The Other Brother (SLOW UPDAT...

By jaykaygcf

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Justin Adams- sexy, cute, popular. Would get just about any girl if he wanted to. Just one little flaw, He ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29


163 2 53
By jaykaygcf

The most exaggerated, dramatic gasp interrupts our conversation as we walk into the kitchen together, our arms brushing against each other.

Our heads snap up to Elena, who is smiling cheekily at us. I roll my eyes in amusement. The sight of her making pancakes and Alec stealing one as she's distracted feels familiar.

But the butterflies I've had all through yesterday and this morning aren't. My hands still tremble slightly when I remember everything that happened. When i look up at Justin he's smiling at his sister.

"So this is why you weren't in my room last night," she points an accusatory finger at me and my head snaps back to her. "Oh my God you totally did the nasty under my roof." She fake gags.

Justin laughs loudly while i rush to smack the back of her head.

In the corner of my eyes i can see Alec glaring at me but ignore the burn of his stare.

"Oh my God, shut up! We didn't, and with my luck your mom could walk in right now and hear that." I chastise her but the smile doesn't leave my face.

Elena cackles at me when Alec gets up from his seat, swings his backpack on his shoulder and leaves the room.

"Jeez, i wonder what got his panties in a twist." My friend muses as she turns back around to her pancakes. "He's been like that since yesterday."

"I can take a guess." Justin mumbles with a smirk from his seat as he bites in one of the pancakes on the plate in the middle of the table.

I glare at him and his smirk widens so i reach a hand over and lightly slap the back of his head.

"Ow!" He exlaims with a laugh, even though i didn't slap him hard at all. "What? It's not my fault he's jealous over something he never even had." I steal the pancake out of his hand and take a huge bite of it as a reply when Elena mumbles from beside the stove.

"He kind of did, for years before you came here."

The smile that was previously on my lips dissipates at her words. I force the bite of pancake down and place the rest back down.

Justin's stiff now as he glares at Elena. "No, he didn't actually."

Theres an awkward silence circulating the room after that. Elena stares at her brother, clearly annoyed with the hard tone he used on her. She looks almost offended but Justin looks unapologetic as he continues eating the rest of his pancake. She's been annoyed with them since yesterday for being so hostile against eachother when they're meant to be brothers. I felt terrible that i caused a rift in between them like this, and i couldn't help but feel like subconsciously Elena resented me too for it.

"Anyway then-" the girl decides to say, cutting the silence. "There's a fair today. My friend Laura invited all of us. Its a fundraiser for women's breast cancer. Beth and Alec will be there too and so will you," she says as she stares back and forth between us. "I expect you to be on your best behaviours."

Justin rolls her eyes at her, annoyed. "Do i have to go?"

"Yes, you do." Elena says as she turns back around to flip the next pancake. She doesn't face him as she says it but her words are stern. After that, he doesn't say anything else.


After the slightly awkward scene in the kitchen, Elena and I fortunately immediately bounced right back into our usual routine at school. Planning outfits for later, hairstyles, what we'd do.

Unfortunately, it felt as though a very obvious presence was missing. Beth usually partook in these types of moments with us. I felt terrible for Elena, i could tell the girl was missing her friend dearly. Though I encouraged her on multiple occasions to go up to the silver headed girl (that was currently sitting just a few meters away from us), she denied everytime.

The only fact that consoled my otherwise extremely guilty mood was knowing that Beth would be there later and she'd get to hang out with her.

Surpringly however, i was quite nervous to face her. It'd be the first time i'd face both her and Alec together at the same time. Though i'd promised the girl I'd forgive her, the whole thing still felt quite fresh.

It had only been a few days i found out after all. Maybe i was being a cry baby, but I couldn't control what i felt. It felt like i didn't know my friend anymore.

"It'll be fine girl, stop worrying you're making your constipated face." Elena snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Constipated?!" I explaimed, offended.

She threw her head back as she laughed. "Yes, it's your worried thinking face. Didn't think I'd see it so soon now that you're in looovee-"

"Shut up!" I interrupt her, blush high on my cheeks. "Not in love."

