320: The same fears

193 13 2

November 16th - Prompt: World War two


"This country is at war with Germany..."

Peter switched off the radio, staring at the wall ahead of him in complete shock.

Everyone had seen this coming, but he had never actually fully believed it, but now... now he was shocked.

Another war?

World war two?

Peter took a deep breath, looking up when the door opened and his Dad walked in.

John spotted the radio, and the terrified look on his sons face, and took a deep breath. "You heard..." He mumbled.

Peter swallowed hard. "I heard." He choked out.

His Dad nodded slowly, walking over and sitting on the bed beside Peter. "Peter," He murmured. "It's gonna be fine."

Peter didn't say anything, he just stared at his Dad for ages, before flinging his arms around his neck and burying his face against his shoulder. "Please don't go."

His Dad didn't know what to say, so he just hugged him back, comforting him as best he could...

But if he was honest, he had the same fears as Peter...


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