try-hard •sunki au•

By tenGyu_

108K 6K 1.9K

sunoo wears only black shirts with different prints on and riki decided to annoy him through buying the same... More

thirty four

heejake +hoon special

1.2K 44 149
By tenGyu_

 [be ready for a long, heavy chapter of heejake+hoon special]

Jake was forced to pause the meeting for a second because of the constant calls he is receiving from his father. He left the meeting room feeling stressed.

He was already in a bad mood after realizing that today was Sunghoon's graduation and he can't even send a text to congratulate him. He chooses to do everything at once, stacking his schedule with almost no rest, only so he can be back home before Christmas.

This one call will ruin his schedule, really. He can't even call Heeseung unless he checked out all the meetings in his schedule, he will give up at least half an hour of his sleep only so he could talk to his boyfriend.

“What? You know I'm in a meeting right now,” Jake said, forgetting his title as the kindest son for a moment. “Sorry, I'm just tired...”

“Where is Heeseung right now?” his father asked using his coldest tone ever.

Jake closed his eyes for a moment. “Dad, you can call Heeseung instead of disturbing me!”

“I'm asking if you know your boyfriend's whereabouts!” his father insisted, sounding madder.

Jake stopped for a moment, confused by the sudden burst out. 

“He's in the clinic, I suppose. If not, he probably went to congratulate Sunghoon,” Jake says, going back to being polite and kind.

“Really?” His father asked. “Then why did I receive the news that your boyfriend is cheating on you?”

“Cheating on—what?” Jake asked, surprised. “That was something Heeseung will never do! Who even told you that?”

“He was seen kissing some other guy, isn't that cheating?”

Just as then, Jake's phone vibrated.

“Wait a second,” Jake said, checking the message he just received.

It was a picture of Heeseung who was indeed kissing another guy. Heeseung's hands were even placed in the guy's waist. Jake stared closely at the picture, feeling his eyes get filled with tears.

“Tell your boyfriend if he doesn't get in my office until seven today, he'll end up in jail.”


“You're closing early today?”

Heeseung gave the little girl a smile before he continued locking the clinic's front door.

“I'll open early tomorrow so make sure to visit by seven,” He said, facing the sweet little girl who always volunteers on helping him feeding the animals at the shelter.

“Okay,” the girl cheered before bowing to him. “See you tomorrow, animal hero.”

Heeseung ruffled the girl's hair, smiling at how cute she looked.

“Do you know where to buy flower bouquets?” Heeseung asked the girl.

“On that corner, my aunt owns a flower shop,” the girl said, pointing to their left. “Are you buying for your girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend?” Heeseung asked, finding the word really uncomfortable but since he's talking to a kid he just shrugged it off. “You can say it's for someone really important.”

“Like a girlfriend?”

Heeseung laughs, “Sure, for my girlfriend.”

The little girl held his hand and dragged him towards the flower shop on the corner. Heeseung chose the arrangement he liked and waited for it to be made, he talked with the girl for the time being.

“Is your girlfriend beautiful?”

“Very,” Heeseung answered.

“The flower arrangement is done, Sir.”

Once he received the bouquet of flowers, Heeseung said his good bye.

“Take care, animal hero! Make sure to kiss your girlfriend so she will know you love her very much!”

Heeseung shook his head as he entered his car. The little girl's idea didn't sound that bad, though, he may actually do it.

But definitely not to his girlfriend.


Heeseung parked his car in a familiar parking space. He thought he's late enough that there would be no more space for him, but he guessed wrong. The ceremony isn't finished yet.

He stepped out of his car and took the bouquet from the back seat, shivering as the cold finally hit him. Heeseung then walked towards the auditorium where the graduation is currently happening.

He was here for Sunghoon, who else? He was here on behalf of his boyfriend who was crying about it last night. Jake wanted to attend Sunghoon's graduation very much, but he has a full packed schedule and he's currently in LA.

