The Other Brother (SLOW UPDAT...

By jaykaygcf

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Justin Adams- sexy, cute, popular. Would get just about any girl if he wanted to. Just one little flaw, He ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29


156 4 29
By jaykaygcf

Simply put the picture up there bc look at his hand y'all 🤤 beautiful

By the time Monday rolled around, i decided to sleep in and skip school for the day. I had enough people to avoid today to last me a lifetime.

Elena had left late last night after trying her best to come up with possible scenarios in which Beth hadn't actually done me dirty. 'Two sides to every story' she'd say, but i reminded her that there is no story, i walked in on them confessing without realising.

It was simple. Beth knew i liked him meanwhile she was going behind my back, getting with him. Beth knew i liked him and she let me hope all that time when she knew i was a lost cause.

Maybe it wasn't as serious as i made it out to be, but it hurt me. It was the first time my best friend had disappointed me in this way. I had always offered her complete transparency and only hoped for the same thing in return because that's what friends did.

Did she think i was pathetic, fawning over a man she knew she already had?

Maybe she pitied me and that's why she kept it a secret. Hell, i'd pity me. What loser is that obsessed over a guy that couldn't give a flying rats ass about you? (Its me guys, lol. Im that loser 😛)

Nevertheless.. she could have spared me the humiliation if she had cared about me. Clearly, she didn't.

I had always noticed Alec cared a whole lot about Beth. He was always protective over any guy she'd talk to. Even last time we hung out, when she left with her Tyler guy he had been so pissed and i didn't understand why. Maybe i was just stupid, to not piece it together sooner.

I could already imagine them having a laugh over me together right now and it made me groan and bury my head further in my pillow.

My sister tried checking up on me twice already only to find me in the same position. She just sighed at the sight of me the third time around.

"Mom and I are leaving," she announces "and your friend is at the door. You should get up."

I assumed its Elena again so i got up, still in my pyjamas from yesterday and hair up in a hideous bun when i opened the door.

To my surprise, it's the traitor herself standing there. When i go to shut the door back closed, the silver headed girl shoves her foot through the door to keep it open.

"Please hear me out Sofia," she pleads.

Beth doesn't look so good herself, glasses placed on her dark rimmed eyes. Her hair is in a straight ponytail unlike her usual curled down hairstyle. She looks like she's cried almost as much as i have.

"Why should i?" I reply to her, but I've already opened the door wider.

"Because we've been friends since forever," she's quick to answer "and a guy shouldn't come in between that."

At that, i feel an ache in my chest. This time, she was right, we had been friends since forever. I let her in simply to not waste all those years, leading us to the living room couch since i knew everyone else had already left.

"I want you to know," i started before she had a chance to say anything "i couldn't care less about Alec in this scenario Beth." She looks confused as i say that.

"Im hurt because you didn't tell me." I explain and her face drops. "Im upset because you hid behind my back and let me.. embarrass myself and hurt myself for so long when you could've just let me know from the start that you liked him and I would've understood-"

"No Sofia-" the girl chokes on a sob. "I don't like him, i really don't. It was a mistake and i didn't even mean for it to happen. I wouldn't do that to you-"

I raise an eyebrow at that because, well, she did do that to me. The girl gulps and composes herself as she sits up straight once again.

"I know I've hurt you," she begins and i bite back the urge to reply back just yet. "But it's really not what you think Sofia i swear to you."

"When did it start?" I ask simply.

She hesitates before she finally answers. "A little while before you met your ..biological mum, Alec and i had gone to a party together. We both were drunk off our ass Sofia, we were dancing together and then it sort of just happened. He kissed me and.. i allowed it. I regret that every day." She looks down at her lap. "But when we realised what happened we immediately parted ways and i think he called you to pick him up-"

I remember the day, when he had asked me to stay over and then i was so excited that he spooned me. I almost laughed at the memory now, I didn't get much sleep that night cause i was so excited to be so close to him when he had just kissed my best friend hours prior. (I think it was chapter 26 or 27 guys)

"That's it?" I simply ask.

