258: Elden Castle - Part One

298 14 6

September 15th - Prompt: Years and Years


Peter ran, he ran and he didn't stop.

He'd been running for so long, his lungs felt like they were on fire, but he had to get back, he had to get help, he had to rescue his brother.

He burst through the nearest door, gasping when he bumped straight into Orious, who seemed startled to see the young King back so soon. "Your majesty." He said. "Aren't you and your brother meant to be still away?"

"I - I need a map." Peter gasped, voice choked as he fought to get his breath back. "Get me a map!"

"Sir, what on earth's the matter?" Orious asked quickly.

"Get me a map!" Peter roared, his breathing becoming more even now.


Peter spun around, swallowing hard when he saw Susan running towards him. "You're back." She said happily once she'd reached him.

"No, no no." Peter muttered. "Edmund-"

"Where is Edmund?" Susan said. "You didn't race back did you? You know you're a lot faster than him, for now anyway."

"Stop." Peter said quickly, taking a deep breath. "Edmund - Edmunds been taken. He's been Kindapped Susan!"

The reaction on Susan's face changed instantly, and she looked terrified.

"I - I don't know who she was." Peter murmured.

Susan frowned. "She?"

Peter swallowed hard. "She was - was some sort of sorcerer, she - she had magic, she hurt him before she even took him."

"Calm down Peter." Susan soothed, placing her hands on his brother's arms. "Take a deep breath and tell me exactly what happened."

Peter stopped short, before taking a deep breath, nodding slowly. "We - We set up camp for the night." He explained slowly, his voice shaking slightly. "It must of been midnight when I was woken to the snap of a stick or something. I grabbed my sword obviously, worried when I couldn't see Edmund. Next thing, I heard a scream, it was Ed.
I found him, he was being dragged away by this sorcerer, he had blood rolling down his face, and he was so weak already, she - she'd definitely done something to him.
I ran after them, but - but they disappeared, Edmund managed to shout the place he was being taken just before though, get me a map."

Orious hurried off, understanding now why Peter had wanted a map so badly.

"What's the place called, Peter." Susan said, leading him into the nearby sitting room and making sure he sat down on the sofa.

Peter swallowed hard. "Elden castle." He murmured.

Susan took a deep breath. "I've heard of it." She all but whispered.

"Yeah, so have I." Peter choked. "I need to find out where it is, because from what I've heard, it's the place of nightmares."

Susan nodded slowly, and glanced up when Orious ran into the room, multiple maps in his arms. "Here." He said.

Peter grabbed the first one and unrolled it, quickly scanning the map. "Do you know where Elden Castle is Orious?" He asked quickly as he ran a finger over tha paper.

A year as a Narnian || 365 Narnia one shots (Part two)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant