307: A deal - Part three

188 13 20

November 3rd - Prompt: I can't do this without you


Peter sat at Edmunds bedside, gently holding his brother's pale hand as he stared at his face.

Edmund was fast asleep, and had been since at least dinner time, which is why Peter was currently telling himself to leave now before he woke up.

He hadn't told anyone what had happened with that man, he didn't think it would be a good idea, his siblings wouldn't let him go for one, Edmund especially.

"I'm so sorry Eddy," He whispered out eventually. "But I made a deal, a deal that saved your life, and I need to keep that deal, or curing you would've been for nothing. But - But I promise you'll be okay, and I'll see you again soon..."

He trailed off, tears burning his eyes, so he quickly grabbed his cloak, removed his sword and headed for the door.

What he didn't see though was Edmund open his eyes and slowly sit up, watching as he left with a small frown on his face...


Peter wandered through the dark woods, shivering a little in the midnight breeze.

He decided against taking his horse, so it was taking longer on foot, but he eventually reached the spot, and hesitantly glanced around.

"You kept your promise then?"

Peter jumped slightly and turned, finding the man lent against a nearby tree, fiddling with a dagger and smirking at him.

He took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders. "I did." He said firmly. "Unlike some people, I keep to my word."

The man nodded a little, pushing himself away from the tree trunk and taking a few steps forward. "You're probably wandering why I asked you here?" He said slowly.

Peter sighed. "Obviously." He muttered.

The man only continued to smirk at him. "I need your help," He said. "You see, I have something I need to do, and I can't do this without you."

"Without me?" Peter questioned. "Why me?"

"You're a Son of Adam." The man replied. "Am I correct?"

Peter didn't say anything but slowly nodded, wandering what that had to do with anything.

"Good." The man chuckled. "I need your blood."

Peter's heart skipped a beat. "My blood?" He all but whispered, fear in his voice that he tried his best to hide.

The man nodded once, and to Peter's surprise, ropes burst from the ground, wrapping themselves around Peter's arms, wrists, legs and ankles, securing him so tightly there was no way he could move.

He cried out quietly when they all pulled tight, so tight he was sure they were cutting off the circulation, but he couldn't do anything, he was completely trapped and at this man's mercy.

The man walked up to him, stopping only a few steps away, that horrible smirk even now still spread across his face.

Peter glared at him, but his face fell and his eyes went wide when to his absolute horror, the man brought out non other than the white witches broken wand. "How - How did you get that?!" He asked quickly.

A year as a Narnian || 365 Narnia one shots (Part two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora