
By SoulerFlare

1.6K 350 4

The story officially begins when Toriel dies in her universe mysteriously. Gaster with his allies show up and... More

Chapter 1 - Stressful Weather. - Page 1.
Chapter 1 - A dark beginning. - Page 2.
Chapter 1 - The new Restaurant. - Page 3.
Chapter 1 - A sudden call. - Page 4.
Chapter 1 - Sleepover. - Page 5.
Chapter 1 - Shopping for ingredients! - Page 6.
Chapter 1 - A scary memory. - Page 7.
Chapter 1 - The Child. - Page 8.
Chapter 1 - DO NOT TOUCH THE NOTE! - Page 9.
Chapter 1 - The Hell begins. - Page 10.
Chapter 1 - THIS HAS TO BE A NIGHTMARE! - Page 11.
Chapter 1 - A familiar face. - Page 12.
Chapter 1 - Can she leave this place? - Page 13.
Chapter 1 - Denial is the worst! - Page 14.
Chapter 1 - The Savestar and a harsh past - Page 15.
Chapter 1 - More info and a terrible experience. - Page 16.
Chapter 1 - A horrified goatmom! - Page 17.
Chapter 1 - Tea and news of the encounters. - Page 18.
Chapter 1 - Toriel's fear of the dark. - Page 19.
Chapter 1 - The previous encounters and the past. - Page 20.
Chapter 1 - A stressful night. - Page 21.
Chapter 1 - Finally sleep. - Page 22.
Chapter 2 - 1 restless week later. - Page 1.
Chapter 2 - Enough is Enough! - Page 2.
Chapter 2 - PANIC! CHAOS! AND FRIGHT! - Page 3.
Chapter 2 - Forgiveness,Love and Telling The Tale of Horrors. - Page 4.
Chapter 2 - Hell Resumes! The return of the Savestar! - Page 5.
Chapter 2 - Foreshadowed Prison, freedom has a price. - Page 6.
Chapter 2 - Nightmare or Reality?! - Page 7.
Chapter 2 - The New Lab! Toriel's future home! - Page 8.
Chapter 2 - The Lab Raid! - Page 9.
Chapter 2 - Assistance delayed, a shining problem reemerges. - Page 10.
Chapter 2 - A Delay to the lab, Recovery and Choices. - Page 11.
Chapter 2 - Stabilize The Savestar! Heal The Queen! - Page 12.
Chapter 2 - The Journey home, Broken hearts and a Traitor! - Page 13.
Chapter 2 - Worries with Temporary Despair! - Page 14.
Chapter 2 - Preparing for The Trip to Mt.Ebott. - Page 15.
Chapter 2 - The Avalanche and The Unexpected Reunion. - Page 16.
Chapter 2 - Questions! Temporary Drama! Awkward Dinner! - Page 17.
Chapter 2 - Food fight!!!! And strange happenings!? - Page 18.
Chapter 2 - Dust and Horror's backstories. - Page 19.
Chapter 2 - The Unexpected Visit and Bad Reunion. - Page 20.
Chapter 2 - Chara and Asriel's Past. 2nd Subject, The Future. - Page 21.
Chapter 2 - Sleepover in The Lab. - Page 22.
Chapter 2. - Accept The Future or No? There is no turning back... - Page 23.
Chapter 2 - Future Accepted. Heartache and Countdown start... - Page 24.
Chapter 2 - The Unexpected Visitors..... - Page 25.
Chapter 2. - The New Friend. - Page 26.
Chapter 2 - Final day. - Page 27. (Huge Page.)
Chapter 3 - Rebirth - Page 1.
Chapter 3 - The new home. - Page 2.
Chapter 3 - Happy Birthday! - Page 3.
Chapter 3 - Birthday Supplies! - Page 4.
Chapter 3 - More delays - Page 6.
Chapter 3 - The birthday supplies finally! - Page 7.
Chapter 3 - Intrusion. - Page 8. (Huge Page.)
Chapter 3 - A delay to Underswap. - Page 9.
Chapter 3 - The return with leftovers! - Page 10.