"After that, he started seeing a bunch of different girls and let me know on multiple occasions it meant nothing so we hadn't talked about it since." She says and i nod my head. It wasn't the worst thing that could've happened, i think now that i know the girl didn't actively reach him out and betray me like I thought she did.

But then, the girl speaks again. "Until.." she trails off and i snap my head back at her.


"You kissed Justin." She says, as if she's defending herself. "So I assumed you were over Alec. We were finally talking like normal again after a while and there was like a tiny little peck I wouldn't even call it a kiss." She explains quickly. I try not to scoff. A 'mistake' that happened twice. I knew all too well about those kinds of mistakes.

"You like him?" I ask her, even though she said she didn't at the start of our conversation. Everything she was saying was contradicting with her previous statement.

"No!" She says, sure and determined.

"But you were angry when he asked me out?"

She remains quiet for a few seconds before she replies again.

"After that second time, im sure you remember we went out and Tyler, this guy i was talking to, asked me to meet him a little while after. When Alec saw, he seemed annoyed and I thought he was asking you out to annoy me or because he was just bored and stupid-"

"Because it was that shocking that he'd actually just want to go out with me." I interrupt again and i feel petty just saying it, knowing i was going to say no anyway. But it felt like that's what Beth was saying, just a disguised insult without even meaning to. She'd encourage me everyday saying i had a chance with him but now that he asks me out, she was confused and thought he was doing it for the shits and giggles. Why not just tell me from the beginning?

"Wait, shit, of course not Sofia thats not what i meant. I was just concerned as your best friend and you were so confused over who to choose it made me angry if he was just playing with your feelings and when i went to confront him you walked in and..." she trails off in her hurried explanation. "I just didn't want to see you hurt."

"So all that advice you gave me about choosing Justin, it wasn't just so i'd stay away from Alec?"

"God no Sofia, do you really think im that bad?" She seems offended that I'd think that about her but i just shrug in response and her face falls. "No, any advice i gave you, i meant." she settles on.

"Thank you for explaining yourself Beth," I decide to finish the conversation. Elena was right, i guess there was another side to the story i had made up in my head. But it surely didn't mean i felt any better. If anything, this just made me feel even smaller, pathetic. I didn't know if i could ever face Alec again.

On the contrary, atleast i could move on from Beth.

"But I think that's enough said now." I finish, standing up, trying to politely let her know she could leave now.

"Are you really not going to forgive me?" She asks as she hurries up after me, face desperate and eyes already starting to tear up in panic.

I feel bad for the girl, she was my best friend and she was right, Alec wasn't someone worth losing it for. I decide to give her a hug so her shaking would stop and her body immediately deflates in relief as she squeezes back.

"I'll forgive you, i just need a little time. This is all so embarrassing for me." I explain and she nods her head in my hair, squeezing me like her life depended on it.

A laugh unintentionally bubbles up when i try pulling away and the girl doesn't let up her hold. Before we know it we're both laughing so hard until we've both got tears in our eyes.

"How did this ever happen to us?" Beth says with a giggle, wiping away a stray tear.

"I know right, who would've ever thought." She smiles at me one last time before she takes her things and goes.

My chest immediately feels lighter at her departure. It felt horrible being angry at her for  so long. It would take a little time until i could trust her again, or be friends like before again but atleast she had explained herself.

When i head back to my room, its not to bury myself in my blankets and mope anymore but rather to shower and get changed for the day.

I was painting my toes pink to make myself feel better when my phone rung again.

I had let Justin's calls go to voicemail three times already today, but now that i seemed to feel better than i had this morning, I decided to answer the boy as i placed my nail polish to the side and grabbed my phone.

"Finally," says Justin as soon as i answer "i know you never seem to answer my calls but not like today 'Fie i swear, you're harder to reach than anyone on planet earth." He huffs and i bite back a giggle at his frustrated tone, forgetting the fact that I'm upset with him for split of a second.

