. 

Rias: I AM NOT!

She yelled in embarrassment.

Akeno giggled and went to go find the files on Yhwach Quincy.

Scene Break

Everyone gathered up in the living room waiting for Yhwach to tell them the information he found and potential ally.

Kalawarner: What's the big news, my Lord?

Kalawarner asked.

Yhwach: I encountered a stray on my way home, and though I nearly exterminated it, it provided valuable information. After a thorough interrogation, I discovered that on nights of a full moon, there's a specific forest where Devils go to obtain familiars.

Kalawarner: What about it?

Yhwach: Rumor has it that among these familiars is a powerful entity—one of the Five Great Dragon Kings. She goes by the name Chaos Karma Dragon.

The revelation left everyone wide-eyed, with the exception of Issei.

Yhwach: We leave tomorrow to find this dragon.

Yhwach said.

Ddraig: [Shhhhiiittt!]

Issei: What's wrong, partner?

Ddraig: [Everything is going horribly wrong. My partner is a goddamn dumbass. I have to live with a fool who is probably about to die from the white one, and I have to go see her! Just kill yourself, partner, let me find someone else.]

Zaegar, within Yhwach's mind, burst into laughter at Ddraig's misfortune.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Oh, the woes of being bound to an idiotic host. You really drew the short end of the stick, Ddraig.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle at Zaegar's comment.

Zaegar: (Teasingly) Maybe you should let him find a more competent partner. It's not like he enjoys the failure's company anyway.

Yhwach: That's enough fun for now, Zaegar.

Zaegar: (Pouting) Aw, just when it was getting interesting.

Yhwach shifted his attention to the rest of the group.

Yhwach: Enough idle chatter. Tomorrow will be a challenging day, and everyone needs their rest.

Kalawarner: Time to go to bed as well.

Kalawarner said as she went to her room with Raynare.

Freed: I'm gonna hit the sack.

Freed said.

Issei, the failure, stood in the middle of the living room, not saying a single word.

Ddraig: [Hey partner?]

Issei: Yeah? What's up, Ddraig?

Ddraig: [We're fucked.]

Zaegar, within Yhwach's mind, burst into laughter again, this time feeling a bit of pity for the tiny lizard.

Yhwach sighed.

Yhwach: Enough, both of you. Prepare for tomorrow. Rest is essential.


In his inner world, the dark void stretched endlessly, and Yhwach found himself standing alone. The ambient spiritual energy was thick, and the air carried a sense of weight.

As Yhwach looked around, he noticed a faint glow in the distance. Gradually, the glow intensified, revealing Zaegar's colossal form. The Hollow, usually playful and mocking, now stared at Yhwach with a seriousness that sent shivers down his spine.

Yhwach: Zaegar, what's with that look?

Zaegar's intense gaze bore into Yhwach's eyes within the dark void of his inner world. The colossal form of Zaegar seemed even more imposing as he spoke with a seriousness that caught Yhwach off guard.

Zaegar: Yhwach, do you remember when you said you would train? When you told me to stay quiet while you were conversing with that weak devil?

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, curious about the nature of the training this time. Zaegar's serious expression hinted at something significant.

Yhwach: What kind of training do you have in mind this time?

Zaegar's colossal figure leaned down, almost filling the entire void. The dark energy surrounding him pulsated with an ominous presence. Before Yhwach could inquire further, Zaegar posed a simple question.

Zaegar:  Yhwach. What's the difference between a king and his horse? If their form, ability, and power are exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and leads them into battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king? So what's the characteristic that distinguishes these two beings?

Yhwach looked up at Zaegar, pondering the question. The dark void seemed to echo with the weight of the inquiry.

Yhwach: The difference lies in their purpose. The king commands, decides the direction, and holds the responsibility for the entire entity, while the horse serves, follows, and bears the burden of the king's will.

Zaegar nodded in acknowledgment, a faint smile playing on his colossal face.

Zaegar: Exactly. And as you traverse the path of a king, you must understand that your power, your abilities, are not just tools for destruction. They are means to an end, a purpose greater than mere conquest.

Yhwach: What purpose, Zaegar? What end?

Zaegar's eyes gleamed with intensity.

Zaegar: You seek peace, Yhwach. But remember, peace isn't simply the absence of conflict. It's the establishment of a harmonious order, a balance where every being, every existence, finds its place and purpose without oppression or injustice.

Yhwach: Peace... a world without conflict.

Zaegar: Indeed. And to achieve such a lofty goal, you must master the true nature of your abilities. The Schrifts you possess are not just weapons; they are expressions of your will. Voltstanding them is understanding their essence, unlocking their full potential.

Zaegar's words echoed within the vast darkness of Yhwach's inner world. The intensity in his eyes conveyed the weight of his message.

Zaegar: If I posed that question to myself, Yhwach, my answer would be INSTINCT!

The word hung in the air, resonating with a profound truth. Zaegar's colossal form seemed to swell with an overwhelming presence as he continued, his voice echoing with a mixture of conviction and challenge.

Yhwach: (firmly) Instinct is the core of existence, but it's not the only aspect that defines a king. A king must also possess the wisdom to guide, the empathy to understand, and the strength to protect. It's not just about dominance; it's about balance.

Zaegar's colossal form loomed over Yhwach, the dark energy pulsating with an intensity that mirrored his unwavering resolve.

Zaegar: (smirking) Balance is a luxury for those who can afford it, Yhwach. But when the time comes, and the battlefield demands it, can you rely on balance alone? Instinct is the unyielding force that propels us forward, especially in the face of chaos.

Yhwach's expression hardened as he absorbed Zaegar's words. The revelation struck a chord within him, stirring a conflict between the calculated leader and the instinct-driven warrior.

Zaegar: (leaning down, eyes fierce) I refuse to play horse to a king who's weaker than me. If you aren't willing to assert your strength and retain the crown, then I'll destroy you. Which means... I'll be king.

The air grew heavy with the weight of the impending challenge. Yhwach understood the gravity of Zaegar's ultimatum. The struggle for dominance within his own being had begun, and the outcome would shape the very foundation of his power.

Yhwach: (steeling himself) So be it, Zaegar. If it's a battle you seek, then a battle you shall have. I will not be overthrown within my own domain.

The ominous words hung heavily in the air. Yhwach felt a surge of conflicting emotions—anger, defiance, and a flicker of self-doubt. The dynamic between Quincy and Hollow, king and horse, shifted within the dark expanse of his inner world.

Yhwach: Zaegar, are you challenging me?

Zaegar's colossal form loomed over Yhwach, a formidable presence in the seemingly boundless void.

Zaegar: Consider it a test, my king. The path to true power lies in embracing your instincts, asserting your dominance, and mastering the primal force within you. Only then can you lead with strength, not just in name but in reality.

Zaegar extended his colossal finger, pointing at something in the distance within the dark void of Yhwach's inner world. Yhwach followed the direction of Zaegar's gesture, and as his eyes focused, he saw a large stone. On top of the stone rested a pitch-black blade with jagged edges, exuding an aura of profound darkness.

The blade itself appeared ever-shifting, as if made from the void itself, with swirling patterns that seemed to consume the surrounding light. Yhwach couldn't help but feel the ominous presence emanating from the weapon.

Yhwach: (curious) Is that what I think it is?

Zaegar: (nodding) Yes, Yhwach. That is Me. I have become your zanpakuto.

Yhwach looked at the pitch-black blade atop the stone with a mix of curiosity and wariness. The swirling patterns on the shifting blade seemed to draw him in, and the aura of profound darkness left an indelible impression.

Yhwach: (curious) So, this is You in the form of a zanpakuto?

Zaegar: (smirking) Indeed. I have merged my essence with this blade.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle at the revelation.

Yhwach: (chuckling) Becoming a Soul Reaper, am I?

Zaegar's expression turned serious as he responded.

Zaegar: What makes you think becoming a Soul Reaper is a bad thing, Yhwach? You are the son of the Soul King. Embracing the power of a zanpakuto means obtaining everything your father, the Soul King, possesses.

Yhwach's amusement turned into a scowl. The idea of adopting the ways of the Soul Reapers, the very beings his Quincy detested, was repulsive to him.

Yhwach: (firmly) I am the Quincy King, Zaegar. My path is not tainted by the ideologies of the Soul Reapers. I will not become a mere reaper, following their codes and serving their so-called balance.

Zaegar's eyes gleamed with determination.

Zaegar: (seriously) Yhwach, your disdain for the Soul Reapers blinds you. The power they wield is not inherently evil. Your father, the Soul King, embodied both Quincy and Soul Reaper aspects. To unlock your true potential, you must embrace the totality of your heritage.

Yhwach crossed his arms, a conflicted expression on his face.

Yhwach: (gritting his teeth) I will not become what I despise. The Quincy path is one of strength and dominance.

Zaegar: (leaning closer) Strength is not confined to a single path, my king. It evolves, transcends. The fusion of Quincy and Soul Reaper powers can elevate you to a level beyond anything you've known.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed, considering Zaegar's words with skepticism.

Yhwach: (curious) And what do you gain from this, Zaegar? Why would you lead me down a path that aligns with the Soul Reapers?

Zaegar: (smirking) My gain is the fulfillment of my purpose, Yhwach. I desire a king who can stand at the pinnacle of power, unburdened by biases. A king who can lead not just the Quincy but all beings.