Chapter 3 - Hide and side, short lived. - Page 11.
Chapter 3 - Heartache and true hatred! - Page 12.
Chapter 3 - Explanation Situation. - Page 13.
Chapter 3 - Revival of the prince. - Page 14.
Chapter 3 - 8 years later. - Page 15.
Chapter 4 - Preparing for Horrortale. - Page 1.
Chapter 4 - introductions and the sounds of hell. - Page 2.
Chapter 4 - Feed the child. - Page 3.
Chapter 4 - Breakfast together! - Page 4.
Chapter 4 - Leaving soon for Horrortale. - Page 5.
Chapter 4. - AU Mission:Trip 1. Exploration and field observation. - Page 6.
Chapter 4. - Friendly greetings and offerings. - Page 7.
Chapter 4. - Exploring Snowdin. - Page 8.
Chapter 4. - Startled awake, cries of a mysterious stranger. - Page 9.
Chapter 4. - Another Toriel!? - Page 10.
Chapter 4. - The unfriendly visit. - Page 11.
Chapter 4. - The Manipulative queen and a past revisited/revealed. - Page 12.
Chapter 4. - Good news everyone! - Page 13.
Chapter 4. - It's Scouting Time! - Page 14.
Chapter 4. - Knock Knock! - Page 15.
Chapter 4. - The Entrance way. - Page 16.
Chapter 4. - You have insulted me! - Page 17.
Chapter 4. - New Face. - Page 18.
Chapter 4. - The cave in. - Page 19.
Chapter 4. - The spiked puzzle. - Page 20.
Chapter 4. - Aliza. - Page 21.
Chapter 4. - Return to snowdin.. - Page 22.
Chapter 4. - Greetings new friends! - Page 23.
Chapter 4. - Heal the dreemurrs! - Page 24.
Chapter 4. - The return trip back to the lab! - Page 25.
Chapter 4. - A psycho queen stalks forth! - Page 26.
Chapter 4. - MAD GASTER WHAT DID YOU DO!? - Page 27.
Chapter 4. - The Meat Factory. - Page 28.
Chapter 4. - Settling in. - Page 29.
Chapter 4. - Plans for fixing the core. - Page 30.
Chapter 4. - Awful Morning and Finding The Core Parts! - Page 31.
Chapter 4. - The Bounty Hunter! - Page 32.
Chapter 4. - AU Raids: Journey to Underfell! - Page 33. (Huge Page.)
Chapter 4. - Return to Horrortale, Fix The Core! - Page 34. (HUGE.)
Chapter 4. - Core fixed and The Shadow Creature! - Page 35.
Chapter 4. - The new journey. - Page 36.
Chapter 5. - No Hope. - Page 1.
Chapter 5. - Comfort the child. - Page 2.
Chapter 5. - The Nightmares. - Page 3.
Chapter 5. - Guilty Conscience. - Page 4.
Chapter 5. - Toriel's first word and temporary time for peace. - Page 5.
Chapter 5. - Peaceful times over with, hellish times return. - Page 6.
Chapter 5. - Elsewhere.. Page 7.
Chapter 5. - But nobody came. . . - Page 8.
Chapter 5. - Greetings. - Page 9.
Chapter 5. - Wrong Turn, A Dusty return. . . - Page 10.
Chapter 5. - Repair or replace the savestar! - Page 11.
Chapter 5. - Another RESET. . .Page 12.
Chapter 5. - Self-save..Page 13.
Chapter 5. - A bad RESET, the clock is ticking...Page 14.
Chapter 5. - IT'S ERASE AND REPLACE! - Page 15.
Chapter 5. - New home: The lab. - Page 16.
Chapter 5. - AU Mission: Back at Underfell. - Page 17.
Chapter 5. - Arrived at the Castle. - Page 18.
Chapter 5. - Fight with the king! or Let the fragment stay? - Page 19.
Chapter 5. - Another Toriel fragment retrieved, more progress! - Page 20.
Chapter 5. - Take the savestar fragment from the con-man! - Page 21.