"Sorry," i grin "was quite busy painting my nails."

I think i hear him mumble an 'ofcourse you were' before he speaks up again. "How are you? What the hell happened last night?"

My stomach churns when i remember the events that took place once again.

"Alec didn't tell you?" I decide to answer with.

"No. Why- did he do something? Shit-" he curses, annoyed. "Did he make you cry? Tell me what he did princess i'll go break his face right now-"

"Oh my God-" i can't help but giggle at his serious tone, pleased that he cared so much about me to go to those measures but concerned he'd do it to his own brother. It made me feel slightly better about whats her name last night. "He didn't do anything, it actually doesn't even matter anymore." I finish.

It stays quiet for a second and i decide to add "it's safe to say i don't need to reject him anymore atleast."

As soon as the words left my lips i could practically feel the way Justin was probably grinning on the other line.

"So you decided to listen to me?" He says in a cocky tone and im grateful this isn't a videocall otherwise hed see the embarassing flush on my cheeks.

Yeah, i had decided to listen to him. In return, he was cozying up to another girl, I remember. The shy smile leaves my face.

"Like i said, it doesn't matter any more."

It was safe to assume he noticed my change of mood as the line quietened up apart from his quiet breathing.

"Listen Sofia, about the other day.." he begins and i panic, not wanting to talk about the dreadful thing at the moment. I was so scared of his explanation disappointing me, i'd rather not know.

Ignorance is bliss, they say. Alishia can stay a mystery for all i cared, I didn't have the energy to deal with yet another disappointment.

"Ah- actually Justin i have to go, i had a thing with Selena and she's waiting for me, lets talk
later." I interrupt him and he sighs in disappointment. I knew he knew it wasn't true but i couldn't care in the moment. I just wanted to postpone the conversation.

"Alright princess," he breathes. My cursed heart unfortunately still does a somersault at his deep voice saying the nickname, even though it's probably what he calls her too. "Talk to you later."

I hang up before he can say anything else.

It was hours later when i hear pebbles being thrown at my windows once again. I don't have to check to know who it is, i just hurry to brush through my hair, put on some strawberry scented lip gloss and im rushing downstairs.

"What are you doing here?" I ask breathless once I open the door. He's wearing one of my favourite shirts on him. Black and tight around the chest, showcasing his muscles as always. I force my eyes not to wander to his arms.

"I assumed your 'thing' with Selena was over by now." He smiles taking a step closer.

He says it like he knows it was made up and it makes me blush in embarrassment so i just look away so he doesn't realise. It's dark out by now, half of the day already had passed by since he last called me. I was glad i had changed out of my pyjamas this time, or I would've been even more embarrassed.

"Yeah," I answer simply because i can't figure out what else i can say when i can smell his cologne from our proximity. He smells so manly and fresh it makes my mouth figuratively water. He always smells so heavenly.

"You look beautiful." He says as he looks down at me, significantly closer than what we started with. We always seemed to get in this position every time we were alone recently and i didn't know what to do.

His compliment meant more to me than it usually would, knowing it was the first time he was seeing my face completely bare, save for the shiny lipgloss i applied (just for him but it didn't matter) . Of course he had seen me with no make up when we were younger too but back then the world would end before he'd ever say something nice to me. He had also seen me with mascara dripping down my face, sobbing on his chest but that was a moment id rather not remember.

Now, he was close to my face, closer than I'd let anyone else be, and staring at me so intensely. My flaws out and bare but still, he calls me beautiful.

"Thank you." I finally reply to him, looking back into his golden eyes. He looked so pretty like this, with his hair not styled and a slight scruff on his face.

His hand itches up to hold my waist and i can feel the way just one of his hands is enough to almost grab my entire waist alone. I turn breathless at the thought, finding it so insanely attractive. Everything about Justin Adams is insanely attractive.

"I want to explain last night and i want you to sit here and listen. No running away." He tells me and my stomach does its usual churning once again.