Yhwach's scowl deepened, but a hint of contemplation flickered in his eyes.

Yhwach: (whispering) All beings...

Zaegar: (nodding) Yes, Yhwach. Your potential is limitless, but it requires breaking free from the shackles of preconceived notions. The zanpakuto before you is a bridge, a conduit to the uncharted territories of power.

Yhwach stared at the pitch-black blade, his inner turmoil evident. The conflicting ideologies of Quincy and Soul Reaper clashed within him.

Zaegar: (softly) Your father understood the balance needed for the worlds to coexist. The Quincy and Soul Reapers were never meant to be adversaries. It's time to transcend the enmity, my king.

Yhwach's fists clenched as he grappled with the decision before him. The dark void of his inner world echoed with the weight of his choices.

Yhwach: (resolute) I will forge my path, Zaegar. But it will be one that befits a Quincy King.

Zaegar: (nodding) Your path is yours to choose, Yhwach. Just remember, true strength embraces diversity and rises above discord.

Yhwach approached the large stone, his gaze fixed on the pitch-black blade that rested on top of it. The swirling patterns on the shifting weapon seemed to beckon him, drawing him closer. Zaegar observed with keen interest as Yhwach walked up to the stone, his every step echoing within the vast darkness of the inner world.

As Yhwach reached out to grab the handle of the pitch-black blade, a sudden surge of intense spiritual energy erupted. The dark void around them trembled as the very air crackled with an ominous power.

The moment Yhwach's hand closed around the hilt, the pitch-black blade burst into flames, its darkness burning with an otherworldly intensity. Yhwach gritted his teeth against the searing heat, his eyes narrowing in determination. The flames seemed to consume him, but rather than yielding, he embraced the intense sensation.

Suddenly, the pitch-black blade released a shockwave of energy, knocking Yhwach away. He was sent flying across the dark void of his inner world, the force of the explosion propelling him uncontrollably through the emptiness.

Zaegar, ever watchful, reacted swiftly. Shadows manifested from the depths of the dark void, extending like ethereal tendrils. These shadows coiled around Yhwach, preventing him from drifting away into the endless expanse.

With calculated precision, Zaegar used the shadows to guide Yhwach gently back to the ground. The colossal Hollow's form cast a looming shadow as he observed Yhwach, who now stood a distance away from the pitch-black blade.

As Yhwach stood, catching his breath after being knocked back by the flames and shadows surrounding the pitch-black blade, Zaegar's colossal form approached him with a measured pace. The shadows lingered around them, tendrils of darkness that hinted at the profound power within Yhwach's inner world.

Zaegar: (serious) Do you understand why the blade rejected you?

Yhwach, still recovering from the intense experience, narrowed his eyes at Zaegar.

Yhwach: (determined) It's because I'm not strong enough. But I will master this power.

Zaegar sighed, the gravity of the situation evident in his expression.

Zaegar: No, Yhwach. It's not merely about strength in the conventional sense. The rejection is rooted in your own self.

Yhwach, puzzled, furrowed his brow.

Yhwach: (confused) What do you mean, Zaegar?

Zaegar: (leaning down, eyes searching) The blade rejected you because you are rejecting yourself. You have yet to come to terms with the conflicting aspects of your being.

Yhwach's expression shifted from confusion to frustration.

Yhwach: (impatiently) Stop speaking in riddles, Zaegar. What do you mean by rejecting myself?

Zaegar sighed again, a mixture of understanding and disappointment in his gaze.

Zaegar: (softly) Yhwach, the power you seek is not just about mastering external forces. It's about accepting the entirety of who you are, Quincy and Hollow, light and shadow.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed, a flicker of realization crossing his features.

Yhwach: (whispering) Self-acceptance...

Zaegar: (nodding) Yes. The blade is a reflection of your essence. It demands acknowledgment, not just control. You cannot command it unless you understand and embrace every facet of your existence.

Yhwach, grappling with the profound revelation, remained silent for a moment. The weight of Zaegar's words sank in, and the internal conflict within him intensified.

Yhwach: (whispering to himself) Acceptance...

Zaegar: (standing tall) We'll discuss this further when you're ready, Yhwach. For now, return to the material world and ponder the meaning of what transpired.

Yhwach, still processing the depth of Zaegar's message, nodded reluctantly.

Author's Note: To address inquiries regarding the Zanpakuto, there are currently no concrete plans for its involvement in this world. Yhwach won't be utilizing it or assuming the role of a Soul Reaper. It's worth noting that Yhwach's character development is still underway and has not yet reached the halfway mark—there's a considerable journey ahead, filled with challenges and a multitude of planned developments.

If you have any Questions Feel free to ask

Also another Chapter is releasing today.

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