
By xxxchimmi

103K 7.9K 2.2K

Jimin is a famous Webtoon writer. He loves to spend his whole time drawing his characters into a romance, sad... More

Meet the characters
One - Best Buddies
Two - Present
Three - Broken tool
Four - New Character // Main
Five - New Face
Six - Attitude
Seven - A place to stay
Eight - Long time dream
Nine - Stay Away From Him
Ten - Pain
Eleven - Confusion
Twelve - Truth Untold
Not an update BUT it's a pic of Jk back hugging Jimin while sleeping 🥰
Thirteen - Blushing
I got tagged :D
Fourteen - Didn't mean to hurt you
Fifteen - Late Emotion
Sixteen - Changing
Seventeen - Lost the loved one
Eighteen - The old self
Nineteen - The truth
Twenty - Almost getting caught
Twenty One - Changes
Twenty Two - The Beginning
Twenty Three - A Date
Twenty Four - I'm happy because of you
Twenty Five - Hyung, I'm in love...
Twenty Six - Need A Cuddle
Twenty Seven - Gloomy Jungkook
Twenty-Eight - Small Fight
Twenty-Nine - A Ball of Guilt
Thirty - Flustered Jimin
Thirty-One - Let Me Go!
Just a reminder
Thirty-Two - Back into the World/New World
Thirty-Three - Brand New Personality
Thirty-Four - Sitting Next To You
Thirty-Five - The Truth Slowly Shining
Thirty-six - Don't Touch What's Mine
Thirty Seven - Mission
Thirty-Eight - Truth Revealed
Thirty-Nine - Let's Sleep Together
Fourty - You're such a Jackass
Fourty One - Was that a Confession?
Fourty Two - It is a Confession
Fourty Three - The Hell Is Going On?
Forty Five - It's Happening!

Fourty Four- Mysterious Guy

1K 69 50
By xxxchimmi

A week after.

They were both walking back from school. Jungkook and Jimin, walk back home together while walking so close to each other, shoulders colliding, trying to close the gap between them.

Jimin has changed. In Jungkook's eyes, Jimin has been gentle with him, revealing a glimpse of the future in which his high hopes for the boy have finally landed safely on the bright side. Jimin became more easily agitated by the day, as if he had feelings for Jungkook.

But this little guy refused to admit that the massive butterflies in his stomach were caused by Jungkook, or that the crimson painted on his cheeks every time the boy flirted with him.

He couldn't stop thinking about Hye-Joo.

However, it couldn't always be avoided. His heart had deceived his body. His heart knows what he wants, but his mind says otherwise.

Jimin's heart began to beat quicker and faster when they were close to each other after spending a week alone with Jungkook. Even when their skin brushed softly for a split second, his heart raced as if it would burst at any moment.

And the most noticeable change he noticed in himself was his body yearning for Jungkook's warmth when the boy wasn't around, and his eyes continued searching for the familiar figure to settle his discomfort.

Jimin felt safe and cozy when they stood near each other.

"Have you ever seen a couple walking down the street while holding hands?" Jungkook asked at random, his eyes fixed forward, his lips forming a small smirk.

Jimin nodded, also remained his gaze straight. "My parents."

"Your Mom and Dad?" Jungkook looked down at Jimin, who was smiling sweetly at him.

"Yeah. My father was fond of making fun of my mother. She despises it when my father shows affection in public. But my father persisted. When he got the chance, he grabbed my mother's hand and wouldn't it let go."

Through Jimin's heavy voice, Jungkook sensed the warmth. Even though he'd never met Jimin's parents, he could imagine the old man giggling and the old woman staring hard at the husband like a grumpy cat. He could tell Jimin's parents were quite lovely, unlike his own parents.

"I see," Jungkook said before abruptly stopped walking, bringing Jimin's steps to a halt as well.

"What's the matter?" Jimin asked, confused.

"Would you like to try?"

"Try what?"

Jungkook extended his hand with a gentle look and a warm smile, looking straight at the blushing boy next to him.


"Do you want to feel the amount of butterflies that your parents had when their hands were intertwined?" Jungkook quickly took Jimin's hand and intertwined their fingers. "Like this?"

"H-Hey... What are you doing?"

"Can we walk with our hands like this all the time?" Jungkook unexpectedly asked, "I really want to hold your hands like...forever. I've been waiting for the right time, but my patience has worn thin." he confessed, shamelessly.

And Jimin blushed for a hundred times.

He doesn't count, but he knew he'd passed the end of his single era when he felt his hot blood streaming through his body every time his pulse beat rapidly at Jungkook's flirty behaviours.

His blushing was a type of blooming, the kind of pink that conjures up images of champagne flowers, a kind of blushing that reveals the soul, a tribute to the eyes, it proves a genuine one, that the smile and shyness arise from some deep emotion.

And that's a beautiful thing in Jungkook's eyes.

Jimin didn't let his hand out, his face showed he hated it, but the grasp around Jungkook's remained firm, only his eyes didn't stay on Jungkook's gaze.

"Can we?" When Jungkook felt Jimin tighten their hands together, his voice was thick with hope and his eyes blazed with excitement.

Jimin scoffed through pouty lips, rolling his eyes and keeping his cheeks crimson. "I'll let you do whatever you want. I mean...for now."

Jungkook smiled shyly, nodding slowly as his bunny smile appeared on his face. "Thank you."

"Is that something to be thankful for?"

"Of course, I truly wanted this, and now I'm so happy that I can finally hold your hand in mine."

"Whatever, don't be so happy."

"I mean, how could I not? I feel like I'm dreaming right now. Finally, my Mr.Grumpy Cat didn't push me away."

Jimin chuckled as he glanced at Jungkook. "So please be nice to me. Do you think it's easy to cave to Mr.Dumb Fuck and let him do whatever he wants?"

"Didn't I always treat you nicely?"

Jimin clenched his teeth and refused to answer the question while having a broad sneer on his face. He had to admit that Jungkook had been very kind to him, but he didn't want Jungkook to be flattered right now.

"Right? Right??"

"Mmh I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Jungkook sounded upset. "Be serious, Hyung."

"W-Wha—Hold on there. Why are you suddenly addressing me as Hyung?"

"Hyung," Jungkook drew Jimin closer to him, refusing to let go of their hands and smiling like a spoiled brat. "I'm a good boy to you, right?"

"Wow, I can't believe that your personality has changed drastically. I'm curious if you'll continue to act this way once we're back in Webtoon."

"Hey, I asked a question."

"Mmhh let me think first."

"New Face!"

"Yah! You're back to call me that fucking stupid name!"

Jungkook pouted, "Don't curse, Hyung."

"Oh my freaking goodness"


"Don't come back too late, Hyung."

Jimin pushed the cafe door open, rolling his eyes at the whiny guy on the phone.

"Stop calling me if you want your spaghetti."

"What should I do? I get antsy whenever you're not in my sight."

"What should I do? Stay in bed and wait for me."

"W-What? Hyung! What does that mea—"


Jimin abruptly ended the call, his eyes widened and his lips parted in disbelief. He was taken aback by himself as he'd accidentally said it without thinking.

That could lead to misunderstanding.

Jimin sighed and inhaled deeply to relax, his nostrils immediately catching the familiar smell of the cafe. His gaze darted around the room, looking for the staff.

"Welcome," The cashier staff greeted him warmly.

When the staff saw Jimin's familiar face, the smile on his face slipped away. Jimin awkwardly smiled as he moved forward to order Jungkook's favorite spaghetti.

"This two spaghettis please, take away."

"Ah...yeah." The staff reluctantly placed the order into the tablet and immediately excused himself from Jimin's sight.

Jimin sighed for the second time, his mind still searching for an explanation for those behaviors.

Did they recognize Jungkook from Webtoon? But they didn't look exactly the same. And it's not logical for someone to stare at people who resemble a Webtoon character.

While Jimin was busy stuffing his brain with thoughts, he noticed a man heading towards him. The man was dressed casually, wore a cap, and carried something resembling a backpack in his right hand.

The more Jimin focused his attention on the guy's face, the more Jimin's brow pinched in confusion.

"Jungkook, send my regards to your Grandmother. Tell her we're sorry we couldn't visit her." The waiter across the room said to the guy before returning his attention to wipe the table.

"All right, thanks." The man muttered as he walked past Jimin without looking back.

"Wait..." Jimin mumbled, still in puzzled. "Wait a minute...Hey!" He hastily exited the cafe and chased after Jungkook.

"See, I told you." The staff at the cashier said, "He's Jungkook's boyfriend."

The waiter then snorted and nodded while having a small grin on his face. "Look at how he pretended like he didn't know that person in front of us."

"He kept saying he didn't have anyone, but look at him, he has a cute guy as his boyfriend."

The waiter couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He approached the cashier and tapped his finger on the table before pointing it directly at the staff's face.

"Remember last week?"


"We all know Jungkook doesn't like spaghetti. But he ate it with his boyfriend at the time." The waiter said something, and the other guy gasped, cupping his mouth in disbelief.

"Oh my, what to do? Our Jungkook has matured and become a man."

"Right? Wah, I can't wait for him to come back."

Meanwhile, Jimin quickened his steps to catch up to the guy in front of him. The man took out his earphones and was about to plug them into his ears when Jimin abruptly stopped him, startling him.

"Yah! What exactly do you think you're doing?" Jimin asked, grabbing the man's arm and turned the guy around to face him. "I told you to stay at home."

They collided gazes, each with a different expression; Jimin was angry and confused, while the guy was extremely confused.

"Sorry?" The man raised his brows, expecting an explanation.

