340: I still want to say thank you

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December 6th - Prompt: If you go down to the woods today


"...Be sure of a big surprise..."

"Edmund look out!"

Edmund hardly had any time to react before he was pushed out the path of a falling tree.

He and Peter landed on the ground with a thud and a groan, Peter trying his hardest not to actually land on his brother so he didn't hurt him.

The two lay there, panting for a moment, before Edmund slowly sat up and stared at the tree. "What in all the worlds-" He breathed. 

Peter quickly sat up beside him, swallowing hard as he took a good look at it. "A dead tree." He mumbled. "You can tell, it wouldn't of stayed up for long." 

Edmund took a deep, shaky breath. "And it just happened to fall when I was right in it's path." he grumbled.

Peter tuned to him. "Are you okay?" He asked, of course sounding slightly worried. 

Edmund nodded his head. "Yeah I'm okay." he breathed. "Just a little... surprised. I certainly wasn't expecting something like this to happen today." 

Peter smiled weakly. "Neither was I." He agreed,glancing around at the woods.

Edmund gave him a weak smile back, before taking a deep, shaky breath. "Thanks, by the way," He breathed. "For pushing me out the way." 

Peter blinked at him. "Well I wasn't just going to let it squash you!!" He exclaimed. 

Edmund couldn't help but chuckle at the shock in Peter's voice, and shook his head slowly. "I still wanna say thank you though." He said firmly. 

Peter stared at him for a while, before sighing. "Well, you're welcome." He breathed. "Even though there's absolutely no need to thank me."


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