Neo Soul King Yhwach

By Misunderstood-King

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| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect syn... More

Updated Biography ( Read Before Reading the Fanfic )
A Second Chance You Say.?
Whispers Among the Shadows
Threads of Destiny Unbound
Shadows Cast on the Endless Journey
Shadows in the Chaos
Echoes of Sacrifice
Echoes of Desperation
-Sneak Peaks-
Season 2 Requiem for Hope
The Struggle Within
The Weight of Choices
Shadows Of The Past
Lingering Shadows of A New Prison
Sacrifices Carved in Destiny
Echoes of Liberation
Choices of Survival
Threads of Trust
Echoes of Sacrifice: Farewell, Yhwach
Echoes of Fate in the Endless Void
Illusions and Ink: The Dance of Aizen and Ichibei
Harmony in Solitude: The Melody of Yhwach and Aizen
Resilience Amidst Shadows
A New Frontier
Yhwach's Proposition: The Saviors
Twists of Fate
Fateful Reunion
Surviving Richmond: A Tangled Web of Family and Foes
The Unforgiving Night
Echoes of Grief: Farewell to Richmond
Winds of Change
Threads of Resilience: The Ericson Kids' Tale
Luminous Conversations
The Truth, Whispers of Regret
Preparing for War: Plans and Promises
The Battle Against the Raiders
Symphony of Souls: Walkers Among Us
The Sealed King of Quincy's Last Stand
Answers, Questions, Vote
Kill The Fate
Whispers of Deceit: The Dark Heart of the Capital
Ties that Bind: The Weight of Night Raid's Purpose
Resolute Choices: Yhwach vs. Night Raid Principles
Illusions and Flashbacks: Yhwach's Emotional Struggle
The Schrift of Remorse: Embracing Bazz-B's Gift
Tea and Tensions: Yhwach's Encounter with General Esdeath
Promises and Collisions: Yhwach's Vow for Tatsumi
Night Raid's Toast: Celebrating Returns, Mysteries, and Unseen Journeys
Training and Trials: Night Raid's Progress
From Void to Tea Shop: Yhwach Faces Zaegar's Challenge
Blood-Soaked Rain: Yhwach's Grim Discovery in the Capital
Explosive Truths: The Fall of Seryu and the Promise Made
Tell me something, 'Empire's strongest'... Do you Fear Death?
Völlstandig Unleashed: Yhwach's Vow The Final Battle
Mimihagi's Revelation: Yhwach's Encounter with the Supernatural
Bound by Fate: Yhwach's Vision for a New World
The Unsettling Alliance: Issei's Struggle and Freed's Decision
Yhwach's Inner Trials: Wind, Lightning, and Zaegar's Playful Mischief
Crown of Flames: The Quincy King's Declaration in Hell
Holy Swords and Fiery Justice: The Battle Against Kokabiel
Zaegar's Challenge: The Clash Within Yhwach's Soul
Dragon's Lair: Yhwach's Audacious Proposal to Tiamat
Warnings from the Rusty Relic: The Mimihagi's Prophecy
Kyoto Confrontation: The Nine-Tailed Fox's Decision and The True Longinus
Devil System's Demise: Yhwach's Grand Liberation Plan
Whispers of War: Allies Gather for the Coming Storm
Clash of Titans: Yhwach's Ominous Declaration
I, Yhwach Declare The Second Great War Begins Now.
Fateful Convergence: Allies and Enemies Unite Against the Quincy King
Beneath the Surface: Yamamoto's Illusion and Ophis' Proposal
Echoes of a Fallen Morning Star: Yhwach's Grand Declaration
Chaos Descends: Sacrifices and Struggles
The Battle of Gods and Devils: Yhwach's Ascension
Legacy of Yhwach: A Dream That Never Dies
The Primordial Hollow's Arrival: Ophis' Sacrifice and Great Red's Demise
Ban... Kai Zanka No Tachi, End of Dxd
Fate/Yhwach? No its Fate/Zaegar
Servant Class Foreigner, Zaegar is the master?
Intrigues and Encounters: The Holy Grail War Begins
Clash of Kings and Jesters: The Unforeseen Turn in the Holy Grail War
Fireworks Chaos and Fury: Caster's Stand Against the Unpredictable Foreigner
Flashbacks: An Unexpected Gathering
Mana, Mysteries, and Mayhem: Grand Caster's Revelation
Starship Showdown: The Fall of Type-Venus
Into the Fray: Zaegar's Resurrección and Emi's Cunning Victory
Beast VI: Vasto Lorde Zaegar.
Fate/Yhwach No its Fate/Zaegar: End
The Fullbringer and A new enemy
Intrigue and Incidents: Yhwach's Arrival Sparks Curiosity
The Path to Improvement: Yhwach's Mentorship
Unforeseen Lessons: A Day in the Life of Yhwach
From Food Fights to Future Guardians: Yhwach's Impact
Ozpin's Bedtime Stories and Zaegar's Plan: Yhwach's Title?
Yhwach's New Suit and The Ballroom: Zaegar's Chaos
Äs Nödt's Trial, Yhwach's Fear: Death's Smile...
Yhwach and Zaegar became commentators?!
The Fall of Beacon, End of RWBY.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Battle Against the Strongest
The Honored One
Lost in the Void: Yhwach faces Gojo's Domain Expansion
Yhwach's Encounter and Manga Discussion: The Battle of Gojo and Jogoat
Bambietta's Trial and reading Manga: Yhwach's existential crisis
Mahito's Domain: With this treasure, I summon...
Divine General Mahoraga
A Rising Rebellion: The Threat of the Higher-Ups
The Shibuya incident Arc: Zaegar's actions
The Shibuya incident Arc: Gojo Satoru and Zaegar have been sealed
Lille Barro's Trial: Kenjaku's Plan against Yhwach
End of Jujutsu Kaisen
One Piece: The start of yet another new journey
The Celestial Dragon and Yhwach's Decision
Yhwach's Master Plan And The Gladiator Match: The Celestial Dragons
The World's Reaction and Yhwach's Bounty: Encounter With Hawk Eyes
A Duel with Mihawk and Yhwach's Curiosity
A Swordsman's Counsel: The Strongest Rowboat
Sabaody Archipelago and Bitter Realizations: Yhwach's Path to Progress
Bounty Hunting and Incidents: Free Meal Challenge
'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh
The Deal and Offer: Admiral Kizaru
The Moon and War: Strongest Man in the World
Admiral Akainu and Ace's Death: The Chaotic Battlefield
Kaido of The Beasts And The Nuke: The Cataclysmic Event
CP0 Agents and The Five Elders: Project Nachtüberfall
The Dragon and The Dragon Slayer: Admiral Aokiji
'Nightmare' Gecko Moria
Zaegar's Little Recruitment Mischief: A Meeting With A Yonko Gone Wrong...
The Primordial state of Bleach: You're not the hero of this story at all.

Shattered Destiny

116 6 1
By Misunderstood-King

Yhwach observed the group's tense interaction with the mysterious stranger, his sharp gaze focused on the unfolding situation. The mention of his name had intrigued him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter held more significance than it appeared.

The stranger's proposition echoed through the room, and Yhwach could sense the undercurrents of hidden motives. Despite his limited power in this world, his instincts remained sharp, honed by years of navigating treacherous situations.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) Trust is a rare commodity in these times. Your offer, though tempting, carries the stench of deceit, I would have to refuse stranger.

Lee: You're fucking dead! I don't know who you are, but I will kill you! Do you understand?!

Stranger: I know you will. She knows you will. Say goodbye.

Clementine: Goodbye--

The radio cuts out.

Lee: Fuck.

Kenny: Don't worry, pal. We'll get her back.

Ben: Maybe he's not that bad...

Kenny: Don't get me fucking started on you and good intentions.

Lee: Easy.

Christa: How's that feeling?

Lee: Fine. Don't worry about it.

They will remember that.

Omid: It wasn't a full chomp...

Lee: No. It wasn't.

Walkers approach the door.

Christa: We don't have much time.

Kenny: We're about to have a lot less! We'll all make sure nothing gets in. You're still the smartest fucker outta all of us. Try to find another way out of here.

The Group closes/aims their weapon at the door, they closes the door.

Lee: Just some surgical supplies.

Christa: Hey, don't worry, we'll find Clementine.

Lee: Damn right we will. No matter what.

Kenny: Don't worry about this door right now, we've got it. Lee: We're lucky there's no axe holding that door closed, huh?

Ben: Oh, shut up.

Lee: How sturdy's that door?

Ben: I don't know. I don't want to be around for its breaking point.

Lee: You keep on this door until I find us a way out.

Ben: I won't let you down.

Kenny: Are you fucking serious? That's your specialty!

Lee: Knock it off. Just make sure nothing comes through there.

Lee: I should keep looking for a way out.

Ben: Yeah, as quick as you can.

Lee: Guess there's no going back the way we came.

Kenny: No shit.

Omid: There's no going back at all if you don't find another way out of here. We've got this, you keep looking.

Lee: I should keep looking for a way out.

Kenny: Yeah, get to it.

Lee opens the second cabinet and looks at the rib spreader inside.

Lee: I think it's some sort of spreading device. Grosses me out just looking at it.

Lee takes the device.

Lee: Looks like a car jack... I don't want to imagine this being used on a body.

Lee places the rib spreader in between the doors.

Lee: I'll have these doors open in two seconds! Lee cranks the rib spreader and the elevator doors open. Lee falls down and loses consciousness. He partially wakes up when the others find him lying on the floor.

Kenny: Fuck! Is he alive?

Christa: Shit.

Omid: This is bad...

Kenny: Fuck!

Christa: Help me move him!

Lee wakes up sometime later

Lee: I'm awake!

Christa: Stop! He's awake!

Kenny: Holy hell, we thought maybe we lost you.

Christa: Do you think you'll be able to travel? You look rather weak.

Lee: Yeah.

Kenny: Good. The elevator's open. Let's go.

Lee: I'll bring up the rear; I don't wanna bleed on anyone.

Christa: We're going to have to go as quiet as possible and see if we can make it to an empty floor or even the roof. You think it's possible for you?

Lee: Yeah. Get goin'.

The Group climb up the ladder in the elevator shaft.

Omid: You okay down there? Remember, quiet.

Lee: It's no big deal. Another arm would just get in the way.

Christa: Jesus Christ, lee.

A Walker falls past the group

Yhwach: Watch Out!

Ben: Oh, man, oh, jeez...

Kenny: Shut the fuck up, Ben.

Lee: Everything okay up there?

Ben: I think I just peed myself.

Lee: So, yes, then.

the group climbs past a floor covered in walkers. They reach the roof of the hospital. The streets are filled with walkers.

Kenny: Remember when Savannah was empty?

Christa: Those Crawford bastards did one thing right, I guess.

Kenny: There must be thousands of them.

Ben: Did they follow us here?

Kenny: It sure seems like it.

Christa: That's crazy; they can't TRACK. They just roam.

Kenny: Is it? That fucking train wasn't exactly discreet.

Omid: Well, what do we do now?

Lee: We need to get off this roof as fast as we can.

Christa: It's not safe down there. We can't just walk through the streets.

Lee: You planning on growing some wings?

Christa: It's taking an immense amount of willpower to NOT make a crack about that suggestion coming from the one-armed man.

Lee: That joke'll be funnier once we know if this worked.

Kenny: Look, let's get our bearings and see if we can figure out a way to make it across town. Good? Good.

Omid: I, uh, don't think we can ignore what just happened to Lee. He lost a lot of blood today.

Christa: Omid's right. If you see yourself getting woozy know; if it didn't work, just...take it easy.

Lee: Okay. I'll probably just need to go a little slower. I know we can't afford dead weight. So, don't treat me like I am.

Christa: We won't.

Christa: Now what?

Kenny: We get down and we find a little girl out there. Right, pal? Now, let's get our bearings.

Lee: That's the church across the street from the mansion. River Street should be just beyond that.

Christa: We need to head back that way. We'll stop off at the mansion, like you said, and make sure we didn't overlook anything.

Lee: Yeah.

Lee: I might have a way to clear us a path... If I can make it to that belltower, I can draw the walkers down to that side of the hospital. There'll be thousands of them, but it'll thin out the streets between here, the mansion, and River Street, even if it's just for a few minutes. Lee: The mansion's that way. (points)

Christa: Yeah.

Lee: If we can use that belltower to bring them to that side of the hospital, it won't be an easy trip back toward River Street, but it wouldn't be impossible.

Christa: I'm with you. Just have to get over there. Lee: See anything? Ben: There's a fire escape here; that's about it.

Lee: If we use that belltower to lure all the walkers towards that side of the hospital, the road to the mansion and River Street shouldn't be too bad. Ben: Yeah, okay... but you still have to get over there. Lee: That looks like Crawford square over there.

Kenny: Fuck that place. Did fix up our boat, though. We get Clementine and get right back...

Lee: Make sure she wears her life jacket, okay? Something tells me she's not gonna want to.

Lee: See anything?

Kenny: Nah. I'm just, uh, taking a minute, actually. I'm sorry; I know I shouldn't.

Lee: The mansion's that way; the belltower's over there; if we go down the opposite side of the roof, we might be able to make it without too much trouble.

Kenny: I can do that, yeah.

Lee: What's up over here?

Yhwach: The Belltower.

Lee: Hm. Yeah. That could help.

Lee: How's the leg?

Omid: It's doing a lot better. Thanks for going into Crawford for me, even if it wasn't entirely FOR me. Clementine, too. She's tough as hell.

Lee: Isn't she?

Omid: Yeah. Don't worry more than you should about her, okay?

Lee looks at or tries to jump to the belltower. Lee: No way. It's higher than this roof, for starters. Lee picks up the ladder.

Kenny: Whoa, you need some help with that?

Lee: I got it. Lee extends the ladder over the gap between the roof and the belltower.

Christa: The bells...

Lee: Yeah, could buy us some time. Draw as many as we can this way, get down off the roof on the opposite side and bust our asses getting back to the mansion.

Kenny: You think you should be the one to go?

Omid: My leg's feeling better, let me do it.

Ben: I'll do it.

Kenny: Yeah, Ben'll do it.

Lee: If we have to decide who takes a risk like this, it should be the buy who's got the least to lose. What's the worst that could happen, I get bitten again?

Yhwach: No, Allow me to do this

Yhwach, sensing the urgency and the need for a strategic approach, steps forward to take on the task of drawing the walkers away from the group. He carefully extends the ladder, creating a makeshift bridge between the rooftop and the belltower.

Yhwach: (calmly) I'll handle this. It's essential that we buy ourselves enough time to navigate through the streets below.

Lee: (nodding) Just be careful up there.

Yhwach begins to climb the ladder, his movements deliberate and calculated. The weight of his past experiences and the burden of his fractured powers fuel his determination to ensure the group's survival.

Kenny: (watching Yhwach) I don't like this. What if something happens to him up there?

Lee: (reassuringly) Yhwach knows what he's doing. We need someone who can handle the situation.

Christa: (looking at the belltower) Those bells might be the last hope we have.

Omid: (looking around) We should be ready to move as soon as he gets the walkers' attention.

Ben: (nervously) What if he doesn't make it back?

Lee: (firmly) He'll make it. We need to trust him.

As Yhwach reaches the top of the belltower, he surveys the surroundings, noting the sheer number of walkers filling the streets below. With a deep breath, he braces himself for the task at hand.

Yhwach: (to himself) The power to shape the future lies within my grasp. Let's see what destiny has in store for us.

Yhwach starts ringing the bells, the sound echoing through the desolate city. Walkers, drawn to the noise, begin to converge on the belltower, leaving the immediate area around the mansion and River Street temporarily clear.

Kenny: (watching the walkers move) It's working. Let's move, everyone!

The group starts descending the fire escape, making their way towards the opposite side of the roof.

Lee: Keep an eye on Yhwach. We need to be ready to move fast once he gets back.

As the group navigates the rooftop, the distant sound of the bells resonates, a stark reminder of the perilous dance with fate they find themselves in.

Omid: (looking down) The streets are filling up again. We need to hurry.

Christa: (determined) We'll get to the mansion, find Clementine, and get out of here.

Lee: (checking the surroundings) Stay close, everyone. Let's stick to the plan.

The group, propelled by a fragile sense of hope, reaches the opposite side of the rooftop, ready to descend and face the challenges awaiting them on the streets below. The echoes of the bells persist, shaping the path ahead in this twisted dance of survival.

Christa: They're coming this way!

Omid: Tons of them! Jesus!

Christa: Now get back here!

Lee: I think You have to jump! There's no way back!

Kenny: You can make it! It ain't that far!

Lee: It's not that far. Just a little hop.

Yhwach, observing the urgency of the situation, assesses the gap between the rooftops. The distant sound of the bells continues to draw the attention of the walkers, creating a narrow window of opportunity for the group.

Yhwach: (calmly) We have no time to waste. I can make this jump.

Lee: (nodding) You can do it. We'll cover you.

Yhwach takes a moment to gauge the distance and timing, his gaze focused on the rooftop across from him. The relentless approach of the walkers propels him into action.

Yhwach: (to himself) The future bends to my will.

With a confident leap, Yhwach clears the gap, landing safely on the opposite rooftop. The group watches as he swiftly regains his footing.

Christa: (relieved) Nice jump!

Omid: (impressed) Not bad!

Kenny: (nodding) Alright, now get back here. Let's keep moving.

Yhwach glances at the approaching walkers, knowing that time is of the essence. He quickly rejoins the group on the rooftop, ready to continue the perilous journey.

Yhwach: The path is clear for now, but we must press on.

Lee: Agreed. We can't let up.

The group proceeds, guided by the distant sound of the bells and the shared determination to reach the mansion and find Clementine. The challenges ahead may be numerous, but their resolve remains unbroken in the face of the relentless undead.

As they descend from the rooftop, the echoes of the bells fade into the background, leaving behind a city filled with danger and uncertainty. The group moves forward, navigating the streets with a newfound sense of purpose, propelled by the hope of reuniting with Clementine and securing their survival in this unforgiving world.

the group return to the house.

Lee shoots a walker nearby.

they reach the shed.

the shed door is open and the boat is gone

Christa: Holy...

Kenny: What the fuck?! Come on. Just... come the fuck on!

Christa: Well, we're not coming back here after we find Clem.

Kenny: Who? Fuck! How could this happen?

Lee: This was Vernon.

Christa: You think so?

Lee: Definitely.

Omid: Hey, guys... (reads note in the shed)

Omid: Lee's right. It was Vernon and that support group.

Kenny: No fucking way! The invalids?!

Omid: Their actions, uh... contradict your characterization, but yeah, the invalids.

Christa: He's right. They're not invalids. They're just people. People who have been dealing with shitty situations even longer than we have. No wonder they got the jump on us.

Kenny: I don't give a fuck if their Make-A-Wish was a fucking boat ride, when I find 'em, I'm gonna rip their throats out.

Christa: We'll never find them.

Lee: Fuck 'em. Cancer, no cancer, saints, sinners, who gives a shit. They're people who knew what they were doin'.

Kenny: Yeah. Screwing us

Omid: He says he feels bad about it. Leaving us... and Clementine behind.

Kenny: They fucked us!

Christa: Omid, can you go over the fence and let us into the backyard? We shouldn't be out in the open.

Omid: Yeah. (leaves to do as Christa asked)

Kenny: This is not happening. Everything is so fucked!

Christa: Clementine is still out there.

Kenny: So we get Clementine and then what?

Christa: We get the fuck out of cities. I'm done with cities. We go into the countryside and make a go of it.