"Mhmm," she says with a cheeky smile. "Oh look, it's Justin." She points.

I turn to where her finger pointed without even realising only to be met with no one.

"Not in love." Elena mocks in a high pitched voice.


When the time finally came and everyone agreed to meet there, i was the first to show up with my favourite pair of black jeans and a borrowed top from Selena. I tried inviting her multiple times today but she refused me everytime for her own plans.

Thankfully i didn't have to wait long by myself as Elena and her girlfriend shouted after me merely minutes after.

"Sofia! Oh my God we need to get our faces painted, i just saw a booth while walking up to you." She says excitedly. I laugh then greet her and her girlfriend with a hug.

"Sure, I'm not planning on going on many rides so anything on land i'm happy to do." I grin at them.

"How come?" Elena questions as she waves another member from our group over. It's Beth this time.

"I'm just not feeling well." The rides are gigantic and they look scary.

She doesn't have time to question it because Beth finally reaches us as she smiles uncomfortably.

Who would've thought she'd ever be uncomfortable around us.

"Hi.." she trails off with an unsure smile.

"Hey girl," Elena immediately hugs her "your hair looks darker did you dye it again?"

"Yeah, i did." Beth laughs and it sounds relieved almost, as if she's glad Elena is talking to her like this.

When she finally looks at me i give her a smile.

"It looks nice." I compliment. Her eyes literally brighten up at the compliment as she thanks me, her posture now more relaxed.

Her hair did look nice, a darker shade of silver that looked more natural to her complexion. It brought out her green eyes. I'm sure Alec will think she's gorgeous.

"Ugh there they are, we left at the same time how are they so late." Elena waves over as she looks past my shoulder. I turn my head too to see our favourite pair of twins walking together from Justin's gorgeous black camaro.

They both look fairly upset, though Justin now has a smile plastered on his face as he walks over to stand beside me. He side hugs me with a charming smile, his dimple poking out handsomely.

"Hey princess," he says "you look pretty tonight."

He looks so good himself it makes my stomach flip. Im sure my smile back to him looks almost ridiculous but he doesn't seem to mind.

"As i do every night but thanks anyway." I joke.

When i look back at our group it seems as if everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at our interaction.

Beth has both her eyebrows raised and it's only now i realise the girl never got filled in about everything that went down after i walked in on her and Alec.

Speaking of the devil, in the corner of my eye i notice the boy roll his eyes in annoyance but I choose to ignore it for the greater good.

"Gross." Elena jokes, faking a gag.

"Oh, you guys are here too?" Justin jokes, pretending he only notices them now. Sarah, Elena's girlfriend, is the only one that laughs. Alec merely scoffs while Beth shifts awkwardly on her feet. I try my best not to let our current mood discourage me about the night we're about to have.

I just want to have fun.

I seemed to have spoken too soon however, because at that thought Alec brightens up as he raises his hand in the air, calling someone over.

"Hope you dont mind guys-" he starts, mischievous smile on his chapped lips. "I invited a friend."

My whole body freezes when i notice the girl he had called over so happily.

Her waist length gorgeous brunette hair moves around her shoulders as she walks up to us, dressed in the prettiest white summer dress and converse.

I look down at my own outfit and clench my fists. Jeans and a top? Why didn't i dress up?

Her perfectly manicured hand thrusts forward as she introduces herself to my friends, her fox shaped green eyes squinting as she smiles at each and every one of them.

"Hey guys i'm Alishia."

I don't have to look over at Justin to know hes fuming. Not that i'd do it anyway, i fear the way he reacts to her presence.

I wasn't sure if Alec did it on purpose, but i detested him right now.

Elena and Beth both try to make small talk with her as Justin glares daggers at Alec.

The younger boy simply just smirks back at him and it makes my own blood boil too.

How immature.

I decide not to stoop down to his level and smile at the girl with the best fake kindness i could find in myself.

"Hi, Sofia right?" She turns as she notices me. "I think we met before when i was at Jay's the other day." She smiles at me and it doesn't seem fake but i can't find it in myself to like her.


"Oh right," I pretend as if I hadn't thought about her since i'd seen her in that stupid house "Nice to see you again." Definitely wasn't.

