251: Single combat

291 17 3

September 8th - Prompt: A scar


Peter frowned a little when he caught Edmund pacing their room, looking beyond worried. "I didn't think you were one to pace when worried." He said, announcing himself as he stepped into the room.

Edmund jumped a little, turning to face his brother. "Apparently I'm picking up your bad habits." He muttered, sighing and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Peter walked over, pulling on his gloves before placing a hand to the hilt of his sword. "We should head out." He said slowly.

Edmund went a shade whiter.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked, fiddling nervously with the lions head.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Single combat Peter." He whispered. "This - This is the first time anyone's ever requested this, and if I'm honest, I feel really quite sick."

Peter sighed, sitting beside him on the bed. "I'll be okay Ed." He breathed, trying to reassure his fourteen year old brother.

"I don't doubt you Peter, I know you're an extremely talented swordsman." Edmund said. "But what if he's just that little bit better? I can't step in to help you Pete, not this way. So if he - he wins, I won't be able to do anything, I won't be able to protect you."

Peter took a deep breath, before forcing a chuckle. "I don't need protecting." He said.

"Yes, you do." Edmund replied simply.

Peter's smile faded, before he sighed. "Look, you don't have to come down if you don't want to." He said hesitantly.

Edmund quickly shook his head though. "No, I have to be there." He said. "You need me there, and I can't abandon you, that's not what I do."

Peter stared at him for a moment before smiling gently. "Thank you Edmund." He breathed. "And don't worry, I'll be absolutely fine."


Of course Peter kept his word, he won the duel, winning safety for Narnia and peace across his land.

He came away with a few injuries, and he also couldn't help but notice Edmund didn't look well.

He'd been watching him during the duel, when he could anyway. Edmund had been stood off to the side, hand gripping his sword hilt, breathing heavy, and looking as though he was ready to step in... even though he knew he couldn't.

If Peter was honest, he'd been quite worried about him, but had had to focus all his attention on his dueling partner, but now, back up in his room, he and Edmund were alone, and he could now focus all his attention on his younger brother.

Edmund was currently dunking a cloth in a warm bowl of water, which was no doubt infused with some sort of healing medicine, before he pulled Peter's tunic and chain mail off, apologising when Peter hissed through clenched teeth.

"Sorry." He murmured, voice quiet as be turned to the deep slice across Peter's upper left arm. "You should take Lucy's cordial Pete." He told him. "This'll scar otherwise."

Peter smiled weakly. "It'll only be a scar." He said gently. "The cordial needs to be saved for life threatening injuries, which this is not."

Edmund bit his lip and nodded slowly, before proceeding to clean up the wound.

Peter put on a brave face, and whilst Edmund worked, he spoke. "Thank you," He murmured. "For being there, I know it wasn't easy."

Edmund hesitated, pausing in his movements for a moment before hastily continuing. "I hated it." He choked. "That time he nearly-"

Peter sighed when he cut himself off. "I know," He said softly. "I'd of felt the same if it was you."

Edmund nodded a little. "Just as long as this doesn't become a regular thing." He said. "I don't think I could watch that again just yet."

Peter chuckled weakly. "I can't see it happening again anytime soon." He reassured him.

Edmund nodded, and with shaking hands continued his task, wincing when blood rolled down Peter's arm. "Sorry." He whispered, voice shaking as he tried to clean up the blood.

Sighing, Peter took hold of Edmunds shaking hands, making Edmund freeze completely.

Peter stared straight into his eyes. "Deep breaths." He instructed. "You're fine, I'm fine, it's over, and I'm alive."

Edmund swallowed hard, falling to his knees as a sob escaped him.

Peter, forgetting his injuries, slipped off the bed and knelt beside Edmund on the floor, pulling him close and into a hug.

"I'm sorry." Edmund murmured, sounding guilty as tears trickled silently down his cheeks.

"Don't be." Peter shushed. "If this was you I'd be reacting so much worse, I admire you for keeping it all together actually."

Edmund smiled weakly against his brother's chest, hugging him gently. "I'm just - just glad you're okay." He choked between tears.

Peter placed a soft kiss to the top of his head, smiling down at him as he nodded. "So am I." He whispered, before relaxing into the hug, all up for giving Edmund all the comfort he needed, and Edmund was of course more than willing to do the same for Peter.


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