Ben: Yeah, that seems like a good idea to me.

Kenny: Nobody asked you.

Ben: You just did.

Kenny: Don't get fucking smart with me, Ben.

Christa: Chill.

Kenny: Do you remember we had a boat?! A boat!

Ben: Get over it!

Lee: Everyone keep it together. Nothing has changed, has it?

Kenny: Nothing has changed?!

Lee: I mean, immediately. We stay the course. Don't turn on each other.

Ben: Yeah, chill out, Kenny.

Omid opens the door of the shed leading into the backyard.

Christa: We can do this in the yard.

Kenny: Ben, I swear to God...

Everyone but Christa and Lee enter the backyard.

Christa: What do we do without a boat?

Lee: Get to the countryside. We've dicked around with cities and coastlines and boats too long. Take her out there and live as safe as you can, okay?

Christa likes that.

Christa: Look. I agree with you, I think out in the country is the safest place to be. But you're not dead yet, so put a pin in that, okay?

Christa and Lee enter the backyard; Kenny and Ben are arguing.

Kenny: Where the hell do you get off?

Ben: I'm just saying we should all chill, not just you.

Kenny: Chill? Lee got bit and God knows how long he has left, Clementine is who the fuck knows, and we're robbed of the only hope we've had!

Ben: So?

Kenny: So, Lee should've left your ass in Crawford! We got enough problems!

Ben: Fuck you, Kenny!

Lee: Whoa, Ben.

Christa: No, let him.

Ben: I am so, so, so sorry about Katjaa and Duck. I am! And I know I fucked up, but stop pushing me around and stop wishing I was dead! (Kenny is about to speak) No! You know how they died. You've said goodbye, I never got to see my family, my parents, my little sister... do you get that? Your family is gone, but at least you had them to lose. I never made it home. They could be alive or dead or walkers or worse and I don't know! So give me a fucking break!

Kenny: Oh, Ben, I'm--

A herd approaches the house.

Christa: Oh, shit, here they come.

Omid: In the house!

Kenny: They shouldn't be able to get into the backyard, right? (hears walkers) Maybe not.

Christa: We can secure this place!

Lee: Christa!

Lee: Get on the windows in the front room. Check the boards.

Christa: Got it.Christa will remember that.

Lee: Yhwach!

Lee: Move anything you can up against the doors and windows.

Kenny: That's what I was thinking!

Lee: Omid!

Omid is staring at something, shocked.

Lee: What is it?

Omid runs to close an open door.

Lee: Front doors!

Lee starts to run, but falls on his back as a walker reaches through the pet door and grabs his leg. Lee repeatedly kicks the pet door with his other leg until the walker's arm is severed. Lee gets up; everyone else is holding the front doors closed as walkers reach through.

Kenny: Lee, help!

Christa: Cut their fucking arms off!

Omid: There's gotta be a knife or something in there!

Christa: Hurry!

Lee opens the top drawer and takes the cleaver.

Kenny: Take their goddamn arms off!Lee chops off the walker's hands and group pushes the doors all the way closed.

Omid: Now what?

Lee: Get ready to fight.

Christa: This place seems sturdy to me. I think we're fine.A walker's arm crashes through a nearby window. More walkers break down the door and climb through the windows.

Lee: Sturdy my ass!

Lee: Get upstairs!

Kenny: Go!Everyone but Lee runs upstairs; he encounters walker Brie.Lee chops Brie in the face, instantly killing her.Lee rejoins the others, who are shooting at the walkers. Kenny is trying to push a desk.

Kenny: Guys, help me with this!

Lee and Kenny push the desk.

Christa: Everyone get to the end of the hallway!

Ben: What do we do now?!

Kenny pushes a desk into the hallway.

Kenny: This'll slow 'em down. We get to the end of the hallway...and take a fucking stand.

Everyone gathers at the end of the hallway with their weapons drawn.

Lee: We can't let ourselves get trapped.

Kenny: Let's get as many as we can. And when we see an opening, we go for it. How many bullets y'all have?

Christa: Three.

Lee: Five.

Omid: Four.

Ben: Two.

Kenny: Y'all know where to aim.

Christa: Get ready.

A walker arrives.

Lee shoots the walker in the head, killing it.More walkers approach the group and everyone fires at them, eventually running out of ammo.

Christa: I'm out!

Kenny: Me too!

Omid: Fuck, where do we go?!

Kenny: There's no goddamn opening!

Christa: Up!

Lee notices the attic door with a string that opens it.

Lee pulls the string and opens the attic door.

Lee: Go!

Everyone runs to the attic; Lee drops his gun while climbing up the stairs. Lee closes the attic door.

Ben: (offers gun) Here, um... I'm not good with these. You dropped it down there.

Kenny: That could've gone better.

Christa: Everyone okay?

Kenny: Lee's arm was chopped off what do you think??.

Christa: Shut up.

Omid: Okay, let's get out of here and keep moving.

Kenny: Kid's right; we gotta keep moving. Think there's any chance we get Clem and catch up to those goddamn thieves?

Lee: I don't know. Maybe.

Omid: Well, we're not going out through this window. No latches, no roof access, and thirty feet straight down.

Kenny: Yhwach any insights or ideas you got?

Yhwach, observing the dire situation, takes a moment to assess their predicament. The attic provides a temporary refuge, but the urgency to find Clementine and confront the unpredictable challenges of the outside world remains paramount.

Yhwach: We're in a precarious situation, but despair won't aid our cause. We must focus on our immediate options and make informed decisions.

Omid: (looking at Lee's remaining arm) What about him?

Yhwach: (calmly) Lee's resilience is impressive. We should prioritize finding a way out of here. Once that is secured, we can address his condition.

Christa: Knock it off.

Omid: (reading plaque on the bust) Dixon Kent III, industrial--

Christa: Omid.

Omid: Christa! I'm just trying to lighten the fucking tone.

Christa: We need solutions, not stupid jokes! I'm sorry.

Kenny: So, no ideas then.

Lee: There's gotta be another way.

Christa: Check the floor for any other access, a vent, anything.

Kenny: Or we wait for the house to clear out and stick to the high ground.

Christa: Hey... (puts hand on Lee's forehead) You're not looking great. And you're warm.

Lee: I'm okay, don't--

The radio crackles.

Clementine: Lee, Lee, Lee, I'm okay, I'm where my parents--oh, no!

Christa: What did that mean?

Lee: She's at the hotel where her parents were staying; he hasn't moved her.

Kenny: Yet.

Christa: Yeah, yet.

Kenny: We need to start thinking about more than just Clementine when it comes to our...urgency.

Omid: What do you mean?

Kenny: How do we get out of here?

