The Other Brother (SLOW UPDAT...

By jaykaygcf

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Justin Adams- sexy, cute, popular. Would get just about any girl if he wanted to. Just one little flaw, He ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29


109 6 29
By jaykaygcf

"Would you be available to work weekends?"


The woman smiles at my quick reply, obviously noting my desperateness. I didn't bother feeling embarrassed, i was desperate after all. This was the third place i'd tried today. If they didn't accept me, id be ruined.

"Alright Sofia, everything looks great so far," she says as she collects all the papers she's been scribbling on for the past half hour. "I can't say anything yet but, you can expect a call this evening."

I smile as we stand up, relief filling my senses.

"Thank you so much, I'll be waiting for your call."



The insistent knocks on my door started to get quite annoying after ignoring it for the past hour. My sister was anything but annoying. That's more Alec's thing. However, insistence was her biggest talent and it made me want to rip my hair out.

"God Elena, what?!" I shouted at the door, not bothering to get up from bed. At my shout she barged in, face red with anger.

"Thanks for ignoring me for a whole decade asshole!"

"You would've gotten the hint if i ignored you for a whole decade."

"Yeah, you'd think so." She snaps back and i look up from my phone, placing it down with a sigh.

"What is it you need dear sister?"

"Have you heard from Sofia?"

It's like even at the mention of her name my heart starts beating a little faster. I clear my throat and shake my head no.

"No, I haven't. Why?" I cant help but ask. I've been trying to stay away from the girl but i can't help my curiosity.

She curses at my answer and starts pacing. "She's been missing from school for the past week and not answering any of my messages. I even went to her house a few days ago and she wasn't there. I don't know what's up with her."

I can't help but feel a pang of guilt hit my chest at her words. I hadn't even made the move to look up from my book at school at the dread of seeing her. Maybe if i paid more attention, I would've known this too.

"Yeah well I haven't heard anything from her." I pick my phone back up again and try to act indifferent but it's hard when all i can think about is her.

My phone gets slapped out of my hands, anyway. I look up to my angry sister to see her scoff.

"Stop being a goddamn child! Suck what ever you have going on with Sofia up and help me find her. Shes your friend too."

Yeah. Shes my friend, too. Just that.

Eventually, i end up agreeing to help Elena find her best friend.

I've convinced myself thats the only reason i'm doing it, not because im falling for the girl and the idea of her having feelings for my brother crushes me on the inside out.

Or, because im so worried about her I couldn't think straight. Definitely not that.

I knock on the door with a baited breath and only hope that it'll be her opening the door, even if Elena said she wasn't here.

To my dismay, it wasn't her pretty hand opening the door and instead her sister's.

I can't help the disappointed breath that leaves my body at the sight of Selena standing in front me.

She raises an eyebrow at my reaction. "Gheez, i'm happy to see you too, dick."

I dont bother feeling bad and instead get right into it. "Is Sofia here?"

Selena's face turns into something that of worry once i say her sisters name. She shakes her head and my shoulders drop.

"She's probably at one of her jobs," she shares "she's been working like crazy and wont tell me why."

"Jobs?!" I've never been more confused at her reveal. Why would She need a job? My guilt worsens. I could've known had i not avoided her like a plague. "Since when does she work?"

Selena shrugs. "Last week i think."

"Do you have the address?"

The address Selena gave me ended up being a restaurant on the outskirts of town. Thankfully i noticed Sofia's car in the car park so i knew i came to the right place.

I also knew i came to the right place when i stepped in and she was running around like a headless chicken with numerous plates on one hand.

I ignored the immense relief i felt once I finally saw her pretty face. Even sweaty and blowing hair away from her face, she was so pretty.

I hadn't realised how much I actually missed seeing her. It was like it made my blood rush a little hotter. Sofia Black was like a drug and i missed it.

When her co worker finally taps her on the shoulders and takes some of the mounting plates out of her hands, i'm close enough to hear her say something about taking a break.

My girl nods her head with a sigh and smiles at her before taking off to a door with 'staff only' written on it. Before i have time to stop myself, I've sneaked right behind her and followed her outside to what seems to be the back of the building.

"Want to explain what the hell you're doing?" I speak out into the cold air. Her entire body jumps up at the sound of my voice, probably not expecting me to be here of all places. I regret the fright i gave her when i notice her delicate hand tremble slightly as she lifts it to her chest.

"Jesus Justin! What the hell are you doing here?"

"That's what i'd like to know, too. Tell me why you're here, Sofia." I bite back, taking a step towards her. It's the first time since our talk that we finally meet eyes and i feel something familiar crackle between us as she looks up at me.

She stays quiet at my answer, deciding to look away with a huff.

"None of your business." She mumbles, turning around and taking a seat on some stairs leading to the kitchen entrance.

"Considering you've missed the past week of school, mocks week nonetheless, i'd like to make it my business." I reply back quickly. She bites on her nail and i take a seat next to her, placing a hand on her wrist and taking her hand away from her face. "What's going on?" I ask, softer this time.

"Nothing." I usually love her stubbornness and find it cute when shes so determined in her ways. Now, however, it annoyed me.

I stay quiet for a while until my mouth finally speaks before my brain can catch up.

"Fine then, dont tell me. Tell Alec, atleast. I'm sure he's worried."

She finally meets my eyes again but it doesn't feel satisfying or good in the slightest. Her eyes look sad that i would say that and I can't help but feel bad for my words.

When she stands up from the stair and pats her apron down, i curse my silly mouth for talking without me. Why did I mention Alec?

"Just go home, Justin." She scoffs and then walks away.

I don't attempt to make her talk anymore after that. Instead, i let her walk back to work and watch her from afar. And when her shift finally ends, i walk her to her car and watch as she makes it home safely.


I wince at the loud clank noice my calculator makes as i push it into my bag, hitting off other materials in there.

Some students look up from their papers at me but i just smile politely and continue my walk up to the teachers desk.

"Hi Sir," i start cautiously. It was Mr Brady; he was one of the worst teachers to ask a favour to. Though thirty minutes wasn't that long, he treated his class like it was the holy word and we had to be there for every second of it.

"Are you leaving early again Miss Black?" He guesses for me, not looking up from his page, glasses perched up on his wrinkled nose.

"Uh, yeah," i chuckle awkwardly. After Justin had showed up to my job a few days ago screaming how i missed a whole week of school I realised he was right. I still needed to prioritise my studies whilst doing all this, especially now that finals were near. So i walked my little ass back here and discussed with each teacher that Tuesdays and Thursdays were days i'd have to leave early.

Mr Brady sighed in what seemed to be annoyance but gestured with his fingers towards the door, letting me know i was free to go. I muttered a quick thank you and dashed off.

Thankfully, none of the teachers had complained yet, though Mr Brady wasn't too happy with me.

I didn't bother taking my car this time and instead jog a little until i reach the small frozen yogurt place, snatching an apron off the hangers near the door and heading straight to the cashier.

"Hi," Lily, one of the co workers sighed in relief at the sight of me. "Good, take over. I was getting sick of these ugly ass walls." She pulls her uniform over her head and walks out from behind the counter, rushing to the door.

I couldn't blame the girl, the obnoxious blue walls were quite hideous. I don't know what the owner saw in the place that made him think it would get him business, but they weren't completely bankrupt yet so atleast there was that.

At the ding dong sound the bell at the door makes, I immediately start my greeting before even lifting my head up.

"You've tested the rest, now taste the best! Welcome to Creamy Scoops, what can i get for you today?"

"Oh, wow." At the familiar voice, my head gets stuck. I physically cant lift it up to face him, embarrassment licking up my body.

I curse everything i can think of and finally look up to face him, crying on the inside.

"Why the fuck are you following me Justin?"