Chapter 5. - IT'S RAZZLEDAZZLE! - Page 22.
Chapter 5. - A new ally or a Mistake? - Page 23.
Chapter 5. - A traveling Circus...In the void!?!?? - Page 24.
Chapter 5. - The Temmie Clowns and other Temmies! - Page 26.
Chapter 5. - The Dancers! & Musicians! - Page 27.
Chapter 5. - Escape from The Circus of Horrors! - Page 28.
Chapter 5. - Delay back home. - Page 29.
Chapter 5. - Back at home! - Page 30. (Short.)
Chapter 5. - Dusttale. - Page 31.
Chapter 6. - The Unfortunate Past. - Page 1.
Chapter 6. - The attack on Temmie Village. - Page 2.
Chapter 6. - Fallen Tem, New friend. - Page 3.
Chapter 6. - You're not Gerson! - Page 4.
Chapter 6. - Temmie's new life begins. - Page 5.
Chapter 6. - New year, New beginnings!?? - Page 6.
Chapter 6. - Repetitive Dreams and Past Visits?? - Page 7.
Chapter 6. - Startled awake, Sibling comfort. - Page 8. (Short Page.)
Chapter 6. - NEW DATA RECORDED. - Page 9.
Chapter 6. - The checkup. - Page 10.
Chapter 6. - One past heard & another past about to be revealed. - Page 11.
Chapter 6. - Stranger in Underfell. - Page 12.
Chapter 6. - Knowledge is Power. - Page 13.
Chapter 6. - Dark Visions & Multiple Encounters. - Page 14.
Chapter 6. - Prisoners of War. - Page 15. (Huge.)
Chapter 6. - The enemy is slain, a new future is set. - Page 16.
Chapter 6. - Recovery in Underfell. - Page 17.
Chapter 6. - The Microchips and Haywire D.T! - Page 18.
Chapter 6. - The Reveal. - Page 19.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis - Page 20.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 1. - Page 21.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 2. - Page 22.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 3. - Page 23.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 4. - Page 24.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 5. - Page 25.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 6. - Page 26.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 7. - Page 27.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 8. - Page 28.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 9. - Page 29.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 10. - Page 30.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 11. - Page 31.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 12. - Page 32. (Short.)
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 13. - Page 33. (Short.)
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 14. - Page 34. (Huge.)
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 15. - Page 35.
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 16. - Page 36. (short.)
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 17. - Page 37. (Short.)
Chapter 6. - Sephtis's Origins: Part 18 - Page 38.
Chapter 6. - Asgore's Entries: Part 1 - Page 39. (Huge.)
Chapter 6. - Asgore's Entries: Part 2. - Page 40. (Huge.)
Chapter 6. - Asgore's Entries: Part 3. - Page 41.
Chapter 6. - Asgore's Entries: Part 4. - Page 42.
Chapter 6. - Asgore's Entries: Part 5. - Page 43. (Huge.)
Chapter 6. - True Corruption and Sacrifice. - Page 44. (Huge.)

