335: It's perfect

168 12 1

December 1st - Prompt: You remembered


"Ed, you awake?"

Edmund rolled over, opening his eyes and sighing a little when he spotted Peter walking across the room. "Yeah." He mumbled.

Peter bit his lip, noticing how the curtains were drawn to block out the sight of the snow, and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "How you feeling?" He asked quietly.

Edmund swallowed hard. "I'm just tired." He whispered, "And my head hurts."

Peter nodded a little, gripping the mug he had.

"I'm so done with these nightmares." Edmund choked out, attempting to sit up.

Peter watched him for a moment. "I made this to make you feel better." He told him, voice soft as he handed his brother the mug.

Edmund frowned at the mug. "Hot chocolate?" He asked, taking it and smiling a little.

"Taste it." Peter asked, sounding hopeful.

Edmunds frown got a little deeper, but he took a sip anyway, only for his face to fall. "This - This is how Dad used to make it?" He whispered.

Peter nodded a little.

"You remembered the recipe?" Edmund murmured.

Peter shrugged. "I hope I did." He said. "Does it taste okay?"

"It's perfect." Edmund breathed, swallowing hard.

Peter let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad." He replied, before sighing. "As for the nightmares, they'll fade eventually Ed. The snow will melt soon."

Edmund bit his lip, nodding. "I'm just tired," He told him. "Too tired, it's making me ill."

"I'm so sorry Ed." Peter choked out.

Edmund shook his head a little. "It's not your fault." He mumbled. "I guess at the end of the day, I'm the only one to blame."


"Don't Peter," Edmund cut him off. "I know I am and I'm also not in the mood for a deep talk like last night."

"Alright," Peter sighed. "Drink that and then get some sleep."

Edmund nodded slowly. "Thanks."


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