Omid: That's the whole point; we don't know.

Kenny: Okay, now your life depends on it. How do you get out of here?

Omid: I don't know. I don't get it.

Christa: I do.

Lee: Stop it. We can't panic.

They will remember that.

Kenny: Do you think that worked?

Lee: I... I don't know. I hope so.

Kenny: I think we need to have... an "adult" conversation about what happens if Lee takes another spill.

Omid: Hey, look...

Kenny: We could be looking at a Larry situation here.

Christa: Who's Larry?

Kenny: It don't matter.

Omid: He looks fine to me...

Lee: We don't need to talk about it.

Kenny: I think we do.

Lee: I said we don't.

Christa: Guys. I don't know what happened before Omid and I showed up, but we can cross that bridge when we get to it.

Kenny: Lee, I'm not advocating anything here, but how is this not a thing? We're all so worked up about Clementine that we're forgetting what the fuck happened to you!

Lee: I'm really glad I've got you looking out for me, for Clem. This is just fucking great.

Kenny: Relax, Lee.

Yhwach: Calm Down.

Omid: This is getting out of hand...

Kenny: You're gonna listen to me! We will get Clementine back, with or without you. Because I haven't given up everything to die because we were stupid.

Lee: I'm sorry, okay?! Fuck! We can't do this!

Kenny: We're gonna have to!

Lee picks up the bust and throws it at the wall.

The bust hits the wall, damaging it and itself.

Lee looks angry while Kenny looks worried.

Omid: You ruined that dude's face.

Christa: Shut up, sweetie. Look.

Yhwach And Kenny examines the hole in the wall and pulls out another chunk of the wall.

Kenny: It's corroded to hell.

Christa: What's on the other side of this wall, a thirty-foot drop?

Omid: No, this mansion butts up against the one next door.

Kenny: I'll be damned.

Christa: We're not lifers on Alcatraz here, we can't spend the next three months digging through a wall.

Kenny: If the rest is as dilapidated as this, we might not have to.

Lee picks up a coat rack and smashes the wall with it, then inspects the damage.

Lee: This wall ain't shit.

Omid: Is this really possible?

Yhwach takes a moment to assess the situation, considering the group's dwindling options and Lee's compromised condition. As the others debate the feasibility of breaking through the wall, Yhwach steps forward.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) The structural integrity of this wall is compromised, but we need to be cautious. Making too much noise might attract unwanted attention.

Kenny: So, what? We're just supposed to punch a hole in this?

Christa: I don't know. Maybe there's another way.

Omid: (looking around) What about the furniture? We could use it to build a makeshift bridge or something.

Lee: (examining the room) There's a piano over there. It might work if we can get it to the right spot.

Yhwach: (nodding) That could provide the leverage we need. Let's give it a try.

The group, fueled by a renewed sense of purpose, starts moving furniture and the piano towards the damaged wall. Lee, despite his weakened state, lends a hand where he can.

Christa: This better work. I don't want to attract more walkers.

Yhwach: (organizing the effort) We need to coordinate our efforts. Kenny, Omid, help me with this piano. Christa, Lee, make sure the furniture is arranged to support it.

Kenny, Omid, and Yhwach manage to position the piano against the weakened wall with some effort. Lee and Christa secure other pieces of furniture to reinforce the makeshift bridge.

Lee: This has to hold. Everyone, be ready to move as soon as that wall comes down.

The group braces for impact, knowing that their actions might echo through the mansion and draw unwanted attention.

Yhwach: (calmly) On my signal. Ready? Now!

The group exerts force on the piano, and with a loud creaking sound, the wall begins to give way. Chunks of plaster and debris fall to the other side, revealing the adjacent mansion.

Kenny: (impressed) Well, I'll be damned.

Christa: Let's move. Quickly and quietly.

They cross the makeshift bridge one by one, leaving the compromised mansion behind. As they enter the adjacent building, the atmosphere changes. The air is stale, and the group treads cautiously through the unfamiliar surroundings.

Lee: (whispering) Keep your guard up. We don't know what's in here.

Yhwach: (alert) Agreed. We must remain vigilant.

The group presses forward, driven by the shared goal of finding Clementine and navigating the unpredictable challenges of this new environment. The echoes of their footsteps resonate through the abandoned halls, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurk in the world outside.

Kenny: Everyone keep a goddamn eye out.

Christa: This place seems pretty sealed off. Well.

Two corpses holding hands lie in the bed, a gun in one of their hands, and their blood and brains splattered on the pillows.

Kenny: God...

Lee: Smart. Think of all the people we've seen go... they got to do it their own way. Together.

Kenny:' Don't you say that. You stick it out as long as you can. You do whatever you have to. I could've done more.

Lee: You did everything you could.

Kenny: No, Lee. She left me... my son... The people that cared about us... I forgive her, but it don't make it any less wrong. You don't just end it cause it's hard. You stick it out, and you help the folks you care about. So let's figure a way outta here and get that little girl.

Omid: We should move.

Christa: Yeah.

Kenny takes the gun from the corpse.

Kenny: Got at least one shot left.

Christa: Let's clear the room before we move on. Lee, figure out where we're headed.

Christa: Lee? You okay?

Lee: Yeah.

Christa: Let's keep at it.

Talk to Kenny

Kenny: Don't ask me how I'm doing. Let's just keep going.

Lee: You still with us, Ben?

Ben: Yeah, Lee. I just want to help.

Lee looks at the balcony door.

Lee: Might be the way out.

Lee opens the balcony door.

Christa: Nothing other than personal items in here.

Kenny: Looks like we can stay off the streets all the way to River Street if we're careful.

Christa: Let's go.

Ben: Go ahead.

Lee gets onto the railing of the balcony and jumps to the adjacent roof. Omid, then Christa, then Kenny follow suit, loosening the railing.

Ben gets onto the railing, but it collapses.

Yhwach: Ben.!

Lee: Ben!

Ben screams and falls to the alleyway below.

Kenny: Me and my fuckin' mouth...

Omid: Holy fuck! What are we gonna do?!

Kenny climbs down a ladder on the side of the building.

Lee: Kenny and I can handle this.

Omid: Dude, let me help you; you're already hurt.

Lee: Even more reason we all don't need to risk it. You worry about her. And if all this goes bad, you might be Clementine's last hope.

Christa: We'll keep an eye out.

Lee follows Kenny. Ben is lying on the ground, covered in debris
.Ben: Ow! I'm okay... I'm okay, just get me out of here... I just slipp-- Ow...!

Lee: Shh! Quiet, Ben, or they'll be on top of us.

Kenny: Yeah, try to keep your mouth shut!