Chapter 3 - An unexpected encounter. - Page 5.

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By SoulerFlare

Before passing the bridge they hear footsteps behind them. Asriel clings tightly to Chara frightened.

Temmie says to them. "Stay close!"

A voice behind them says. "Human and other monsters...Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."

Temmie thinks to himself. *This voice sounds familiar and i have a feeling this is going to be something annoying...*

Temmie turns around and gets out his right paw, chara and Asriel get out their main hand as well. A tall skeleton grabs theirs. A gross sound is heard. It's a whoopie cushion.

The skeleton is Papyrus? Only he is wearing an orange hoodie. He says to them. "heh heh heh, that was priceless! You two should have seen your faces! Ehh, your Temmie friend does not laugh huh?"

Temmie replied. "I do not find puns funny, i hear them almost all the time back home!"

Underswap Papyrus laughed. "i bet you know a lot of knock knock jokes then!"

Temmie groaned. "Look, we are traveling together and on our way to snowdin, looking for birthday supplies."

Underswap Papyrus says with a curious expression. "oh for who? maybe i can help!"

Chara says. "Just a friend of ours...Its a private birthday party. I hope you don't mind."

He gets out a cigarette. "nah i don't mind, but my brother sans. he would want to know everything! unless you mention it's private, then he will do his best to help you the best way he can! so if he offers his help, please say yes. I would appreciate it."

Temmie sighed. "Sure."

Chara and Asriel smiled widely. "Can't wait to meet him!"

Papyrus raises his right bonebrow. "chara and goatkid are you both feeling alright?"

Chara and Asriel look at each other then at Underswap Papyrus. Then at Temmie.

Chara says. "Can we atleast tell him?"

Temmie groaned in annoyance. "I guess...."

Temmie thinks to himself. *Where to begin with explaining all of this? Hmm..The very beginning would make sense, but i think it would be best if i mention me,Chara and Asriel being from another universe first. Explaining Gaster,his goals,Toriel and her rebirth...The savestar. This should be real fun.*

Temmie shakes his head for a moment. Underswap Papyrus says with a raised right bonebrow. "tell me what?"

He crosses both of his arms with an expression of interest.

Temmie says. "Me,Chara and Asriel here are from another Universe..."

Underswap Papyrus says to Temmie before he can speak more. "excuse me? another universe?...you know, i forgot for a moment, you're a temmie, most temmies are dangerous and cannot be trusted, why are you being kind?"

Temmie feeling annoyed. "As i mentioned a moment ago, we are from another universe, i am not like your Temmies here. Me and these two are just looking for birthday supplies as i mentioned before."

Underswap Papyrus says with a confused expression. "you had to travel another universe to get birthday supplies?"
Temmie nodded.

Underswap Papyrus says with interest. "Who are you getting the supplies for?"

Temmie replied. "Toriel from my universe..."

Underswap Papyrus says with a serious expression. "here is more to it then birthday supplies, i can tell."

Temmie sighed. "Its not just to celebrate her birthday, but her rebirth, she died. But was revived...You see-"

Underswap Papyrus interrupts him. "your toriel died why exactly? how was she revived?"

Temmie grumbled to himself. "Can't he just stop interrupting me!?"

Temmie replied. "Toriel came across a savestar a year ago, it was not a normal one. It was corrupt. The moment she saw it, it changed her life forever, it changed her destiny, her role in life. It swapped her role with the humans, only more complex. She became the symbol of hope, a monster meant to be the protector of all monster kind,

her future was also to become a child of a powerful monster, it was not her choice, the other monster tried to prevent it, out of respect for her. They are old friends and allies. The monster is W.D Gaster. He created the original savestar, he created it to help monster kind, it gave monsters Determination and the power to save, continue and even manipulate reality at will. Monsters could not dust and would come back to life, they would not melt.

But when Gaster died from his accident, the savestar scattered across time and space when he did. Toriel came across his savestar, it became corrupt because of resets and genocides that have been happening in mine,gaster and her's universe and others as well and for awhile now.

Resets replace monsters,sometimes erasing them or the universes themselves if enough resets happened. My universe is gone, because of the savestar messing up, toriel went through some ordeals because of the savestar. When she was revived, she became Gaster's child. It was a last resort, there was no time for any alternatives. Her memories are most likely gone, as for them being gone for good, i am unsure about that. That is a focus for later in the future-"

-Skipping to:-

Temmie explaining Gaster's goals and his other allies.

Underswap Papyrus snaps his fingers and turns Temmie blue. "I do not trust you and feel bad for your toriel and her children. taking over other universes? seriously? unless, you are going to be peaceful about it and do not intend to rule over our lives or anything unnecessary. just a mission to watch over and protect, fix your savestars as you claim. I might be alright with it, is that all?*

Temmie nods.

Underswap Papyrus growled. "I do not trust any of this, it is a lot to take in bud...but if your gaster is serious about protecting everyone and ending resets and genocides forever, then i will consider being chill with you."

Underswap Papyrus looks at Chara and Asriel. " is all of this true?"

They nod at him. He pats their heads. "i'll bring you three to snowdin, but i am keeping an eye socket on you three. my brother will be there, get the supplies and go."

Temmie nods. "Alright." Temmie thinks to himself. *Great, trust issues...Hopefully he eases down.*

Temmie,Chara and Asriel follow Underswap Papyrus to Snowdin.

Chara and Asriel see before them, snowdin and start to have more flashbacks only to have them interrupted by a familiar voice. "HELLO BROTHER! WHO ARE YOUR FRIENDS? OH IS THAT CHARA AND GOATKID? HI! AND A TEMMIE? DIDN'T YOU SAY TEMMIE'S WERE AWFUL? SO IS THIS TEMMIE NICE?"

Underswap Papyrus nods and says to his brother. "yes a friendly temmie, this chara and goatkid are different you see-"

Underswap Sans says with a confused expression, interrupting him. "DIFFERENT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"

A voice behind from Underswap Sans greets them all before Underswap Papyrus could speak to his brother. "Hello! Um...Why do i see another me!?" Asriel is silent.

Chara looks at Temmie and mumbled. "We need to leave..." The monster before them is the actual Goat kid.

Temmie greets them. "I am a friendly temmie, i am from another universe."

They tilt their head in confusion. Temmie groaned and he says to Chara and Asriel. "Let's just get the birthday supplies and go."

Underswap sans says to Temmie with a happy expression and loud voice, ignoring the fact Temmie just mentioned he was from another universe. "BIRTHDAY SUPPLIES? CAN I HELP!?"

Temmie's right ear twitched from his loud voice, he nods. "Um, sure."


Chara says to him. "It's a private birthday party, between family and close friends, that might as well be considered family. You see, we are celebrating my moms birthday party, mine and asriel's."

He tilts his head. "Asriel? Thats a odd name..."

Goatkid crossing his arms. "Can anyone here explain to me what is going on? and what an alternate universe is?"

Underswap Papyrus says. "maybe they should go and tell the queen."

Goat kid looks at Asriel. "But i want to know, why He looks like me."

Chara sighed. "Temmie can we tell him too?"

Temmie says. "No."

Underswap Sans sighed. "TELL ME TOO! YOU CAN'T AVOID THIS NOW!!"

Asriel whispered to Temmie. "Temmie, if we are going to travel universes in the future, I think we should start telling other monsters what is going on and why we are in their universes and our backstories, our goals! everything!"
Temmie sighed. "I don't know about this, it's too soon and i do not think they would be able to handle it."

Chara says to Temmie. "Hmm...I thought about it but maybe we should not mention Gasters goals for now..Just get to the part with our mom and the symbol of hope! Don't wanna scare them or something! Besides that awful Temmie might be nearby and you have good hearing and i bet he does too!"

Temmie's right ear twitched, he says in a calm tone. "I will be careful."

Temmie looks at Underswap Sans with a serious expression. "As I mentioned earlier. I came from another universe. These two did as well. They are with me. We are from the same universe and looking for birthday supplies for their mother. She was....My wife." Chara and Asriel chuckle quietly.

 Underswap Papyrus raised a right bonebrow, he grinned. "yes he told me about his wife, they loved each other so much and a lovely honey moon too!" Temmie looks at him with a brief glare.

Temmie mumbled. "What are you doing!?"

Asriel says to Goat kid. "Temmie is both mine and Chara's step father! My actual father though...he disappeared while back."

Chara sighed. "I was adopted by Asriel's parents. I was the first fallen human where i came from."

Temmie thinks to himself. *This is getting complicated and annoying. Everyone is hearing this from the lab right now from Chara and Asriel's belts and my device as well...

Horror will annoy me even more when I get back or he is going through the fridge right now looking for food, someone will mention this i am sure..* He shakes his head in annoyance.

Goat kid says. "So, your step father is a Temmie? How smart is he?" Temmie growled quietly for a moment. He says in a kind voice. (I have no idea how to explain his tone in this moment.)

"Very intelligent."


Temmie shrugged. "I guess..."

Underswap Sans says with an excited smile. "WHAT IS YOUR TORIEL LIKE?"

