306: A deal - Part two

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November 2nd - Prompt: Please don't cry


It had been a few hours since Edmund had collapsed from the poison, and Peter was of course still sat at his bedside, watching as he slept.

It had taken a while for him to fall asleep, what with the pain he was in, but Peter was glad when he did, he'd prefer Edmund to not be awake during the process of extracting the poison, which he guessed couldn't of been pleasant.

He'd wandered at first exactly how they were doing it, he'd seen the needle obviously, but he hadn't thought Narnia was that advanced, but if he was honest, it was Narnia, they probably had a lot of things he didn't know about and that would take him by surprise.

Sighing a little he tried to concentrate on his book, which he'd decided to read to try and distract himself from his own thoughts, but it wasn't really working, for he kept turning away to check on Edmund every five seconds, which he did after another sentence, losing his place and causing him to sigh in frustration.

Eventually he placed the book down on the bedside table and just turned his chair so he was facing his brother, watching as he slept.

Although within a few minutes he wasn't exactly asleep anymore, and was tossing his head back and forth, his face turning into a deep frown and his arm coming up to wrap around his stomach.

Peter lent forward quickly, taking Edmunds hand. "Ed?" He whispered. "It's okay, deep breath."

Edmund groaned quietly, letting out a choked sob as he rolled onto his side and curled himself into a ball, his eyes soon flickering open, which caused two tears to roll slowly down his cheeks.

"Please don't cry." Peter whispered, running a hand through Edmund's knotty hair, trying to get him to calm down.

At this, Edmund slowly glanced up at his older brother, pure pain in his eyes as he took a deep, shaky breath. "It hurts." He murmured.

Peter nodded slowly. "They said it would for a while yet Ed..." He told him softly. "But it's gonna be okay, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, I promise okay?"

Edmund managed to give him a small, grateful smile, before swallowing hard and attempting to sit up.

Peter had to help him, leaning him gently against the headboard and making sure he had plenty of pillows to keep him comfortable, and it didn't slip his notice that Edmund's arm was still wrapped tightly around his stomach.

Edmund sniffed, wiping at his cheeks with a shaking hand, before nodding a little. "I - I'm okay." He said, voice wobbling as he was clearly still in a decent amount of pain, but he was good at hiding it.

Peter sighed sadly. "You'll be fine." He agreed, still gripping his hand.

Edmund nodded slowly, "Is this even working?" He choked, showing Peter the needle. "Because it doesn't really feel like it."

Peter frowned. "What do you mean?" He murmured.

Edmund sighed. "I still feel awful." He choked.

"It's working Ed don't worry," Peter reassured him. "I doubt you'd be sitting up talking like this if you were still poisoned."

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