A year as a Narnian || 365 Na...

By MagicofNarnia

48.9K 2.5K 738

Yep, I'm insane and have decided to write a one shot for each day of 2022 :) wish me luck. More

200: More than you'll ever wrap your head around
201: They're not you
202: One day
203: Sunburn
204: I don't break promises
205: So does Aslan
206: Alive... or dead
207: He nearly killed me
208: I don't care
209: Peter doesn't cry...
210: A King of Narnia
211: Better together
212: Is that blood?
213: I give up
214: You came home
215: The wardrobe
216: Crush
217: You should know by now
218: I let you down
219: He always was
220: Says you
221: Right here... right now
222: What have I done?
223: I can't do this
224: Happy Birthday
225: Come home
226: No hope
227: Follow
228: You scared me
229: I know you do
230: Treason - Part One
231: Treason - Part two
232: Aslan will protect me
233: I know
234: Scarred
235: Necklace
236: I'm never letting go again
237: I got in
238: You needed to say it
239: Something's not right: Part One
240: Something's not right: Part two
241: Theirs
242: I do
243: Better me than you
244: I'm not too sure
245: Closure
246: The five stages of grief
247: I hate you
248: You still have that?
249: I'm not Dad
250: My own bed
251: Single combat
252: Your people
253: My brother, and my King
254: Never hide
255: Cry
256: You can't do it
257: Heaven
258: Elden Castle - Part One
259: Elden Castle - Part Two
260: It was worth it
261: If you die...
262: Only Aslan knows
263: You saved my life
264: His brothers blood - Part 1
265: His brothers blood - Part 2
266: failure
267: You're lucky I love you
268: His dying wish
269: The Ghost of Winter - Part one
270: The Ghost of Winter - Part Two
271: The Ghost of Winter - Part Three
272: Salt
273: I'm his brother - Part One
274: I'm his brother - Part Two
275: Challenge accepted
276: Together
277: The Sirens - Part One
278: The Siren - Part Two
279: He did deserve it
280: I can do both
281: I've missed him so much
282: You wanna come?
283: Can we keep him?
284: Traumatised
285: Sixteen years
287: One of my favourite things about him
288: I'm so glad I could save you
289: Narnia is Forever
290: Everything
291: A cup of tea
292: It was about Ed
293: It was Edmund's idea
294: It could only happen to me
295: Practice makes perfect
296: Do as you're told
297: I'm hungry
298: He hurt you ... So did you...
299: I get that
300: I will never hesitate
301: She can't make us
302: The plan was to not get hurt
303: Don't ever think that
304: A deal - Part one
305: A rough night
306: A deal - Part two
307: A deal - Part three
308: I won't tell Mum and Dad
309: Talk to Peter
310: He wants you
311: Five minutes
312: Do you like them?
313: Where she belonged
314: Blue
315: Poppies
316: There's hope for Susan too
317: I didn't need saving
318: Since I was a child
319: Cold
320: The same fears
321: It's getting late
322: Stay with me
323: Told you
324: I didn't forget
325: I can't do this - Part One
326: I can't do this - Part Two
327: Proud
328: After everything that had happened
329: Sleep, now
330: Heat stroke - Part One
331: Heat stroke - Part Two
332: I really hope you're right
333: Obviously
334: A completely different boy
335: It's perfect
336: She couldn't understand
337: Sorry for your loss
338: Beruna
339: Thunderstorm
340: I still want to say thank you
341: Was it a dream?
342: If I could have one wish...
343: Peace and quiet
344: Winter
345: Things will get better
346: I don't think this is working...
347: It felt so real
348: It was an accident
349: It's so pretty
350: Hot chocolate
351: Narnia is home
352: What did you dream about?
353: I know it's hard
354: Sir Peter
355: A good idea
356: Shouldn't you be in bed?
357: I need to know
358: I can't sleep
359: Merry Christmas
360: Open your eyes!
361: We have to trust him
362: What else is new?
363: My socks...
364: A special surprise
365: Ten minutes

286: Narnia was our home

240 12 16
By MagicofNarnia

October 13th - Prompt: I want to go home.


Edmund glanced up from where he'd been sat on his bed, in the dark, reading with a random torch he'd found... which definitely wasn't as good as his own torch, but he certainly wouldn't be getting that back anytime soon... after the second time leaving it behind in Narnia.

He'd heard the front door open, and he really hoped it was Peter, after all he'd been waiting up for him, and it was now nearly 1am. 

He waited a few seconds, before hearing the door close and someone moving around. 

Sighing, Edmund stood from his bed and headed for the door, praying Peter was okay. 

He'd been absolutely fine since Edmund had returned from Eustaces' three weeks ago, but over the last few days he'd been feeling rather down, and Edmund knew he was missing Narnia, especially since him and Lucy had been talking about it a lot. 

Peter of course had been the big brother he always was to Edmund and Lucy, comforting them when they needed it, but it was just becoming a little too much for him, although he wouldn't admit it, no matter how much Edmund had asked him over the last three days. 

Today he had claimed he needed some time alone, and had gone out after dinner, leaving Edmund in the house alone. Susan was at a friends for the night, Lucy was too, and his Mum and Dad were away for the weekend. 

Opening his bedroom door, Edmund frowned when he heard a dull thud, followed by Peter muttering under his breath, and he didn't sound too happy. 

He headed downstairs, stopping on the bottom step when he saw Peter placing a candle holder back on the table by the door, straightening it up before glancing towards the staircase, freezing when he saw Edmund. 

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" Edmund murmured. "You've been gone for hours Peter, it's early morning." 

Peter stared at him for a moment, licking his lips before making his way into the kitchen without saying a word. 

Edmund frowned and followed after him, waiting until he'd poured himself a glass of water, when he stumbled a little, reaching out to grab the kitchen side, steadying himself. 

Edmund could hardly believe his eyes as Peter sat down at the kitchen table, and he took a deep breath. "Have you been drinking?" He mumbled. 

"No." Peter lied. 

Edmund walked over, grabbing Peter's chin and lifting his head so he could look at him. "You have!" He exclaimed after a moment. 

Peter groaned and pulled away. "So what?" He muttered. 

Edmund was shocked. "So what?" He echoed. "Peter, you never drink!" 

"I do." Peter argued. 

"Not enough to get you drunk." Edmund corrected. 

"Well apparently tonight I do." Peter grumbled, taking a sip of water from his glass. 

"Why?" Edmund asked, sitting beside him at the table. 

"Ugh would you stop interrogating me." Peter grumbled. "My head hurts." 

"And I wonder why." Edmund muttered, standing and heading over to make a cup of strong coffee for his brother. 

Peter sighed, burying his head in his hands. "Why are you still up anyway." He slurred. 

Edmund rolled his eyes. "I was waiting for you." He replied. "When you leave the house claiming you need some time alone, and then when you're not home by at least midnight, one tends to worry." 

Peter took another sip of water. "You should've gone to sleep." He told him. 

"Not likely." Edmund snorted. "And it's a good thing I didn't." 

"I'm not that drunk." Peter shot at him. 

Edmund rolled his eyes. "You've had enough." He told him. "You look like you're about to pass out." 

"I'm fine." Peter muttered. 

"Drink this." Edmund said firmly, placing the mug in front of him. "And all of it." 

"Yes Dad." Peter breathed, but he started drinking it anyway, cringing a little as he didn't really like the taste of coffee. 

Edmund sat back down next to his brother, waiting until he'd gotten through the coffee, before raising an eyebrow. "Better?" He asked. 

Peter sighed. "A little yeah." He murmured. "My head still hurts and I feel weird." 

"Yeah, that's what happens when you drink too much." Edmund told him. "At least you're not drunk enough to start laughing, joking and dancing." 

Peter snorted a little. "I'm not stupid enough to get that drunk." He muttered. "Besides, I'm a depressed drunk tonight, I don't even think alcohol could make me happy." 

Edmund stared at him for a moment. "What's the matter Peter?" He asked sadly. "I know there's something wrong, you've been down for days, don't think I haven't noticed."

Peter ran a hand through his hair, swallowing hard. "I want to go home." He whispered. 

Edmund took a deep breath. "I know," He whispered. "So do I." 

Peter nodded slowly. "I'm just even now finding it hard dealing with never going back, and now that you can never go back either, it's like I'm sad for two people." 

Edmund placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, smiling sadly. "I know it's hard, and if I'm honest, with the way I've been feeling, I'm surprised you got through it at the beginning." He said quietly. 

"I didn't get through it." Peter grumbled. "You're staring at proof of that right now." 

Edmund sighed quietly. "Peter, no one is expecting you to ever feel one hundred percent fine. Narnia was our home, and to - to have it ripped away - it hurts..."

Peter glanced up at his brother, wincing when his throbbing head protested. "I'm sorry." He muttered. "I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around." 

Edmund smiled. "We can comfort each other." He said, pulling Peter close and into a gentle hug. 

Peter also pulled Edmund close, hugging him. "I'm sorry about this." He whispered. "I haven't been very kingly tonight."

"You don't have to apologise Peter." Edmund told him. "Just maybe don't let it happen again, you're lucky Mum and Dad weren't home tonight." 

Peter hesitated. "Promise you won't tell them?" He muttered.

"I won't." Edmund reassured him, before smirking. "Although, they are home tomorrow, so good luck trying to explain the massive hangover you're gonna have." 

Peter groaned. "I already regret this." He muttered, slowly pulling away and wiping at his eyes. "How are you handling this so much better than I am, it's been a year since my last time, it's been a few months since yours." 

Edmund shook his head. "I'm not handling it as well as you might think." He said gently. "But at least I didn't resort to drinking." 

Peter groaned again, leaning down to rest his forehead on the table. "I can't believe I've done this." He muttered. 

Edmund chuckled weakly, patting his shoulder. "At least you feel guilty enough to never do it again." He teased. 

"Oh indeed." Peter grumbled. "Thank you, by the way." 

Edmund smiled kindly. "Don't mention it." He breathed. "And from now on, if you're feeling down, talk to me about it." 

Peter nodded carefully. "I will." He whispered. "I promise. But only if you promise to do the same thing, don't think I don't know that you've also been suffering in silence." 

Edmund swallowed hard before taking a deep breath. "Alright," He murmured. "I promise too."

Peter slowly sat up. "I don't feel good." He slurred.

"If you throw up-"

"I'm not gonna throw up." Peter told him. "Don't worry." 

Edmund nodded slowly, before taking a deep breath. "We should get you to bed." He told him. 

Peter smiled weakly. "Sounds good." He whispered. 

Edmund smiled and stood. 

"What would I do without you Ed?" Peter whispered. 

Edmund laughed. "That is a very good question." 



Edmund looked up, giving his brother a questioning look as he lowered his book. "Yeah?" He asked. 

"I've got some spare change," Peter told him. "You wanna go out for ice cream?" 

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "What's brought this on?" He asked, but he stood and went to grab a jumper. 

Peter sighed. "Think of it as a way of making it up to you," He told him. "I never should've done what I did the other night, it wasn't fair on you, so I wanted to say sorry, and I know you like ice cream." 

Edmund couldn't help but smile at his older brother. "You know I don't blame you." He murmured. 

Peter nodded. "I know," He breathed. "But I do, so this is my way of saying I'm sorry and that it will never happen again." 

Edmund was still smiling as he pulled his jumper over his head. "Okay," He breathed, "But I want two scoops and sprinkles..."

Peter rolled his eyes playfully.

"Or I tell Mum and Dad what happened." 

Peter smirked. "Fine."


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