222: What have I done?

351 20 2

August 10th - Prompt: An apology


Peter stood there for a moment or two after Susan had run out, before he took a deep breath and headed after her, he knew she had gone off to find Edmund, and after what had happened he knew he had to find out if his brother was okay.

He caught up to them both after a minute, seeing them stood in the middle of the corridor talking.

They both looked up when he walked over, and he hated the fact that Edmund took a deep breath and tensed up, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Peter..." Susan said slowly, looking a little uncomfortable.


Susan grabbed his arm quickly and led him a little way down the corridor, out of earshot of Edmund. "He - He doesn't wanna see you right now." She whispered.

Peter took a deep breath. "I owe him an apology." He said firmly.

Susan sighed. "Look, I'm glad you're finally swallowing your pride and realising you've hurt Edmund," She said slowly. "But he just needs some time. Give him an hour, maybe two, and then go and talk to him. What just happened is a lot for him to wrap his head around, let him figure it out."

Peter stared at her for a long time, before turning back to Edmund, who was staring at them.

After a moment Peter walked back over to him, Susan quickly following and muttering under her breath for Peter to go away.

"Ed - Ed can we talk?" Peter murmured.

Edmund took a deep breath. "I-" He stopped, swallowing hard.

"I only want to apologise..." Peter whispered. "Please."

Edmund stood in silence for a very long time, before he shook his head, tears filling his eyes. "I - I can't," He choked. "I'm sorry."

Peter went to grab his shoulder before he could leave, but Edmund pulled away like he'd been burnt, still shaking his head at his brother.

Peter could only watch as he left, sighing when he rounded a corner and was out of sight. "What have I done?" He choked.

Susan bit her lip. "Give him a few hours, and then talk to him," She said. "Like I told you before, he's not ready right now."

Peter sighed, but nodded slowly. "Okay." He choked, hesitating. "I really am sorry, you know."

Susan took a deep breath, "I know," She said. "But it's not me that deserves an apology..."


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