I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x Reader

By darkprevalence

360K 9.1K 1.7K

Male Jedi reader insert #10 in Ahsoka #2 in starwarsfanfiction #1 in theclonewars #10 in starwars /// y/n and... More

Author's Note and Disclaimer
Y/N Bio
Author's Note #2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
ThAnK yOu'S & sHoUtOuTs
Author's Note #3
Chapter 6
Thx + Shoutouts + Other Stuff 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Valentine's Day 'Game'
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
U da best guys
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 55
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note #3
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 55

2K 60 15
By darkprevalence

The river gurgled past quietly.

Their footsteps sounded softly on the wooden boardwalk. y/n and Ahsoka ambled languidly along the shaded forest trail, following the path of the small river as it twisted gently through the Naboo landscape.

The walkway was wide, yet they stayed side by side, shoulders occasionally brushing. Ahsoka's fingers reached for y/n's, hungry for his touch. He grabbed her hand firmly, feeling her slender fingers entwine with his.

They simply strolled along the boardwalk, enjoying each other's company. y/n's emotions after the battle had gradually settled as nature and Ahsoka replaced the scream of missiles and blaster bolts. He cast a sideways look at her, but she noticed and gave him a smirk that almost made him freeze in his tracks.

Ahsoka was his rock; She anchored him down when his head was spinning. Words couldn't express how grateful he felt for all the years of friendship and support that she had given.

Instead, he kissed her. y/n pivoted and stepped in front of Ahsoka's tracks so that she collided with him. Instinctively their bodies pressed together, lips hovering millimetres apart, teasingly close yet achingly far.

They wondered what they had done for the Force to bless them with each other.

Ahsoka leaned in and bridged the gap, melting against y/n as he kissed her back. She could feel his lips curl into a soft smile whilst one arm wrapped around her, the other still holding her hand. His fingers found the backless dress and exposed skin, his touch warm but sending shivers down her spine. Ahsoka grasped his collar and tried to pull him closer, but there was already no distance between them.

They broke the kiss gently but still staying close. Her breath tickled his skin.

"You know, I felt lost until you gave me the map to your heart," y/n said.

Ahsoka laughed and gave a snort. "That was really cringey."

"It's true," he protested. "Everything feels so much easier with you."

She stood there for a few seconds, unresponsive, but still pressed against him. Then she walked towards the edge of the boardwalk, gently pulling him along, and sat down. He sat beside her, the two dangling their legs, hands still in each other's. The river ran lazily before them, occasionally spraying small droplets of cold water on their clothes.

"Can I ask you something?" Ahsoka said finally, her eyes on a colourful Doo fish in the water, before turning to him.

"You just did," he grinned back.

"You know what I mean," she rolled her eyes, punching his shoulder with her free hand. He watched her, smirking, and Ahsoka suddenly remembered him saying how he loved it when she rolled her eyes. She looked back at the fish to hide her blush that was rising to her cheeks.

"Back on that cliff," she murmured, "you said you wouldn't let anyone else fall."

He gave an almost wistful smile and answered slowly. "Yeah. Not after what happened on Onderon."

"I'm sorry about that," Ahsoka said softly, then paused. "Can we talk about it?"

He squeezed her hand in reply.

She took a deep breath, and for the first time in a long time, allowed herself to reopen the wound. But now, it didn't hurt as much, knowing that y/n was hers. "I'm sorry for being such a selfish idiot. I'm sorry for pushing you away and taking our friendship for granted. I'm sorry for blaming you when you were just doing your job. And I'm sorry that I hurt you."

She tried not to dwell on the memories, but they kept coming back, one after the other. "Holy Force. I can't believe I did that to you." Ahsoka leant on him and buried her head against his chest, feeling the muscle underneath his tunic. She felt his arm wrap around her shoulder, pulling her close. The slightest trace of pain filled the Force around them.

"I'm sorry about how I acted towards you, and towards Lux," Ahsoka whispered. "And what I did to you after Steela died."

