314: Blue

187 12 4

November 10th - Prompt: Dolphin


Lucy smiled gently as she sat on the rocks, staring down as the sea glistened in the bright sunshine of the afternoon.

She'd been sat there for at least an hour at this point, just enjoying the peace, and she knew she better head back to the castle for dinner, but... perhaps just five more minutes.

She was about to close her eyes and lay back on the smooth rock when movement in the water caught her eye, and her curiosity got the better of her.

She leant forward  squinting to try and see what it was, and her face lit up when a dolphin popped it's head out the water.

"Hello." Lucy said sweetly, realising it was a baby dolphin.

The dolphin seemed to stare at her for a while, before it somewhat smiled. "Your majesty." It said, voice soft and silky.

"Oh you can call me Lucy." Lucy told the dolphin happily. "What's your name?"

"My name is Blue." The dolphin told her, swimming a little closer.

Lucy smiled. "That's a lovely name!" She exclaimed.

Blue grinned as much as a dolphin could, but other than that he didn't seem to know what to say next.

"I love meeting new people." Lucy carried on.

Blue stared at her. "I've never met a Queen before." He said, sounding almost in awe.

Lucy giggled. "It's no different than meeting anyone else." She told him. "I don't like being treated higher than people."

"That's nice of you." Blue replied quietly.

Lucy smiled, before she heard someone call her name. "That's my brother." She said with a sigh. "I should probably go."

Blue nodded. "Okay." He said.

"It was wonderful to meet you Blue." Lucy said with a soft smile as she stood and brushed down her dress.

"It was nice to meet you too." Blue replied.

"I hope to meet you again soon."

Blue smiled. "That would be great!"

"See you round Blue." Lucy chuckled, before running off.

"See you round..." Blue called after her. "Your majesty."


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