He's been following me at every shift i'd had since he saw me at the restaurant last week. Every night so far, he'd wait for me at the door and watch me walk to my car then he'd drive away. It was ridiculous.

Atleast then, it was only my night job. I hadn't known he'd figure out about this too, it was embarrassing.

"Because you're acting damn shady, Sofia." He bites back quickly, walking up to the counter and leaning his arms on it to watch me work. "I'll be following to every job you're hiding from us until you tell me what's going on."

It takes everything in me to not groan outloud, and pick up a nearby rag instead to clean the counter top as a distraction.

Hes so freaking confusing! One second its all "let's not see eachother anymore" now its "i'll make it my mission to follow you everywhere because i'm crazy". Justin Adams was president, and it was driving me crazy.

When I finally go to reply, my boss's voice interrupts me as he pokes his head in through the staff door.

"Sofia, good you're here. Clean up the topping area, the last customer left a mess."

Happy to have an excuse to ignore Justin, I immediately agree and rush out from behind the counter.

His head pops back behind the door and that is when i ungracefully slip on a damn raisin and onto my knees. Hard.

"Shit." I wince, feeling my skin split on the uneven tiles.

Before i even have time to breathe, i feel to arms around me, lifting me up immediately and leading me to a nearby table.

My eyebrows shoot up to my hair in surprise. For someone who doesn't want to see me anymore, he surely did that fast.

"Fuckin' hell Sofia," he mutters angrily as he pushes my leggings up to check on the wound I already knew was definitely bleeding. "How do you manage to be the clumsiest person on Earth, it's ridiculous." Though his words were said angrily, i knew from his face that he was worried. When he finally managed to get my leggings past my wound he curses slightly and picks up a napkin to dab around it.

I can't help but smile. He's so worried about a small little wound it's cute. Atleast i know he still cares about me, even if he has rejected me viciously.

"You're bleeding yet you're smiling at me like a psychopath." He says as he continues wiping away blood trickling down my leg.

I can't help the giggle that leaves me and I immediately cover my mouth with my hand to hide it. As i do that, he looks up for a split second and my eyes deceive me to believe that he smiled. But it couldn't have been, because as soon as it came, it went away.

"We need to patch this up, don't you guys have first aid here or something?"

At those words, its like a bucket of cold water is poured down my head. I was at work, and not working.

I lift myself off the table and jump on my feet, wincing slightly as i feel the burn on my knee.

"I don't have time, i need to clean up." When i push my leggings back down over my wound, i go to slip again when he quickly grabs my shoulders to stabilise me.

"Woah, okay clutz you sit down here," he drags me to one of the chairs at the table he had previously sat me at. "And look pretty. I'll clean if it's that important to you." He gently grabs the rag out of my hands and leaves to the topping tables, leaving me to face his back.

My heart squeezes as he starts wiping down, like a typical boy doing it clearly wrong missing all the important spots. Hes so sweet. Even now, after he's said he can't be anything more than my friend, he's still doing all of this for me.

"Thanks, i'll pay you 10.50 an hour." I pipe up teasingly as he places down the rag and takes the broom to sweep all he threw on the floor.

"Too little. Please add five more dollars."

I cant help the smile that adores my face as i look up at him. I was glad i could still have easy going moments like these with him. I was worried I wouldn't be able to treat him normally now that he broke my heart.

"Sofia? Who's this?" A familiar deep voice pipes up as my manager steps in. With a quiet mumble of 'shit' i quickly get up, ignoring the pain in my leg as i jump on it.

"Sorry Sir, this is just my friend. I slipped earlier and he offered to help me-"

"If i wanted him to work instead of you, I would've hired him." He interrupts, ginger eyebrow curled in angry manner, a scowl permanent on his face.

I looked down as i nodded in understandment, embarrassed Justin was seeing this.

"I understand Sir, I apologise. It wont happen again." As i say that, i go to take the broom from Justin's hands, when he snatches it away with a scoff.