"Hey, stop, that's enough," y/n said gently. "I forgive you for all that. We're good for Onderon. Besides, I have a lot to say, too."

She gave a small smile, feeling a massive burden that she hadn't even realised was there lift off her chest. Raising herself up a bit, she leant on his shoulder instead. He pressed a kiss to her lekku and they sat in silence for a while, watching the Doo fish finally swim off downstream.

He took a breath and said, "I'm sorry about how my resentment stopped us from us becoming friends again. I'm sorry that I was too kriffing stupid to see that I was being cynical and egotistical and spiteful. And I'll be blunt here: I'm sorry for using Trios to make you jealous. It was a really selfish, stupid, bantha-brained move and honestly you deserved so much better." He closed his eyes. Admitting his feelings and saying his apologies was much harder than he thought, not because he felt ashamed, but because he was scared how Ahsoka would react.

"I swear, I never meant to hurt you, 'Soka. Back then, you meant the world to me, and that hasn't ever changed. I'm sorry if I ever did hurt you. I guess a part of me was just hoping that maybe breaking us apart would bring us back together. That's what I told Bluey, anyways," he ended with a chuckle.

"It appears to have worked," Ahsoka said quietly, but there was an inflection in her voice that hinted at a smile. "It's okay. We're good." Sitting back up, she pressed a kiss to his lips, the contact spreading warmth throughout her body.

She remembered the last time they had apologised, inside her dorm. That had been the first step in a reconciliatory journey, and it immediately brought her feelings for y/n back, stronger than ever. But this time it felt as if they had both fully shed their guilt and pain and had moved on.

A smile tugged at Ahsoka's lips as she pulled away. And then she pushed him.

y/n splashed into the river with a loud yelp, plunging headfirst into the icy water. He disappeared underneath for a few seconds, before shooting back up. Treading water, he shook the water from his h/c hair and glared at her, whilst she burst into laughter. Then, a devious smirk appeared on his face and before Ahsoka realised what was happening, y/n had a hand on her boot.

The ice-cold water shocked her for a moment, and then she kicked up, resurfacing.

"Karma, Stripey," he grinned lop-sidely, looking pleased with himself for pulling her into the river as well. She couldn't stop staring at him. He looked so perfect and happy; the water droplets dripping off his jaw, his hair shining in the sunlight, his eyes sparkling, lips curled into a smirk, the scar on his face looking so inexplicably handsome.

He suddenly lunged forwards, kicking through the water, and charging straight at her. Ahsoka felt his strong arms wrap around her waist, and he bowled her over and she was pulled under again.

This time it didn't feel as cold; y/n's body spread warmth through her. Grinning, she grabbed the side of his head and lightly cranked his head, throwing him to the side. Ahsoka kicked out of his reaches and immediately felt the cold rushing into the space between them.

They rushed at each other again, a frenzy of limbs, white river foam, and slowed movements through the water. But the two never stopped smiling, and every now and then they let out a laugh that sent up columns of bubbles.

Eventually the underwater mock combat stopped and they kicked upward to the surface, gasping for air.

Ahsoka filled her lungs with oxygen, then looked at him, a smile on her face. He smiled back, gazing straight into her stormy blue eyes. She felt an electric shock between them through the water.

Then, simultaneously, spontaneously, they slid back down into the water and reached for each other's hand. Fingers found one another, gripping tightly, pulling them close together.

She couldn't describe the how her heart threatened to explode when he wrapped his body around hers, and how her legs instinctively straddled his waist. Hands cupped cheeks, pulling heads in together. y/n and Ahsoka leaned in and kissed, feeling each other's skin pressing against their own, the cool river flowing past them.

He finally sat down on the grass beside her with a contented sigh. Ahsoka turned to look at him with a hint of surprise.

y/n had taken off almost all his wet clothing and draped it over the branches of a few trees, which were bathed in sunlight. His torso was bare, muscles rippling as he tried to find a comfortable position. Taking off his boots, he turned them upside down and watched as a trickle of water seeped out from them, before carelessly throwing them aside. He was completely bare except for a pair of training shorts.