"Awh i'm sure you guys will get along great," Alec pipes in, swinging his arm around his brother as he speaks. "You're both such great friends of Jay's. You already have a lot in common!"

I grit my teeth to not curse him out.

"Right, well why don't we get started on this park then?!" Beth jumps in the conversation, breaking the tension. "I cant wait anymore."

"Yes please!" Elena agrees. The girls start walking ahead as the rest of us follow behind.

I turn to look for Justin only to see glorious Alishia already stuck to his side.


An hour into out day and the brunette model is already starting to get on my nerves. After deciding to be plastered to Justin all night, she then proceeded to act like a spoiled girlfriend the entire time.

"Oh I really want that Jay can you win it for me?"

"You're so good at games Jay can we play something against eachother?"

"Oh my God Jay you're so funny!"

I wanted to blow my goddamn brains out.

If she called him that ugly nickname one more time i'd go mad and shoot Alec himself. He made sure to smile at me bigger than ever everytime Alishia and Justin would interact. I really hated him right now.

"Oh! Look at that ride, will you go with me Jay?" She jumps on her spot and i pinch myself to resit rolling my eyes.

Justin hesitates as he looks over at me.

"Oh let's all go!" Elena exclaims. "It looks like a good one."

"I'm good." Beth chuckles awkwardly, obviously scared of the gigantic rollercoaster.

"Yeah, i'm gonna sit this one out too." I laugh, not liking the way my stomach churns just looking at it.

"Are you sure?" Elena is polite enough to ask but she's already itching to walk ahead.

I nod at her with a smile. She's really happy today.

"I'll stay with her don't worry." Alec butts in, squeezing in between me and Beth, wrapping an arm around me. I push it off immediately.

"Actually, im not really feeling it. You can go ahead Alec, I'll stay with Sofia." Justin says, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer so im farther away from Alec.

"You don't have to man, i'm more than happy here." Alec smiles but theres no warmth there, rather it's more provocative than anything.

Justin clenches his jaw.

"Oh my God im not a goddamn baby i can wait here five minutes by myself stop acting crazy." I butt in. "Justin, you can go ahead, Beth is here too and im waiting with her." The boy frowns but nods anyway.

Alishia immediately attaches herself back onto him, grabbing his arm.

"And Alec," i turn to the other boy. He smiles, happy that I finally acknowledge him today. "I dont need you to stay with me, if you're too much of a wuss to go on the big ride, just say so."

His smile is replaced with a scowl at my jab and Justin finally smiles happy. At that, they all go on the ride while Beth, Alec and I wait patiently.

I look at the two and notice the big distance between then, Beth standing awkwardly with her arms crossed and Alec avoiding looking at her at any occasion.

"So what, are you guys together now or something?" The boy starts, voice sounding annoyed.

"None of your business." I say simply, not even turning my head to make eyecontact with him, instead just staring daggers at the girl who's holding onto Justin's arm currently as they get on the ride.

What a leech.

Alec scoffs, and stays quiet for a few seconds until he steps in front of me and forces me to look at his currently very annoying face.

"You know what Sofia, yes it fucking is my business," he snaps. "You knew damn well i asked you out because i liked you and then next thing i know, you're with my brother again. I didn't even get an explanation! You told me to wait, so i did. The least you could've done is tell me to stop waiting."

"Are you kidding me?" I snap back, raising my voice for the first time tonight. "I didn't owe you shit Alec! I figured you realised that when i overheard you arguing with my best friend about how you only did it to make her jealous." Beth shifts on her feet at that, looking away with a guilty expression.

I felt bad bringing her in our argument but it was what it was.

"Oh my God, I didn't do it to make her jealous for fuck's sake Sofia, didn't Beth already explain that it didn't mean shit?" He asks in a defeated tone.

"I don't care if it didn't mean shit, Alec. You treat me like your little sister for years but then magically when Beth starts going out with someone you decide you like me?" I scoff at him.

"I've- i've liked you for a while," he starts but it doesn't sound believable in my ears. I roll my eyes without even meaning to. "I did, Sofia. I was just confused, we had been friends for so long and i-"

"It doesn't matter anymore Alec," I interrupt him. "That day, i was going to say no anyway."

