262: Only Aslan knows

214 14 3

September 19th - Prompt: It doesn't exist


"Are you all still on that Narnia nonsense?"

Peter took a deep breath, his hand balling into a fist where it was resting on the table. "If you don't like it, go somewhere else." He muttered.

Susan raised an eyebrow, noticing Edmund place a hand over Peter's fist, clearly trying to get him to calm down. "I'm only in here to make a cup of tea and then I'll go back into the living room." She said. "Then you can talk Childhood games to your hearts content."

Lucy looked down at her lap, taking a deep breath before swallowing hard, tears stinging his eyes.

Peter turned around to face Susan, who was pulling a mug from the cupboard. "It's not a game." He muttered.

Edmund sighed. "Pete, I don't think now is the best time for you two to get into an argument." He murmured quietly.

Peter turned to him, before shrugging and sighing, but he shut up anyway.

Susan rolled his eyes. "Well Narnia... it doesn't exist." She muttered. "So what else would it be? It's a game."

The four stayed silent until Susan had finished her tea, when she left the room, closing the kitchen door behind her.

Peter rested his elbows on the table, burying his face in his hands and taking a deep breath.

Edmund moved his hand to his brother's shoulder, but didn't say anything, smiling at Lucy when she stood, walked around and hugged her oldest brother.

Peter rested his head against Lucy's, sniffing. "Will she ever come back?" He whispered suddenly.

Edmund took a deep, sharp breath. "Only Aslan knows."


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