252: Your people

241 14 3

September 9th - Prompt: The Telmarine who saved Narnia


"You okay out here alone?"

Caspian swung around, smiling gently when he spotted Edmund at the balcony entrance. "Yeah." He breathed. "Just needed to moment to breathe."

Edmund nodded as he joined his friend, gripping a goblet of wine in his hands. "It'll be like that sometimes I'm afraid." He admitted. "But don't worry, it comes naturally eventually."

"Being King?" Caspian questioned.

Edmund nodded. "Aslan was right, you will be a great King." He said. "I've heard you've been called the Telmarine who saved Narnia."

Caspian smirked at Edmunds smirk, chuckling weakly. "I've heard that too." He said quietly, looking back out across the land.

"You should head back in soon." Edmund told him. "Your people are wondering where you are."

Caspian nodded, "They're your people too." He pointed out.

"You're the King now, Caspian."

"Once a King of Narnia, always a King." Caspian told him. "You're still every bit a Narnian King."

Edmund smiled. "I appreciate that." He said. "Thank you."

Caspian bowed, smiling the whole time.

Edmund bowed back, standing up straight again with the same smile, before nodding back inside. "Come on." He breathed.

Caspian nodded and followed Edmund inside, feeling a lot better after his breather, and who knows, maybe he would end up being a great King.


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