I don't answer him, considering he more demanded than asked. I gesture at him to continue.

"She's my ex, from New York."

I focus on the chain handing from his neck to not give away my disappointed reaction. Of fucking course shes his ex. He squeezes my hip when he notices the way I avoid looking at his face.

"I didn't call her here, I haven't even spoken to her once since i left there-" he says and lifts my chin with his index finger so i look up at him.

"I swear Sofia she just showed up by herself, i was as surprised as you were. I was trying to make her leave when you showed up but some shit happened with her family and she didn't know who to go to-" i cant help myself from rolling my eyes at that.

It was mean, but I couldn't care less about what happened, find someone else to go to. I bite my tongue and he continues.

"I didn't tell you to say no to Alec for the fun of it, i meant it. I like you. There wont be any other girls."

Butterflies swarm my stomach and my breath hitches as the words leave his full lips. I think it was the first time he said the three words officially. My eyes are wide and my cheeks are flaming hot when i look up at him. He smiles at my reaction, chuckling quietly and something twists in my belly just looking at him. It makes me feel hotter than I already felt.

"I know you like me too, no matter what you say," he says in a joking voice. "You can't kiss me the way you did and not like me back."

At the reminder of what happened between us once again, i shove my face in his chest, too embarrassed to look at his face right now.

I had almost forgotten that had actually happened and it wasn't just me dreaming. Everything was changing so fast i didn't know how to handle it and Justin's chest right now seemed to be solving all my problems.

"I know you love feeling my chest up sweetheart but can you look up so i can see your beautiful face?" He laughs and i pinch one of his arms that he has wrapped around my waist.

"Shut up." I say back in a quiet voice once i finally look up at him, cheeks permanently red.

He raises his eyebrows. "Shut up? Gosh I'm here confessing my soul to you and you tell me to shut up, im so wounded 'Fie-" he says dramatically and i punch his chest lightly.

"Stopp," i complain "you're making it hard for me, just be annoying and ugly again please."

"Ugly?!" He mock shouts. "When have i ever been ugly?" Hes so scandalised and it makes me laugh, way deep from my stomach. The ugly, not meant for anyone to hear laugh.

"You're always ugly." I stick my tongue out jokingly, glad the mood had changed because i couldn't handle any other version of Justin that wasn't just playing around.

I seem to have spoke too soon however, because just as relief finally takes my body, he turns serious again. He pulls my body closer with one hand while the other holds my face.

We were so close i could feel his lips brushing against mine as he spoke.

"You like me too, don't you?" He asks and if i wasn't as focused on him right now I probably wouldn't have even noticed but I immediately pick up on the slight tremble in his question. He's insecure, and I'm not surprised. For so long, i haven't given him a reason to be secure.

I hesitate before i nod my head, deciding to put him out of his misery.

He smiles big and then finally, catches my lips between his.

They're gone before i have a chance to reciprocate, merely just a quick peck before he pulls away and repeats the action once again.

"I'm gonna be able to do that whenever i want-" he does it again and i laugh in between his hurried kisses.

Unknown to the both of us, stuck in our little bubble, the other brother had also wanted to pay me a little visit. To explain himself, to tell me that the other girl was just a mistake to him. To explain that he actually did like me and he asked me out because he wanted me. Unfortunately the sight he was greeted with from his car wasn't all that great. He drove out the driveway before innocent pecks turned into something more and his anger would get the best of him.


Alright guys, quick intervention 👏

I did put 'slow updates' in the title of the book for a reason😭 it takes me a while to update unfortunately because creating things takes time. Most of the time ive no inspiration to write and when i force it it tends to come out kind of shit. so im sorry about the long waits & thank u sm for putting up w them.

I am actually trying really hard to put them up quicker than I usually would and i know im not doing great but hopefully I'll get better 🥲 im excited about the next one though so I'll try put it out fast

Next chapter is definitely my favourite of all. 🤭

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