Heeseung didn't get inside the auditorium, instead he patiently waited outside the exit until the parents of the graduates finally walked out.

It didn't take a while until the fresh graduates walked out as well with smiles on their faces, because finally, the hell of college has finally ended.


Heeseung smiled widely. He wouldn't deny that he missed that voice so much. Although they last met at Riki's birthday and last talked on the phone later that night.

Sunghoon was obviously putting a safe distance between them. He was trying so hard not to cross the friendship line, which frustrates Heeseung. How can Sunghoon act carefree around Jake but not around him?

He thought Sunghoon both loved them the same, but why isn't he receiving the same attention as Jake?

Was he jealous of Jake? No, he loves Jake very much. Heeseung was, let's say, upset that Sunghoon seemed to forget about him too. He exists and he's waiting to be found, be remembered, and to be loved.

“Was those flowers for me?” Sunghoon asked, stopping in front of him.

“Who else would it be if not for you?” Heeseung asked, handing Sunghoon the arrangement.

“Well, thanks then. You didn't have to,” Sunghoon said, taking the flowers in his hand.

“I specially picked the roses to make sure it won't trigger your allergy to pollen,” Heeseung said.

Sunghoon looked up at him, his eyes filled with different emotions but he seemed to take control over them.

“Anyways, if you're not busy enough, I've made a reservati—”

Heeseung wasn't able to finish his words when suddenly, Sunghoon hugged him. After recovering from the little surprise, Heeseung managed to laugh shortly.

“Thought I ain't getting any,” Heeseung said, placing his hands in Sunghoon's waist and gently pulling the younger off him.

Sunghoon let go but maintained the close distance as he tip-toed and boldly kissed Heeseung in front of everybody.

It didn't take long for Heeseung to close his eyes as well and move his lips in sync with Sunghoon.

A few meters away from them stood three people with different reactions. Two of them are obviously confused and mad, while the other boy happily took his phone and recorded the whole kissing scene.

Riki smiled, every relationship makes progress but why not Jay and Jungwon? He then sneakily takes one last picture before leaving the scene, knowing a storm is about to come and he wouldn't be able to help neither Sunghoon nor Heeseung all by himself.

Instead, Riki sent the picture to Jake to inform him about this...good but bad news.


“Sunghoon! What the heck is this!”

The two got separated from each other with Sunghoon's enraged parents.

“Of all people, why Heeseung? He has a boyfriend! It's your friend, even!”

Heeseung isn't able to hold Sunghoon when the woman turns to him, pointing her fingers right into his face.

“And you, prepare to get a lawsuit from Mr. Sim. Of all people, you decided to cheat on Jake with our son?”

“Mom,” Sunghoon spoke. “It's not what you—”

Sunghoon couldn't continue his words when the woman turned to face him next, her hand getting in contact with Sunghoon's cheeks in a blink of an eye., leaving a red mark.

“I've seen it with my two eyes! Sunghoon, we didn't raise you to be like this!”

Sunghoon's eyes watered as he stepped back and hid himself behind his father.

The few students and parents have stopped and looked back at them, wondering about the sudden commotion.

“Calm down, let's talk about it in the house. People are watching,” Sunghoon's father said. Despite of his calm tone, his grip on Sunghoon's arms says otherwise.


“Don't touch him,” the woman said, cutting off Heeseung's words.

Heeseung stood frozen in his place for a little while, still shocked. He was blankly staring at the way where Sunghoon got dragged by his parents away from him. The scene of Sunghoon getting slapped by his mother in front of everyone repeats in his mind.

It's already too late when he realized what's going on.

Heeseung ran to his car, finding the bouquet of roses all ruined on his way to the parking lot. He didn't bother taking it, the most important thing right now is to save Sunghoon from his obviously enraged parents.

He entered his car and immediately turned the engine on. He then stepped on the gas pedal following the car that had just left the university gate.


Jake tiredly sighs when the meeting finally has ended at 3AM. Instead of sleeping, Jake stayed inside the car and stared at the picture Riki had sent him.

The fact that it was Sunghoon and Heeseung on the frame, Jake was happy. But Riki's following message takes that happiness away, “It's not cheating, right?”

Of course it's not cheating, but their parents must have misunderstood it completely.

Jake sighed deeply, his father's voice ringing in his head again.

“Tell your boyfriend if he doesn't get in my office until seven today, he'll end up in jail.”

Jake counted the time difference in his hands, feeling his heart breaking into millions of pieces upon realizing Heeseung might seriously be sleeping behind cold bars right now.

And what about Sunghoon? He had no idea what happened to them after the call, but he believed Sunghoon would be good. Sunghoon's father is one great man who is open in understanding new things happening around him.

For now, he worries about Heeseung getting arrested.

Why is everything falling apart when it only just gets happier?

Jake has to cancel and postpone everything in his schedule just so he could go back to Korea. He already had a plane ticket but his flight is still an hour away. He only hoped he wouldn't be too late to explain to his father.

At least to save his relationship with Heeseung and Sunghoon.

He didn't even know how to explain everything to them. It was one complicated relationship; it'll be harder to understand that their son is dating two people at a time.

They might have accepted him being gay, but being in a poly relationship? Jake didn't know.

Jake then went to his contact list and dialed Jay's number.


Heeseung woke up feeling cold as his body ached upon sleeping in a sitting position inside the prison all night.

“Lee Heeseung! You are now free,” the officer loudly speaks, opening the locked door.

Heeseung yawned.

“What happened?” He asked the officer who only shrugged.

All the questions in Heeseung's mind vanished as soon as he saw Jay standing from the entrance of the office.

“What about Sunghoon?” Heeseung worriedly asked Jay.

Yesterday was a blast. He knew Sunghoon almost got beaten up by his own parents, his own mother to be specific. He went to explain and protect Sunghoon, but cops came and arrested him right away.

“Let's say...he was disowned by his parents,” Jay said. “He's currently in the apartment with Riki.”

“Thanks,” Heeseung said after entering Jay's car. “But how did you find out?”

“Jake called me. He'd be here by lunch, hopefully,” Jay said. “I can't really help in this situation; cops may arrest you back when Jake's Dad discovers I've bailed on you.”

The car ride to their apartment was filled with silence. Jay looked like he hasn't got any sleep yet, judging by the black under his eyes and the office suit he was wearing. The news might have shocked him as well and went straight to help them after work.

They managed to arrive in the apartment after half an hour. Heeseung looked for Sunghoon first, who was sitting on a single couch staring at nothing.

His red eyes tell how much he has cried all night, the left side of his lip has cuts but it already got cleaned.

“Sunghoon! I know you're here!”

Sunghoon quickly stood up on the couch, getting scared upon hearing his Dad from outside, if not for Heeseung pulling him and hiding him behind his tall body. Riki abruptly woke up from his nap on the couch as Jay went to open the door.

“Where's Sunghoon? Let me talk to Sunghoon!” The man pushed Jay aside and forcefully walked inside, stopping in front of Heeseung.

Heeseung felt Sunghoon's tight grip on his hands, as if scared. But then, Sunghoon's Dad suddenly started crying.

“Sunghoon,” the man said. “I know you were hurt by your Mom's words but that was only because she's surprised, okay? Please don't take it to heart.”

“She didn't mean it...and I'm sorry if I wasn't able to stop her from hurting you,” the man continued. “If I have known sooner—”

Heeseung meets Sunghoon's Dad's eyes.

“You should have told me sooner, this should have never happened,” the old man continued. “I understand what you guys are feeling; I know how hard it is for you to go through this. Sunghoon, I'm always open to accept who you are...”

“First, what we did is not considered cheating, Sir,” Heeseung said, making sure that they are having mutual thoughts.