Ahsoka tried not to stare at him too much. She felt like she already knew y/n and each inch of his body; she had seen him so many times, shirtless in the medical bay, or that time on Oon, or felt him wrapped tightly around her. But for some reason she still couldn't stop her mind from wandering towards him.

y/n grinned and raised an eyebrow, leaning over to nudge her gently.

"Come on, the sun's out. It might help to dry out your clothes a bit."

She felt her cheeks heat up and gave a small smile, finally looking at him properly. Her eyes traced over his athletic figure, noting the multiple scars across his chest, arms and legs, his tattoos, before coming back to rest on his face. He smirked and raised his eyebrow again.

"I uh, I think I'll just leave everything on for now," she replied after a second.

His expression didn't change. y/n gave a small shrug and smiled at her, the same relaxed contentment on his features.

"Of course, Stripey," he murmured, then wrapped an arm gently around her waist. She leaned against him, feeling an odd sort of gratitude, and they watched the Doo fish swimming in the river.

"Oh kriff," y/n said suddenly, jerking awake, "what time is it?"

Ahsoka lifted her head off his shoulder and opened her eyes to the forest bathed in dusky light.

They both turned to look at each other and burst into laughter.

"Are you cold?" y/n asked her as he stood up and grabbed his dried clothes from off the tree branches. Her own were still slightly damp, and with the sun going down the temperature was dropping.

"I'll be alrigh-"

Before she could finish, y/n had taken his robe and draped it over her shoulders.

"Come on 'Soka, I'll race you!"

The sun had almost set when they arrived back at Theed Palace, and their Masters had begun to wonder where they had went. Ahsoka and y/n sprinted towards the makeshift command centre, grinning at each other and out of breath.

Aayla turned around to face them, a hand on her hip. She had been thinking about y/n and the previous battle.

It was clear that something about his style had changed. There was the same ferocity and acrobatics of Form IV, but at the same time it felt more intense and unlike anything she had ever seen. Well, it did seem familiar; she had seen someone fight like that, but only once. Shaking her head, Aayla dismissed her train of thought and asked, "Well?"

"Well, what? Master?" y/n asked.

"Didn't I ask you to do another reflection?" the Twi'lek sighed, though a smile tugged at her lips.

"Oh. Right," he replied sheepishly, then turned silently to Ahsoka for help.

"This mission helped us learn that it's okay to have regrets and guilt, but to know that the Force will always guide us," she said after a moment's pause.

"Ah, right," y/n smiled at her. "And that communication and cooperation is the key to unlocking a door."

"Good on you," Anakin said from behind the holotable. "Sounds like you've figured out everything after that mission." He seemed to think that they were talking about their friendship rekindling after Oon, but y/n and Ahsoka didn't bother to correct him. Before, it would have made them feel a tinge of guilt at hiding things from their Masters and for breaking the Code. But it just felt so right.

"Alright, gather around," Obi-Wan beckoned to them suddenly, as a transmission appeared on the holotable. "We've been contacted by some government official."

"From where?" Ahsoka asked.


A man appeared in hologram form, and despite the shimmering blue, his copper sheened skin and black hair were noticeable. He was middle aged but premature wrinkles were already carved across his face.

"Masters," the Lothalian greeted with barely disguised relief. "Please, we require urgent assistance."

"We're listening," Plo Koon nodded, his fingers tracing over his mask.

"Lothal is collapsing. Drought and plague are decimating our livestock. We can't feed ourselves. Trade is failing. Our government cannot save our economy or our citizens, only additional outside humanitarian support can stop this crisis," the man replied, speaking rapidly but clearly.

"What is your name, sir?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Manshi Cloritz. I am the vice president of Lothal. Please, we need help-"

Before any of the Jedi could speak, the hologram crackled and disappeared, suddenly replaced by the forms of Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Luminara Unduli and Yoda appeared in hologram form, shimmering in blue.