Chara and Asriel feel sad but proceed with the pretending in a way. "Well about that...She had an accident, she got really sick and died. But our Alphys brought her back to life! She is healthy now and back to her....Normal self! Happy and motherly!"

Asriel feels like crying but holds it in, Chara puts asriel's left hand on their right shoulder to keep him strong. he looks at chara with a kind smile.

Underswap Sans says with shock in his voice that is later turned to happiness. "WHAT!!!? YOUR MOTHER DIED!?!? THAT IS AWFUL! BUT SHE IS ALRIGHT NOW! SO EVERYTHING IS FINE! MYEH HEH HEH!"

Goat kid feeling confused and concerned, their mind is blown. "Wow...Um, is this for real? This is the weirdest day of my life! Mind explaining what an alternate universe is?"

Temmie groaned. "An alternate universe is a different universe from your own. We three traveled here with these devices we are wearing right now. Created by our Alphys."

Goat kid says. "So like different shopping items? But the same store?"

Temmie replied. "Something like that I guess..."


Temmie nods and thinks to himself. *Yeah and one of them I dread....*

(Temmie and Horror! Lol XD)

Underswap Sans says with a kind smile. "MYEH HEH HEH! TO THE BIRTHDAY SUPPLIES!"

Temmie mumbled. "Finally..."


Temmie groaned silently for a moment. "Oh really? That sounds nice...Who owns your M.T.T?"


He looks at him with a brief annoyed face. Underswap Papyrus chuckled and he says. "yeah i admit, i am a lazy bones, but only because working is hard to the bone."

Underswap Papyrus winked. "I could do this all day."

Underswap Sans yelled out. "NO PUNS! YOU WILL SCARE THEM AWAY BROTHER!"

Temmie says to Underswap Sans. "Soo..M.T.T?" He shakes his head, dreading the situation.

Underswap Sans jumps up and down with excitement. "YES LETS GO!!!"

They all travel together out of snowdin and now enter Waterfall. Temmie looks at his surroundings, his top ears are lowered and a little backwards for a brief moment. Underswap Sans looks back and notices Temmie's expression, he says. "DO YOU MISS YOUR HOME? NO WORRIES! AFTER YOU GET THE BIRTHDAY SUPPLIES YOU CAN JUST RETURN TOGETHER!"

Temmie digs his claws into the dirt unseen by all of them. He responds in a calm yet odd tone. "Yes, we will return home together..."

Temmie looks and sees an abandoned hotdog stand. Underswap Papyrus says with his arms now crossed behind his head. "that is my hotdog stand, want any hotdogs?"

Temmie replied. "No thanks...I do not want to risk getting anything on my shirt." They all see the bridges ahead. Underswap Sans leads them to another bridge and realizes there is nothing on the other end. Just darkness.

Chara says to him. "Um...I think we're lost. Where is the other end?"

Underswap Sans says. "WE HAVE TO JUMP DOWN!"

Temmie says. "Excuse me? What?"

Underswap Papyrus grinned, he grabs Temmie and Asriel. Underswap Sans grabs Chara's right hand. "LETS GO!"

Chara starts to panic. "I-I am sure there is another way!"

Underswap Papyrus chuckled. "nope!"

Chara starts screaming after they jump down. Same for Asriel.

Temmie Digs his claws into Underswap Papyrus's left side." Growling at him.

They land and fall onto some mattresses!? All slowly getting up. Temmie unlatches from Underswap Papyrus side. He jumps down onto the mattresses.

Temmie looks to see Asriel teary-eyed. He walks up to him. "Hey, we're alright, see? Just relax."

Temmie looks ahead and sees Chara, they lose their balance and land backwards onto one of the mattresses. "I feel sick...Please never have us do that again!"

Underswap Sans looks at Chara with an upset expression. "IM SORRY! ARE ALL OF YOU ALRIGHT?"

Temmie and Asriel nod. Same for Underswap Papyrus. "yeah, we're fine bro. no worries."

He gives his brother a thumbs up.

Goat kid is behind all of them. "Papyrus that was scary..."

