238: You needed to say it

298 19 3

August 26th - Prompt: Don't act like you care



Edmund's head snapped up, tearing his eyes away from the carving of Aslan, to his brother, who was stood at the corner of the stone table, one hand on the edge as he stared at him.

Edmund glanced at him for only a second, before he turned back to the carving, not even answering his brother.

Peter sighed. "Ed please." He murmured. "Can we talk?"

Edmund snorted. "Don't act like you care Peter." He muttered.

Peter frowned, taking a few steps forward. "But I do care." He all but whispered.

Edmund shook his head. "If you cared, you wouldn't of done what you did." He muttered.

Peter took a deep breath, even more guilt filling him when Edmund's voice shook. "I - I didn't mean it." He whispered, voice choked.

Edmund shook his head. "Didn't you?" He murmured.

Peter frowned again. "Ed - what?" He whispered.

That's when Edmund snapped. "I'm not just talking about the witch Peter." He growled, now turning to face him. "I'm talking about the whole year! You've been a right miserable git since we went back to school again, and I've bore the brunt of it! It's me that has had to deal with everything, whilst you're off getting into petty little fights that I have to break up! I've been Bruised for months! My back is covered Peter! And they're not just all from that train station fight! I am sick and tired of you acting like I don't exist, because its either that, or you despise me! And I'm done! Did you even stop to think for one minute that leaving Narnia was as hard for me as it was for you?! Narnia is my home, and being ripped away from it broke me! And you made it no easier. I had to bury my feelings, bury them deep just to keep you from, say, beating someone to death because he bumped into you, I've been suffering for months, and what hurts the most, is that you usually notice! But you didn't this time, you were so wrapped up in your own little world that you didn't notice the pain I was in!"

Edmund paused and choked on a sob. "And that's not you Peter! The old you put us before himself, the old you noticed when things weren't right, the old you would do anything to make sure we, make sure I, was alright. And I'm sorry if this sounds selfish, but I miss it! I miss you Peter, I miss your smile, your laugh, I miss you hugs for goodness sake! When was the last time you hugged me? Hugged Lucy, hugged Susan?! You've become so distant its like none of us know you anymore. And it's gotten no better since coming to Narnia. I dunno what you've got going on with Caspian at the moment, but you need to remember that he's on our side, he's going to be King soon and I think it's about time you accepted that! This isn't our Narnia anymore Peter, I've accepted that, so why can't you?!
I think it's about time you grew up! Because I can't do this any longer!"

Edmund burst into tears after this, covering his face with his hands as he cried.

Peter didn't hesitate, he hurried over and wrapped his arms around his brother's shoulders, his grip tight.

Edmund fought against him at first, even pounded at his chest with his fists, but eventually he sunk into his brother's hold, burying his face against his neck as he cried.

Peter swallowed hard. "Feel better?" He choked.

Edmund nodded slowly. "I'm so sorry." He choked out.

Peter shook his head. "Don't be." He murmured. "Don't be. I needed to hear that, and you needed to say it, you've been holding that in for a while, I can tell."

Edmund took a deep, shaky breath, trying to get closer to Peter as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Listen Ed," Peter sighed, keeping his voice soft and calm. "I am truly, truly sorry for the way I have treated you since going back to school. I know there is absolutely no excuse for my behaviour. I'm even sorry for sending you to deliver that message so soon after what happened... What I did earlier, with the witch, made me suddenly question everything, almost as if Aslan spoke to me. I realise now how badly I've been treating you, and if I'm honest, I want to say I realised before, I was just so wrapped up in my own troubles, like you said, that I failed to recognise your troubles, and I will never, ever forgive myself for how that made you feel. I know I don't deserve it, but I'm going to ask for Forgiveness, and promise you, from now on, I will be the big brother I used to be, and I mean that with all my heart..."

"Of course I forgive you Peter." Edmund choked out. "I can't not."

Peter nodded slowly, knowing what he meant, before taking a deep breath. "There's still a lot to talk about, I know." He admitted. "And we will talk about it all in time, but I think you need to rest now, you're tired."

Edmund shook his head. "Am not." He murmured.

Peter sighed. "Ed we didn't sleep last night." He said. "That raid has drained us both, not to mention the witch, the army, you delivering that message, plus its getting late anyway, Ed you need to sleep."

Edmund didn't say anything for a moment, before swallowing hard. "I - I don't want you to fight Miraz tomorrow." He whispered.

Peter bit his lip. "I'll be fine." He whispered.

"You won't be fine." Edmund replied quickly.

"But I'll stay alive okay?" Peter said gently.

"You better." Edmund grumbled.

Peter smiled weakly, not missing when Edmund tried to hide a yawn. "Just sit down with me." He told Edmund, sitting on the floor and leaning against the stone table.

Edmund sat beside him, curling against his chest with a content sigh.

"I promise we'll talk more, when we're both calmer." Peter repeated. "But for now, get some sleep, and know that I love you, and that I'm truly, truly sorry, for everything I've done."


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