Ben: I'm sorry, just get me up... My leg's hurt, I think.

Kenny: We're gonna get your ass up.

Ben: Really? I thought you--

Kenny takes the debris off Ben, and they realize he has a piece of rebar impaling his stomach.

Kenny: Fucking hell...

Ben: What is it? I'm okay... I'm okay...

Kenny: We can get you up. We can...

Kenny tries to pull Ben off the rebar; Ben screams, and Kenny stops.

Lee: He's screwed.

Kenny: He's not screwed. He can't die down here.

Lee: What do you wanna do, Ken? We can't--

Walkers take notice and start to approach.

Kenny: Fuck!

Kenny tries again to free Ben, but fails, and his screams attract more walkers.

Ben: Oh, God, don't let them get to me!

Kenny: (draws gun) Do you have any bullets left?! This has only got one left in it.

Lee: I'm out!

Kenny: Shit! Get the fuck out of here.

Lee: What?!

Kenny: Go back! She needs you, Lee!

Lee: Kenny!

Kenny: This is not a discussion!

Lee: Hell no, man! I'm not leaving.

Kenny: What did I just say?

Lee: Let's get Ben and get out of here!

Kenny shoves Lee behind the gate.

Lee: What the fuck, Kenny?!

Kenny: Lee. Lee, it's okay.

Lee: Katjaa wouldn't want this... Damn it, Ken!

Kenny: Yeah, she would. I either save the kid or I get to see her. Either way. Now get back up there.

Kenny: Go get that girl!

Lee: (tries and fails to open gate) Damn it, Kenny!

Lee: (tries and fails to open gate) Goddamn it!

Kenny: Back, you sons of bitches!

Kenny fights off the walkers.

Ben: Aah, fuck! Kenny, please--

Kenny shoots Ben. Lee climbs up the ladder; the swarm now covers the alley and Kenny can't be seen.

Yhwach: What happened..?

Yhwach observes the chaotic scene below, a mix of desperation, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of survival. The swarm of walkers engulfs the alley, obscuring Kenny from view. Lee, now on the rooftop, watches in disbelief as the events unfold.

Yhwach: (quietly to himself) The cycle of tragedy and sacrifice continues.

Lee: (visibly shaken) We... We couldn't save him.

Omid: (solemn) I'm sorry, man. We gotta keep moving. It's our only chance to make it.

Christa: (glancing at the surroundings) Lee, I'm sorry, but we have to go.

Lee, torn between grief and the necessity of pressing forward, takes a moment to collect himself.

Lee: (grim determination) Kenny made his choice. We have to honor it. Let's go.

The group moves cautiously across the rooftops, navigating the precarious path toward River Street. The gravity of the recent events hangs heavy in the air, a somber reminder of the harsh realities they face.

As they traverse the rooftops, Yhwach stays vigilant, his keen observation allowing him to anticipate potential threats. The cityscape below is a bleak panorama of decay and despair.

Christa: (looking ahead) There's a way down over here.

The group descends to the street level, cautiously avoiding any undead presence. The journey through the desolate cityscape continues, each step a reminder of the sacrifices made and the uncertainty that lies ahead.

Yhwach: (reflecting) The threads of fate are interwoven, and we must navigate them with care. Our path may be fraught with challenges, but our determination must remain steadfast.

They press forward, driven by the common goal of finding Clementine and seeking a sanctuary in this world consumed by chaos. The echoes of Kenny's sacrifice linger, a stark reminder of the harsh choices demanded by survival in this unforgiving reality.

Lee: No. They don't.

Omid: I... I didn't mean--

Lee: It's fine. Let's go.

Yhwach, Christa, Omid, and Lee continue moving. At sunset, they reach River Street, which is swarming with walkers. The only way to the next roof is over a sign saying "MACCABE IMPORTS".

Lee: The Marsh House hotel is around the corner up the block.

Christa: Are you okay? Do you want to talk?

Lee: Nothing to say. We need to stay focused on what we're doing.

Christa: I know we can't just take a minute, but... you're not a machine.

Christa: This is a shitty time, but I want to make sure we're clear before we go forward.

Lee: What is it?

Christa: Clementine. I know Kenny was your guy.

Lee: Yeah.

Christa: When it comes to Clementine, well?

Lee: Ain't much choice now.

Christa will remember that.

Christa: No, there isn't.

Omid: Easy, Christa.

Christa: I don't care that he's who you wanted, but I want you to know that you don't need to worry.

Lee: Okay.

Lee: We have to cross here.

Omid: Well, at least it doesn't look like a death trap. (Christa glares at him) Who's going first?

Christa: You're the lightest...

Lee: He's got a busted leg, and you're walkin' for two. I'm obviously not doing so hot. Decision doesn't make itself.

Yhwach watches the tense exchange among the group. The weight of their recent losses and the harsh reality of their predicament hang in the air. The decision on who will traverse the precarious path first becomes a critical moment.

Yhwach: (calmly) I will go first.

Omid: You lead the way?

Yhwach nods, acknowledging the responsibility that comes with taking the lead. As he cautiously steps onto the sign for "MACCABE IMPORTS," the group follows suit. The makeshift bridge sways slightly under their weight, and the groans of the undead below intensify.

Lee: (whispering to Christa) You think they'll follow us?

Christa: (whispering) Not in this city. We're safe.

Yhwach, at the forefront, maintains a steady pace. The silhouette of the Marsh House hotel looms in the distance, a beacon in the fading sunlight.

Omid: (whispering to Christa) It's harder to see them coming.

Christa: (whispering) We'll be fine.

As the group advances, the unsettling sounds of the walkers below mix with the distant moans of the undead in the surrounding streets. Yhwach's keen perception remains vigilant, ensuring they navigate the unstable path with care.

The group successfully reaches the other side, with the sign holding their weight. As they move closer to the Marsh House, the urgency to find Clementine grows. The setting sun casts long shadows, adding to the ominous atmosphere.

Christa: (looking ahead) There it is.

Lee: (determined) We're close now. Let's keep moving.

The group presses forward, fueled by the hope of reuniting with Clementine. Yhwach, ever observant, remains focused on the challenges ahead. The journey through the city has been fraught with peril, but the final destination is within reach.

As they approach the entrance of the Marsh House hotel, uncertainty lingers, and the group braces for whatever awaits them inside. The echoes of their past decisions reverberate, shaping the path they tread in this unforgiving world.

The sign breaks and falls; Lee manages to hang onto the remaining piece still attached to the building.

Omid: Shit!

Lee: Ah, fuck!

Lee grabs onto the strut to keep from falling down.

Lee: Shit!

Omid: Are you okay?!

Lee: Fine, but I'm kinda fucked here.

Omid: What are you gonna do?!

Lee: Fuck it. I'm going for it.

Omid: Going for it?

Christa: What does that mean?

Omid: But maybe you got to it fast enough. Maybe you'll be fine.

Lee: I can't risk losing more time on a long shot.

Yhwach, without hesitation, decides to join Lee on the precarious journey across the broken sign. As the structure continues to give way, Yhwach carefully steps onto the remaining piece, balancing his weight. The fall of the sign intensifies, but both Lee and Yhwach move swiftly to reach the other side.

Lee takes out his cleaver, Yhwach takes out his sword, as Yhwach and Lee walks through the herd.

A female long black haired walker approaches Lee.

Lee chops the walker in the face, killing her.

Yhwach kills several other walkers with his sword and gets covered in their blood.

A male curly black haired walker approaches Lee.

Lee chops the walker in the face, killing him.

Yhwach kills several more walkers, then encounters one final walker which has short hair.

Lee slices the walker's head.

Yhwach and Lee passes the herd and enters the hotel.

Marsh House

Yhwach and Lee reaches Clementine's hotel room.

Yhwach and Lee open the door and enters the seemingly empty room. they looks at the door, which has a rope tied to its handle and connected to the closet door. they turns around and sees the stranger pointing a gun at them.

Stranger: I got us adjoining rooms.

Lee: Where is she?

Stranger: I already told you, she's fine.

Stranger: You look horrible.

The stranger smirks, seemingly unfazed by the presence of Yhwach and Lee. Yhwach, however, senses the danger and hostility emanating from the stranger. Without hesitation, Yhwach moves with incredible speed, drawing his sword and swiftly closing the distance between them.

Yhwach: Enough of your games.

The stranger's smirk fades into a look of shock as Yhwach, with a single, precise motion, disarms him, sending the gun clattering to the floor. Yhwach's sword gleams ominously in the dim light of the room.

Lee: (sternly) Where is Clementine?

Stranger: (nervously) I said she's fine. Just waiting for you to calm down.

Yhwach, his patience exhausted, raises his sword, ready to strike.

Yhwach: We don't have time for this.

With a swift and decisive motion, Yhwach incapacitates the stranger, rendering him unable to pose any further threat. Lee takes the opportunity to search the room for any signs of Clementine.

Lee: Where is she? Tell me now!

Stranger: (grunting in pain) Okay, okay! Just...just stop!

The stranger finally reveals the location of Clementine, who is supposedly in the next room. Lee and Yhwach exchange a glance, the unspoken understanding passing between them. Yhwach keeps a watchful eye on the subdued stranger as Lee heads to the adjoining room.

Upon entering, Lee finds Clementine sitting on a bed, visibly relieved at his arrival.

Clementine: Lee!

Lee: (softly) Hey, sweet pea. Are you okay?

Clementine nods, and Lee wraps her in a comforting hug. Yhwach stands guard, ensuring their safety.

Lee: We're getting out of here. Stay close, Clementine.

Yhwach: (looking at the stranger) If you try anything, you won't live to regret it.

Yhwach Decides its better to end the Stranger's Life

Stranger: (grunting in pain) Please You Don't Have to do thi-

Yhwach says nothing and ends the stranger's life

Lee: Did he hurt you?

Clementine: No, not really. I'm sorry, Yhwach, Lee

Lee: Clem, it's okay.

Lee: We need to get you somewhere safe and then we have to talk, okay?

Clementine: Yeah.

Lee: Everything's okay now. We need to figure out how to get out of Savannah as fast as we can.

Clementine looks at the stranger's corpse.

Lee: I'm sorry you had to see that.

Clementine: He was going to kill you both.

Lee: And take you, yeah.

Yhwach: (looking around) Stay close. We don't know what might be lurking.

Lee: Which way out?

Clementine: (points to door) Through there.

Lee opens the hallway door and finds a walker standing directly in front of it. It doesn't notice him but starts to approach Clementine. Lee knocks it to the ground and shoots it, noticing he's out of ammo.

Clementine: It... it didn't bite you.

Lee: Yeah... I know, it... must've...

Clementine: You guys are covered in all that gross stuff.

Lee: We had to get through a bunch of them to get here. That's how we'll get out of Savannah.

Yhwach: Interesting..

Lee takes the cleaver.

Lee: They smell horrible, which means you have to, too.

Clementine: Yuck. Okay.

Lee: You might want to pinch your nose.

Lee leans down to the walker, holding the cleaver.

Clementine: Oh, no...

Lee cuts the walker's abdomen open, scoops out its guts, and smears them on Clementine.

Clementine: Ew...

Talk to Clementine

Lee: We'll get you cleaned up as soon as we can.

Clementine: Not soon enough.

Lee smears more guts on Clementine's back.

Clementine: Are you done?

Lee: A little more. I want to be sure.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: Just a little more...

Clementine: So... gross...

Lee finishes covering Clementine in the walker's blood and guts.

Lee: There, that should do it.

Clementine: I hope so.

Lee: And you're missing something.

Lee gives Clementine her hat and she puts it on.

Clementine: I thought it was gone.

Lee: I thought you were gone.

Clementine: Thank you.

Lee: Stay right next to me and walk very slowly. Don't look around and don't panic.

Clementine: Mm-hmm.

Lee: I'll keep you safe.

Yhwach, Clementine and Lee walk out to the street. They slowly move through the herd, unnoticed by the walkers nearby. Clementine looks over and sees her parents as walkers.Lee: Clem, don't...

Lee passes out.

Yhwach observes the emotional exchange between Clementine and Lee, understanding the gravity of the situation. Clementine, still reeling from the traumatic sight of her parents as walkers, is in desperate need of comfort and reassurance. Yhwach approaches them calmly, his presence offering a sense of stability.

Yhwach: (softly) It's okay, Clementine. Lee's going to be alright.

Clementine looks up at Yhwach, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and vulnerability.

Clementine: Yhwach, is Lee going to die?

Yhwach: (placing a hand on her shoulder) Lee is strong, Clementine. He's been through a lot and has a remarkable will to survive. We'll do everything we can to help him.

Clementine: (teary-eyed) I don't want him to die. He's my friend.

Yhwach: (comforting) We won't let that happen. Now, we need to keep moving. Lee needs our help, and we have to find a way out of here.

Clementine nods, wiping away her tears, and Yhwach helps her to her feet. Together, they continue through the desolate streets of Savannah, navigating the herd of walkers with caution.

The Jewelry Store appears on the horizon, offering a potential refuge. Yhwach, taking the lead, guides Clementine and the weakened Lee toward the store. The exterior of the store seems quiet, with no immediate signs of danger.