“I know,” the man said, nodding his head. “I've always been very observative when it comes to Sunghoon and his friends. It's honestly very hard to believe, but if it is what it is, then why should I stop you young boys from being happy?”

Jay, Riki and Heeseung exchanged glances before Riki left the house first, followed by Jay. Heeseung looked back at Sunghoon, asking for permission if he's fine to be left alone to talk with his father.

Sunghoon didn't let go of Heeseung's hand, so the older boy stood still, blocking Sunghoon from his father.

“I'll help you settle this with Jake's family,” Sunghoon's Dad said. “But we need Jake to be there too.”


Jake arrived in his Dad's office at 2 in the afternoon. Every step he makes, the more he becomes nervous. He tried rehearsing his words in the plane, but he knew everything he practiced would vanish once he faced his Dad.

“Is my Dad inside?” Jake asked the secretary who just walked out from the office.

“He's busy right now,” the secretary said.

Jake looked down at the empty food tray in her hands.

“I was told to refrain anyone from entering,” the secretary quickly said, as if explaining. “There were visitors inside including your boyfriend, Sir.”

Jake didn't bother saying anything as he pushed the door open and walked inside. His sight blurs as he sees Heeseung and Sunghoon standing close to each other in a corner. He didn't bother greeting everyone in the room and went straight to his boyfriends—although it's not fully established yet.


All eyes went on Jake, watching with wide curious eyes as he hugged Sunghoon first while Heeseung gave way and only watched from behind.

Jay crossed his legs, observing their parents’ reaction watching the interaction between their sons. Only Sunghoon's father has a smile on his face.

Jake and Sunghoon finally let go of each other. Heeseung then approached Jake and gave him a hug as well as a gentle kiss on the cheeks.

“You never told me anything about it,” Jake said, looking up at Heeseung.

“Are you Sunghoon?” Heeseung asked, smiling at Jake. “I was waiting for you to ask me to join your little meet-ups but you never even tried.”

Jake turns to Sunghoon, “When did he tell you?”

Sunghoon shakes his head, “I'm still clueless.”

“Isn't that kiss enough?”

The room suddenly gets filled with coughs. The three young boys suddenly realized there were...uh, viewers.

“We'll talk about this after you settle yourself, it's making me dizzy,” Jake's mother announced.

“It's already clear,” Sunghoon's father spoke. “What is there to talk about? Isn't this...little show...explained everything?”

“I don't know, I still need time to think about it,” Jake's father said before standing up and leaving the room.

Sunghoon then made eye contact with his mom, hoping he could see the acceptance in her eyes, instead there were only tears. Sunghoon quickly looked away.

“I'm sorry, Sunghoon-ah...”


[five hours later]

“Is this really happening?” Jake asked, breaking the silence surrounding the room.

Heeseung inched closer, giving the younger boy a quick kiss on the cheeks.

“What do we do about your Dad?” Sunghoon asked from Jake's left side.

“I don't know, maybe my Mom will be able to convince him,” Jake said. “What's important right now is the three of us.”

“What about Heeseung's family?” Sunghoon asked again.

“It's not like they can go against my will,” Heeseung shrugged, taking Sunghoon's hand in his and placing it together over Jake's tummy.

They were laying in one bed with Jake in the middle.

“They're fine as long as I am,” Heeseung continued. “Let's not think about negative things tonight and get a proper sleep. I'm already worrying about the animals left in my clinic.”

“Don't you have a care-taker?” Sunghoon curiously asked.

Jake laughs.

“He has, but he can't stand a whole day without visiting his clinic,” Jake said. “Be used to him loving his clinic more than loving us.”

“You love Layla more than us,” Heeseung said.

“It's fine, I'm here now to give you the same amount of love,” Sunghoon said. “I'll try to balance everything.”

Jake giggles. The silence surrounds them again as they all try to close their eyes and get a proper sleep.

“This isn't a dream, right?” Jake asked again.

Both Heeseung and Sunghoon gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

“No,” the two boys said.

Jake smiled bigger.

“I'm happy,” he whispered, finally closing his eyes.

They fell asleep comfortably beside each other, although there were some things that were not settled regarding their families. The comfort coming from one another is enough.

In the middle of the night, Sunghoon woke up.

He slowly removed his hand from Heeseung's and adjusted his position so he could get a better view of the people sleeping peacefully beside him. The two men he loves but he never imagined he could get.

Although he always had dreams about this moment, it felt completely different now. There were problems and disappointments, but the fact that they still ended up sleeping in one bed was enough for Sunghoon to realize it was not just a dream. The pain coming from the wound in his lips made it even more real.

He was able to have the two people he loved without sacrificing one of them. It is now the three of them in the frame.

Sunghoon reached for Heeseung's face, gently caressing the older's soft skin. Heeseung still didn't say the three magic words, but Sunghoon also didn't need to hear it. He already confirmed it when Heeseung responded to the kiss, and the fact that he tried to protect him. That's enough.

Sunghoon laid back again, now staring at Jake's side profile until his eyes closed on their own and he fell back to sleep hoping that when he wakes up, the reality is still the same.


Sunghoon woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He pulled the duvet over to his face, loving the smell of the newly washed fabric.

He kept his eyes closed until the ringing stopped. Thankfully, he'd be able to continue his beautiful dream.

“Hello? Yes, I'm on my way.”

Sunghoon abruptly opened his eyes upon hearing a familiar voice. He removed the duvet covering his face and took a look at the person standing before the bed.

“Kindly let her in but make sure she isn't feeding the cats extra treats..., Yes, thank you.”

The person ended the call and turned around, facing Sunghoon.

It was Heeseung who looked like he's about to leave for work. Sunghoon glanced at the wall clock and realized it's only six in the morning.

“Good morning,” Heeseung greeted him with a full smile.

The older bent down, giving Sunghoon a gentle morning kiss.

This is really not just a dream, Sunghoon thought after Heeseung stood straight again.

“Jake has left early in the morning, he's probably in the plane right now to go back to LA,” Heeseung said. “My clinic needs me so I need to go off as well. There's no cooked breakfast, just eat anything you can find in the kitchen.”

Heeseung then took out a couple of keys from the drawer and placed it on the table.

“House keys in case you want to go outside. Jake's car is in the garage, you can find the keys somewhere in the kitchen counter, I think,” Heeseung continued.

Sunghoon helped himself up in a sitting position, keeping his eyes on Heeseung.

“And if you don't feel like eating alone, you can visit the clinic. You can eat with all the rescued animals in there,” Heeseung said.

“Why with all the rescued animals and not you?” Sunghoon asked, confused.

“I ate with them, too,” Heeseung shrugged. “I need to go, I'll bring Layla and Engene with me so you're all on yourself here.”

Sunghoon watched as Heeseung took his eyeglasses on the table and put his phone inside his pocket.

“Can't you wait for me? Let's go together,” Sunghoon asked.

Heeseung stared at him for a second.

“I can wait for you but the poor animals can't,” Heeseung said, shaking his head. “Take a shower and come to my clinic later. I really need to go.”

“Jake was right; you love them more than us.”

Sunghoon pouts, not until Heeseung bent down and placed a kiss on his lips again.

“I love you more, silly,” Heeseung said before turning around to leave.

Sunghoon wasn't able to say the words back because Heeseung had already closed the door, leaving him alone inside the bedroom.

He roamed his eyes around the unfamiliar room, finding the case of his things already empty beside the closet. He was about to stand up and check which cabinet contained his clothes when his eyes found the bouquet of fresh roses lying beside him on the bed.

Sunghoon picked it up and opened the small paper tucked in between the beautiful flowers.

the word us also pertains to more than two people. us, three. you, me and heeseung. us, forever. i love you, sunghoon.


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