Although the fair was full of laughing and screams, the silence that came after i said that was almost deafening as Alec's face dropped. I immediately felt bad for the way i said it but i couldn't have worded it any better.

Besides, the way he called over Justin's ex girlfriend was petty and beneath him. I was too angry with him today.

"Why?" He finally spits out, voice hard and face almost angry.

If it wasn't Alec, I would've been scared.

"Because of my brother?" He continues.

My eyes widen at his harsh tone.

"It-" he cuts me off again.

"You like me your entire life but then Justin gives you a little attention for a few months and you ditch me for him?!" His voice raises and i almost gasp at him.

What a fucking dick.

"Are you serious right now?" I ask him, raising my voice right back.

Before i have my chance to have a go at him, everyone comes back. I bite my tongue for the sake of the group and instead just look at Alec.

"We'll talk later." I promise him, angrier with him than ever.

"You guys okay?" Justin checks in with me once he finally manages to escape from the leech herself. She's next to Alec now, discussing something between eachother.

"Yeah, everything's fine. How was Alishia?" I emphasise her name. "Did you miss her adorable personality? Shes so cute and petite. Her little hands couldn't even hold the hammer, did you see?" I pout up at him, imitating her expression from earlier when they were playing 'king of hammer' earlier.

I was being a bitch, the girl herself was nice and she wasn't bitchy at all. I didn't know why i was acting like this and why i disliked her so much.

She hadn't done or said anything to me but i couldn't help my reaction.

"Stop, I've been trying so hard to get rid of her," he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I wanted to just be with you today."

I smile at him, the pettiness from earlier disappearing.

"It's fine, you'll just have to take me out some other time."

He hums in agreement and grabs one of my hands, tracing his thumb on the back of it.

"Yes i most definitely will. Alone this time. In a different place. As a date."

Im glad i didn't apply any blush today because Justin Adams seems to be giving me enough of the natural type everyday recently.

"I'd be on board with that." I smile at him before we're once again dragged from our little bubble and to the bumper cars. He doesn't let my hand fall, though.

"Okay we need to go in partners. Sarah is feeling sick from the ride earlier so I'll bump with Beth." Elena says as we stand in the line.

I see Alishia eyeing Justin from her spot in the line next to Alec and it makes me almost groan outloud. I do not want to sit next to Alec, and this girl doesn't look like she'll be detracting her claws out of Justin.

"Alishia, you're going with Justin right?" Alec asks loud enough for the entire town to hear. I roll my eyes at his immaturity.

He's getting on my damn nerves today.

"Actually-" Justin interrupts before she can reply "I'm bumping with 'Fie. You go with her, brother."

I bite my lip to not smile like the fucking pennywise.

I was looking forward to going on things with Justin today, it reminded me of the time on my birthday when he took me out cause everyone else seemed to forgot.

My hopes got crushed however when the beautiful green eyed freaking goddess sashayed in here and glued herself on him.

I was happy to finally go on something with him, even if it was bumper cars.

I didn't even care about Alec feeling hurt or annoyed with us anymore, he can bite it.

For the remainder of that day, Justin stuck to me, ignoring Alishia until we went home.



Sorry for the extremely long wait babies just got home from holiday🥳

Made a lil something for you guys. I obviously dont have a cast assigned to my characters because i think that kind of ruins the whole point of imagination, i want you guys to see them as you wish but i was playing around with ai the other day and i created what i like to imagine them as.

Maybe him (but more tan) (justin)

(I couldn't get Justin's eye colour correct at all. Justin has golden hazel eyes guys)

Or him? Personally I prefer him


I couldnt get the eyes exactly as i wished and it was pretty hard too with the hair and all but i think that's pretty much the basic outline of who i see.

This was also a potential that i ended up scrapping ahah

Is it close to what you guys imagine too? Lmk!!

This was who i felt Alec was but i couldn't get him to look like Justin at all.

If you dont like it obviously dont take this seriously at all i just thought it was a fun little thing. Feel free to imagine them as you wish <33 tysm for reading.

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