271: The Ghost of Winter - Part Three

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September 28th - Prompt: Do you mean it?


"Anything?" Edmund whispered from where Peter was cautiously checking around a corner, pushing Edmund behind him as he did.

A few seconds passed, before Peter shook his head. "Nothing." He mumbled, sighing.

Edmund sighed too and stepped out from around the corner, glancing down the corridor and indeed seeing it completely empty. "We've been searching for at least fifteen minutes now." He muttered. "And nothing."

"You reckon the potion actually worked?" Peter murmured as the two began working.

"I hope it did." Edmund said slowly. "After all, we can't let Jadis wonder the castle for the rest of eternity."

His voice wobbled a little on the last sentence, and Peter sighed. "If this is too much for you, you can go." He said gently. "I know - even though you won't admit it - that you're scared of her, and that's perfectly justified by the way, what she did to you was no small thing."

Edmund bit his lip, and he hesitated for a moment, before shaking his head. "No." He said firmly. "I won't leave you, I promised I wouldn't, so I won't."

Peter couldn't help but smile weakly at the determination in his little brother's voice. "Where did you get your bravery from Ed?" He breathed.

Edmund paused. "You." He murmured.

Peter snorted. "Not likely." He responded, staring at the windows as they walked.

Edmund sighed. "You're braver than you think Peter." He told him. "Everything you did from the second we left London, was brave."

Peter glanced at him, smiling gently, but he didn't say anything.

"I guess I got a bit from Dad as well." Edmund whispered. "If I'm as brave as you say I am..."

Peter nodded slowly. "You miss him..." He sighed.

"I've missed him from the second he left." Edmund replied. "Sometimes I wish he was here with us."

Peter took a deep breath, before smiling. "Probably not a good idea." He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "If he knew what we were doing right now it'd send him to an early grave."

Edmund smirked for a moment, before sighing. "He'd be so disappointed in me." He choked out, shaking his head.

Peter glanced down at Edmund, his heart breaking. "No he wouldn't." He reassured him. "He'd be proud of you."

Edmund looked like he didn't believe him. "Don't be stupid." He muttered.

"He'd be proud of you for all you did once you'd been rescued." Peter said firmly. "You changed so much, you've helped people, saved lives, helped run a country, Ed you're a great King. And I know this whole thing with Jadis is bringing up past guilt and doubt, but whatever I've told you in the last year or so, still stands, I promise you."

Edmund took a deep breath. "I - I know." He whispered. "It's just-"

He stopped dead though when a rather loud thud reached his ears, and he swung around, finding himself facing the main doors to the throne room.

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