I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x Reader

By darkprevalence

360K 9.1K 1.7K

Male Jedi reader insert #10 in Ahsoka #2 in starwarsfanfiction #1 in theclonewars #10 in starwars /// y/n and... More

Author's Note and Disclaimer
Y/N Bio
Author's Note #2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
ThAnK yOu'S & sHoUtOuTs
Author's Note #3
Chapter 6
Thx + Shoutouts + Other Stuff 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Valentine's Day 'Game'
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
U da best guys
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 55
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note #3
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 52

1.6K 52 9
By darkprevalence

hope you like this. it's a bit iffy in some parts but let me know :)

The elaborate, geometric gardens spilled with blooming plants and lush greenery. But y/n saw none of that and didn't notice the floral fragrance that filled the air.

Tunnel vision. His boots echoed through the courtyard as he ran across the intricately paved cobbles. Behind him, the three 501st clones followed, albeit at a distance. It wasn't hard to see that he wanted to be left alone.

When they came to the major entrance to the palace, the firefight there had already ended. There was smoke rising in columns into the air, droids scattered everywhere, dozens of clones lying lifeless. The Republican soldiers ran about in organised chaos after the battle, transporting the injured, setting up defences, beginning the assault into the palace itself. Jesse, Fives and Kix had already blended in with the crowd, assisting their brothers.

"Where have you been?"

y/n turned, slowly, his head dipped. "Sorry, Commander."

Bly took off his helmet and gave his head a shake, as if to cool off and dissipate the perspiration.

"We could have used you in that firefight. Good thing Commander Tano and General Skywalker were here. Would've lost for sure without them."

He narrowed his eyes, concerned for y/n's unresponsiveness.

"Captain l/n?"

"Yes, Commander?"

"Where's Rocco?"

y/n finally lifted his head and stared into Bly's eyes. Neither of them said anything for a few moments. They just both stood there whilst soldiers moved around them.

The clone knew. Of course he did; it wasn't hard to read from y/n's expression. But he finally found confirmation.

Slowly, Bly reached out towards the Jedi's collar, and gently pulled the fabric back slightly.

"He was a good man," the commander said after a few moments. Then, he let go of the cloth so that it partially covered Rocco's freshly tattooed name again.

"General Skywalker is having a briefing over there. Yellow team and orange team haven't broken through the droid defences yet. We're set to engage soon."

y/n gave a curt nod, still avoiding Bly's eyes whilst he stood upright at attention.

"Sir, yes sir!"

The clone looked at him consolingly and placed a hand on his uninjured shoulder. "It's okay. We'll make it through this. We always do. Stay strong, Brother."

In reply, the Jedi gave a salute, which Bly returned before leaving.

y/n stood, surrounded by a throng of moving clones, like he was in the eye of the storm. He closed his eyes tightly, letting the Force fill his body and shut his mind from the loss of Rocco.

He had a job to do. The chancellor, his friend, was in danger. Plo Koon and his men were inside the palace, needing reinforcements. His own men needed him to lead.

Rubbing off the small, fresh droplets of blood that trickled out from the new cuts of the tattoo, y/n readjusted his collar. He winced, feeling the numbing pain of the blaster burn on his shoulder now that the adrenaline had faded.

Opening his eyes, he purposefully strode through the moving throng of clones in the direction of Anakin that Bly had indicated. As he passed by a small line of white medical tents, the smell of bacta filled the air.

"y/n!" Her familiar voice filled his ears, spreading a sensation of warmth through his entire body that dissipated all the tension he was trying to hide. Turning, he gave Ahsoka a small smile and waited for her to approach.

"Hey, I wondered where you've been." She stopped in front of him, close but not too close to be suspicious. The small grin on her face faded as she observed his behaviour; none of the clones could have noticed it unless they were close to him. There was a stone-cold manner in the way he carried himself now, standing too stiffly, and there was a hollowness in his eyes.

"y/n." Her tone turned serious. "Are you alright?"

Suddenly there was a painful lump in the back of his throat, but he forced it down.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine."

Ahsoka touched his arm and gently steered him towards the nearest medical tent. "Come on, let's get that shoulder checked out."

It was empty inside, all the beds unoccupied. y/n trudged towards the nearest medical bench and sat on the cot, dangling his legs off the side. Ahsoka watched him quietly, arms crossed, until he spoke.



"Can you...can you come here, please? Let me hold you."

The Togruta smiled as she walked towards him, then felt his arms wrap tightly around her. His body pressed against hers as he held on as if she was the only thing keeping him sane.

But she didn't expect to feel y/n's body start shaking slightly, or the tears that fell on her shoulder.

"Aw, this is so stupid," he sniffed quietly. "I shouldn't be crying. This is so stupid," he repeated.

"It's alright." She put an arm around him, the other reaching for and playing with his Padawan braid.

"n/n...you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really, he said after a deep, shaky breath, lifting his head off her shoulder. "I'll be fine. I've got you."

"Okay then," Ahsoka murmured, meeting his eyes, before gently pressing a kiss to his lips.

He seemed to melt into her, leaning into the kiss and relaxing to her touch.

They remained like that for a few more moments, and it felt as like pure seconds of bliss, thinking about nothing except for each other. When y/n's silent sobbing stopped wracking his body, Ahsoka forced herself to pull away from his warm embrace even though the last thing she wanted was to let him go.

"You're bleeding," she said plainly, nodding at his neck. The tattoo was barely bleeding, but she noticed the bright red smudge on his skin.

"I'll be fine. It's just a scratch."

"Not this again," Ahsoka gave a groan, but with a roll of her eyes. "And this?"

"A mere flesh wound," y/n smirked back as she gestured to his shoulder.

"But honestly, it might get infected or something worse," Ahsoka pushed.

"Good," y/n replied bluntly, avoiding her eyes. "I like the pain. It's what keeps me going."

"Oh, n/n, please don't say that."

"Why not? It's true. I fight to relieve all the pain that I feel, and that my men felt. All that energy just gets channelled out when I fight, because when I fight, I'm not just fighting for myself, or the Jedi, or even the Republic. I'm fighting for my friends, my brothers, I fight for you, Ahsoka, too. And lastly, I fight for myself."

She stared at his face, her gaze tracing his scar, as he said those words. She was half surprised at his thoughts and the genuine feeling in his voice, but at the same time she expected it from him.

"In my battles, I fight for everyone I care about, as well. I know what you mean. But that pain won't help. You still need to be well enough to fight again, and again, and again when your friends are in danger. At least let me clean the wound. Or I'll get a trooper."

"No, just let it be. Look, it's a nice colour." His blood had mixed with the fabric of his robes, forming dark burgundy and maroon patches where the cuts from his tattoo seeped onto his collar. "I kinda like it, you know. That shade, I mean."

He gave her a small grin, taking her hand. "It matches your beautiful backless dress. We would be such a matching duo."

Her stormy blue eyes met his, and she copied his grin. "No way, n/n. That's my colour."

"We'll see what you say once you see me in my dashing new robes, looking handsome and seductive as kriff."

She opened her mouth to give a sassy retort but didn't get the chance. Their commlinks went off, and Anakin's voice came through.

"y/n, Ahsoka, where are you? We are engaging now. I repeat, we are engaging now. Meet me at the palace gate. I'll brief you once you're there."

"Yes Master, we're coming," she stammered, caught off guard. Then the line went silent.

They paused, faces still inches apart from each other.

"Let's go," Ahsoka stated, gently guiding his arms off her waist and giving him a kiss.

Anakin was pacing restlessly at the foot of the stairs to the palace.

"Hurry up, let's move." He narrowed his eyes and signalled for the small group of troopers and the two Padawans to follow. "Rex will brief you."

Aside from the 501st captain, the rest of the clones were all ARCs from blue and green team.

"Yes, General," Rex saluted, moving in next to Ahsoka and y/n as the group dashed quickly into the palace.

"Master Koon and his men have been decimated during the Separatist attack, but they managed to secure the palace, cornering Grievous inside on of the rooms. But Grievous has the chancellor so they haven't attacked said room in fear that he might harm Palpatine," the clone explained. "Just a minute or two ago, the Seppies set off detonators. General Koon is injured and a dozen of his men are scattered around. We're moving in and stopping Grievous once and for all."

They entered what seemed like the grand entrance hall.

"Bly, take three men and go left with y/n. Ahsoka, Rex, and you three go right. Fives, Jesse, with me," ordered Anakin. "There's a tracker on the chancellor, and Grievous is with him, so follow that signal. Sending the map and tracker coordinates to your wrist comps now."

Without another word, he turned and ran off down one of the colossal hallways, followed closely by his two men.

"Good luck, Stripey," y/n said, giving her a two-finger salute before heading off with his own troopers.

The three groups moved quickly through the expansive halls and corridors of the palace, intent on catching up to the beeping red dot that was Grievous.

Having split up, the small and mobile teams, comprised of highly skilled ARC troopers, were able to swiftly close around the Separatist general. Despite the cyborg's mechanical speed, the clones' and Jedi's fitness meant that they were darting through the passageways, hot on his heels. Not to mention, Grievous was likely weighed down by the chancellor.

The architecture was breath-taking, and y/n wished that he was here with Ahsoka under different circumstances. He would have loved to walk with her through the beautiful gardens through which he had passed earlier, to marvel at the paintings and mosaics on the ceilings, to climb up flights of the regal marble steps.

But for now, he had to shut that out. If they succeeded in their mission in rescuing the chancellor, then there was still hope for the Republic.

y/n rushed headfirst out of one of the passages into another massive hall, his team of troopers panting as they caught up to him. Yes, they sounded out of breath, but not fatigued. They all halted at his signal. His eyes darted towards the holomap on his wrist comp again.

A few seconds later, the sound of footsteps came from his right. Anakin, Jesse and Fives spilt out from another passageway, alert for action. They also stopped and looked around, but only spotted y/n's group.

Then Ahsoka, Rex and three other troopers emerged from the far end of the hall.

"Where is he?" Anakin demanded. "He should be here. The red dot...we're practically right on top of it."

He was answered as a large metallic object suddenly went hurtling past them, straight through the centre of the massive chamber. It rolled with incredible speed, then launched itself upwards and smashed through the gigantic stained-glass window on the other end.

A dozen droidekas and commando droids, as well as a small battalion of battle droids, followed in the wake of Grievous' wheel bike. They provided cover for their General as he, carrying Palpatine, made his escape.

For some reason, the first thing y/n did was run.

Igniting his lightsaber, he sprinted away from the approaching horde of droids, and towards the shattered window.

"Cease fire! He has a red lightsaber-" one battle droid called out, and then was gunned in the head by Double.

When y/n reached the edge of the window, he saw Grievous and Palpatine's smaller figure inside the wheel bike, climbing down the side of the palace wall.

Shots zoomed past his ear, but he could tell that he wasn't in immediate danger. Almost subconsciously, his lightsaber moved behind him, deflecting any stray blaster bolts.

y/n extended a hand and felt the chancellor lift from inside the wheel bike. Palpatine was almost out of Grievous' clutches when the cyborg realised what was happening and grabbed his leg.

Palpatine had been unconscious before that, perhaps tasered or drugged. But his eyes fluttered open suddenly and a few seconds later he had come into realisation of the situation.

His body hung in mid-air, held by the ankle by Grievous, and being suspended with the Force.

y/n didn't know what to do now. If he pulled the chancellor up, the cyborg wouldn't just let go; he would injure Palpatine. And the Jedi couldn't risk that.

But before y/n could think, Grievous' other arm reached into his cloak.


The emerald green blade stopped inches away from Palpatine's stomach, humming malevolently. Grievous' eyes narrowed as he tried to move the blade closer but failed.

As y/n used the Force to hold both Palpatine and the Separatist's lightsaber in place, he dropped his own weapon so that both hands were free.

"You're lucky I don't have space to use the rest of my arms..." Grievous jeered.

"y/n! Help me, y/n! He's going to kill me! Please!"The chancellor's terrified screams filled his ears. Behind him, the sound of blaster fire continued, followed by the yelled orders of his men.

Suddenly he felt Bly's pain through the Force. A blaster bolt had hit the clone in the shoulder blade, followed by another to the lower back.

y/n's eyes narrowed and he scowled darkly before a low snarl issued from his throat. Slowly cocking his head to one side, he felt energy rushing through him.



Grievous let out an animalistic howl, throwing his head back. The hand holding the lightsaber seemed to crack and break apart, before suddenly, the entire forearm was forced inwards at an angle that was gruesome to see, even on a cyborg. The lightsaber extinguished itself and fell to the palace grounds below.

At the same time, the fingers that secured Palpatine were pried open. As soon as the chancellor's leg was free, y/n scrunched his own fist tight, and the Force complied. Grievous' other arm was scrunched into itself like a ball of scrap metal, sending sparks flying everywhere.

y/n lifted Palpatine further into the air, out of the immediate danger of the cyborg, in case the Separatist had any other tricks.

Then there was a warm feeling beside him. He turned his head to see Ahsoka give him a small smile. She extended her arm and helped to lift Palpatine up and guide him back inside.

As soon as the wide-eyed chancellor was set on the floor, she turned towards y/n.

But he was already collapsing.

Ahsoka just managed to catch him before he hit the ground.

hope the ending was slightly confusing...because it's a cliffhanger. next chappie should be hella cool (im hoping) anyways stay tight and thanks for reading, y'all!

can't believe we're on like 208k reads, legends.

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