Yhwach: We can take shelter in the jewelry store for now. It seems secure.

As they enter the store, Yhwach ensures that Clementine and Lee are settled before scanning the surroundings for any potential threats. The interior is dimly lit, with the occasional glint of jewelry catching the light.

Clementine: (looking at Lee) Is he going to be okay, Yhwach?

Yhwach: (assuringly) We'll do everything we can for him, Clementine. Sometimes, people surprise you with their strength.

Clementine: (softly) I hope so.

Yhwach: (looking at Lee) We need to find supplies, and then we'll decide our next move.

Clementine helps Yhwach gather some supplies from the store, including water, canned food, and medical supplies. Yhwach, meanwhile, examines Lee's condition, assessing the severity of his injuries.

Yhwach: He's lost a lot of blood. We need to tend to his wounds and make sure he rests.

Clementine: (concerned) What if he turns into one of them?

Yhwach: (determined) We won't let that happen. We need to find a way to help him.

As they work together to patch up Lee and ensure their temporary safety, Yhwach contemplates the uncertain road ahead. The bond between these survivors grows stronger as they face the challenges of a world overrun by the undead, united by their shared goal of survival and protecting one another.

Lee regains consciousness a short time later.

Clementine: Lee, wake up! Please don't be dead. Please, no! Lee! I was so scared... I... I thought you left me. I... I... I saw my parents.

Lee: I know. They didn't get to you, right?

Yhwach: Your awake.

Clementine: No. We got away. They're dead for sure.

Lee sits up.

Lee: Clementine, we have to get out of here as fast as we can.

Clementine: We can't! There's thousands of them outside.

Lee: We have to. I'll protect you. We'll push through them.

Clementine: No, no, that's crazy. We saved you. We're safe here, We locked us in.

Lee: Get that door open.

Clementine: I can't!

Lee: Do it!

Clementine: It was only a little open when I found it. I closed it to keep us safe.

Lee gets up, and he and Clementine go to the door.

Lee: Pull on three. One, two, three!

They both pull on the door but can't get it open.

Clementine: See?

Lee: Clementine. Honey.

Lee: My arm is gone because I cut it off.

Clementine: Why would you do that?

Lee: Because I was bitten, Clem.

Clementine: Please, no. No. That's not true.

Lee: Yes, it is.

Clementine sobs.

Clementine: It's like Larry, isn't it?

Lee: It's going to be okay. You are going to be okay. We just have to think and work together.

Clementine: Okay.

The next room contains an exit, as well as a zombified police officer stuck in a chair.

Clementine: I think there might be a way out over there.

Lee: Good. Good girl. Let's go. I might be a little slow.

Lee takes a few steps forward, stumbling and leaning on a glass display case.

Clementine: I'll help you.

Lee slowly moves forward and Clementine helps him along. He falls partly, and Clementine helps him back up.

Clementine: I got you. You can lean on me if you have to.

Lee: I'm okay, I'm okay...

Clementine: I thought We were helping by bringing you in here.

Lee: You couldn't have known... I should've told you...

Clementine: It was scary at the hotel.

Lee: Yeah.

Clementine: Keep going. We're almost there.

Lee reaches the end of the glass case and slumps to the floor next to a radiator.

Clementine: Get up, Lee. The door's right here.

Lee tries to get up but falls back down again.

Lee: I can't.

Clementine: You have to!

Lee: Clem, I can't move. This is it for me here.

Clementine: Please, please, try to get up!

Lee tries and fails again.

Lee: I can't. You don't have much time. You gotta do something, fast.

Clementine: Like what?

Yhwach observes the heart-wrenching scene unfolding before him. Clementine, overcome with grief and desperation, looks to Yhwach for guidance. Lee's condition is deteriorating rapidly, and time is of the essence.

Yhwach: (softly) Clementine, there's no easy way to say this, but Lee's time is running out. We need to make a decision.

Clementine: (teary-eyed) What do we do?

Yhwach: (considering) We have to find a way to get out of here. There's an exit, and I'll do everything I can to help you both. But we need to act quickly.

Clementine glances at the zombified police officer in the room, realizing the imminent danger they face. Yhwach carefully approaches Lee, assessing the severity of his condition.

Yhwach: (examining Lee) Clementine, I need you to focus. Look around. Is there anything we can use to help us escape?

Clementine scans the room, her eyes falling on a set of keys hanging on the wall.

Clementine: The keys! Over there!

Yhwach retrieves the keys and hands them to Clementine.

Yhwach: Good. Now, use them to unlock the door and get outside. I'll make sure nothing stands in our way.

Clementine, with a newfound determination, rushes to the door and starts unlocking it. Yhwach positions himself between Lee and the approaching police officer, ready to defend them.

Clementine manages to unlock the door, and it creaks open. Yhwach swiftly takes a defensive stance, preparing for any potential threats.

Clementine: (looking at Yhwach) What about Lee?

Yhwach: (firmly) We'll get him out of here, but we need to move. The streets are filled with walkers, and we can't stay here.

Clementine: (nodding) Okay.

Yhwach helps Clementine support Lee as they make their way through the unlocked door and into the unknown dangers of the outside world. The streets of Savannah are fraught with peril, but the trio must press forward, driven by the necessity of survival and the unbreakable bond they share.

As they step outside, the ominous sounds of the undead echo through the air, serving as a constant reminder of the challenges that lie ahead. With Lee's life hanging in the balance, Yhwach, Clementine, and their newfound resilience embark on a journey filled with uncertainty, hope, and the relentless pursuit of safety in a world gone mad.

here are three decisions Yhwach could make regarding Lee's fate:

A) Merciful End: Yhwach, recognizing the severity of Lee's condition and the potential danger he poses to himself and others, decides to provide a merciful end for Lee. Understanding that time is of the essence, he chooses a swift and humane resolution to spare Lee from further suffering.

B) Desperate Attempt to Save: Yhwach, driven by a determination to explore every possibility, decides to make a desperate attempt to save Lee. He searches the immediate surroundings for any potential medical supplies, makeshift tools, or information that could help stabilize Lee's condition, hoping against hope for a miraculous solution.

C) Delegate the Decision to Clementine: Realizing the gravity of the situation and acknowledging Clementine's connection with Lee, Yhwach decides to delegate the decision to her. He believes in Clementine's resilience and trusts her judgment. Yhwach may offer guidance and support, but he allows Clementine to choose the course of action regarding Lee's fate.

These choices introduce different moral and ethical dilemmas, allowing the narrative to unfold in various directions based on the decisions made by Yhwach and potentially Clementine.

Depending on what you choose, these decisions have heavy consequence so choose carefully

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