208: I don't care

377 18 10

July 27th - Prompt: Lost your mind


"No, no, wait." Peter took a deep breath. "Leave them alone, please."

"Why should I?"

Peter swallowed hard, before sighing. "If - If you let them go, I'll stay." He murmured.

Edmunds eyes went wide. "Have you lost your mind!" He cried, struggling against the ropes holding him.

Peter glanced over at his three siblings. "I can't let any of you get hurt." He said firmly. "I'm supposed to protect you."

"That doesn't mean you have to give your life to save ours." Susan stepped in, sounding terrified.

Peter stared at her. "Yes it does." He replied, before turning to the man. "So, are you gonna let them go?"

The man smirked. "Keep the High King..." He murmured. "I like that idea."

"Don't you dare!" Lucy snapped. "We won't let you hurt our brother."

"Well sweetie it seems like he's all up for getting hurt." The man said with a wide grin.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that." Edmund growled.

"Look, stop, just let them go." Peter pleaded, desperate. "They - They're my siblings."

The man chuckled gently, nodding at the three gaurds in the room. "Take the other three away, dump them in the woods somewhere." He said. "And make sure the Narnians have someone else in line for High King..."

Edmund glared hard at the man, and the second his ropes were loosened, he ran towards Peter, stood in front of him, and held up his hands. "I won't let you hurt him." He snapped.

"Edmund stop." Peter choked. "Just go."

"I won't." Edmund snapped back.

"Edmund please go."

The man rolled his eyes, nodding at the guard, he ran forward and grabbed Edmund before the 18 year old could react.

"Please don't do anything stupid Ed." Peter choked as Edmund was pulled from the room, followed by Susan and Lucy.


Peter's heart broke at Lucy's scream, but he couldn't help the relief he felt when his siblings were gone.

"I will save you Peter!"

Peter closed his eyes and shook his head at Edmund's distant cry, before everything went silent. "You promise they won't be hurt?" He mumbled.

The man chuckled. "I promise." He grinned, before pulling out a knife. "For you though I can't promise the same thing."

Peter took a deep breath, and looked up, staring his captor dead in the eye. "My siblings are safe, so do whatever you want to me." He said firmly. "I don't care as long as my family are safe."


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