275: Challenge accepted

232 13 4

October 2nd - You'll have to go through me


"Ed, Ed wake up." Peter murmured. "Come on, open you're eyes."

His heart was pounding, he needed Edmund to wake up... but he just wouldn't.

"Come on Eddy," Peter muttered, shaking his younger brother. "Open your eyes, that's it, come on."

Still not luck.

He swung around when he heard movement behind him, taking a deep breath at the sight of the hag.

"An easy target." She grinned. "Don't wake him up and ruin my fun."

Peter stood and glared at her. "I will not let you harm him." He snapped, drawing his sword.

The hag laughed, clearly not threatened. "With that dislocated shoulder, I don't think you could do much to help him."

Peter faltered a little, the pain in his arm making itself very well known, before he took a deep breath and shook his head. "If you want to get to Edmund, you'll have to go through me first." He growled.

The hag smirked, looking oh so pleased. "Challenge accepted..."

Really didn't wanna write today, so this is what I've ended up with 😂👍

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