Temmie says with a confused voice. "Papyrus..why did you not grab him?"

Underswap Papyrus says. "not enough room, besides he grabbed my back, hes fine."

Temmie shakes his head. "He looks upset to me, but whatever.." They all get off of the mattresses and continue on. Temmie realizes he is walking in water, full of garbage. Temmie thinks to himself. *I will never leave the shower after this is all over and done with!*

Chara whispers to Asriel. "This place stinks....hope we leave it soon."

Asriel nods. A few minutes later and they leave the area, to see a shining light.

Chara and Asriel notice it. Temmie does as well. It is a **Savestar.** Chara thinks to themselves. *A savestar!? How did it get here? Oh yeah...all universes have them! What do we do?*

Asriel whispered to Temmie. "Temmie, what do we do? Do you see it?"

Temmie replied quietly. "Yes, i see the Savestar, how i do not know...It's best we proceed with the supplies and return for now. Gaster's goals with the other universes and these savestars are in the future, not right now."

Chara and Asriel nod.

Some time passes on after passing the location of the river person. They are now in the crossways of multiple bridges, that have Echo Flowers surrounding them everywhere and faintly glowing purple gems that every now and then glow bright.

Temmie is quiet while they walk, while going through the bridges with everyone. Asriel notices a sign.

He smiled. "Hey, is this the location of Temmie village?"

Temmie nods. "Yes, but it might be different here. Why do you ask?"

Asriel says. "I want to visit the Temmies!"

Chara smiled. "Me too!"

They run in together, before anyone could say anything. Asriel and Chara enter the village and do not see any Temmies, nothing at all actually. Asriel looking around sees something yellow on the ground, he peeks closely and gets greeted by a small flower. "Howdy!"

He screams and falls backwards.
Chara, startled, helps Asriel up. "A Flowey? How?"

Asriel starts to cry. "I want out of here!!!"

They both look to see multiple flowey's now, popping out of the ground. Asriel screams even louder. "AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

One shows up near them and says with his head tilted to the side. "Why are you scared?" They frowned.

Asriel and Chara run out of the village and run into Underswap Papyrus. They look up at him and he says. "they can't hurt you kids, they are harmless little flowers."

Asriel starts to laugh. "Harmless? HARMLESS? Yeah....Sure."

Temmie mumbled to Asriel. "Calm down, they are like the temmie's from where we came from, not like how you once were. So you can relax."

Asriel, not hearing Temmie, cries. Chara hugs him. Underswap Sans hugs him and Asriel pushes him away, weirded out.


Asriel briefly smiled. "Yeah, we can be friends."

Chara nods. "Yeah that would be neat!"

Temmie responds. "Sure."


They leave bridge crossways and now come across the cave leading to hotlands. Temmie, dreading the heat, endures it the best he can.

Chara is leaning against Asriel. "It's so hot.....Is there a shortcut to M.T.T?"

Underswap Papyrus says. "I know a shortcut."

Note: Realistically i can see the heat bothering some monsters and a fallen human tbh.

Temmie looks at him while feeling sweat on his face. "A shortcut, lead the way.."

Underswap Sans, looking worried. He says. "BROTHER, ARE THEY GOING TO BE ALRIGHT?"

Underswap Papyrus says to his brother. "yeah, they'll be fine once we bring them to the lab where it is cool."

Temmie thinks to himself. *Wait a minute...The lab!? Hotlands!..I am an idiot! Telling that papyrus everything! This is the underground! There are cameras everywhere! Well, time to get this over with...*

Underswap Papyrus looks at everyone. "Everyone stay where you are, i will snap my fingers and teleport us to the lab, alright?"

Goat kid, leaning against Underswap Sans, he says. "You can teleport!? You're awesome!"

Underswap Sans grinned. "WOWIE I DID NOT KNOW THAT! CAN I DO THAT TOO?"

Underswap Papyrus smiled at his brother. "yeah."

Chara coughs. "Can we go now?"

Underswap Papyrus, snaps his fingers and they show up inside the lab, at the entrance inside the building." 

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