"Sorry, do you promote working with an injury to all your workers like this?" He snaps at Keith, my manager. He looks angry and i curse under my breath. This was so not good if i wanted to keep my job.

"Justin shut up." I mumble under my breath, jabbing his side.

"Excuse me?" Keith asks, creepily calm.

"You can clearly see shes bleeding. Why does it bother you who's doing the damn job if its getting done?"

"Girl, if you want to keep your damn job i suggest you get this kid out of here-"

"What a prick, you know what, she doesn't need this job in the first place-"

"Justin!" I exclaim, shushing him. I very much did need the job. Desperately. He doesn't look at me cause Keith speaks up once again.

"Oh yeah?" He laughs.

"Yeah. You and your shitty ice cream-"


"Who gives a shit? You should be glad shes not suing you for an unsafe workplace-"

"You're fired." As he says that, Keith looks straight in my eyes, mocking smile on his smug face.

Justin decides to finally go quiet and im so shocked i don't even have the energy to react.

"Hand over your name badge, uniform, and leave." He continues, rubbing salt in my wound.

I breathe in, not realising i was holding my breath after he said that and with shaky hands, remove my apron, name badge attached onto it.

I don't say a word as i turn around and walk out after that, feeling like i was about to cry but not wanting to.

I sniffle harshly as i rub my hands against my arms, regretting walking there today of all days. As if getting fired wasn't good enough, now i was freezing too.

"Sofia.." Justin's manly voice trails off behind me, a slight rasp to it revealing that he does atleast feel guilty for what he did to my job. "Sofia, wait up."

I continue walking, rubbing my face with my sleeves and ignoring his voice, no matter how badly I wanted to cry to him today. I couldn't blame him, even though i tried to with everything in me. How would he know i was fifty thousand dollars in debt to my own mother and needed this job more than anything? He just thought i was doing it for fun.

But it didn't make me any less sad, either.

"Fie i'm really sorry," he sighed as he finally jogged up to me, grabbing my shoulders to stop me from walking.

I turned around with a disappointed sigh.

"Forget about it Justin, just go home."

"Come on, you don't actually need this job anyway. He was a prick, he didn't deserve you as a worker-"

"You don't know anything Justin-" I interrupt, frustrated. "I actually did need that job. No one else will hire a student when im guaranteed to be late almost every day."

"Why do you need the job?" He frowns.

With a sigh, i go to walk again and he follows me. "It doesn't matter."

"What about your other job? What happened to that one?"

"Thats only nights."

His eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. "You work two jobs?!"

"Three, actually." I reply back, quite amused.

"Three?! Sofia, what the hell. Do you even have time for yourself anymore? For school?"

"I'm passing, aren't i?" I say, albeit quietly.

I feel his arms around my shoulders as he pulls me to a halt, pulling his wallet out of his pocket.

"How much do you need?" He asks seriously and I can't help the laugh bubbling out of me.

"You can't be serious."

"Yeah, i am. How much 'Fie?"

Wiping the smile off my face, i shake my head. "Don't Justin." I pull his hand back down.

"No, tell me. Let me stop this right now because this is ridiculous."

"I'm not a fucking charity case, i can work for my own goddamn money." I snap back, more angry than i intended. I feel bad for my tone when i see his face fall, but i couldn't help it. After so many days of overworking myself and now this, my mood was unpredictable.

"I don't have time for this." I sigh and keep walking. "I need to wash up, i have another shift in two hours."

I don't even make it two steps before hes pulling me back by my arm and i go crashing into his chest.

His eyes are wild as he looks down at me.

"You won't accept my money? Fine! I will be there at every job, working with you side by side until you explain what the fuck is going on. You're not going through this alone, 'Fie."

His eyes have that familiar golden sparkle in them as he looks down at me and my heart beats a little faster against my chest. I can almost feel his breath with how close he is to my face and it makes me nervous, so i push against his chest before i can embarrass myself and clear my throat.

"Do whatever you want." And i walk away.

He walks me home and then leaves without a word.

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