"What are you doing here?"

"Do...I know you?"

"What? Now you're pretending you don't know who I am?" Jimin said before smacking the guy on the back of the head. "Stop playing!"

"Ow! Why are you attacking me? Do we know each other?"

"What are you saying? Stop saying bullshit, Jungkook!"

"How did you know my name?" The man asked in baffled.

"Of course, I know your name. What the hell?"

"Look," The man exhaled heavily, pinching his eyes in distress. "I'm not sure who you are or where you're coming from, attacking people however you please. I don't have time right now to deal with your nonsense. I'm in a rush to the hospital. So, please excuse me."

Jimin scoffed loudly before half-heartedly chuckling. His gaze was piercing into the guy's eyes. He couldn't believe it; he thought everything between him and Jungkook was going smoothly. He had lowered his egos, tried his hardest to change his cold behavior toward Jungkook, and was already happy with how they were now.

But now, what the hell is this?

Before the guy has a chance to flee, Jimin fires him with bullets of hurtful words once again. It definitely caused annoyance to erupt inside the guy's chest.

"You're so annoying. Those days you pulled me close, not letting me go anywhere, making me feel something frustrating inside of me, but today you act as if we didn't know each other?"

"Hey, hold on—"

"What a jackass. Fuck you, "Jimin walked past the man in frustration, slamming into his shoulder. "Don't ever come back to my house, you freak."

The man was left alone and dumbfounded. It wasn't a lie that it was his first time meeting Jimin that day. He was left perplexed, staring at Jimin as the boy walked away from him, his mind racing to refresh the memory box inside his head.

"Do I...really know him?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck in emotional stress. "What on earth is this guy saying? Who the hell are you?"



Jimin slammed the door down hard. His face couldn't disguise the disappointment in his expression. His eyes glistened, and his heart felt like it was being ripped apart without mercy.

Why am I feeling so down?

He breathed heavily, attempting to dismiss the thought that had begun to haunt him. As he had predicted, things would never turn out the way he had hoped.

Wanting to fall in love?

Wanting to be in love?

Wanting to be loved?

To feel loved?

He scoffed on the inside, strolling toward the kitchen to get a drink to quench his dry throat. He suddenly felt suffocated by thoughts.

He shouldn't have hoped so much that he couldn't grab it and pull it down himself; now that things have happened, he failed to stand strong on his own two feet. No matter how strong his will to move on, he would never be able to overcome his increasing affection for Jungkook.

"Ah, fuck it." He put the drink in the fridge and slammed the door shut again.

He then went upstairs and directly to his room. He pushed open the door and then—

"What took you so long, new face?" Jungkook drew him into an unexpected hug, whining like a spoiled brat. "I can almost hear the death calling for me. I'm starving, and I miss you so much."

Jungkook drew back and cupped Jimin's face in his hands. "This face, this adorable face. What should I do now? I can't go on living without seeing your face, Hyung."

Just in that moment, the reality smacked Jimin on the head, causing him to slap Jungkook's hands, and shoved the boy away.

"H-Hey," Jungkook was taken aback by the sudden aggressiveness.

Jimin remained rooted to the spot, his eyes flashing a confused look at Jungkook.

Jungkook was only in his comfort shorts, and his hair looked messy, as if he'd just awoken from a heavy sleep. Jimin cocked his head to the side, his confusion palpable.

"How long...have y-you been h-here?" He asked, stuttering.

"Huh? You good?"

"Answer me! How long?"

"Woah, calm down, Hyung. I've been here since you told me to." Jungkook shifted his gaze to the bed. "Remember how you told me to stay in bed and wait for you?"

"Then who the fuck was that earlier?"

"Hey, why are you getting mad? What's going on, New Face?"

"You pushed me away and said you needed to get to the hospital right away. said—"

"Jimin." Jungkook moved closer, took Jimin's hand in his, and drew the boy closer to him. "I didn't go anywhere. There's no reason for me to lie to you."

"B-But it was really you!"

"Perhaps you mistook someone for me. There's no way you saw me outside while I'm in your room, on your bed, waiting for my lovely person to come back."

Jimin lowered both his gaze and his head. He was certain that the man he had seen earlier was Jungkook, and the waiter had also addressed him as 'Jungkook'. He even looked the man in the eyes and could swear to anyone that he was really Jeon Jungkook.

But, once again, the bewilderment struck him like lightning within his skull.

Now, a man who resembled the previous Jungkook stood in front of him, top-naked, hair a mess, holding his hands firmly and had a familiar gentle look in his eyes.

"But Jungkook, when I talked to him—"

"Shh, let's talk about that later. I'm starving." Jungkook muttered as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist and drew the boy closer, tightly to his body.

Jimin's hands instinctively moved to Jungkook's chest.

"Now now, where is my spaghetti?"


Meanwhile in Webtoon,

The next day,

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