337: Sorry for your loss

188 10 2

December 3rd - Prompt: Thinking of you


Susan sighed as she sat down on the sofa, an ache in her chest that had now become a permanent thing in her life.

She has a whole pile of cards still in their envelopes gripped in her hands, thinking she should probably open them.

Only question was, was she ready?

Taking a deep breath, Susan ripped open the first envelope, pulling out a card that said "thinking of you".

Inside there was a whole paragraph by one of her good friends, saying how she was sorry for her loss and that things would get better in time.

Susan stared at it for a long while, before she shook her head.

Before she knew what she'd done, she'd thrown the pile of cards across the room with a scream, and burst into tears.

She sat crying for ages, shoulders shaking from the sobs and soon finding it hard to breathe.

How was she supposed to live without the people she loved? Her siblings were gone, and her parents too, and her friends, and now there was nothing left for her.

What was even the point of carrying on?


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