338: Beruna

195 15 2

December 4th - Prompt: You passed out



Fear ripped through Peter as he watched the White Witch shove what was left of her broken wand into his little brother's stomach.

Edmund doubled over, his mouth opening in a silent scream, face scrunching up in agony as the weapon was cruelly twisted inside of him.

Peter wanted to throw up, he wanted to run the Witch through and watch all the light and joy leave her eyes, but he couldn't, he wasn't good enough with a sword to best Jadis, so instead he ran across the field and fell to his knees beside his brother, who had collapsed to the floor the second the wand had been ripped from his stomach.

"Ed?" He choked out, dropping his sword and gripping his brother's shoulders. "Eddy!"

Edmund was currently gasping and choking on air, coughing every now and then, blood splattering his lips whenever he did.

The fact that he was coughing up blood was enough to reduce Peter to tears, and he quickly pulled off his gloves and applied pressure to his brother's wound, hoping to stop the blood flow.

The feel of the hot blood slipping past his fingers made Peter gag, and he had to root himself so he didn't throw up.

Tears streamed down his cheeks and he was trembling so, so hard as he listened to Edmund fight for his life. "Please Ed, stay - stay with me." He choked out, pushing down harder.

This got a quiet whimper from Edmund, and he coughed again, choking slightly on the blood filling his mouth.

"Deep breaths Ed, breathe." Peter muttered. "Please just breathe."

"You can't save him."

Peter froze at the sound of the Witches voice, and as much as he tried to ignore it and tell himself that she was wrong, he just couldn't.

With the state Edmund was in, there was no way he'd last the next five minutes, let alone long enough for him to get help.

"Please Ed." Peter choked out.

After a moment or so, Edmund grabbed Peter's hand, gasping and choking. "I'm - I'm so sorry." He coughed, shuddering violently. "I - I love - love you."

Peter let out a sob. "I love you too." He choked out. "So, so much Eddy."

Edmund smiled weakly at Peter, before the life drained from his chocolate eyes and they slipped shut, his breathing slowing until it was non existent and his hand went limp in Peter's hold.

Peter choked, staring, wide eyed at his brother. "Ed no." He forced out, gripping his brother. "Ed wake up! Wake up!"

After a moment, Peter fell backwards, the battle melting away as his world spun.

He stared at his blood stained hands, choking on the feeling of the hot, wet liquid that should be inside his brother, keeping him alive, but instead had pooled around him, all but killing him.

The world spun faster and faster, and Peter felt sicker and sicker, and he trembled harder and harder until he couldn't help it.

He just sat there, and screamed.

Peter woke with a scream, everything from his dream coming back to him in a second and leaving him gagging.

He climbed from his bed, running for the bathroom, and he didn't even realise he'd ran right passed Edmund, who had woken up when Peter screamed and had also left his bed.

Peter made it to the bathroom and the toilet just in time, for he was sick only a second later.

He was totally oblivious to Edmund kneeling beside him and holding him as he threw up, as the world was spinning and he couldn't concentrating on anything.

The second he'd finished throwing up, his eyes rolled back and he collapsed, the world whiting out around him before everything went completely black and he knew no more.


Peter groaned as he woke, his eyes flickering open as he was met by a dimly lit room... His and Edmunds room.

He swallowed hard, before Edmund himself sat on the bed beside him, looking absolutely exhausted and more than slightly worried.

Peter hesitated. "What happened?" He croaked.

Edmund sighed. "You passed out." He mumbled.

Peter stared at him for a while, before he took a deep breath. "Sorry." He whispered.

Edmund shook his head. "Don't be." He breathed. "I understand."

Peter nodded slowly, slowly sitting up and wincing when his head started pounding.

"What did you dream about?" Edmund whispered suddenly, sounding unsure. "It must've been bad."

Peter swallowed hard, all the images from the dream coming back to him, and he found himself rubbing his hands against the blankets, the imaginary feel of blood way too real. "B - Beruna." He choked out after a while, voice shaking.

Edmund took a deep breath, before nodding. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Why are you apologising?" Peter sighed.

Edmund just shrugged, unsure how to answer him, before he lay down beside his brother.

Peter hesitated for a moment, before pulling Edmund close, gripping him so tight Edmund was worried.

"I'm okay Peter," He whispered. "I'm okay, I'm alive."

Peter buried his face against Edmunds shoulder. "And I'm so, so glad."


A year as a Narnian || 365 Narnia one shots (Part two)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें