315: Poppies

177 11 2

November 11th - Prompt: London


Peter wandered down the quiet London streets, his mood perfectly mirroring the weather... grey, bleak, sure to start raining any minute. Cloudy, dull, the kind of weather that usually gave you a headache.

He gripped something in his hand as he walked, taking great care as he held it, just concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other.

He reached a small gate after a while, and opened it, swallowing hard at the creak it made... followed by the dull thud as he closed it behind him.

He took a deep breath and made his way over to the other side of the small field, being careful to not step anywhere he wasn't supposed to, and to keep to the small paths, overgrown with grass and weeds.

As he walked he felt the first few drops of water fall on his head, and pulled his coat tight around him, shivering a little as he stepped over a stick that was sure to snap loudly if he stood on it.

He couldn't ruin the peace.

Reaching his destination, Peter knelt down on the wet, duey grass, not caring that it instantly soaked through his trousers.

He stared for a moment, before placing the bunch of Poppies against the gravestone, blinking back tears as he carried out the simple task.

He sat there for ages, not moving, not speaking, hardly even blinking, and when the tears slowly began to trickle down his cheeks, he didn't even bother to wipe them away.

Life wasn't fair, how was any of this fair? The world, ripped apart by war, people's hearts torn apart.

Children screaming, mothers weeping, wives crying, men... soldiers, so, so brave, giving up their own lives so that people may live, sacrificing themselves to try and make the world a better place, to stop the evil... the never ending, ever present evil.

Peter's eyes slipped shut... It wasn't fair... all those people deserved to live, no one should've died, no war should've ever started, and the anger he felt at that moment was indescribable.

But the sadness he felt overpowered the anger, and as he opened his eyes to stare at the gravestone once more, he swallowed hard, one more tear trickling down his cheek.

"I kept my promise..." He choked out. "For all those years I kept my promise... They're all safe, I kept them safe, just like you told me to... I only wish you were here to see that..."


At the 11th hour
On the 11th day
Of the 11th month

- We will remember them -



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