310: He wants you

290 15 4

November 6th - Prompt: I'm right here



Peter bit his lip, turning to face Susan, who was still staring after Edmund, who'd just slipped inside the tent.

"Why don't you go in there with him?" Susan suggested, finally turning to him.

Peter hesitated. "Why?" He mumbled.

Susan stared at him for a while. "He's clearly not well." She told him. "And he clearly wants you."

Peter closed his eyes for a moment, before taking a deep breath. "I can't-" He choked.

"Yes, you can." Susan said somewhat firmly. "He's your brother Peter, even if you can't forgive him right now, you can be there for him."

Peter stared at Susan, noting the look in her eyes, before nodding slowly. "Okay." He whispered.

Susan nodded back. "We'll see you later." She told him, placing a hand on Lucy's shoulder and steering her away.

Peter waited until they were out of sight before even turning to the tent, but as he stood there, reaching out to draw back the flaps, he found his heart pounding.

What on earth was he meant to say when he got in there? There was no way Edmund was asleep already, so it was certainly going to lead to some rather awkward conversations.

Peter sighed, but when he heard a sudden loud thud come from inside the tent, his worry got the better of him and he hurried inside.

His eyes adjusted to the dull light quickly, and he was more than a little surprised to find Edmund on the floor, a little way from his hammock, shaking.

Peter, after realised he'd collapsed, walked over and knelt beside him. He placed a hand on his shoulder, but pulled it back when Edmund jumped, his head snapping around so the two faced each other.

Peter didn't know what he expected, but he knew it wasn't this...

Edmund was crying.

"Ed...?" Peter murmured.

Edmund froze for a moment, before he sniffed, wiping hastily at the tears on his cheeks and shaking his head a little. "P  - Peter." He choked out, turning his face away so Peter couldn't see him. "I-"

Peter frowned when Edmund stopped talking, and sighed when he slowly tried to sit up.

He managed it eventually, but Peter was worried at the way he'd kept flinching, clearly telling him that he was hurt.

"Why - Why are you here?" Edmund whispered eventually, still not looking at his older brother.

Peter sighed. "Susan-" He paused, hesitating. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He whispered, lowering his gaze to the ground for a second as he spoke.

Edmund said nothing for a while, before nodding a little. "I'm okay." He mumbled.

"You collapsed."

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