"Masters of the Council," Aayla dipped her head as a sign of acknowledgement and respect, followed by everyone else around the holotable.

"We have new missions for you," Windu spoke. "I trust the Naboo crisis has been handled?"

"Yes, but-" Anakin started.

"Good," Windu continued. "Master Secura, you and your Padawan will return to Felucia. Skywalker and his Padawan will go to Kashyyyk. Master Kenobi will keep his army on Naboo. Master Koon, you will return to Coruscant."

"Noted, but there's also another problem that has arisen," Obi-Wan said once Windu had finished. "We've been contacted by the vice president of Lothal, which is in need of-"

"That won't be necessary," Luminara raised a hand to stop him. "The Senate and the Council is aware of Lothal's situation."

"You are to follow the instructions given to you," Windu nodded.

"But there are people in need!" y/n objected, taking a step forward.

"Lothal is facing a humanitarian crisis, whilst we are in the middle of a war," Mundi explained in a cool tone, narrowing his eyes.

"Aren't we supposed to be peacekeepers, though?" Ahsoka challenged from beside y/n. "Surely saving a planet is more important than-"

"That's enough, Padawan," Obi-Wan cut in, though not harshly, trying instead to minimise the repercussions.

"So, we're just going to ignore the pleas of millions of citizens that need help?" y/n snarled, shaking his head in disbelief. He clenched his hand into a fist and raised it as if to bang it against the holotable, before dropping it again. "What happened to the Jedi being-"

"y/n!" Aayla and Plo Koon barked at the same time. Plo gently but firmly grabbed the shoulders of the two Padawans and made them step back and away from the holotable.

"You have your instructions," Windu said, watching the two younger Jedi.

"Very well," Anakin nodded slowly and glanced at the others around the holotable.

The three figures of the Council members disappeared. The vice president of Lothal did not show up again afterwards.

"We could have been helpful," y/n muttered under his breath. "But instead we're just causing more damage."

"That's enough," Aayla silenced him, raising a hand. "There's nothing we can do now. And next time, show some respect." But the look that she and the other Jedi gave him showed their agreement.

"I guess that's it," Ahsoka whispered. The Masters had all walked off back into the palace, leaving the two behind. She put her hand into his. "Maybe one day everyone will see how war isn't the most important thing."

"The problem with that," y/n sighed, "is that the Council only knows peace exists if there is war."

Leaning against the entrance of the great hall, Ahsoka watched him load the last supply boxes onto the LAAT transport. His back was covered in sweat, muscles flexed as he held the weight, torso bare like the other three clones.

"Come on, Bly, I thought you were stronger than that," he grinned at the straining soldier.

"Quit talking and lift your share," was the clone's response.

y/n and the clones finally loaded the crates. He turned his head, dusting off his hands, and caught her gaze, before giving her a smile and turning back to his men. The last sliver of sun bounced off his hair.

"He's a fine young man, isn't he?" Palpatine asked from behind, approaching Ahsoka.

"Depends on who you ask," she replied with a small smile.

"Oh, well I'm asking you, I suppose," the chancellor said with a chuckle, watching y/n climb onboard the LAAT.

"He's a good friend and a good Jedi," Ahsoka shrugged.

The transport lifted into the air. From within, y/n turned and smiled at them, before giving them a two-finger salute. She smiled back at him and watched as the LAAT became a dot in the darkening sky.

"He cares a lot about you," Palpatine said, and Ahsoka fought the urge to turn in surprise. Instead, she stayed silent, until the chancellor spoke again. "When it was revealed that Grievous' escape was a trap, y/n was most determined and...passionate...to rescue you and the others."

He strolled slowly forwards, walking out of the palace. Ahsoka watched him leave, feeling a sense of unease from his observation. There was something about the way he spoke that hinted he knew something.

"Take good care, Ahsoka Tano," Palpatine said, turning back to her, halfway down the flight of stairs. "Keep him close."

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