I wanna be your slave

By cool_story_cyst

88.7K 4.9K 510

Enjoy :) More

The Beast
Wedding Day
Jennie's servants
White Mask
Taste Testing
Vulnerable 🔞
Excuse me
Name 🔞
First Page
Lisa's Father*
Wet & Dirty
I want you 🔞
Meat Pie
Birthday Wish
Cocky Prince
Fifteen thousand
False Accusations
Bare Face
Crazy Woman
The Older Brother
Servants Uniform
Awful Sight
Sinister Smile
Never again
4 words
May the best
Choosing between past and present
Dull Gray
After a month
At the dinning room
Next time
Oh shit
Behind the door
One week before
Birthday wish (Bonus)
Confession (2)
And again
Satchel Bag
Happy ending?
One month
Leaving it all to fate
Wedding Day (2)
Too late
I Do
Fucking Wake Up
Ending: True love's kiss (Part 1)


813 61 2
By cool_story_cyst

Jennie walked back and forth as she kept running her hand on her hair. She's been like this since Leo and Lisa left. She had already lost count of how many times her servants tried to calm her, but she couldn't get rid of the worry and fear in her head.

Jennie did try though to calm her ass. She had been picking up her book almost every thirty minutes to shift her attention, but she hadn't even finished one paragraph yet, she would already put it down. But she wasn't as bad as this earlier.

Earlier, she could still find a time to sit down and tried to shift her attention, but now she can't stay still. She had considered following them too, but she knew that doing that would be risky.

So every time that thought would appear in her head, she's kicking it out before her mind could ever formulate reasons why she should follow them.

It was only a minute away from the sun rising but Lisa and Leo were still nowhere to be found. They should be back here already because that's what she asked them to do, to be back here before the sun ever rises.

"Your Highness, I made some food for you." Jisoo said, and put down a bowl of soup on a wooden table.

Jennie just glanced at Jisoo and the food on the table, then continued walking back and forth again.

"Thank you, Chu, but I'm not in the mood to eat anything. Maybe later."

"At least have some water, Your Highness." Jisoo insisted, giving her Queen a pleading look.

Jennie suddenly felt bad for ignoring her servant, so she nodded her head and picked up the glass of water. She downed it in a few gulps and mumbled her thanks to her servant.

Jisoo smiled; her worry subsided a little bit to see Jennie at least drinking the water. She lowered her head and excused herself after picking up the bowl of food again.

Because Jennie didn't sleep for at least a minute, all of her servants stayed up all night too, worrying about Leo, Lisa, and Jennie.

Jennie formulated a plan. If Lisa and Leo still didn't show up before the front door within an hour, she would leave and search for them. Just when that plan appeared on her head, Wonho, her servant, who has the real form of a minotaur, burst through the doors, panicking as the news left his lips.

"Your Highness, Leo, and Lisa finally came back but they were wounded."

The last few words almost became inaudible because Wonho had a hard time saying the bad news. He doesn't know how he would say it without making it sound like horrible news, but actually, no matter how he says it, it would be horrendous.

He's aware of that but he's thinking that maybe his tone would at least ease the news's weight. Even though Jennie hadn't caught at least a minute of sleep yet, her senses still weren't failing as she heard clearly what Wonho said.


The only word that Jennie managed to say before she ran outside. She almost fell to her knees when she saw Lisa.

There was an arrow in Lisa's chest while Leo's right leg was bleeding. Lisa had already lost consciousness and was just being carried by Luca. While Bobby was assisting and helping Leo walk.

Jennie met Leo's eyes that she had never seen being enveloped by terror until today.

An angry tear slipped from the brunette girl's left eye as she asked, "What happened?"

"The right hand of the prince saw us and grew suspicious of us. He and the soldiers chased after us and rained arrows on us." Leo managed to say while holding his bleeding leg and grunting in pain.

For the first time, Jennie's servants witnessed how Jennie's eyes turned into bloody red.

The blood lust that they felt sent shivers all over their bodies. They felt how much Jennie's power doubled, tripled, quadrupled. They were scared for a moment, not for their lives but about what could their Queen possibly do.

Then just in time, Lisa's eyes fluttered open, which brought back the brunette-haired into reality.

Jennie ran towards her as Luca passed Lisa from his arms to Jennie's.

"Lisa. Can you hear me?" Jennie asked with a broken tone as tears started falling from her cheeks.

Lisa managed to find strength as she lifted her hand and caressed Jennie's wet cheeks.

Lisa smiled despite the pain in her chest and whispered, "I'm glad, I made it back to you." before her eyelids again dropped.

Jennie ran inside while carrying Lisa as her servants followed her towards her room.

She put Lisa on her bed, not caring if her bed would be dirty. Jennie felt so helpless. Yes, she did have some powers, but because her powers were made from her intense desire to get revenge; because her powers were bestowed by a fallen angel, she doesn't have any ability to heal anyone but herself.

Jennie can kill someone and rip her into pieces, but she can't bring a dead person alive or stop her from dying because of her wounds.

If Jennie was restless earlier, she was a mess right now. She was just outside of her room, walking back and forth again while the twins were trying their hardest to tend to Lisa's wounds. Even though she didn't want to leave Lisa's side, she stepped out of her room, knowing that her presence wouldn't be any help to them.

The twins also don't have any ability to heal anyone, but they were pretty knowledgeable about these things because their parents made them learn it. They don't know how long it took them to tend to Lisa's wounds, but they managed to stop the bleeding somehow.

Removing the arrow is actually the hardest, but they didn't falter, knowing how important this teenage girl is to their Queen.

When they finally stepped out of Jennie's room, they found their Queen had her head buried in her arms while crouching as her back barely leaned to the wall.

The first thought that registered in their minds was that Jennie had fallen asleep while waiting for any news, but she surprised them when she suddenly stood up and almost ran towards them.

"How is she? How's Lisa? Is she okay now?"

Jennie's state was horrible. Her eyes are puffy and red from crying. Her straight jet-black hair that they had never seen messy was all over her face. The tip of her nose was red, which was obviously still because of crying.

Their hearts broke into pieces but at the same time melt at the thought that someone managed to melt the ice that caged the heart of the brunette-haired girl.

Jisoo smiled at her Queen, "She's okay now, Your Highness. Her breathing was already stable. Luckily, the arrow was on her right chest, so no internal organs were damaged because her rib cage stopped the arrow from piercing into her lung."

Jennie couldn't remember the last time she had been thankful to the Heavens since her father and oldest brother died.

Jennie had stopped praying.

She had stopped asking for help from them and just did everything on her own. After all, she had the power to do almost everything, but right now, she couldn't stop thanking the Heavens, knowing that Lisa was safe not because of her out of this world ability but by the grace of them.

Jennie enveloped the twins in a hug, which the two immediately reciprocated.

"Your Highness."

The three entangled themselves from the hug and snapped their heads in the direction of the voice and saw Leo. He had already changed into a new set of clean clothes. His other hand was on the wall for support. His hair was also a mess. He looks so sad and regretful.

"Leo." The twins called in unison, surprised to see him already standing on his own.

"What are you doing here? You should be resting." Seulgi asked and walked towards Leo. She put Leo's arm around her shoulder while her hand supported Leo's back.

"I just want to talk with Your Highness." Leo stated, almost in a whisper.

"What is it, Leo?" Jennie asked as she straightened her clothes.

Despite having a deep wound on his leg, Leo knelt in front of his Queen and lowered his head.

"Forgive me, Your Highness, for allowing this to happen. You trusted Lisa's life to me and yet she was almost killed. I beg for your for-"

Leo's statement was cut off when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw his Queen kneeling on one of her knees, looking kindly at him.

"I'm mad, but not at you. I'm mad at the people that did this to you and Lisa. I would never forgive them and will make sure that they will pay. I never blame you because I know that it wasn't your fault why this happened. I knew that you did everything to protect her, which means."

Jennie smiled as she gave light taps on Leo's shoulder before she stood up.

"I owe her life to you. Thanks for saving the most important person in my life."

The twins grinned at each other, feeling giddy to hear those words from their Queen's own lips. They couldn't help but wonder what Lisa's expression would be if she heard those words.

"Go and take a rest now Leo, we still have a lot of work to do. I still haven't avenged my father and oldest brother."

Jisoo and Seulgi helped Leo stand up and get him back to his room, while Jennie went back to her room. She sat on the edge of the bed and heaved a long-relieved sigh to see Lisa in better condition. She's also wearing a new set of clean clothes and the twins even managed to change the cover of her bed.

Jennie held Lisa's hand and lifted it up to her lips. She kissed Lisa's knuckles and whispered, "I will never let anyone hurt you again. I promise."

Mortals have been pretty confident about picking a fight against me lately. Maybe it's now time to put an end to this.

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