339: Thunderstorm

197 13 3

December 5th - Prompt: This was fun


"Well," Edmund grumbled. "This was fun."

Peter glanced at his brother, who was soaked through, from head to toe, and shivering. "I wouldn't exactly say fun." He muttered, as he didn't look much better.

The two were currently heading back towards Cair after before caught outside in a huge thunderstorm, that had left them absolutely drenched, not to mention cold, also not to mention rather on edge.

Edmund was on edge anyway, he didn't like thunderstorms at the best of times, and being outside in the middle of the woods during one wasn't exactly his idea of fun.

"That was the worst thunderstorm I think Narnia has ever had." Edmund muttered as they walked.

Peter hesitated. "You okay?" He asked.

Edmund kicked a stone. "I'm fine." He mumbled. "I'm also stupid for being scared of thunder at the grand old age of sixteen."

Peter sighed. "You're not stupid." He said firmly. "You can't help it, it's an irrational fear, and I totally understand."

Edmund bit his lip. "I still feel silly." He sighed.

Peter smiled gently. "At least you're able to keep it together." He pointed out. "You did pretty well today actually."

Edmund rolled his eyes and shot a playful glare at his brother, who chuckled. "I say, we get home, we dry off, we drink hot chocolate and we curl up with a book." He suggested.

"That sounds like the perfect afternoon." Edmund agreed with a grin, and he'd never made it home so quickly.


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